Journal of Urban Society s Arts
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Published By Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

2355-214x, 2355-2131

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Ratna Noviani ◽  
Elok Santi Jesica

This article discusses how urban life is represented through the Barsa City, Uttara the Icon, and The Palace apartment advertisements and promotional videos. Applying Guy Debord's idea of spectacle to examine how urban life is transformed into visualization and commodification, also George Ritzer’s idea of re-enchantment of the disenchanted world and the new means of consumption. This article is aimed to analyze the position of apartments in the urban space of Yogyakarta that is discursively constructed through apartment promotional media. The conclusion of this research shows that apartments are functionalized to create the spectacle of the city. Urban space and life are aestheticized and spectacularized, in which apartments are displayed as part of dramatic and extravagant urban arts. Presented as one-stop-serving buildings, the apartments also promote the fusion of living space, urban style experience, and consumption which lead to the difficulty in distinguishing spatial boundaries. The advertisements and promotional videos of the apartment in Yogyakarta also promote temporal paradox. On the one hand, it promotes time compression and speed, meanwhile, on the other hand it promotes prolonged and extended time to foster consumption in the urban space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Hari Martopo

Taizé’s music comes from an ecumenical monastic order with an intense devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. It was founded by Brother Roger Louis Schütz-Marsauche in 1940 in the French village of Taizé and later spread throughout the world. Now the Taizé community is also growing in Indonesia, especially in the city of Yogyakarta. The Taizé community introduced its model of worship consisting of prayer, music, and meditation. The Taizé community entered Indonesia through Ursuline nuns’ work, and some of them later chose Taizé music as their worship accompaniment. In Yogyakarta, Taizé music is being used formally in adoration worship, namely The Holy Hour Worship by the Congregational Scholastic Congregation of SCJ Yogyakarta. Simultaneously, an ecumenical community called DNTZ Yogyakarta sings Taizé music in ecumenical fellowship activities. These are voluntary activities which are performed at different places and open for public. These two models of Taizé music in Catholics and Protestants communities have become a unique phenomenon as both communities play an essential role in its development by helping each other and working together in harmony.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-60
I Nyoman Artayasa

Lampit is one of the traditional means of cultivating rice fields, which functions to level the land for planting rice. The operation of lampit can increase the work pulse up to 50% above the resting pulse and is included in the category of moderate to heavy workloads. At the end of the operation of lampit, it may cause complaints, especially on the buttocks and back, which is caused by the small and hardness of the lampit rod. There was an improvement to the lampit seating design by adding foam pads and adjusting the pressure lever found on the lampit stem to overcome this problem. This research is an experimental study using the same subject design, selected 30 research subjects from farmers in Dusun Semaja Antosari Tabanan Bali. The workload is evaluated based on the work pulse measured using the ten pulses method. In addition, the pulse was measured before and after the improvement of the lampit design. The data compared were the mean values before and after improvement, which were analyzed using paired t test (α = 0.05). The result is a significant decrease in the work rate of 19.35% (p <0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that the improved design of the lampit can reduce the workload. Therefore, farmers should continue using and perfecting the improved lampit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Greg Aronson ◽  
Kiernan Box

In an increasingly interconnected and globalised world, the need for cross cultural understanding is greater than ever before. Exploring and analysing songs from different cultures can be an effective ‘entry point’ into learning about the nature of other peoples and societies lives and for developing a sense of ethnocultural empathy. Protest songs can provide a lens for intercultural analysis, especially for understanding minority or subcultural perspectives. Translating songs into different languages makes these works more accessible to a broader cross-section of people. We present translations of protest songs, two from Indonesian to English, and one from English to Indonesian. We discuss the respective importance of meaning and poetics in making song translations. Strict adherence to song rhymes is a challenge for translators and one which may impede meaning. The optimal approach depends on the format in which the translation is likely to be presented. Fluency in the target language, rather than the source language, is more helpful for successful translation. Finally, we make some recommendations about the usefulness of intercultural song (text) translation analysis and intercultural awareness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Ilaria Meloni

