JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy)
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Published By Universitas Galuh Ciamis


Suhendra Yusuf

Figurative is used to enhance the effect of the statement or description (Kridalaksana, 1993). This figurative language is usually the style of language used by the author to express something unusual disclosure, that uses comparison, imagery, affirmation, sarcasm, contention, or something engagement with other things that attract the attention of readers. Figurative language used by the author with a view to turn the way of disclosure and the atmosphere so as to be meaningful discourse.

Sri Setyarini

Higher Order Thinking as one of the main agendas in the Curriculum 2013 introduces several learning approaches – one of which is scientific approach. However, so far, the majority of English teachers in Indonesia still face some challenges due to their insufficient knowledge and experience in implementing this approach. This paper presents a research report on strategies of promoting higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in EFL young adolescents’ classroom through scientific approach. It aimed to investigate how HOTS was promoted in the EFL classroom, identify benefits gained by the teacher and the students from the implemented approach, and find out teacher’s challenges and solutions from the teaching practice. This study employed a case study involving a class of seventh grade students as research participants. To collect data, three instruments were used such as classroom observation, interview with the teacher and the students, and document analysis. The findings revealed that scientific approach with its components (observing, questioning, associating, exploring, and communicating) may promote students’ HOTS as seen from their enthusiasm and active participation in the classroom. The students also focused more on showing ideas, arguments, and views toward the questions from other groups as proved by their statements in the interview claiming that they were trained to do analysis, evaluation, and creation through learning activities. Meanwhile, the teacher stated that her challenges in teaching dealt with her limited experience and knowledge to implement this approach. To overcome them, she committed to join professional development programs and improve her linguistic skills.   Keywords:  EFL Classroom, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Scientific Approach, The Curriculum 2013, Young Adolescents

Gusri Emiyati Ali

The Critical Period Hypothesis by Lenneberg (1976)  states that ages 2 to 12 are ideal ages for achieving foreign language skills such as a native speaker. Based on this hypothesis, the perfect time for children to learn English as a foreign language is in elementary school. Meanwhile, Indonesian government policy through the 2013 curriculum does not require children in primary schools to learn English. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the English learning achievement of students between those who studied and those who did not study English in elementary school. This research is important to be conducted since it can be a reference for the Indonesian government in developing English language teaching and learning policy in elementary schools.  The sample of this research consisted of two groups selected through a purposive sampling technique. They were the groupS of students who studied and who did not study English in elementary school. Data were grouped, presented, and then compared. The results showed that students who studied English in elementary school had better English learning achievement than students who did not study English in elementary school. It is recommended for further related researches to consider many factors those can be influencing the students' English learning achievements such as the English teaching and learning method used by the educators in high school and university, attitudinal factor, and the learning environment. 

Gendis Nadira Dwiningtiyas ◽  
Dedi Sofyan ◽  
Hilda Puspita

This research aimed to figure out the strategies used by the English teachers in teaching reading and how they applied the strategies. This research was designed as descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted at Junior High School 09 Bengkulu City. Participants of the research were two English teachers who teach in second grade of that school. Each English teacher had eigh meetings that observed by the researcher. The instruments of the research were strategies checklist and interview. The instruments were used to figure out the strategies used and how the English teachers applied the strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The result of the data were analyzed and broken down into three stages; they were Data Reduction, Data Display, and Drawing Conclusion or Interpretation. The result showed that the teacher one used several strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The strategies were brainstorming, reading aloud, and asking for specific information. While the teacher two used nine strategies. They were encouraging the use of dictionaries, reading aloud, reread for checking comprehension, evaluating comprehension in particular tasks, and asking questions for specific information. Both teachers applied and combined the strategies divided into three stages of teaching reading comprehension. The stages were pre-reading stage, while reading stage, and post reading stage. The strategies applied were very effective in teaching reading comprehension in that school. It was proven by the students’ motivation, students’ attention, and teachers’ ease in teaching and learning process. Keywords: Reading Comprehension and Teachers’ Strategies.

