R E M (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal
Latest Publications





Published By Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo

2528-3723, 2527-5674

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Edi Widodo ◽  
Rizky Dwi Jayanto

This study discusses the planning in making a centrifugal pump installation with a combination of two series, namely series and parallel. The concept of discussion refers more to the upgrading of the installation system and calculates the estimated processing time needed to test the performance of the results of the installation that has been made. From the results of the research, it was found that for the preparation of series series installation it takes ± 8.5 minutes including the cutting process of materials and component installation, while the time required in making the installation of parallel circuits ± 28 minutes so that the total manufacturing of the two types of series takes 36, 5 minutes. In terms of performance generated from each installation obtained at full aperture where for the series of head series the value obtained is 37.6 m with a flow capacity of 3.25 l / s while for the head value on the parallel pump obtained by 27.7 m with a capacity flow of 3.75 l / s and this pump operates at 2900 rpm. So it can be seen from the results of the head and flow capacity obtained values ​​indicate good pump performance and ready to be used as a practical tool in the laboratory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Gugun Gundara ◽  
Rifqi Risnandar

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan merancang alat yang dapat memberi pakan ikan otomatis, monitoring suhu dan kadar gas amonia pada aquarium ikan hias dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller arduino. Dengan menggunakan motor servo untuk membuka dan menutup katup tempat pakan ikan, Real Time Clock sebagai pengatur waktu dan jadwal pemberian pakan, sensor DS18b20 untuk memonitoring suhu yang ada pada aquarium, serta sensor MQ-135 untuk mengukur kadar gas amonia pada aquarium.Pemberian pakan ikan disesuaikan dengan jumlah berat total ikan yang ada pada aquarium, sehingga untuk menentukan jumlah pakan dilakukan dengan memberikan jeda pada servo. Suhu yang baik untuk aquarium adalah berkisar 29ºC, sehingga untuk mendapatkan suhu yang sesuai pemelihara dapat melakukan penyesuaian dengan menambahkan air hangat atau air dingin agar suhu yang ada pada aquarium dapat sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan. Kadar gas amonia pada aquarium yang baik adalah berkisar antara 0,2 - 0,5 ppm, agar kadar gas amonia pada aquarium tidak terlalu tinggi dan sesuai yang dibutuhkan dapat dilakukan dengan cara membersihkan aquarium secara berkala dan mengganti air yang ada pada aquarium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Muhammad Affan Adhani ◽  
Ni Ketut Caturwati ◽  
Imron Rosyadi

Nilai kalor yang dimiliki oleh biogas sangat mempengaruhi lamanya waktu proses pembakaran. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai kalor yaitu dengan menurunkan kadar zat pengotor yang terkandung bersama biogas. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan upaya peningkatan nilai kalor biogas dengan menggunakan steel wool sebagai adsorben dengan variasi massa steel wool (500 gram dan 600 gram) dan variasi laju aliran biogas (1 lpm, 2 lpm, dan 3 lpm). Peningkatan nilai kalor biogas sebelum dan sesudah  pemurnian ditentukan dengan water heating test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peningkatan nilai kalor diperoleh pada filter dengan massa adsorben 600 gr dan laju aliran biogas 1 lpm, dimana nilai kalor meningkat sebesar 36.19%.  Sedangkan filter dengan 500 gr steel wool adsroben dan laju aliran biogas 3 lpm, menghasilkan peningkatan nilai kalor terendah yaitu sebesar 4.46%. Hasil eksperimen menunjukan peningkatan nilai kalor semakin tinggi jika laju aliran biogas makin rendah melalui kolom adsorben dengan massa steel wool yang semakin tinggi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Dhimas Satria ◽  
Rina Lusiani ◽  
Erny Listijorini ◽  

This research is a development of previous research, where in the previous research, a design innovation was carried out on an alpha-type stirling engine by making the phase angle to 180o, with the aim of reducing the effect when the cold cylinder is compressed, because the phase angle currently used is (90o) with disadvantages, namely the cold cylinder is perpendicular to the top, so that the compression process against gravity. But in previous studies, the generator pipe was too long, causing a lot of energy or heat loss (heat loss) so that the compression speed was small. So that in the research, innovated and analyzed the pipe insulation of alpha-type stirling engine generators, alpha-type stirling engines, 180o phase angle. The research method used is to use the thermodynamic approach with Schmidt theory and the theory of the ideal cycle stirling engine. while the simulation is done using the Ideal Stirling Cycle Calculator. Results investigated shows that providing insulation on the generator pipes of an alpha-type stirling engine for an alpha-type stirling engine with a 180o phase angle is proven to reduce a lot of energy or heat loss (heat loss) due to too long generator pipes, with a heat loss value ratio of 226.66 W for the pipe. generator that uses insulation whose value is smaller than the value of the heat loss when the generator pipe without using isocation is 1,584.12 W.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Andrea Setiawan ◽  
A’rasy Fahruddin

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fluid velocity and the distance between zig zagfilters on the cooling tower by varying the distance between zig zag foam bio filters. In this study using bio filterfoam material in the form of zig zg by using wire mesh where the tested distance is 5cm, 10cm, and also 15cm. Thenthe water is heated using a heater until it reaches a temperature of 40ºC and then the water is flowed up with a pipeusing a pump and released using a nozzle, then the hot water will go down to the reservoir by passing the bio filterfoam filter that has been installed with a distance of 5cm , 10cm and 15cm. Where there is also a disposal valve thatis done that is closed and faucets are also open ½ and fully open. Good cooling value is indicated by good results oncooling or also cooling faster which is 5cm which results in an average cooling value of 36.53 ºC when the exhaustvalve is fully open, while the value is not good or less optimal cooling it is shown when the drain valve is closed at azig zag distance of 10cm and also 15cm which yields 37.60 ºC data at a zig zag distance of 15cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Imron Rosyadi ◽  
Ni Ketut Caturwati ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi

The increase in the population of Indonesia is proportional to the increase in the amount of waste produced. Municipal solid waste (MSW) especially organic waste, can be used as solid fuel by means of the torefaction process. Torefaction is a thermo-chemical heat treatment method for biomass conversion that takes place at a temperature of 200oC to 300oC under conditions of atmospheric pressure and in the absence of oxygen. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of moisture content on calorific, proximate and ultimate values ​​of torefaction samples using municipal solid waste. Setting the water content in the mixed sample (30% rice + 70% wood) with variations in moisture content of 30%, 40%, and 50%; and rice and wood samples with variations in moisture content of 40% and 50%. The torefaction was carried out at a temperature of 300oC for one hour and  inert gas  N2. Torefaction products have been tested contain of the calorific value, proximate testing, and ultimate testing. The results obtained were the best calorific value in the rice sample, the moisture content of 40% was 6351.1 cal / g or equivalent to sub-bituminous coal. The proximate and ultimate results of the best heating value are rice samples with 40% moisture content, fixed carbon 62.95%, volatile matter 27.85%, moisture 7.06%, ash 2.14%, carbon 71.85%, hydrogen. 2.80%, nitrogen 3.17%, and sulfur 0.05%. The calorific value calculation method that is almost close to the test results is the Dulong method, with an average error percentage of 1.63%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Herman Susanto ◽  
Sunardi Tjandra

Wire is a complement material on the manufacturing product. Therefore, the wire processes usually bestowed to the middle-low industry. Cutting and straightening wire processes are the most basic process for wire materials. In the middle-small industry, demand of wire materials is 150 kg per day. Seeing this potential, the design of a wire straightening mechanism for middle-low industries is necessary to maximize productivity. The main purpose of wire straightening mechanism design is calculating roll diameters and placement to obtain appropriate rolling force. In designing this wire straightening mechanism, the raw materials are used 3 mm SAE 304 (UNS S30400) Galvanized. The rolling method used in this mechanism is Three-Roll Bending. The empirical method is used on this analysis. Based on the analytical results, roll used on this mechanism are 5 pieces or equal with 3 cycle of rolling process with 40 mm of diameters. The vertical gap between center of rolls is 41.5 mm with 54 mm horizontal gap. Rolling force produced by the analytical roll dimension is 1608.69 N/cycle and that’s enough to give plastic deformation on the 3 mm SAE 304 (UNS S30400) Galvanized wire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Wawan Trisnadi Putra ◽  
Muhammad Malyadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan uji performasi sistem kemudi, transmisi, dan sistem pengereman mobil listrik Tipe Urban Concept Warok V.1.1. Asumsi dasar mobil listrik dirancang dengan tipe Urban Concept (Kendaraan roda empat seperti mobil saat ini) yang disesuaikan dengan regulasi Kontes Mobil Hemat Energi (KMHE), yang diselenggarakan pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kemenristekdikti. Pada rancangan sistem kemudi menggunakan sistem kemudi berjenis ackerman, sistem transmisi menggunakan chain drive differential sedangkan sistem pengereman menggunakan cakram hidrolik. Pada hasil pengujian sistem kemudi memiliki sudut belok maksimum adalah 45  dengan radius belok kurang dari 6 meter, untuk sistem transmisi pada pengujian kecepatan putaran mesin roda belakang ( ) adalah 589,867 rpm dan putaran motor listrik 642,6 rpm dengan kecepatan rata – rata 53 km/jam. Besarnya perlambatan sistem pengereman adalah 4,901  dan 1,47 s untuk waktu pengeremannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-26
Deni Ainur Rokhim

Sidoarjo mudflow or known as Lusi (Lumpur Sidoarjo) is an ecological disaster that has caused the community fret. Most of them haven’t known that the mud contains elements that can produce electricity. This research aims to find the basic value that can be obtained from ecological disaster. The research design uses electrochemical method development with magnesium and copper electrodes. The result of the electric power that can be generated is 7,07135 watt/hour.  It can reach an area of 4.405986 km2 or as wide as one residential in an electric production plant. The use of Lusi is very effective because it contains high metal and high salt content. The abundant amount of Lusi can be utilized effectively throughout this way

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Mochamad Hisam Alamsyah ◽  
Gugun Gundara

The purpose of this research for analyze composite material reinforced tesk wood powder and brass powder and epoxy resin matriks as brake pads material. The mix of composite brake pads divided into three kinds are Spesimen A, Spesimen B, Spesimen C, with different material composition next made to be mixing process, compacting, and sintering. This testing done with way test violence through Brinell method, test of wear rate use tool of Ogoshi high speed universal wear testing machine produce data of highest violence composite owned by Spsesimen A with score 10 HBN and highest wear rate owned by Spesimen C with score 0.0004 Kg/mm2. Composite material teak wood powder and brass powder and epoxy resin matriks have character of mechanics if composite have score of big violence so wear rate will more low and otherwise if composite have score of little violence so the wear rate will more high.

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