Sindhenan Banyumasan, meaning the female traditional Javanese singing in the style of Banyumas, represents an interesting “regional variant” of sindhen vocal tradition. Flourished in the court of Surakarta in the 19th century, the sindhen practice has spread rapidly across the centuries, reaching many territories outside the court centers. Deeply connected with the ancient practices of the singer dancers, sindhen styles are still indicative of the local traditions and a testimony of differences and continuity with the formal teaching of central Javanese institutions. Despite the importance of the local variants, existing international studies on sindhenan have mainly focused on the styles of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, often neglecting rural areas, like Banyumas. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on sindhen practice in Banyumas territory; and to investigate its history, performance practice, repertoires, and vocal style. The research outcomes reveal how Banyumas singing tradition has many common traits with Yogyakarta and Surakarta vocal practices, though it maintains some specificities, index of the pluralism of Javanese music and performing arts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68
I Wayan Dana

Sonobudoyo Museum Yogyakarta is the complete museum after the National Museum in Jakarta. There are many art collections in the museum, including bronze statues, gold statues, various ceramics, leather puppets, batik, bamboo works of art, furniture, and various Indonesian mask characters. The masks are treated and displayed in a particular place so that they can last hundreds of years and be seen until now. The research was aimed at how art conservation was carried out for these masks and at a particular strategy in maintaining, protecting, and caring for them. Therefore, it is interesting to study and understand the art of conservation for classical masks at the Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta. The research results showed that the knowledge of caring for, maintaining, protecting the masks as objects of art collections and cultural products with aesthetic, artistic, and historical values can still be known by the public and the generations. Moreover, the art conservation is also essential to know, not only by conservators but also by the broader community, to preserve and develop classical masks in the archipelago.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-93
Nerosti - Nerosti

This article provides information about the Community Service Program of the Assisted Nagari (PPNB) or Mitra Village, which also became the results of research in the Bayang District in 2016. The urgency of the study in Nagari Gurun Panjang Barat, which has been experiencing Nagari’s expansion for three years, is challenging to find a solution to improve the community’s economy. Even though the Nagari is a buffer for marine tourism destinations in the Mandeh tourist area, Carocok Painan Beach, and Sago Beach, it had not yet found a strategic solution that should be made. The solution is offered by completing the guided Nagari based on culture and tourism into a creative industry. The answer is to empower PKK (Family Welfare Program) groups of adult female and adolescents to be given skills with implementation methods, namely applying active learning strategies between instructors and community members in theory and practice. From the results of the training: (1) The groups of PKK are proficient and skilled at reading the Pasambahan pantun to welcome the bride and groom; (2) PKK female groups are adept at creating traditional clothing using takuluak that have been made by themselves and make-up that can be used for conventional marriage ceremonies and alek nagari; and (3) Youths have become proficient at playing Randai and established the Randai Padi Sarumpun Group, which was formed due to the implementation of PPNB. The training program was also complemented by religion and customs training to change the community’s attitudes and mindset into a civilized and cultured nation. The formation of positive behavior can lead people to creative industries and open themselves to receiving tourists who come to visit. Automatically, the training held can create welfare and employment for the community. Menuju Industri Kreatif Berbasis Wisata Adat dan Budaya: Bina Nagari Melalui Kegiatan Pentas Seni di Gurun Panjang, Pesisir Selatan. Artikel ini memberikan informasi tentang Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Nagari Binaan (Program Pengabdian Nagari Binaan/PPNB) atau Desa Mitra yang mewujudkan hilirisasi hasil penelitian di Kecamatan Bayang tahun 2016. Urgensinya Nagari Gurun Panjang Barat yang sudah tiga tahun pemekaran Nagari, belum mampu mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Padahal Nagari tersebut merupakan penyangga destinasi wisata bahari kawasan wisata Mandeh, Pantai Carocok Painan, dan Pantai Sago. Faktor keterbelakangan pola berpikir, kecederaan tingkah laku dan kemiskinan, terutama para ibu dan remaja sangat memerlukan pembinaan. Mengatasi permasalahan tersebut ditawarkan solusi dengan menjadikan Nagari Binaan berbasis wisata beradat dan berbudaya menuju industri kreatif. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK dan remaja untuk diberikan keterampilan dengan metode pelaksanaan, yaitu penerapan strategi pembelajaran aktif antara instruktur dan anggota masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan berupa teori dan praktik. Dari hasil pelatihan: (1) ibu-ibu PKK mahir dan terampil membaca pantun pasambahan untuk menyambut pengantin; (2) ibu-ibu PKK mahir mengkreasikan memakai busana adat dengan memakai takuluak yang telah dibuat sendiri, serta tata rias yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk upacara adat perkawinan dan alek nagari; dan (3) para pemuda telah mahir memainkan randai dan mendirikan Kelompok Randai Padi Sarumpun yang terbentuk dari hasil pelaksanaan PPNB. Pelatihan juga dilengkapi dengan ceramah agama dan adat istiadat sehingga dapat mengubah sikap dan pola pikir masyarakat menjadi bangsa yang beradab dan berbudaya. Pembentukan perilaku yang positif dapat mengantarkan masyarakat menuju industri kreatif dan membuka diri untuk menerima wisatawan yang datang berkunjung. Secara otomatis pelatihan yang diadakan dapat menciptakan kesejahteraan dan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-117
Hengki Armez Hidayat ◽  
Yensharti Yensharti ◽  
Saaduddin Saaduddin