Suci Fitriani ◽  
Wawan Tarwana

ABSTRACTThis article is aimed at finding out the effectiveness on implementing Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) in teaching reading comprehension and investigating the students’ perceptions on implementing this method. This study used mixed method study which employed quantitative and qualitative research design. Quantitative data were analyzed by using pre-test and post-test, the qualitative data was analyzed by using close ended questionnaire. The population of this study were the students of tenth grade in one of senior high school in Ciamis and the researcher selected a particular class, which was sciences for a total 38 students as the sample. Based on statistical result, after implementing PALS in teaching reading comprehension of recount text, the significant improvement of reading comprehension showed from result of pre-test and post-test. In the pre-test the average score of students was 71.84, and in the post test the average score of students was 87.37. Thus, the use of Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) is effective in teaching reading comprehension of recount text. In addition, from the analysis of close ended questionnaire, the students was gave a positive responses towards PALS in teaching reading comprehension of recount text. In conclusion, the student‘s reading comprehension was effective and the students were able to comprehend the text through PALS. Based on these finding, it is recommended for English teachers to implementing PALS to improve students’ reading comprehension. Keywords: peer assisted learning strategy, reading comprehension, recount text 

Andi Rizki Fauzi

The present study aims to draw up  the list of base form of lexical verbs in selected cooking articles and to know whether the fourth semester students majoring in Hospitality have already been familiar with them or not. AntConc, a corpus software, is used to identify the most common verbs in 50 cooking articles taken from Wiki How Web and the quistionnaire were distributed to all the students to give assessment based on the scaling rate provided related to each verbs found in the corpus data. Based on the data analysis, the result showed that from 394 base form of lexical verbs found, there are 174 words got the rating below 5 meaning that the students have ever seen or heard the words but the meanings are vague.It indicates that although the students are in hospitality major, it does not guarantee that they have already known the essential verbs usually used in authentic text. Keywords: Base form of Lexical Verbs, Cooking, Corpus Based Study

Avita Tri Rahayu ◽  
Lilies Youlia Friatin ◽  
A.M. Surachmat

This study investigated on optimizing WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning) in teaching reading at the tenth grade of a Vocational High School in Cilacap. The purposes of the study were to investigate the teacher’s steps in optimizing WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning) in teaching reading and to figure out the students’ responses on optimizing WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning) in teaching reading. In this regard, a case study was applied as a research design in this study. Using purposive sample technique, the participants were an English teacher and twenty students at the tenth grade of a Vocational High School in Cilacap. Three instruments that were used are the observation, the interview, and the questionnaire. The findings indicated that there are thirteen steps of optimizing WELL which were used by the teacher in teaching reading to the students. The findings also indicated that the students gave their positive responses on optimizing WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning) in teaching reading to vocational school students. Key words: WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning), teaching reading, Vocational High School

Fitri Lestari Sriwahyuni ◽  
R. Bunga Febriani ◽  
Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah

This paper is a case study that aims at finding out the Reciprocal Teaching of Reading to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking. The researchers used a case study in this qualitative research. The research participants of this study were the ninth grade of Islamic Junior High School in Tasikmalaya, consist of twenty five students. In collecting data, the researchers used triangulation method as data collection techniques. The instruments are observation, interview, and questionnaire. The result showed that most of students’ perceptions are good. It is recommended for English teacher to used Reciprocal Teaching in Reading to promote students’ critical thinking.Key words: Reciprocal Teaching, Reading, Students’ Critical Thinking

Feny Rahmawati ◽  
Iskhak Said ◽  
Misbahudin Misbahudin

This study deals with the investigation of an analysis of teaching vocabulary by using technology, entertainment, design (TED) Talk. The previous study conducted in university students, while the present study is a case study in one of senior high school in Cilacap. This study was aimed at investigating teachers’ way and knowing students’ perception in teaching vocabulary by using TED Talk. In conducting this study the writers used  qualitative research in which case study was employed to collect the data from participants in this research, that were English teacher who taught vocabulary using TED Talk and ten grade students of senior high school students’ perception. Moreover, classroom observation, questionnaire, and interview were the instruments used by the writers in collecting the data. It could be concluded that most of the students are very interested in learning, it was very significant in relation to their learning interest, it was very helpful in mastering new vocabulary, it was strongly agree that it was given positive results for their learning achievement.Keywords: TED Talk, Vocabulary

Ikin Syamsudin Adeani

This researchis aimed to determine the students’ ability of Indonesian Education Study Program,Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Galuh Ciamis University, in writing short stories. The students are still lack of studying the literary of short story, instead they tend to read the popular short stories. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The results of this study are as follows. First, to obtain the clear illustrationwhether the students are able to write literature short stories or popular short stories. Second, to position their short stories in the development of Indonesian short stories, especially among students. Keywords: analysis, writing short story, literary short stories, popular short stories

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