International Journal of Research in Advent Technology
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Published By Mg Aricent Private Limited


2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Aman Raj ◽  
Pramod Deshmukh ◽  
Pradeepa. S

This study has been taken to investigate the exact rebound-strength relationship of different grades of concrete, as the curves generated for traditional hammers are outdated. Using the material available in the Nagpur region, cube specimens were cast and tested as per IS:516-1959 [1]. Several sets were cast with varying cement contents, decided by mix design, to give a strength range of 10 to 50 Mpa. However, for this study, the Target Mean Strength Standard Deviation factor is not considered. We tested these sets for compressive strengths; each specimen was checked for rebound value for compressive Strength, each specimen was checked for rebound value on four faces. Thus, for each specimen, data for rebound value and Compressive Strength is available. Using this data, a curve for Compressive Strength and rebound value was plotted. The curve generated indicated that the strengths obtained for the same rebound value are higher than that using the traditional curve. There is an increase of about 47% up to a strength of 21 Mpa. From 21 to 38 Mpa, this increase is almost constant to about 30%. From this point forward, the rate of increased Strength reduces by 25% and 14% at 40 Mpa and 45 Mpa, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Ms. Madhuri K. Waghchore ◽  
Prof. S. A. Sanap

In applications like location-based services, sensor monitoring systems and data integration diligence the data manipulated is highly ambiguous. mining manifold itemsets from generous ambiguous database illustrated under possible world semantics is a crucial dispute. Mining manifold Itemsets is technically brave because the ambiguous database can accommodate a fractional number of possible worlds. The mining process can be formed as a Poisson binomial distribution, by noticing that an Approximated algorithm is established to ascertain manifold Itemsets from generous ambiguous database exceedingly. Preserving the mining result of scaling a database is a substantial dispute when a new dataset is inserted in an existing database. In this paper, an incremental mining algorithm is adduced to retain the mining consequence. The cost and time are reduced by renovating the mining result rather than revising the whole algorithm on the new database from the scrap. We criticize the support for incremental mining and ascertainment of manifold Itemsets. Two common ambiguity models in the mining process are Tuple and Attribute ambiguity. Our approach reinforced both the tuple and attribute uncertainty. Our accession is authorized by interpreting both real and synthetic datasets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Maansa Krovvidi ◽  
Ch Mvn Sai Teja Prashanth

This paper describes in-depth the architecture of a Distributed Cellular framework for Secure Drone Delivery Services with an additional security layer. Delivery Drones are Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that are responsible for the transportation of goods from one place to another place. In the modern world, with several e-commerce platforms, everything is traded, promoted, advertised online. This causes the need to deliver the packages rapidly and within a stipulated period of time. Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones come into the picture to retort the above-mentioned issue. Security nowadays has become a major concern where hackers are diverting the network traffic, hijacking, and crashing the drones. In order to prevent these attacks from taking place, this paper proposes a strong security framework to minimize these attacks from taking place. The proposed architecture has an additional layer of security which covers the two-factor and multi-factor authentication at the delivery spot. There exists an integration of different sensors like Obstacle detection, SOS detection, Facial Recognition, etc. Beyond the security framework, a distributed cellular network is applied to the delivery services to scatter the drones cell-wise and largen the scope to all remote areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Durgesh Chaudhary ◽  
Akhilesh Kumar Mishra

The requirement to serve more users and provide more data at more incredible data speeds drives demand for wireless wideband communications. The Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology uses nanosecond-long pulses to span an extensive frequency range. The high bandwidth, low power consumption, and less fading due to multipath are attained in UWB communication technologies. This paper explains a hexagonal monopole antenna design using a high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and is further optimized for c better bandwidth. A hexagonal monopole antenna is designed using FR-4 epoxy metamaterial substrate. The optimum hexagonal bandwidth is attained at a span of 6.13 to 7.34 GHz frequency, and the polar gain is 1.2 dB. This paper provides the UWB antenna design; an optimized bandwidth is achieved as expected, the applications of smart marketing and a discussion of all relevant literature are carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Subhankar Adhikari

