malignant growth
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Dipayan Mojumder ◽  
Satabdi Paul ◽  
Anupam Podder

Oral cancer is one of the six leading cancers in the world and is a constant threat to the health sector in developing countries as well as developed ones. Late presentation, due to lack of awareness and invasive incisional biopsy is the crucial factor for this. Nowadays, scientists are trying to find out an easy and reliable method of early diagnosis of oral cancer and molecular biomarkers might be very helpful for that. This review was aimed to evaluate the published literature on molecular biomarkers which are related to oral cancer. For this, advanced searching was applied by specific keywords in PubMed-Medline resource database and found 12466 publications were clinical trials on humans. Then after applying all inclusion criteria, 19 articles were included finally in the review. This paper uncovered that recognition of biomarkers will be useful for the early detection of oral cancer and their prognosis after treatment. We can suggest that p53, EGFR, miR-34a, miR-143 estimation is important to decide the conceivable risk of oral malignant growth advancement in the speculated oral lesion and after the curative procedure EGFR, Podoplanin and miR-21can aid us regarding the prognosis of patient.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 Page: 11-16

2022 ◽  
Zahraa Mohammed AL-Nafakh ◽  
Arshad Noori G. AL-Dujaili ◽  
Hadeel Haider Aldujaili

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
Suman Kumar Ray ◽  
Sukhes Mukherjee

: Precision medicine represents the most modern contemporary medicine trend, based on enormous amounts of data relating to people's health, individual characteristics, and life context using the most appropriate strategies to prevent and cure them. Precision medicine in cancer coordinates most precisely and viable treatment to every individual cancer patient based on the disease's genetic profile. Precision medicine changes the standard one size fits all medication model, which has focused on average responses to care. Significantly, consolidating different modern methodologies for streamlining and checking anticancer drugs can have continuous effects on understanding results. Precision medicine can help explicit anticancer treatments using various drugs and even in discovery, thus becoming the paradigm of future cancer medicine. Cancer biomarkers are a significant focus point in precision medicine, and findings of different biomarkers make this field more promising and challenging. Naturally, genetic instability and the collection of extra changes in malignant growth cells are ways that cancer cells use to adapt and survive in a hostile environment, for example, one made by these treatment modalities. Precision medicine is centered around recognizing which treatments are best for individual patients, dependent on their malignant growth and genetic characterization. This new era of genomics, which is progressively referred to as precision medicine, has ignited a new episode in the relationship between genomics and anticancer drug development.

Biomeditsina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-49
N. Yu. Timofeeva ◽  
N. V. Bubnova ◽  
G. Yu. Struchko ◽  
O. Yu. Kostrova ◽  
I. S. Stomenskaya

One of the main problems of modern medicine is cancer, which is the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. Malignant neoplasms have been known for a long time; however, their study still presents significant difficulties. Modeling of malignant processes in animals allow researchers to study tumors and the main patterns of malignant growth characteristic of animals and humans. The main cause of death in malignant neoplasms is the process of metastasis formation, which remains to be understood in detail. The study of metastatic processes is one of the most important tasks of oncology. To this end, various models of tumor metastasis are created. The article reviews literature data on the most popular models of metastasis in experimental conditions. The advantages and disadvantages of the main approaches to modeling metastasis are evaluated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Lanjuan Mi ◽  
Qinghui Qi ◽  
Haowen Ran ◽  
Lishu Chen ◽  
Da Li ◽  

Glioma stem-like cells (GSCs) are a subset of tumor cells that initiate malignant growth and promote the therapeutic resistance of glioblastoma, the most lethal primary brain tumor. Ribosome biogenesis is an essential cellular process to maintain cell growth, but its regulatory mechanism in GSCs remains largely unknown. Here, we show that WD repeat domain 12 (WDR12), a component of the Pes1-Bop1 complex (PeBoW), is required for ribosome biogenesis in GSCs. WDR12 is preferentially expressed in GSCs compared to non-stem tumor cells and normal brain cells. High levels of WDR12 are associated with glioblastoma progression and poor prognosis. Silencing WDR12 results in the degradation of PeBoW complex components and prevents the maturation of 28S rRNA, thereby inhibiting ribosome biogenesis in GSCs. Subsequently, WDR12 depletion compromises GSC proliferation, inhibits GSC-derived orthotopic tumor growth, and extends animal survival. Together, our results suggest that WDR12 is crucial for ribosome biogenesis in GSCs, and is thus a potential target for GSC-directed therapy of glioblastoma.

