Male-mediated developmental defects and childhood disease

2000 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-126 ◽  
DE Sawyer ◽  
RJ Aitken

Reproductive and developmental toxicology has existed, in some form, at least since the Middle Ages when women commonly used naturally derived abortifacients for birth control. Percival Pott was the first to observe that environmental exposures could detrimentally affect the male reproductive system. He noticed that chimney sweeps exposed to soot developed testicular cancer and infertility at unusually young ages. The formal investigation of male-mediated effects on offspring (germline mutagenesis) began with the pioneering studies of Muller, Hertwig, Snell, Brenneke, and others, who established X-rays as the first identified agent capable of inducing hereditary changes in mice. They showed that litters sired by irradiated males contained fewer pups than controls. Because sperm motility and density were not affected, but chromosome abnormalities were found in fertilized eggs, they concluded that irradiated sperm were the source of the abnormal chromosomes. Since that discovery, the mutagenic effects of radiation on the male germline have been studied extensively (see below). Later, Auerbach & Robson and Bock & Jackson were the first to demonstrate that exposing mice to chemicals decreases their fertility and induces chromosomal abnormalities and other mutations in the male germline. The subsequent five decades of work on chemical mutagens has resulted in a detailed biochemical and genetic characterization of chemical mutagenesis in the male germline and male-mediated developmental problems in laboratory animals (see below).

2010 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 725-735 ◽  
Bernard D Goldstein

Epidemiological findings suggesting that formaldehyde exposure is associated with a higher risk of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and other hematological cancers have led to consideration of the potential mechanism of action by which inhalation of this rapidly reactive agent can cause bone marrow cancer. Two major mechanism-based arguments against formaldehyde as a leukemogen have been the difficulty in envisioning how inhaled formaldehyde might penetrate to the bone marrow; and the lack of similarity of non-cancer effects to other known human myeloleukemogens, particularly the absence of pancytopenia in humans or laboratory animals exposed to high levels. However, both of these arguments have been addressed by the recent finding of a pancytopenic effect and chromosomal abnormalities in heavily exposed Chinese workers which, if replicated, are indicative of a genotoxic effect of formaldehyde on hematopoietic stem cells that is in keeping with other known human leukemogens. Review of the body of evidence suggests an apparent discrepancy between studies in laboratory animals, which generally fail to show evidence of penetration of formaldehyde into the blood or evidence of blood or bone marrow genotoxicity, and studies of exposed humans in which there tends to be evidence of genotoxicity in circulating blood cells. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is species difference. Another possible explanation is that myeloid precursors within the nasal mucosa may be the site for leukemogenesis. However, chloromas, which are local collections of myeloid tumor cells, are rarely if ever found in the nose. Other proposed mechanisms for formaldehyde leukemogenesis are reviewed, and dose issues at the interface between the epidemiological and hematotoxicological findings are explored.

2017 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
pp. 418-426 ◽  
Lauryn R. Werner ◽  
Jasdeep S. Kler ◽  
Monica M. Gressett ◽  
Maureen Riegert ◽  
Lindsey K. Werner ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
M.M. Ninkovic

Harmful effects of radiation and call for protection against it were recognized practically immidiatly upon the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity. A chronological review of some key events in development of radiation protection is given in this paper. First, the main activities of the ICRP since its establishment to nowadays are presented. Afterwards, a general description of some, according to the author's opinion, important events in the field of radiation protection in the former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are given as: Vinca accident; Organization of Radiation Protection Laboratory in Vinca Institute; International Vinca Dosimetry Experiment; First Symposium and organization of the Yugoslav Radiation Protection Association; the French - Yugoslav Colloquium on radiation protection; International intercomparison experiment on nuclear accident dosimetry, and the International Summer Schools and Symposium on Radiation Protection organized in Yugoslavia. Some comments on the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents are given as well. Bioindicators of low dose and dose intensity exposure are cited as one of the main problems that have to be resolved in radiation protection in the near future. Finally, as one of the main problems that, according to the author's opinion, physicists have to resolve in this field in the near future would be development of the operational dosimeter for high energy neutrons.

