The Interrelation Between Proboscidea, Sirenia, Hyracoidea, and Mesaxonia: The Morphological Evidence

1993 ◽  
pp. 217-234 ◽  
Martin S. Fischer ◽  
Pascal Tassy
A. Gonzalez Angulo ◽  
R. Berlioz ◽  
R. Aznar

Recent ultrastructural studies on endometrial tissues from women wearing copper, wire intrauterine devices have disclosed morphological evidence of impaired glycogen degradation and secretion resulting in interference with the viability of blastocysts. Reduced microapocrine secretion observed with the scanning electron microscope supports this (1). In addition, organelle modifications have been observed in the epithelial cells of these women. The changes are seen in biopsies taken in the proliferative phase of the cycle and consist of mitochondrial vacuolation and myelin figure formation. These modifications disappear in the secretory phase and therefore have been regarded as reversible (2).The aim of the present studies was to investigate surface epithelial changes as well as organelle modifications in relation to the site of contact with an IUD that releases greater amounts of copper. Endometrial tissue was obtained from the uterine cavity of four young women wearing TCu-380-A intrauterine contraceptive devices for 4-6 weeks.

Sylvie Polak-Charcon ◽  
Mehrdad Hekmati ◽  
Yehuda Ben Shaul

The epithelium of normal human colon mucosa “in vivo” exhibits a gradual pattern of differentiation as undifferentiated stem cells from the base of the crypt of “lieberkuhn” rapidly divide, differentiate and migrate toward the free surface. The major differentiated cell type of the intestine observed are: absorptive cells displaying brush border, goblet cells containing mucous granules, Paneth and endocrine cells containing dense secretory granules. These different cell types are also found in the intestine of the 13-14 week old embryo.We present here morphological evidence showing that HT29, an adenocarcinoma of the human colon cell line, can differentiate into various cell types by changing the growth and culture conditions and mimic morphological changes found during development of the intestine in the human embryo.HT29 cells grown in tissue-culture dishes in DMEM and 10% FCS form at late confluence a multilayer of morphologically undifferentiated cell culture covered with irregular microvilli, and devoid of tight junctions (Figs 1-3).

Reproduction ◽  
2000 ◽  
pp. 315-326 ◽  
MH Stoffel ◽  
AE Friess ◽  
SH Hartmann

In dogs, passive immunity is conferred to fetuses and neonates by the transfer of maternal immunoglobulin G through the placenta during the last trimester of pregnancy and via the mammary gland after parturition, respectively. However, morphological evidence of transplacental transport is still lacking. The aim of the present study was to localize maternal immunoglobulin G in the labyrinthine zone and in the haemophagous zone of the canine placenta by means of immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry. In the labyrinthine zone, immunoglobulin G was detected in all the layers of the materno-fetal barrier including the fetal capillaries. Immunoreactivity was particularly prominent in maternal basement membrane material as well as in the syncytiotrophoblast. However, this evidence of transplacental transport of immunoglobulin G originated from a limited number of unevenly distributed maternal vessels only. In the cytotrophoblast of the haemophagous zone, immunoglobulin G was localized to phagolysosomes at various stages but was never detected within fetal vessels. The results indicate that maternal immunoglobulin G is degraded in cytotrophoblast cells of the hemophagous zone and, therefore, that transplacental transport is restricted to a subpopulation of maternal vessels in the labyrinthine zone.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 930-942
Geraldine A. Allen ◽  
Luc Brouillet ◽  
John C. Semple ◽  
Heidi J. Guest ◽  
Robert Underhill

Abstract—Doellingeria and Eucephalus form the earliest-diverging clade of the North American Astereae lineage. Phylogenetic analyses of both nuclear and plastid sequence data show that the Doellingeria-Eucephalus clade consists of two main subclades that differ from current circumscriptions of the two genera. Doellingeria is the sister group to E. elegans, and the Doellingeria + E. elegans subclade in turn is sister to the subclade containing all remaining species of Eucephalus. In the plastid phylogeny, the two subclades are deeply divergent, a pattern that is consistent with an ancient hybridization event involving ancestral species of the Doellingeria-Eucephalus clade and an ancestral taxon of a related North American or South American group. Divergence of the two Doellingeria-Eucephalus subclades may have occurred in association with northward migration from South American ancestors. We combine these two genera under the older of the two names, Doellingeria, and propose 12 new combinations (10 species and two varieties) for all species of Eucephalus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 503 (3) ◽  
pp. 3629-3642
Colin DeGraf ◽  
Debora Sijacki ◽  
Tiziana Di Matteo ◽  
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann ◽  
Greg Snyder ◽  

ABSTRACT With projects such as Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) expected to detect gravitational waves from supermassive black hole mergers in the near future, it is key that we understand what we expect those detections to be, and maximize what we can learn from them. To address this, we study the mergers of supermassive black holes in the Illustris simulation, the overall rate of mergers, and the correlation between merging black holes and their host galaxies. We find these mergers occur in typical galaxies along the MBH−M* relation, and that between LISA and PTAs we expect to probe the full range of galaxy masses. As galaxy mergers can trigger star formation, we find that galaxies hosting low-mass black hole mergers tend to show a slight increase in star formation rates compared to a mass-matched sample. However, high-mass merger hosts have typical star formation rates, due to a combination of low gas fractions and powerful active galactic nucleus feedback. Although minor black hole mergers do not correlate with disturbed morphologies, major mergers (especially at high-masses) tend to show morphological evidence of recent galaxy mergers which survive for ∼500 Myr. This is on the same scale as the infall/hardening time of merging black holes, suggesting that electromagnetic follow-ups to gravitational wave signals may not be able to observe this correlation. We further find that incorporating a realistic time-scale delay for the black hole mergers could shift the merger distribution towards higher masses, decreasing the rate of LISA detections while increasing the rate of PTA detections.

