The Demilitarization of Mount Scopus: A Regime That Was

1968 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 501-525 ◽  
Theodor Meron

Under the armistice régime, now a matter of history, a peculiar legal situation prevailed in Jerusalem, for no less than four distinct régimes of demilitarization could be found in the city: the Mount Scopus régime, the régime of the Government House Area, the régime of no-man's-land, and the régime of the limitation of military forces and equipment on both sides of the demarcation lines. The object of this article is to examine one of these régimes, that which obtained on Mount Scopus.Today, the situation in Jerusalem is, of course, drastically changed, both with respect to the régime of the City as a whole, and with respect to Mount Scopus. The Jordanian attack of June 1967 resulted in a unification of this strife-torn city. Mount Scopus, for so long separated from Western Jerusalem, its humanitarian and cultural activities so long paralyzed, is slowly returning to life. The present study, which may be of interest to students of international law and relations, is of historical value only and does not relate to the current situation.The method followed will be that of a pragmatic case study. In view of the special circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Mount Scopus Demilitarized Zone, a comparative, deductive or theoretical approach would be of limited usefulness. A special effort has been made to use primary rather than secondary sources. The writer has had the opportunity to consult the diplomatic archives of the Government of Israel.

2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-300 ◽  
Daniel Edwards

There is a wide variety of universities, university campuses and university courses in Australia available to those interested in pursuing a higher education degree. This paper examines the impact of increasing competition for entrance to university on the educational outcomes for students from the government school sector. Using Melbourne as a case study, the research shows that, over a four-year period of increased competition, entry to some of the more academically accessible university campuses in the city became more difficult and this disproportionately affected the opportunities for university entrance among some groups. Despite the fact that there was no noticeable change in the academic standards achieved by government school completers, the rate at which government school students gained access to these universities declined noticeably during this time. These findings show how changes in supply of university places from year to year can have a profound effect on the opportunities of secondary-school completers—particularly those in more educationally disadvantaged settings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-139

This paper presents a case study involving the deployment of a secure environment on the computer network at the City Hall in Palmeira das Missões - RS, throughout the definition of a physical and logical infrastructure, supported at concepts of management of computer networks and information security. Through the creation of Vlans (Virtual Local Areas Networks) and definition of DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) defined to achieve the level of security and network management required by the IT department, as well as provide greater reliability and integrity of information that travel on the network so that the users can perform their tasks more dynamically in a secure and agile environment. The main contribution of this case study was the implementation of a security and management in the computer network at the City Hasll in Palmeira das Missões – RS.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ana Clara Fabaron

<p>El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar críticamente en torno a la noción de paisaje y sus vinculaciones con modos -diferenciados y desiguales- de imaginar y habitar la ciudad. El análisis se sustenta en un estudio de caso en La Boca, un barrio de la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde confluyen procesos de reconversión urbana y déficit habitacional. Desde un abordaje etnográfico junto al uso de fuentes secundarias, el trabajo explora las principales características y transformaciones socioespaciales del barrio en relación con el resto de la ciudad. El artículo focaliza en prácticas de habitantes y usuarios, en diálogo con distintas aproximaciones al concepto de paisaje, y con estudios que destacan la relación entre una estetización de las ciudades contemporáneas y un modelo exclusivo de ciudad. Desde una perspectiva del habitar -centrada en las prácticas urbanas- el enfoque propuesto procura tomar en cuenta las tensiones e imbricaciones entre los paisajes urbanos cotidianos de sus habitantes y los paisajes culturales orientados a un consumo visual, incorporando en el análisis las relaciones desiguales de poder.</p><p><br /><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><br />This article aims to critically reflect upon the notion of landscape and its links with -differentiated and unequal- ways of imagining and inhabiting the city. The analysis is based on a case study in La Boca, a neighborhood in the southern area of the city of Buenos Aires, where urban reconversion processes coexists with housing insufficiency. Through an ethnographic approach supplemented with secondary sources, the paper explores the main characteristics and socio-spatial transformations of the neighborhood in relation with the rest of the city. The article focuses in dwellers and passersby practices, in dialogue with different approaches to the concept of landscape, and with studies that emphasize the relation between the aestheticisation of the contemporary cities and an exclusive city model. From a dwelling perspective -centered in urban practices- the proposed approach seeks take into account the tensions and interweaving between the daily urban landscapes of La Boca’ s dwellers and the cultural landscapes oriented toward visual consumption, incorporating in the analysis the unequal power relations.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-80 ◽  
Nur Shukri ◽  
Siti Zamri ◽  
Aishath Muneeza ◽  
Hanif Ghulam

