Cerebellum & Ataxias
Latest Publications





Published By Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

2053-8871, 2053-8871

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Joana Damásio ◽  
Ana Sardoeira ◽  
Maria Araújo ◽  
Isabel Carvalho ◽  
Jorge Sequeiros ◽  

Abstract Background Friedreich ataxia is the most frequent hereditary ataxia worldwide. Subclinical visual and auditory involvement has been recognized in these patients, with co-occurrence of severe blindness and deafness being rare. Case report We describe a patient, homozygous for a 873 GAA expansion in the FXN gene, whose first symptoms appeared by the age of 8. At 22 years-old he developed sensorineural deafness, and at 26 visual impairment. Deafness had a progressive course over 11 years, until a stage of extreme severity which hindered communication. Visual acuity had a catastrophic deterioration, with blindness 3 years after visual impairment was first noticed. Audiograms documented progressive sensorineural deafness, most striking for low frequencies. Visual evoked potentials disclosed bilaterally increased P100 latency. He passed away at the age of 41 years old, at a stage of extreme disability, blind and deaf, in addition to the complete phenotype of a patient with Friedreich ataxia of more than 30 years duration. Discussion Severe vision loss and extreme deafness has been described in very few patients with Friedreich ataxia. Long duration, severe disease and large expanded alleles may account for such an extreme phenotype; nonetheless, the role of factors as modifying genes warrants further investigation in this subset of patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Laurence Newrick ◽  
Nigel Hoggard ◽  
Marios Hadjivassiliou

Abstract Background Most immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias, including those associated with gluten sensitivity (Gluten Ataxia), tend to present subacutely and usually progress gradually. Acute presentations with rapid progression outside the context of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration require prompt diagnosis and early access to disease-modifying immunotherapy in order to avert severe and permanent neurological disability. Case presentations We describe three cases of rapid-onset Gluten Ataxia, an immune-mediated cerebellar ataxia due to gluten sensitivity. We detail their presentation, clinical and neuroimaging findings, and our treatment strategy with immunotherapy. Conclusions Our cases highlight the potential for immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias to present acutely, with rapid-onset symptoms and devastating neurological consequences. We caution against the diagnosis of ‘post-infective cerebellitis’ in adults, and advocate early consideration of an immune-mediated cerebellar ataxia and initiation of immunotherapy to prevent irreversible cerebellar damage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Elsdon Storey ◽  
Minh Q. Bui ◽  
Paige Stimpson ◽  
Flora Tassone ◽  
Anna Atkinson ◽  

Abstract Background Smaller expansions of CGG trinucleotide repeats in the FMR1 X-linked gene termed ‘premutation’ lead to a neurodegenerative disorder: Fragile X Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) in nearly half of aged carrier males, and 8–16% females. Core features include intention tremor, ataxia, and cognitive decline, and white matter lesions especially in cerebellar and periventricular locations. A ‘toxic’ role of elevated and expanded FMR1 mRNA has been linked to the pathogenesis of this disorder. The emerging issue concerns the trajectory of the neurodegenerative changes: is the pathogenetic effect confined to overt clinical manifestations? Here we explore the relationships between motor and cognitive scale scores in a sample of 57 asymptomatic adult female premutation carriers of broad age range. Methods Three motor scale scores (ICARS-for tremor/ataxia, UPDRS-for parkinsonism, and Clinical Tremor) were related to 11 cognitive tests using Spearman’s rank correlations. Robust regression, applied in relationships between all phenotypic measures, and genetic molecular and demographic data, identified age and educational levels as common correlates of these measures, which were then incorporated as confounders in correlation analysis. Results Cognitive tests demonstrating significant correlations with motor scores were those assessing non-verbal reasoning on Matrix Reasoning (p-values from 0.006 to 0.011), and sequencing and alteration on Trails-B (p-values from 0.008 to 0.001). Those showing significant correlations with two motor scores-ICARS and Clinical Tremor- were psychomotor speed on Symbol Digit Modalities (p-values from 0.014 to 0.02) and working memory on Digit Span Backwards (p-values from 0.024 to 0.011). Conclusions Subtle motor impairments correlating with cognitive, particularly executive, deficits may occur in female premutation carriers not meeting diagnostic criteria for FXTAS. This pattern of cognitive deficits is consistent with those seen in other cerebellar disorders. Our results provide evidence that more than one category of clinical manifestation reflecting cerebellar changes – motor and cognitive - may be simultaneously affected by premutation carriage across a broad age range in asymptomatic carriers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Peter Broegger Christensen ◽  
Henrik Gregersen ◽  
Charlotte Almasi