V.N. Shabalin ◽  
S.N. Shatokhina ◽  
M.G. Dedova

The authors examined the composition of biocrystalline structures (anisomorphones) of blood serum in patients with laryngeal cancer. Such structures are formed when blood serum becomes solid, i.e. during its marginal dehydration. The revealed anisomorphones represent three types of marker structures: a marker of a malignant tumor active growth (the aggregation of macroferolite and granular microspherolite with the same degree of anisotropy); a marker of a degenerative-dystrophic process (the aggregation of a macrospherolite with a low degree of anisotropy and microspherolite with a high degree of anisotropy); a marker of a malignant growth progression (a wavy microspherolite without aggregation). The aim of the study is to identify diagnostic markers of the malignant process activity in the solid phase structures of the blood serum in patients with laryngeal cancer and to assess their importance for choosing an effective therapy. Materials and Methods. Marginal dehydration of blood serum was used as the main research method. It is a part of the "Litos-system" diagnostic technology (Marketing authorization FS No. 155, of 2009). Results. It has been shown that the developmental phase of laryngeal cancer (active growth or degenerative-dystrophic process) is an important criterion for choosing treatment options. Surgical treatment is the most effective during the degenerative-dystrophic tumor process, while radiation therapy is preferable during the active phase of malignant growth. Key words: laryngeal cancer, blood serum, marginal dehydration of biological fluids, markers of tumor growth activity. Исследован состав биокристаллических структур (анизоморфонов) сыворотки крови больных раком гортани, которые формируются при переходе сыворотки крови в твердую фазу в процессе ее краевой дегидратации. Выявленные анизоморфоны представляют собой три вида маркерных структур: маркер активного роста злокачественной опухоли – агрегация макросферолита и зернистого микросферолита с одинаковой степенью анизотропии; маркер дегенеративно-дистрофического процесса – агрегация макросферолита с низкой степенью анизотропии и микросферолита с высокой степенью анизотропии; маркер прогрессии злокачественного роста – волнистый микросферолит вне агрегации. Цель – выявить диагностические маркеры активности злокачественного процесса в структурах твердой фазы сыворотки крови больных раком гортани и оценить их значение для выбора эффективного вида лечения. Материалы и методы. В качестве основного метода исследования использован метод краевой дегидратации сыворотки крови, являющийся разделом диагностической технологии «Литос-система» (Разрешение ФС № 155 от 2009 г. на применение в клинической практике). Результаты. Показано, что фаза развития рака гортани (активный рост или дегенеративно-дистрофический процесс) служит важным критерием выбора вида лечения: в фазу дегенеративно-дистрофического процесса опухоли наиболее благоприятный эффект дает хирургическое лечение, а в период активной фазы злокачественного роста – лучевая терапия. Ключевые слова: рак гортани, сыворотка крови, краевая дегидратация биологических жидкостей, маркеры фазы активности опухолевого роста.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Aijaz Ahmed ◽  
Shabeena Akhtar ◽  
Uzma Gul

Nanotechnology is a vital progressive technology facilitating role, progress, and viable effect on food, treatment, medicine, cultivation and farming sector. A nutraceutical is characterized as an ingredient that is related to food and gives medical compensations to the human being, including the prevention and healing of illness. The well-being and health of people are to a great extent, directed by the utilization of nutritious diets. Further numerous investigations have connected good diets as supportive in fighting various deteriorating communicable and non-communicable diseases. There are various studies that explore the relationship between health promotion and various plant and animal food. Although, a considerable number of naturally arising health-promotion constituents are the source of plants, there are various physiologically dynamic parts in animal items that have worth considering for their possible function in ideal well-being. Moreover, the utilization of naturally active constituents in leafy foods and fruits has been connected to fighting various illnesses, such as malignant growth, cardiovascular illnesses, weight, and gastrointestinal problems.

Syed Farhan Hyder Abidi ◽  
Sumukhi T. ◽  
Vinod Kumar H. ◽  
Santhosh B.

Lung malignant growth is one of the most threatening ailments affecting most of the nations in the world, and detection in earlier stages has been a challenge. Early detection can help in saving many lives. This paper shows a methodology that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) in machine learning for the detection of tumours in the lung. The specificity of the model is desirable and dependable and increasingly productive in contrast to the accuracy shown by conventional neural system frameworks.

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