Jurnal EMPATI (Edukasi Masyarakat, Pengabdian dan Bakti)
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Published By STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong

2774-2296, 2774-4442

Suci Fitri Rahayu ◽  
Esme Anggeriyane ◽  
Mariani Mariani

The importance of paying attention to nutritional status in early childhood is useful for maximizing the growth phase of early childhood. One way to assess nutritional status for early childhood can be assessed by means of anthropometric measurements. Anthropometric measurements are measurements of various dimensions and body compositions of various ages, such as baby length, head circumference, height, weight, chest circumference, and upper arm circumference. TK Aisyiyah 15 Bustanul Athfal Banjarmasin is one of the schools that has not implemented early detection of the growth and development of pre-school children because the teachers do not understand how to examine and document the results of the examination. Efforts to strengthen the Stimulation, Detection and Early Development Development Program (SDIDTK). Methods ranging from FGDs, training and mentoring so that teachers acquire comprehensive skills in anthropometric examinations. The activity was carried out in August and was continued with mentoring for teachers to be able to monitor and evaluate activities. The results of activities in efforts to strengthen stimulation, detection and early intervention programs for growth and development produce skills for teachers in conducting anthropometric examinations and screening children's growth and development. Efforts to strengthen the program of stimulation, detection and early intervention for growth and development can increase teachers' knowledge in conducting anthropometric examinations and growth screening.

Arif Hendra Kusuma ◽  
Atika Dhiah Anggraeni

Tuberkulosis merupakan suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Eliminasi tuberkulosis juga menjadi salah satu dari  fokus utama pemerintah di bidang kesehatan. Program pengendalian terhadap tuberkulosis, salah satunya yaitu TOSS TB (Temukan TB, Obati Sampai Sembuh). Program TOSS TB diharapkan mampu menggerakkan masyarakat untuk turut serta menemukan kasus-kasus TB baru yang ada di lingkungan sekitar dan memantau pengobatannya hingga tuntas. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepedulian masyarakat dalam mencegah penularan TB dan menjalani pengobatan sampai sembuh. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu penyuluhan kesehatan dan pelatihan kader kesehatan tentang program pengendalian tuberculosis dengan TOSS TB. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah kader kesehatan masyarakat Desa Karangkemiri dengan jumlah peserta 38 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kader kesehatan masyarakat tentang tuberculosis dan program pengendalian tuberculosis. Kesimpulan kegiatan pemeberdayaan kader kesehatan masyarakat  dalam pengendalian tuberculosis bermanfaat bagi kader kesehatan masyarakat.

Kasron Kasron ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Wishnu Subroto

Hypertension (HT) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease which is the leading cause of death in the world. HT is in the first rank as the most common disease due to lifestyle changes. Patients with HT may experience several signs and symptoms such as changes in the retina, headaches, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. HT can cause sleep dissorder. Poor sleep quality can have an effect on decreasing people's productivity. This community service was carried out in RW 10 in Menganti Village, where information was obtained that there were still many residents who did not know specific information about sleep quality and its management using the Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) method. The service method is carried out by training, demonstrations about PMR. In this service, demonstrations about PMR were successfully carried out. The results obtained were that cadres and residents were able to know about sleep quality and were able to demonstrate PMR intervention. After this service was carried out, residents with sleep disorders began to be moved by the importance of sleep quality.

Dian Anggraini ◽  
Dewi Marfuah ◽  
Susy Puspasari

Background: Quality sleep is needed by breast cancer patients in order to maintain good physical condition and immune system. Nurses have a role as educators who provide health education. Health education that can be given is non-pharmacological therapy, namely music therapy and PMR to improve sleep quality. Health education for patients is felt to be very important considering that patients are not always hospitalized so that it is hoped that with health education, patients can carry out care independently at home.Methods: The way of implementing community service activities is carried out by exposing non-pharmacological therapies with nurses who are in charge of the chemotherapy room. After being given the material, the selected nurse will apply the therapy to the patient in order to improve the quality of sleep for breast cancer patients who are given chemotherapy.Results: The provision of music therapy and PMR had a positive effect on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Most of the patients involved in this service reported an improvement in the quality of sleep.Discussion: Good quality sleep is needed by breast cancer patients to regenerate and repair body cells. Music therapy combined with PMR is effective in reducing physical arousal activity which results in decreased muscle tone so that sleep quality can be fulfilled.

Riki Ristanto

Dukuh Polaman Desa Bedali Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang is a tourist village known as "Polamanku". The variety of existing tourist infrastructure has the potential to become a gathering place for visitors, especially during holidays, but these facilities and infrastructure have not been facilitated by hygiene facilities, especially for the prevention of the corona virus contagious disease (covid-19). The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners regarding the management of prevention and control of the corona virus (covid-19). This community service is carried out through the method of seminars, mentoring, and procurement of tools for partners. This community service was attended by 15 administrators of the "Polamanku" tourism village. The target output of community service that has been achieved is in the form of services and products. Services in this case are in the form of providing seminars on management of prevention of transmission of the corona virus (covid-19) as well as assistance on the use of thermogun, 6 steps to wash hands, and use of masks. Through this method it is proven to be able to increase partners' understanding of the corona virus (covid-19) and the prevention of transmission (100%). The products that have been produced are in the form of banners and hand washing tools as a means of supporting the sustainability of the corona virus (covid-19) transmission prevention program. It is hoped that this activity can be sustainable independently carried out by partners and can inspire other similar tourism vehicles, considering that these activities have not been carried out a lot.

