Commentary on “China's Courts: Restricted Reform”

2007 ◽  
Vol 191 ◽  
pp. 639-643
Shen Kui

Benjamin Liebman has written a good article on a difficult subject. I have only a few comments, divided into three parts. In the first two parts, I consider Liebman's approach to such a historically complicated matter. I think it is appropriate to deal with it by focusing on the central question of whether the role of the courts in China's political system has changed as a result of reform; after an initial discussion, I show that Liebman has actually engaged in a political system analysis to reply to that central question. The third part presents my initial ideas about three different possible tests for evaluating judicial reform. Using these tests, I will look at the question of the sense in which reform could be regarded as “restricted,” as Liebman has suggested.

1974 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-568 ◽  
John P. Entelis

Tunisia A has long been regarded as a model of political development and stability in the Third World. There is no doubt that the charismatic Habib Bourguiba, the aging (71) yet indefatigable leader of an effective nation-wide party apparatus, has helped ensure Tunisia's development from the period of the pre-independence struggle until today. It is not unnatural, therefore, given the critical role of Bourguiba in the operation of the political system, to question the degree of institutionalisation, stability, modernity, and democracy that Tunisia could retain after the passing of its dynamic leader.

1981 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 427-439 ◽  
Nabeel A. Khoury

Studies of legislatures in developing countries have to contend with a great deal of cynicism owing, in part, to a political controversy concerning the role of the legislative institution in the Third World. The executive branch, which is generally dominant in developing nations, often uses the legislature to legitimize executive actions. Legislators who agree to serve the executive in this fashion often exaggerate or misrepresent the importance of the legislature in their political system. Conversely, opposition groups, who are frequently excluded from the political process in Third World countries, denigrate the role of legislatures and often exaggerate their ineffectiveness. Scholars have mostly ingnored the role of legislatures in the process of development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Oleh Tkach

Formulation of the problem: The features of model of presidencialism in modern terms, possibility of application of presidencialism in democracy are analysed in the article. Analis of concept: politics, decision of political conflicts. The political factors of political strategies of presidencialism are considered, of institute of the president, as subject of conceptual power and democratic political system, as its object is investigated. It is shown, that the real model of political system contains oligarchic and antiolygarchic components, each of which can become prevailing. Purpose of the research: The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence of the presidency as a subject of conceptual power in democratic political systems, to identify the structure of conceptual power, its role and place in the political system of society, to identify trends and to analyze the role of the processes of oligarchization in the functioning of democratic political systems, to uncover conceptual functions of the institution of presidency in western democratic political systems. The conceptual management of political system, preservation its of democratic definiteness, is a major task of presidential power. Using theoretical models D. Easton, E. Sedov, theory of needs A. Maslow and theory of social mobility of P. Sorokin has allowed to reveal static and dynamic parameters of political system, which optimization enables to support evolutionary character of political development.There are several alternative concepts of democracy. At the same time, one of them is legally codified and reigns. That is why political power is usually forced to act in an anti-democratic way on an alternative concept. Institutions of state power, thanks to sustainability, mobility and resource intensiveness, can support and even impose those norms and goals that are not entirely in the interests of society as integrity, or vice versa – the interests of individual, usually the most active individuals and social groups are not taken into account and even sacrificed in general. There is a significant imbalance of interests that threatens the existence of a democratic social system. Consequently, the task arises to develop objective indicators, which should be guided by the head of state, in order to assess the favorable or unfavorable tendencies in the political system.The purpose of the article and the task. Research methods: The following research methods were used to address the issues set in the article: general scientific methods – descriptive, hermeneutic-political, systemic, structural-functional, comparative, institutional-comparative; general logical methods – empirical, statistical, prognostic modeling and analysis; special methods of political science. The preference was given to the method of political-system analysis, by which the common and distinctive characteristics of the basic components of soft power strategies were identified, reflecting existing political, public, information and other challenges and global development. For empirical research, the factual basis was used, which was compiled by an expert survey of Ukrainian specialists-political scientists. Practical and systematic methods were used to analyze the system of relations from four perspectives: influence presidents power. Functional and general historiographical methods were also used. Methods of analysis and synthesis allowed exploring the features. In order to implement these methods, such methodological techniques as analogy, comparison, generalization and extrapolation were used. The method for analyzing the situation (studying documents, comparing, etc.) was used to study international and political processes in the USA, exploratory methods (in particular, content analysis) for the analysis of high-level documents and speeches, which in turn helped identify and outline the trends in foreign policy of the countries of the region. Conclusions. The experience of western (Western, liberal-democratic) political systems suggests that the function of supporting the democratic model of the political system is the responsibility of the president. In this case, the president plays the role of either the head of the executive (political manager of the higher rank), or the formal head of state, or these functions combine. In the context of the political crisis, the president takes steps to preserve the democratic system of society. The complex of these activities includes the function of supporting the democratic nature of the political system.