Since 2017, the city of Marawi was left in ruins after five months of aerial bombardments and close-quarter fighting between Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and government forces. Many buildings were destroyed; mosques and schools are no exceptions. While rebuilding efforts have begun in the city, the government has limited resources to fund city reconstruction and Waqf properties (e.g. mosques and schools) are not constitutionally considered as part of the government assets. Fortunately, the government seeks to channel funding for city reconstruction, including Islamic finance schemes. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the opportunities and challenges to rebuild Waqf properties through the issuance of Sukuk, Islamic bond. This paper adopts a qualitative research approach where secondary sources such as books, journals, articles and websites related to Waqf are reviewed. The paper also examines the successful examples of Sukuk-Waqf as part of the analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-69
Christian Odefadehan ◽  

Smart city is a major discussion in metropolitan planning and governance as it involves using technology to create livable spaces for the present and the future; it also considers issues of mobility, governance, economy and energy production. The innovation of smart city initiative can be beneficial to urban planning and policies for house provision. The housing challenge is a prominent issue in Lagos, the economic capital of Nigeria with more than 20 million inhabitants. Despite the attempts by the Lagos state government to create low-cost housing for citizens living and working in the city, there are still enormously high housing deficits because of the city’s overpopulation and limited resources. The city still lacks adequate infrastructures for mobility, networking and affordable housing as some people come from other states to work in the state; this has increased the urban carbon emissions. Yet, emerging discourses on housing infrastructure have rarely engaged the smart city question in urban governance of Lagos. Although there is a plethora of literature interrogating urbanization processes and housing, there are feeble attempts at explaining the notion of the smart city as the panacea for infrastructural inadequacies and urban development. This research examines the concept of smart city and its implication for urban governance structures and affordable housing in Lagos, drawing information and data from interviews and relevant secondary sources. The relevance of this study is to the government, private sector and architectural community is formulating policies through the application of the smart city concept in a megacity in a developing country like Lagos.

Societies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Emanuele Giorgi ◽  
Angelo Bugatti ◽  
Andrea Bosio

As described by the strong academic literature, (Vattimo, Bauman, Mumford, Simon, Haraway, Meschiari, Florida) the contemporary society is going through new challenges, such as the friction between youth, technology, and productivity. These challenges affect the way people live and experience the cities, but also the way cities need to evolve. An anthological analysis and a study of secondary sources is used to analyze the new spatial and social experiences, while the analysis of Milan (Italy) as a case study of a creative city is used to understand the rapid shift towards the virtualization of cities, in which consumption is progressively induced by a projected image of the city rather than its actual physical fabric. This manuscript opens a research front, with the goal to understand how architecture and urban design should leave the traditional typologies to propose a new way of creating and living architecture, caught in the middle between the real and the virtual.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Ma’rufa Khotiawan ◽  
Muhammad Luthfiansyah

<p>The<strong> </strong>results of the survey of literacy and Financial Inclusion Shari'ah in Indonesia 2016 each show numbers 8.11 %  and 11.06 %. Whereas the inhabitants of the religion of Islam in Indonesia more than 85%. With this then needs to be formulated strategies that can increase the level of literacy and financial inclusion shari'ah in Indonesia. The importance of literacy improvement and Financial Inclusion Shari'ah to improve the behavior of the community in financial management and to improve the welfare of them. So that priorities are intended to know how the strategy applied to increasing literacy and Financial Inclusion Shari'ah. This research uses qualitative research method with the approach of the case study. The results of this research are some government policy that is contained in the form of National Strategy for Financial Literacy Indonesia (SNLKI) to improve financial literacy Shari'ah and inclusive Financial National Strategy (SNKI) to improve financial inclusion. But the next research needs to examined and monitored about various programs to increase shari'a literacy and financial inclusion is doing by the government.</p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Sharia Financial Literacy, Sharia Financial Inclusion, the strategy.