This research examines the production process of making Minangkabau wind instrument, Bansi, produced by Hamdan Thawil. This research began by observing the stages of making Bansi, then about production factors that affect the production process. The results of this study include; 1) the selection and processing of raw materials, 2) the use of tools, 3) the manufacturing phase of Bansi and the factors of production; 1) natural resource factor, 2) human resource factor, 3) capital resource factor and 4) expertise/ skill factor. The research was conducted with a case study approach and using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques were carried out using participatory observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Organologi Bansi: Alat Musik Tiup Minangkabau Produksi Hamdan Thawil di Padangpanjang. Penelitian ini mengkaji proses produksi pembuatan alat musik tiup Minangkabau, Bansi, produksi Hamdan Thawil. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengamati tahapan pembuatan bansi, kemudian tentang faktor-faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi proses produksi. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi; 1) pemilihan dan pengolahan bahan baku, 2) penggunaan alat, 3) tahap pembuatan bansi dan faktor produksi; 1) faktor sumber daya alam, 2) faktor sumber daya manusia, 3) faktor sumber daya permodalan dan 4) faktor keahlian/keterampilan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipatif, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan triangulasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-108
Panakajaya Hidayatullah

Tabbhuwân is a Madurese tradition of performing arts. In the present context, modern culture influences many young people. It has become a restlessness for the clerics who then think of strategies on how to incorporate Islamic values in the younger generation today. In 2015 in Situbondo, Wali Sanga boarding school established a tabbhuwân wali sanga art group. Tabbhuwân is considered a way of preaching according to the conditions and culture of the community of Madura Situbondo. The players consist of the santri of the younger generation of Islamic boarding schools. Tabbhuwân wali sanga features Islamic drama performances that elevate the play of Islamic history and Indonesia. The play included Islamic history (stories of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad), local history, the history of the entry of Islam on Java (walisanga), and the history of Indonesian independence, one of which was titled ‘Jihad Resolution.’ Besides, tabbhuwân also includes elements of Madurese culture, including language, traditional music, expression, decoration, and discourse. Tabbhuwân plays a role in the spread of Islam, preserving Madurese culture and instilling nationalism in society through historical themes. The lower-middle-class community assumes that tabbhuwân is a means to understand the historical, social, and cultural realities occurring today. Tabbhuwân also influences fostering a sense of nationalism through heroic historical values, especially to the younger generation. In this case, tabhuwân imagines Indonesia in the discourse of religious nationalism. Islam, Nasional, dan Sejarah Lokal dalam Seni Pertunjukan Tabbhuwan Walisanga. TabbhuwânadalahsenipertunjukantradisimasyarakatMadura.Dalamkontekskekinian, budaya modern banyak mempengaruhi kaum muda. Hal ini menjadi keresahan para ulama yang kemudian memikirkan strategi bagaimana memasukkan nilai-nilai Islam pada generasi muda saat ini. Pada tahun 2015 di Situbondo, Pondok Pesantren Wali Sanga mendirikan