Abstract Background Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) is a classic neurological syndrome where the presence of Anti-Tr/DNER antibodies is strongly associated with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL). Awareness of the syndrome is important because with prompt treatment the prognosis of HL is good. The diagnosis can be a challenge in some patients. The importance of PCD in the detection of a cancer relapse is not clarified. We report the case of a 76-year-old man where a PCD, initially misdiagnosed as a stroke led to a diagnosis of a very late relapse of HL after 12 years. Case presentation A 76-year-old male with a 3-week history of unstable walking, slow speech and dizziness was admitted to our stroke unit apparently because the symptoms started acutely. With a diagnostic delay of 3–4 weeks a correct diagnosis of relapse HL was made based on cerebrospinal fluid changes with a strong positive reaction to anti-Tr/DNER antibodies, FDG-PET/CT scan, and biopsy findings. The medical history revealed that the patient had been diagnosed with HL previously, but has been in complete remission for 12 years. The patient was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, chemo- and radiation therapy. Over the following 6–8 weeks he improved. Conclusions Late relapse in HL is very rare. If it occurs it presents as a symptomatic lymphadenopathy. Our case shows, that PCD can be the only presenting symptom of a very late relapse of HL. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) should be considered even in patients with very long cancer remission. PCD can in rare cases mimic a stroke within the posterior circulation. If MR imaging in severe acute/subacute cerebellar syndrome is normal further investigation is mandatory to rule out a PNS, particular in patients with a previous cancer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Larry Vandervert ◽  
Kimberly Moe

AbstractThe purpose of this article is to argue that the patterns of sequence control over kinematics (movements) and dynamics (forces) which evolved in phonological processing in inner speech during the evolution of the social-cognitive capacities behind stone-tool making that led to the emergence of Homo sapiens are homologous to the social cerebellum’s capacity to learn patterns of sequence within language that we refer to as mathematics. It is argued that this evolution (1) selected toward a social cognitive cerebellum which arose from the arduous, repetitive precision patterns of knapping (stone shaping) and (2) that over a period of a million-plus years was selected from mentalizing toward the kinematics and dynamics as observed and modeled in Theory of Mind (ToM) of more experienced stone knappers. It is concluded that components of this socially-induced autobiographical knowledge, namely, (1) segmenting events, (2) sequencing events, and (3) sequencing event clusters, all at various levels of abstraction, can inform optimum approaches to one-on-one tutoring of children with mathematical learning disabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Lewis Kass-Iliyya ◽  
Ptolemaios G. Sarrigiannis ◽  
David S. Sanders ◽  
Marios Hadjivassiliou

AbstractGluten sensitivity can manifest with a spectrum of neurological dysfunction including ataxia, encephalopathy and neuropathy with or without associated coeliac disease (CD). Gluten sensitivity can also present with central nervous system (CNS) hyperexcitability and cortical myoclonus which is often accompanied with refractory CD. CNS hyperexcitability can also be associated with Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies or much less commonly with Glycine Receptor Antibodies (GlyR-Abs) but the direct pathogenic roles of these antibodies remain debatable. We have previously reported a link between gluten sensitivity and anti-GAD associated ataxia which improves with the adoption of gluten-free diet. It is unclear if a similar link exists between gluten driven CNS hyperexcitability and the presence of GlyR-Abs. We report two cases of CD presenting with CNS hyperexcitability and associated GlyR-Abs. Apart from ataxia and cortical myoclonus, one patient had refractory CD and died from enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. The other patient not only improved with strict gluten-free diet but also showed serological elimination of circulating GlyR-Abs. We conclude that there is an interaction between gluten sensitivity and GlyR-Abs-associated CNS hyperexcitability and in such patients gluten-free diet is an important therapeutic intervention. The elimination of GlyR-Abs by the adoption of gluten free diet suggests that these antibodies may represent an epiphenomenon rather than being directly implicated in the pathogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ryohei Norioka ◽  
Keizo Sugaya ◽  
Aki Murayama ◽  
Tomoya Kawazoe ◽  
Shinsuke Tobisawa ◽  