John J. Rodger

Perhaps the most enduring issue surrounding third sector engagement with government directed social policy initiatives is the preservation of organisational autonomy: how can voluntary organisations avoid becoming state outposts, providing cheap services for the state without abandoning the principle of caritas (the Latin term which encompasses the notions of altruism, caring and social solidarity) which influenced their foundation and shapes their practice? These three pieces, in their different ways, relate to this central question.

منتصر حسين جواد ◽  
همام عبد الكاظم ربيح

The university environment plays an important role in the consolidation of democratic values and human behavior, and it is entrusted with the task of shaping youth with thought, action and conscience. The research aims at the role of the university environment in promoting and developing democratic values, so we find an important link between the university and community service through its role and impact in promoting democratic values within society and on this The research hypothesis is that the university is one of the institutions of the political system that can be used to promote democratic values to serve society. The research will discuss through several axes, the first axis: what is the university environment, while the second axis is the university's role in serving the society the third axis: the role of the university professor in promoting democratic values, while the fourth axis is the university environment and democratic values as well as the introduction and conclusion.

1996 ◽  
Vol 28 (9) ◽  
pp. 1683-1697 ◽  
O Crevoisier

Empirical evidence tends to show that regional development occurs only in certain places. Therefore, one can ask the central question of the role of physical proximity in economic development processes. Economists try to answer this question through the concept of externalities, but this does not explain why certain externalities are linked with physical proximity. In this paper the author tries first to show why mainstream economists are not able to catch the problem of proximity and territory in their model. It is argued that they make a systematic confusion between physical space and abstract mathematical spaces. In the second part of the paper a tentative definition of a terrority is given and a first mathematical formulation of this concept is proposed. Starting from this definition, the author shows in the third part of this paper how a consideration of territory and proximity should change our understanding of economic development processes in general.

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 313-282
ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Mūsā

This article sheds light on the role of grammar in understanding legislative texts, with reference to the wuḍūʾ verse (Q. 5:6). The first section deals with the issue of washing the elbows along with the feet as part of ritual ablution, and lists the various interpretations of the preposition ilā in the aya, and discusses the grammatical theory used by different fuqahāʾ to support their arguments. The second section tackles how much of the head should be rubbed in ritual ablution, with regard to the use of the preposition bi- in the phrase bi-ruʾūsikum, while the third focuses on the two readings of the phrase arjulakum/arjulikum (‘your feet’) and on passing legislative judgement on whether the feet be washed or just rubbed. The study concludes that lugha and fiqh theory are of mutual importance and together help to clarify legislative judgements, and, on this basis, that jurists should not pass any legislative judgement without referring to language.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Yenita Uswar ◽  
Amrin Saragih ◽  
Tina Mariany Arifin

The objectives of this qualitative research were (1) to identify the factors that affect the Minangkabau language (ML) maintenance in Medan, (2) to discover the parents’ efforts in maintaining ML in Medan and (3) to find out the reason why the speakers have to maintain ML. The souree of data is the nembers of the Association of Sei Jaring Community (Ikatan Warga Sei Jaring: IWS) in Medan. The sample was 10 families including 10 parents and their children. The instruments of this study are a questionnaire and an interview. The questionnaire was used to answer the factors affected the maintenance of ML and how factors affected the maintenance of ML. The interview was used to discover the influence why Minangkabau’s people have to maintain ML. There are four factors in ML maintenance, the parents’ role, the role of family, the intramarriage and homeland visits. After distributing questionnaire and did some interviews it is found that IWS especially for the third generation (children) has the danger level in ML when they communicate to each other. Meanwhile, the data analysis also shows that both fathers and mothers communicate to each other with ML. This condition occurred because of the influence of the environment. Parents have to keep communication and teaching Minangkabau language continuously to their children. so, the young generation can keep the existence of ML for their future. Keywords: Minangkabau Language Maintenance, parents’ efforts, the young generation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64 ◽  
Pranam Dhar