Eka Wuri Handayani ◽  
Ayu Pratama Kinanti ◽  
Indah Rachmawati

ekolah selain berfungsi sebagai tempat pembelajaran juga dapat menjadiancaman penularan penyakit jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) merupakan kebiasaan seseorang untuk mencegah penyakit dan menjaga lingkungan sekitarnya agar sehat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan lebih lanjut kepada peserta didik di SD 2 CondongCampur Kecamatan Sruweng Kabupaten Kebumen mengenai cara pencegahan penyakit menular dengan penerapan PHBS, yaitu dengan melakukan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar, gerakan membuang sampah pada tempatnya, dan penggunaan jamban yang sehat. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan mempresentasikan materi PHBS dan demonstrasi mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar menggunakan antiseptik. Kegiatan ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta didik tentang PHBS dan cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar.kata kunci: Mencuci tangan ; Pengabdian masyarakat; PHBS; 

Marsito Marsito

Kegiatan lomba cuci tangan dengan sabunatau dance competation hand higene  yang dikemas dengan lomba cuci tangan dilakukan  dengan  melibatkan masyarakat dan ibu-ibu rumah tangga masih rendah. Selama pandemic covid 19 pencegahan dilakukan dengan melakukan cuci tangan. Di Indonesia kebiasaan melakukan cuci tangan dengan sambun masih 47%, (Kemenkes RI, 2014). Tujuan dilakukan lomba cuci tangan ini diharapkan  untuk meningkatkan perilaku cuci tangan pakai sabun yang ada di keluarga. Penerapan metode hand washing dance  terhadap pengetahuan tehnik mencuci tangan pada masyarakat merupkan metode yang baik untuk dilakukan.Peserta lompa cuci tangan sampai sabun di ambil tiap rukun tetangga dari tiap rukun warga Desa Bijiruyung.Hasil penilaian itu dilihat dari konstum kerapian baju, kekompakan satu kelompok, kreatifitas dan 7 langkah cuci tangan yang benar. Dari hasil didapatkan nilai rentang  dari  7,7 sampai dengan 8,7.. Sedangkan unsur penilaian lomba cuci tangan yang mendominasi dari unsur  kreatifitas peserta dengan nilai 8.6. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari sekian peserta warga sudah melakukan cuci tangan sudah benar dan sudah baik yang menambah nilai jumlah itu adalah variasi kreatifitas dari kegiatan cuci tangan. Seperti konstum baju dan mengangkat topik dari kegaitan ini.

Dyah Puji Astuti ◽  
Sumarni Sumarni ◽  
Fitria Prabandari ◽  
Siti Mutoharoh

Desa dan kelurahan siaga aktif merupakan salah satu indikator dalam Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan di Kabupaten dan Kota. Coronavirus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Coronavirus jenis baru. Virus ini sangat mudah menular oleh karena itu masyarakat perlu diedukasi agar peduli  dalam tindakan pencegahan dan terhindar dari wabah covid 19. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat tentang pencegahan covid 19 melalui upaya pemasangan media spanduk, edukasi perilaku PHBS dan tindakan pencegahan covid online, pembagaian masker dan pemberian paket sembako bagi keluarga terdampak. Metode kegiatan ini dengan melakukan tahap persiapan berupa koordinasi dengan pihak RW, tahap pelaksanaan meliputi edukasi via WA Grup, pemasangan banner, spanduk, pembagian sembako dan pembagian masker. Hasil kegiatan berupa pemasangan spanduk dan area wajib masker  di 3 titik yaitu di R1 , RT 2, RT 3, edukasi mengenai pencegahan covid 19 via WA grup, pembagian 12 lusin masker kepada warga RW 1 dan pembagian 72 paket sembako pada warga yang terdampak covid 19. Rencana tindak lanjut dari kegiatan ini adalah mengkoordinasikan dengan seluruh perangkat desa, kader kesehatan, dan bidan desa agar kegiatan ttap berkesinambungan

Puguh Widiyanto ◽  
Tri Widyantoro ◽  
Syarifatul Ulva ◽  
Meiliana Purnama Ningrum ◽  
Nita Ana Safitri

Implementation of activities one house one larva monitors (G1R1J) is a community-based empowerment program for the eradication of mosquito nests to prevent the reproduction of the Aedes Agepty vector mosquito that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The case fatality rate in the first semester of 2020 was ranked third in Central Java (6.67%), far exceeding the national standard of less than 2%. Although the incidence of dengue fever at the Mertoyudan Health Center has a tendency to decline in the first semester of 2020, entering the rainy season requires public vigilance for the emergence of dengue cases. Santan Village RT 06 RW 02, Sumberejo sub-district, the working area of Mertoyudan Health Center has 152 people with 47 family heads, inseparable from the importance of preventing DHF, being the target of community service by implementing G1R1J. The results obtained after the completion of the activity obtained increased knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the community.

Hana Nafiah ◽  
Aisyah Dzil Kamalah

Mental disorders still become an important issue in the health sector. Problems related to mental health in the community include knowledge, stigma and mental health services. Health resources in Indonesia still has various limitation, and integrating primary services so an effort that can be solve is to integrate primary services. One of the efforts that can be made at the primary care level is the formation of mental health cadres. Health cadres need to be given training in an effort to improve cadres' abilities to manage health services, especially to providing health education directly to the surrounding community. Community service activities carried out were training on early detection of mental disorders for 25 health cadres in Bugangan Village. Cadre knowledge about mental disorders increased 28% and cadres were able to know how to do early detection of mental disorders. The output of this community service activity is the formation of mental health cadres capable of early detection of mental disorders in the community. The next community service activity is expected to be able to screening the results of early detection of the community in as a form of preventive measures for risk groups.Key words: early detection; mental health cadres; mental health problems  

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