Abstract Background Spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 (SCA31) is caused by non-coding pentanucleotide repeat expansions in the BEAN1 gene. Clinically, SCA31 is characterized by late adult-onset, pure cerebellar ataxia. To explore the association between parkinsonism and SCA31, five patients with SCA31 with concomitant nigrostriatal dopaminergic dysfunction (NSDD) development, including three cases of L-DOPA responsive parkinsonism, were analyzed. Methods To assess regional brain atrophy, cross-sectional and longitudinal imaging analyses were retrospectively performed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) planimetry. The midbrain-to-pons (M/P) area ratio and cerebellar area were measured on midsagittal T1-weighted MRI in five patients with SCA31 with concomitant NSDD (NSDD(+)), 14 patients with SCA31 without NSDD (NSDD(−)), 32 patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and 15 patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Longitudinal changes in the M/P area ratio were assessed by serial MRI of NSDD(+) (n = 5) and NSDD(−) (n = 9). Results The clinical characteristics assessed in the five patients with NSDD were as follows: the mean age at NSDD onset (72.0 ± 10.8 years), prominence of bradykinesia/akinesia (5/5), rigidity (4/5), tremor (2/5), dysautonomia (0/5), vertical gaze limitation (1/5), and abnormalities on 123I-ioflupane dopamine transporter scintigraphy (3/3) and 3-Tesla neuromelanin MRI (4/4). A clear reduction in the midbrain area and the M/P area ratio was observed in the NSDD(+) group (p < 0.05) while there was no significant difference in disease duration or in the pons area among the NSDD(+), NSDD(−), and PD groups. There was also a significant difference in the midbrain and pons area between NSDD(+) and PSP (p < 0.05). Thus, mild but significant midbrain atrophy was observed in NSDD(+). A faster rate of decline in the midbrain area and the M/P area ratio was evident in NSDD(+) (p < 0.05). Conclusion The clinical characteristics of the five patients with SCA31 with concomitant NSDD, together with the topographical pattern of atrophy, were inconsistent with PD, PSP, and multiple system atrophy, suggesting that SCA31 may manifest NSDD in association with the pathomechanisms underlying SCA31.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Fabian Rossi ◽  
Joe Ma ◽  
Nina Tsakadze ◽  
Lourdes Benes-Lima ◽  
Julio Araque Gonzalez ◽  

Abstract Background Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 is a slowly progressive adult onset ataxia with a broad clinical presentation. Case presentation We describe a man with Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 with chronic, severe, and recurrent rhabdomyolysis, as part of the cerebellar ataxia genetic spectrum. Initially rhabdomyolysis was refractory to multiple medications, but entirely resolved and remained in chronic remission with pregabalin. Conclusions This is the first report of Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 associated with chronic, severe, recurrent rhabdomyolysis as part of its genetic phenotype responsive to pregabalin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Shakila Meshkat ◽  
Parnia Ebrahimi ◽  
Abbas Tafakhori ◽  
Aidin Taghiloo ◽  
Sajad Shafiee ◽  

Abstract Background Regardless of the cause of the superficial siderosis (SS) disease, which is bleeding, the source of bleeding cannot be found in some cases. Case presentation In this article, we report two cases with idiopathic SS. Case 1 presented with bilateral hearing loss, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, and tremors. Case 2 presented with sensory neural hearing loss, ataxia, and spastic paraparesis. In both cases, brain MRI indicated evidence of SS. CT myelogram and SPECT with labeled RBC couldn’t help finding the source of occult bleeding. Conclusion SS is a rare central nervous system disease caused by the deposition of hemosiderin in the brain and spinal cord, which results in the progression of neurological deficits. The cause of this hemorrhage is often subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracranial surgery, carcinoma, arteriovenous malformation, nerve root avulsion, and dural abnormality. The condition progresses slowly and, by the time diagnosis is confirmed, the damage is often irreversible. In our cases, brain MRI clarified the definitive diagnosis, but we could not find the source of bleeding. SS should be considered in cases with ataxia and hearing loss, even if no source of bleeding is found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Pablo Andrei Appelt ◽  
Kristin Comella ◽  
Luciane Aparecida Pascucci Sande de Souza ◽  
Gustavo José Luvizutto

Abstract Background Spinocerebellar ataxia is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease characterized by changes in balance, locomotion and motor coordination. Stem cell therapies are currently being investigated as an alternative to delay the evolution of the disease, and some experimental studies have investigated the effect of stem cell treatment on spinocerebellar ataxia. Objectives The aim of this review was to investigate whether the application of stem cells produced an effect on functional recovery in individuals with spinocerebellar ataxia. Methods The studies included in this review investigated the efficacy and safety of a protocol for the application of mesenchymal stem cells extracted from umbilical cord and adipose tissue. Two studies used intrathecal route for application and one study used intravenous route. Results Studies have shown clinical improvement in the scores of the ICARS (International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale), ADL (Activities of Daily Living Scale), BBS (Berg Balance Scale) and SARA (Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia), but lacked statistical significance. Conclusions There was low evidence for recommending stem cell therapy in individuals with spinocerebellar ataxia, and no statistical difference was observed for improving functional recovery of patients. Further studies are needed with different designs, largest sample sizes and placebo control, to fully understand anticipated outcomes of cellular therapy for spinocerebellar ataxia.

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