Dr. Jagadish. Hudagi ◽  
Dr. Ravi. B

An attempt has been made in this paper regarding impact on life of unorganized group of laborers and migrants in the city of Bangalore, especially during the present situation of disaster COVID19 epidemic. Even after being necessary element of the informal part of the economy. These workers are often invisible from the point of view of societal, cultural and political main stream of this global city. The migrant laborers in the city are marginalized from the conventional urban prospect. In this regard analysis of this section was felt essential. A few essential aspects must be taken to tackle for survival during the epidemic COVID19 deadly disease by the government. From the point of view these workers who are unskilled, semi skilled specially their job depend on contractual or which is in the form of unorganized laborers primarily they are working in automotive, manufacturing, construction industries, and also in hotels, street vendors, auto rickshaw drivers, gardeners and household helpers. The data gathered from personal experiences i.e. primary and from news reports, magazines and other secondary sources to analyze conditions of unorganized labors community in Bangalore city.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Chia-ju, Lin

<p><em>In recent years, with the rapid development of the media, an increasing number of corporations and even government agencies are using the new format known as the micro film as a means of advertising</em><em> and</em><em> marketing. In this study, we </em><em>took</em><em> the micro films produced by the Taipei City Government </em><em>as objects of analysis to</em><em> investigate the image of the city as constructed in and produced by these films. Furthermore, </em><em>in this study, </em><em>the symbol of image in </em><em>three such micro films </em><em>was </em><em>studied: Love@Taipei, My Micro Tour of Taipei, and Happily Ever After. It was found that in these films, the characteristics of the city of Taipei have </em><em>been </em><em>presented accurately and successfully </em><em>by means of</em><em> the [appropriate selection of] celebrity performers, the romance narratives used, and the lively presentation of these films. Therefore, these films have foregrounded </em><em>an</em><em> image of Taipei that is free, friendly, diverse, and progressive; furthermore, they have successfully conveyed the idea that “Taipei is a city that is positive and capable of outstanding achievements”</em><em>.</em><em> These films, designed to attract audiences, have been made with great skill and portray little elements of the government-run campaigns they are actually part of, thus making them even more entertaining for viewers.</em><em></em></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 210-221 ◽  
Ramesh Gautam ◽  
Ram Bahadur Karki

Socio-culturally and economically every rural community of Nepal are associated with forest for their livelihood and identity but simultaneously governmental policy for the protection of forest is not in the favor of people, which has been creating conflict between people and other stakeholder including governmental organization. This research tries to know the causes and consequences of conflict between Bankariya and other stakeholders. This research was carried out between the period May to December 2013. According to nature of the problem descriptive research design has been applied. Handikhola VDC of Makwanpur district has been selected as an universe purposively. Both primary and secondary sources of data were applied in this study. Case study, key informant interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods were applied for primary data collection. The findings shows that the living condition of Bankariya has changed after the government has provided them 6 hectors land for 40 years at Mushedhap. Still date forest based products are extremely beneficial for the enhancement of their livelihoods. The major problems faced by Bankariya community regarding to use of forest based resources are; not having their own permanent land for settlement and agriculture purpose, provision of present rules and regulation, and attitude of other elite persons/groups for dominating them. Forest resource based conflicts of Bankariya is mainly related with local people and other forest user group committee members as compared to Parsa Wild Life Reserve and District Forest Office of Makawanpur. DOI: International Journal of Environment Vol.3(3) 2014: 210-221

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