learning success
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Jillian R. Yarbrough ◽  
Patrick C. Hughes

Learning is an increasingly critical function for every individual as we race into a technological and global advanced society. Consider that with advances in technology the amount of information we can obtain has grown, our workdays have expanded, and our work expectations are boundaryless. Now, more so than ever, individuals who want to be competitive must choose to continue learning. Not just gathering information but learning such that they are obtaining key information and can measure their own learning success. With this awareness, self-directed learning becomes a critical skill for all individuals in all life roles. The chapter will define self-directed learning, discuss relevant theories, present two self-assessment learning tools, and finally, offer a model for application.

2022 ◽  
pp. 216-230

Chapter 14 contains many of the resources that virtual coaches can use to facilitate coachee progression through the VECTOR phases. The VECTOR Process Guide breaks down each of the six VECTOR phases and offers coaches a summary of key components, a skeleton agenda, potential strategic questions, and sample activities. A coach can pull up the appropriate guide before their virtual meeting and feel confident knowing that they can lead their coachee toward professional learning success. Additionally, this chapter includes sample coaching logs and a blank template, as well as an administrator report sample and template to further support coach implementation of VECTOR virtual coaching. Throughout the book, the authors referred to the VECTOR Process Guide, coaching logs, and the administrator reports. This chapter describes these three coaching resources in-depth. They also offer examples as well as blank templates for readers to use in their own coaching practice. These templates can also be downloaded at http://vectorvirtualcoaching.org.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Elly Hasan Sadeli ◽  
Eko Priyanto ◽  
Banani Ma’mur

This research aims to get actual and factual information about the actualization of the national spirit in responding to the covid 19 outbreak at Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto Junior High School. The research process uses a qualitative approach with case study methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies. This research was conducted on the learning process of Pancasila Education and Citizenship (PPKn). Subjekresearch is the principal, teacher PPKn and student. The findings in this study show that; 1) Students do not yet have a complete understanding of the concept of national insight, but implicitly in the process of learning PPKn, teachers always build a climate of togetherness and help each other. This condition can actually be understood if the seeds of the national spirit have appeared. The selection of varied learning methods is used by PPKn teachers and IPS teachers, which support the national attitude of students. PPKn and IPS learning carried out contributes considerable in shaping the national spirit of students in school which is characterized by the direction of achievement of learning success that not only looks at cognitive aspects, but also emphasized on affective and psychomotor aspects, especially those that are charged with national values. 2) Strengthening the organization with the foundation of the spirit of nationalism based on state ideology and Muhammadiyah values. Through a strong organizational commitment, the spirit of nationality flows in students. 3) The practice of the student's national spirit is realized through its participation in scouting activities (Hizbul Wathan/ HW scouting), flag ceremony activities, sports competitions, and regional arts events are a form of stimulation in developing national values in students and not spreading hoax news about the covid 19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Ephraim Nold ◽  
Vivienne Demeter ◽  
Kurt Erdelt ◽  
Daniel Edelhoff ◽  
Anja Liebermann

Abstract Background: The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in significant restrictions on dental teaching. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the attitudes of faculty members towards digital teaching formats and the effort creating digital lectures. Methods: All German dental faculties were invited from January to April 2021 to the online survey by an anonymous voluntary questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 27 questions that could be answered with a visual analog scale, free text answers or with fixed answer options. Data was analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and an exploratory data analysis (α=0.05).Results: Before the pandemic, 24.8% of the participating lecturers were using digital teaching and 64.4% had no previous experience. After the outbreak of the pandemic, more than 80% of the lecturers stated that they offer online lectures (86.1%), online seminars (81.2%), and/or online bedside teaching (33.7%). 88.1% see face-to-face teaching as the preferred teaching format.The lecturers also see the greatest opportunities for interaction in the area of analog teaching and significantly worse in synchronous and asynchronous digital teaching. In the course of the pandemic, respondents' attitudes towards online teaching improved in the median of 24.0 to a median of 50.0. Conclusions: Faculty members have positively changed their attitudes towards online teaching formats over the course of the pandemic. Although they see the greatest learning success in conventional face-to-face teaching formats and the creation of digital lectures is associated with a higher effort, they want more online lessons in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Rosi Anjarwati ◽  
Lailatus Sa'adah

Learning online in the pandemic era raises a challenge for educators (lecturer). The challenge comes from the effectiveness of online media used and the good atmosphere built in the interactions between lecturers and students. It is due to several factors that may contribute to learning success; one of them is student engagement. This research aimed to explore student engagement in Paragraph Writing online class, involving behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. The participants involved in this study are second-semester students of the English Department at a private college in Jombang. Using a case study, the researchers used observation and questionnaire to obtain the data. Based on the analysis, the results revealed that students tend to be actively engaged in behavioral and cognitive engagement. Furthermore, students’ perception toward their engagement in the dimension of behavior, emotion, and cognition gained positive results.  DOI: 10.26905/enjourme.v6i2.6128