kelompok seni tabbhuwân wali sanga. Tabbhuwân dianggap sebagai cara dakwah yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan budaya masyarakat Madura Situbondo. Para pemainnya terdiri dari para santri generasi muda pondok pesantren. Tabbhuwân wali sanga menampilkan pertunjukan drama Islam yang mengangkat lakon sejarah Islam dan Indonesia. Lakon tersebut meliputi sejarah Islam (cerita para sahabat Nabi Muhammad), sejarah lokal, sejarah masuknya Islam di Jawa (walisanga), dan sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia, salah satunya bertajuk ‘Resolusi Jihad’. Selain itu, tabbhuwân juga memasukkan unsur budaya Madura yang meliputi bahasa, musik tradisional, ekspresi, ragam hias dan wacana. Tabbhuwân berperan dalam penyebaran agama Islam, pelestarian budaya Madura dan menanamkan nasionalisme dalam masyarakat melalui tema sejarah. Masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah menganggap tabbhuwân sebagai cara memahami realitas sejarah, sosial dan budaya yang terjadi saat ini. Tabbhuwân juga memiliki pengaruh dalam menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme melalui nilai-nilai sejarah yang heroik, khususnya kepada generasi muda. Dalam hal ini, tabhuwân membayangkan Indonesia dalam wacana nasionalisme agama.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Husen Hendriyana ◽  
Komarudin Kudya ◽  
ASM Atamtajani

Pangandaran is known as one of the tourist destinations in West Java Province with its beautiful natural marine charm. The charm of the beauty of Pangandaran beach and its surroundings attracts tourists’ attention and reaches 4,044,204 visitors in 2018. Pangandaran has 21 beach tourist destinations. Therefore, souvenirs become one of the aspects that strongly complement tourism in Pangandaran, a tourism souvenir. This study aims to produce innovative products of featured art supporting tourism by raising the iconic potential of natural resources and artisan resources from the local community. This article is one of the results of the applied research in the type of practice-based research focusing on the creative industry of craft art (batik) products that support tourism through eco-design and eco-tourism approaches. In its application, this study uses the design thinking method, with the results in the form of a prototype of mask product for tourism souvenir with marine park pattern application. Corak Batik Taman Laut dan Aplikasinya pada Topeng Sebagai Cinderamata Wisata Pangandaran Saat Pandemi Covid-19. Pangandaran dikenal sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata di Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan pesona alam bahari yang indah. Pesona keindahan pantai Pangandaran dan sekitarnya menarik perhatian wisatawan dan mencapai 4.044.204 pengunjung pada 2018. Pangandaran memiliki 21 destinasi wisata pantai. Oleh karena itu, cinderamata menjadi salah satu aspek yang sangat melengkapi pariwisata di Pangandaran yaitu cinderamata pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk-produk inovatif seni unggulan pendukung pariwisata dengan mengangkat potensi ikonik sumberdaya alam dan sumberdaya pengrajin dari masyarakat sekitar. Artikel ini merupakan salah satu hasil penelitian terapan pada jenis penelitian berbasis praktik yang berfokus pada industri kreatif produk seni kriya (batik) yang mendukung pariwisata melalui pendekatan eko- desain dan ekowisata. Dalam aplikasinya, penelitian ini menggunakan metode design thinking, dengan hasil berupa prototipe produk topeng cinderamata pariwisata dengan penerapan pola taman laut.

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