This study illustrates inventory associated with deteriorating items. Nowadays the incident deterioration has a major impact on the preservation of goods in terms of handling inventory. The significant effect of deterioration has been observed on volatile liquids, fish, vegetables, etc. Here a mathematical model is presented incorporating the effect of deterioration. The model has been developed on an infinite time horizon. The shortage is allowed and backlogged partially. We aim to find out lot-size and back-ordered quantities in order to minimize the total average cost. In support of the proposed model, a numerical example has been provided. The stability of the solution of that example has been confirmed by performing a sensitivity analysis of key parameters. A graphical representation of cost function regarding decision variables has been displayed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Jidnyasa Zambare ◽  
Priya Patil ◽  
Neha Chavan

Skin malignant growth is the most widely recognized, everything being equal. Between 40 to 50 percent of all disease cases analyzed each year are skin malignant growth. Melanomas represent just four percent of all skin malignant growth cases yet are undeniably more perilous. Of all skin disease-related passing’s, 79 percent are from melanoma. Skin disease can be relieved if distinguished early. To appropriately distinguish melanoma, there is a need for a skin test. This is an obtrusive method and is the reason there is a requirement of a conclusion framework that can annihilate the skin test strategy emerges. We proposed to build up a Computer-Aided System that is equipped for ordering a skin injury as threatening or favorable by utilizing the ABCD rule which represents Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter of the skin sore. Further, the preprocessed pictures are portioned and commotions are taken out from the Dermoscopic pictures for instance hair and air bubbles. Also, finally, by utilizing a classifier, the proposed system identifies the pictures as favorable or harmful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Subhankar Adhikari

This work examines the effect of pricing strategy in a supply chain consists of two members namely supplier and retailer. The supplier provides a credit period to the retailer. The retailer also provides a trade credit period to the customer within cycle length. A collaborative approach between two members is considered. The ultimate objective is to find maximum profit for the integrated system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Durgesh Bonde ◽  
Dr. Satish Inamdar

In this paper, we will consider the problem of optimal control of a fed batch reactor. Our objective is to simulate the fed batch reactor under specified conditions in order to find an optimal control policy. Thus, for any specified initial conditions and parameter values the optimal policy for reactor operation can be obtained from simulation. We have an example system of nosiheptide [1] and used gradient method to find optimal policy. Although the convergence is slow, an optimal solution is obtained and various plots are prepared that illustrate the applicability of the method well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Aayush Bendre ◽  
Hardik Birla ◽  
Chetan Choudhary ◽  
Gayatri Potbhare ◽  
Burhanuddin Jawadwala ◽  

Air water generators that harvest water from air humidity have the potential to counter the ever-rising problem of drinking water scarcity. There are many different types of air water generation systems that work on various different principles. Desiccant based air water generation systems work on the principle of moisture absorption, consisting of a packed bed dehumidifier that absorbs the moisture from air. This reduces the energy requirement of the system. To discuss the efficiency of the system, it is crucial to understand the working of the packed bed column. In this paper, a mathematical model has been developed for a packed bed dehumidification system using aqueous CaCl2 as the liquid desiccant. This model has been developed using water saturation pressure and equilibrium relative humidity models. The packed bed model has been used to study the effect of various input parameters like air and desiccant flow rate, packing material, relative humidity and desiccant concentration, on the capacity of the desiccant to absorb water from air. The results so obtained can be used to predict the water that can be absorbed by the desiccant in the packed bed column for given inlet conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Harshita Mishra ◽  
Anuradha Misra

In today’s world there is requirement of some techniques or methods that will be helpful for retrieval of the information from the images. Information those are important for finding solution to the problems in the present time are needed. In this review we will study the processing involved in the digitalization of the image. The set or proper array of the pixels that is also called as picture element is known as image. The positioning of these pixels is in matrix which is formed in columns and rows. The image undergoes the process of digitalization by which a digital image is formed. This process of digitalization is called digital image processing of the image (D.I.P). Electronic devices as such computers are used for the processing of the image into digital image. There are various techniques that are used for image segmentation process. In this review we will also try to understand the involvement of data mining for the extraction of the information from the image. The process of the identifying patterns in the large stored data with the help of statistic and mathematical algorithms is data mining. The pixel wise classification of the image segmentation uses data mining technique.

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