Zakat is an important form of religiously mandated charity under Islam. It is the third pillar of Islam. The giving of Zakat is important for Muslims, as this leads to purification of their wealth from all sins. This paper examines the role of Zakat as an instrument of social justice and poverty eradication in society. Each Muslim calculates his or her own Zakat individually. Generally, this involves the payment each year of two and a half percent of one's capital, after the needs of the family have been met. One can donate additional amount as an act of voluntary charity but Zakat is fundamental to every Muslim. Zakat is the Islamic contribution to social justice: those who have to give charity share the benefit of their prosperity to those who have fallen short. This is the Islamic approach to remove greed and envy and to purify one's soul based on good intentions. This is the institution of Zakat in Islam. The institution of Zakat serves to eradicate poverty in the community and uphold the light of Islam. Allah says “whatever is paid as Zakat for the sake of Allah shall be rewarded in manifolds”.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-113
Nathalia Gleyce dos Santos Salazar

Resumo:  Apresenta-se uma discussão sobre o conhecimento e a tese dos três mundos no qual a interação entre estes nos aproxima da verdade do problema corpo-mente, tendo em vista, uma nova proposta de solução. O terceiro mundo é uma peça importante neste trabalho; sendo assim, analisaremos o que Popper designa como Mundo 3, em que ele consiste e o papel da linguagem como diferencial do ser humano. Apresentamos as críticas popperianas às correntes monistas e dualistas, ousando fazer uma crítica a Teoria do Conhecimento tradicional. Desta forma, a proposta apresentada por este filósofo da ciência diferencia-se de tudo que estava sendo feito até então, por isso, o interesse de apresentar essa abordagem pouco trabalhada de Popper. Palavras-chave: Conhecimento. Corpo-Mente. Mundo 3.Abstract: In this work, we present a discussion about knowledge and the theory of the three worlds in which the interaction between them approaches to the truth of the mind-body problem, in view of a proposed solution. The third world is an important piece in this work. Therefore, we will analyze what Popper describes as World 3, what it is and the role of language as a differential of human beings. We present Popper’s criticisms to the monistic and dualistic currents, daring to criticize the theory of traditional knowledge. Thus, the proposal of science presented by this philosopher differs from everything that was being done until then. This explains the interest in presenting this unusual approach to Popper.Keywords: Knowledge. Body-Mind.  World 3. REFERÊNCIASLEAL-TOLEDO, Gustavo . Popper e seu Cérebro. Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Série Filosofia, v. XXIII, p. 59-68, 2007.POPPER, Karl Raimund. A Lógica da Pesquisa Científica. Tradução de Leonidas Hegenberg e Octanny Silveira de Mota.  São Paulo: editora Cultrix. 2007.POPPER, Karl Raimund. Conhecimento Objetivo: uma abordagem evolucionária. Tradução de Milton Amado.  Belo Horizonte, Ed. Itatiaia Ilimitada. São Paulo, Ed. Da Universidade São Paulo, 1975._______.  O Conhecimento e o Problema Corpo –Mente. Tradução Joaquim Alberto Ferreira Gomes. Lisboa, Ed. 70. 1996.   _______. Conjecturas e Refutações: o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico. Trad. Benedita Bettencourt. Ed. Livraria Almedina, 2006._______.  O Eu e Seu Cérebro. Karl Popper, Jonh C. Eccles;Tradução Silvio Meneses Garcia, Helena Cristina F. Arantes e Aurélio Osmar C. de Oliveira. – Campinas, SP: Papirus; Brasília, DF: Editora Universidade de Brasília. 1991.   _______. O Racionalismo Crítico na Política. Tradução de Maria da Conceição Côrte – Real. Brasília, Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2ª edição, 1994, 74p.SEARLE, John R. La construcción de la realidad social. Trad. Antoni Domènech. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérico, 1995.  

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