2021 ◽  
pp. 039139882110255
Sara Anajafi ◽  
Azam Ranjbar ◽  
Monireh Torabi-Rahvar ◽  
Naser Ahmadbeigi

Background: Sufficient blood vessel formation in bioengineered tissues is essential in order to keep the viability of the organs. Impaired development of blood vasculatures results in failure of the implanted tissue. The cellular source which is seeded in the scaffold is one of the crucial factors involved in tissue engineering methods. Materials and methods: Considering the notable competence of Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell aggregates for tissue engineering purposes, in this study BM-aggregates and expanded BM-MSCs were applied without any inductive agent or co-cultured cells, in order to investigate their own angiogenesis potency in vivo. BM-aggregates and BM-MSC were seeded in Poly-L Lactic acid (PLLA) scaffold and implanted in the peritoneal cavity of mice. Result: Immunohistochemistry results indicated that there was a significant difference ( p < 0.050) in CD31+ cells between PLLA scaffolds contained cultured BM-MSC; PLLA scaffolds contained BM-aggregates and empty PLLA. According to morphological evidence, obvious connections with recipient vasculature and acceptable integration with surroundings were established in MSC and aggregate-seeded scaffolds. Conclusion: Our findings revealed cultured BM-MSC and BM-aggregates, capacity in order to develop numerous connections between PLLA scaffold and recipient’s vasculature which is crucial to the survival of tissues, and considerable tendency to develop constructs containing CD31+ endothelial cells which can contribute in vessel’s tube formation.

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 807
Silvia Ravalli ◽  
Concetta Federico ◽  
Giovanni Lauretta ◽  
Salvatore Saccone ◽  
Elisabetta Pricoco ◽  

Skeletal muscle atrophy, resulting from states of hypokinesis or immobilization, leads to morphological, metabolic, and functional changes within the muscle tissue, a large variety of which are supported by the stromal cells populating the interstitium. Telocytes represent a recently discovered population of stromal cells, which has been increasingly identified in several human organs and appears to participate in sustaining cross-talk, promoting regenerative mechanisms and supporting differentiation of local stem cell niche. The aim of this morphologic study was to investigate the presence of Telocytes in the tibialis anterior muscle of healthy rats undergoing an endurance training protocol for either 4 weeks or 16 weeks compared to sedentary rats. Histomorphometric analysis of muscle fibers diameter revealed muscle atrophy in sedentary rats. Telocytes were identified by double-positive immunofluorescence staining for CD34/CD117 and CD34/vimentin. The results showed that Telocytes were significantly reduced in sedentary rats at 16 weeks, while rats subjected to regular exercise maintained a stable Telocytes population after 16 weeks. Understanding of the relationship between Telocytes and exercise offers new chances in the field of regenerative medicine, suggesting possible triggers for Telocytes in sarcopenia and other musculoskeletal disorders, promoting adapted physical activity and rehabilitation programmes in clinical practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 537-540
Fee O.H. Smulders ◽  
Kelcie L. Chiquillo ◽  
Demian A. Willette ◽  
Paul H. Barber ◽  
Marjolijn J.A. Christianen

AbstractThe dioecious seagrass species Halophila stipulacea reproduces mainly through fast clonal growth, underlying its invasive behavior. Here, we provide morphological evidence to show that the first findings of fruits in the Caribbean were misidentified. Consequently, H. stipulacea reproduction is likely still only asexual in the Caribbean. Therefore, we introduce an identification key of H. stipulacea reproductive structures to encourage careful identification and quantification throughout its invasive range. Until large-scale seed production in invaded habitats is reported, the apparent low rate of sexual reproduction needs to be considered in current studies investigating the invasion capacity of this species.

1992 ◽  
Vol 119 (5) ◽  
pp. 1327-1333 ◽  
C Koseki ◽  
D Herzlinger ◽  
Q al-Awqati

During metanephric development, non-polarized mesenchymal cells are induced to form the epithelial structures of the nephron following interaction with extracellular matrix proteins and factors produced by the inducing tissue, ureteric bud. This induction can occur in a transfilter organ culture system where it can also be produced by heterologous cells such as the embryonic spinal cord. We found that when embryonic mesenchyme was induced in vitro and in vivo, many of the cells surrounding the new epithelium showed morphological evidence of programmed cell death (apoptosis) such as condensed nuclei, fragmented cytoplasm, and cell shrinking. A biochemical correlate of apoptosis is the transcriptional activation of a calcium-sensitive endonuclease. Indeed, DNA isolated from uninduced mesenchyme showed progressive degradation, a process that was prevented by treatment with actinomycin-D or cycloheximide and by buffering intracellular calcium. These results demonstrate that the metanephric mesenchyme is programmed for apoptosis. Incubation of mesenchyme with a heterologous inducer, embryonic spinal cord prevented this DNA degradation. To investigate the mechanism by which inducers prevented apoptosis we tested the effects of protein kinase C modulators on this process. Phorbol esters mimicked the effects of the inducer and staurosporine, an inhibitor of this protein kinase, prevented the effect of the inducer. EGF also prevented DNA degradation but did not lead to differentiation. These results demonstrate that conversion of mesenchyme to epithelial requires at least two steps, rescue of the mesenchyme from apoptosis and induction of differentiation.

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