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 409-426
Anna Martinović ◽  
Irena Burić

Globalization has led to the spread of English, which has become the world’s international language. As a result of its importance in social, economic, and political spheres, many countries have introduced English language learning in their school curricula. However, despite its importance many learners still seem to struggle with English second language (L2) motivation, which is an important element of L2 learning success. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between several phases of learners’ motivation, including learners’ attributions of past English L2 learning success, current motivational characteristics, and motivation to learn English in the future. Using the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) as a framework, it was found that past learning experiences did not have a significant effect on current learner motivational dispositions. However, elements of the L2MSS had an effect on learners’ intentions to exert effort into future English language learning. In other words, Croatian university students’ L2 motivation was based on their visions for the future rather than on past learning experiences. Moreover, it appears that the ideal L2 self plays a much stronger role in learners’ motivation compared to the ought-to L2 self, and this motivation is tied to utilitarian motives for learning English. In addition, the results showed that other motivational components, such as interest, as well as L2 anxiety, are important elements of learners’ motivation, suggesting cognitive as well as affective aspects in this motivational profile. The complexity of motivation as shown in this study suggests the need for further investigations in various contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 276
Yuyun Nuriyah Muslih ◽  
Imas Komalasari ◽  
Ai Hilyatul Halimah

Abstract:Participation in learning is used as a means to create effective learning to achieve learning success. Likewise, with online learning, participation has an important position that students must have. The form of learning participation can be realized in visual, oral, listening, writing and mental activities. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of student participation in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research population was all students in East Priangan, and the sample selected was 85 students who live in East Priangan. The research method used was survey research with a quantitative approach and data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires to the sample consisting of 85 students and indirect interviews. The research results indicated that online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic could be an effective way to be implemented, although, in practice, there were still some technical and non-technical obstacles.Abstrak:Partisipasi dalam pembelajaran digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang efektif guna mencapai keberhasilan belajar. Begitupun dengan pembelajaran online, partisipasi memiliki posisi penting yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa. Bentuk partisipasi belajar dapat diwujudkan dalam aktivitas visual, oral, menyimak, menulis dan mental.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan online di masa pandemi Covid-19.  Populasi penelitiannya adalah seluruh mahasiswa yang ada di Priangan Timur, dengan sampel yang digunakan yaitu 85 mahasiswa yang berdomisili di Priangan Timur. Adapun metode penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada sample yang terdiri dari 85 mahasiswa dan wawancara tidak langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perkuliahan online di masa pademi Covid-19 dapat dikatakan sebagai cara yang efektif untuk dilaksanakan, meskipun dalam pelaksanaannya masih ditemui adanya beberapa kendala baik teknis maupun non teknis.

Yetursance Y. Manafe ◽  
Louis F. Beosday ◽  
Maria M. E. Bere

The dynamics of the application of learning from time to time always changes according to the times and also certain situations. In early 2019, offline learning must adapt to online learning conditions due to the covid-19 pandemic that has hit the whole world. Online learning is carried out using various platforms, one of which is the Learning Management System (LMS). The aim of this study are: to analyze the implementation of online learning and LMS-based independent learning in Electrical Engineering Education students at Nusa Cendana University. The method used is descriptive qualitative using data collected on google form as many as 24 questions. The research subjects were 267 students in the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program. The results obtained by the lecturers are the key in fostering independence and learning success using LMS based on 6 indicators that provide the largest contribution, namely: (1). High authority, discipline, responsibility and commitment by 77.90%, (2). Good communication is 77.53%, (3) Supporting the Graduate Profile and CPL (Graduate Learning Outcomes) of Study Program is 76.03%. (4) Availability of RPS (Semester Learning Plan) of 75.66% (5) The suitability of RPS with study program curriculum is 74.53 (6). The learning method that encourages students to learn actively (independently) is 71.91%. The conclusion of this study, the role of lecturers is the key in growing independence and learning success using LMS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 250-262
Nataliya Stepanchenko ◽  
Neonila Partyko ◽  
Petro Rybalko ◽  
Svitlana Bobrovytska ◽  
Nataliia Serdiuk ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of neuropsychological support of the educational process in elementary school, prevention possible disorders of primary school children’s mental processes and neuropsychological correction of difficulties in their learning. The neuropsychological causes of school failure are generalized (summarized). The methods of correctional and developmental education of elementary school children with specific neuropsychological features are analyzed. Neuropsychological factors of educational failure, particulary left-handed children and psychophysiological principles of special children’s psychological and pedagogical support in an inclusive environment are described. Organizational-didactic, diagnostic and correctional conditions of individual neuropsychological support of elementary school education are analyzed. A correctional and developmental program for neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of young schoolchildren’s educational failure is developed. The neuropsychological approach to the psychological and pedagogical supervision of first-grade pupils, taking into account their learning success, the level of communicative skills development and cognitive mental processes are come near.

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