2021 ◽  
pp. 10-23
Udda Lundqvist

Abstract In 1928, the Swedish geneticists Herman Nilsson-Ehle and Åke Gustafsson started to act on their own ideas with the first experiments with induced mutations using diploid barley. They started with X-rays and UV irradiation. Very soon the first chlorophyll mutations were obtained and followed by the first 'vital' mutations Erectoides (ert) (Franckowiak and Lundqvist, 2001). Several other valuable mutations were identified as early maturity, high yielding, lodging resistant and characters with altered plant architecture. The experiments expanded to include other different types of irradiation, followed by chemical mutagenesis starting with mustard gas and concluding with sodium azide. The research brought a wealth of observations of general biological importance, such as the physiological effects of radiation as well as the difference in the mutation spectrum with respect to mutagens. This research was non-commercial, even if some mutants have become of important agronomic value. It peaked in activity during the 1950s to 1980s and, throughout, barley was the main experimental crop. About 12,000 different morphological and physiological mutants with a very broad phenotypic diversity were brought together and are incorporated in the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen), Sweden. Several important mutant groups have been analysed in more detail genetically, with regard to mutagen specificity and gene cloning. These are: (i) early maturity mutants (Praematurum); (ii) six-rowed and intermedium-spike mutants; (iii) mutants affecting surface wax coating (Eceriferum); and (iv) mutants affecting rachis spike density (Erectoides). Some of these groups are presented in more detail in this review. Once work with induction of mutations began, it was evident that mutations should regularly be included in breeding programmes of crop plants. In Sweden, direct X-ray induced macro-mutants have been successfully released as cultivars, some of them having been used in combination breeding. Their importance for breeding is discussed in more detail.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Megumi Hada ◽  
Hiroko Ikeda ◽  
Jordan Rhone ◽  
Andrew Beitman ◽  
Ianik Plante ◽  

Space radiation and microgravity (μG) are two major environmental stressors for humans in space travel. One of the fundamental questions in space biology research is whether the combined effects of μG and exposure to cosmic radiation are interactive. While studies addressing this question have been carried out for half a century in space or using simulated μG on the ground, the reported results are ambiguous. For the assessment and management of human health risks in future Moon and Mars missions, it is necessary to obtain more basic data on the molecular and cellular responses to the combined effects of radiation and µG. Recently we incorporated a μG–irradiation system consisting of a 3D clinostat synchronized to a carbon-ion or X-ray irradiation system. Our new experimental setup allows us to avoid stopping clinostat rotation during irradiation, which was required in all other previous experiments. Using this system, human fibroblasts were exposed to X-rays or carbon ions under the simulated μG condition, and chromosomes were collected with the premature chromosome condensation method in the first mitosis. Chromosome aberrations (CA) were quantified by the 3-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method. Cells exposed to irradiation under the simulated μG condition showed a higher frequency of both simple and complex types of CA compared to cells irradiated under the static condition by either X-rays or carbon ions.

1983 ◽  
Vol 76 (10) ◽  
pp. 848-852 ◽  
A D Morris ◽  
J W Hopewell

The brains of 20-week-old rats were locally irradiated with single doses of X-rays (400–1400 cGy). A similar group of animals received an intraventricular injection of methotrexate (MTX) prior to irradiation with single doses of X-rays (600–1400 cGy). Animals were killed six weeks after irradiation. A group of unirradiated age-matched animals acted as controls. In irradiated animals, the most severe effect on the subependymal plate (SEP) of the brain was denoted by the fall in the mitotic count (MC) and the number of small dark (SD) nucleated cells. SD nucleated cells are believed to represent the proliferative compartment of the subependymal layer. Other cell types in the SEP, believed to arise from the SD nucleated population, were affected to a lesser degree. After combination treatment with MTX, the decline in the MC and the SD nuclear density was more severe. The data for the dose-related decline in SD nuclear density and the MC fitted equally well on log-linear and linear plots. From the log-linear plots of the data it was concluded that MTX was radiation dose modifying (DMF 1.25–1.44). However, on the basis of the linear plots the effect of radiation and MTX was apparently additive. While no firm conclusions could be drawn regarding the mechanism of action of MTX on the radiation response of SEP cells, the possible mechanisms are discussed.

2001 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8651-8656 ◽  
Sung-Keun Lee ◽  
Sung-Lim Yu ◽  
Louise Prakash ◽  
Satya Prakash

ABSTRACT Mutations in the human CSB gene cause Cockayne syndrome (CS). In addition to increased photosensitivity, CS patients suffer from severe developmental abnormalities, including growth retardation and mental retardation. Whereas a deficiency in the preferential repair of UV lesions from the transcribed strand accounts for the increased photosensitivity of CS patients, the reason for developmental defects in these individuals has remained unclear. Here we provide in vivo evidence for a role of RAD26, the counterpart of the CSB gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II, and in addition we show that under conditions requiring rapid synthesis of new mRNAs, growth is considerably reduced in cells lackingRAD26. These findings implicate a role for CSB in transcription elongation, and they strongly suggest that impaired transcription elongation is the underlying cause of the developmental problems in CS patients.

HortScience ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (10) ◽  
pp. 1154-1165
Killian Melsen ◽  
Mark van de Wouw ◽  
Ryan Contreras

The promising possibilities of mutation breeding in ornamental plants have led to a great interest in effective mutagenic treatment protocols for various species. This review discusses mutagenic treatments of a large number of ornamental genera, the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques, and the possibilities of improving the associated protocols. A number of nontargeted mutagenesis methods are available, ranging from chemical treatment with alkylating agents to irradiation with X-rays, gamma rays, and neutron or heavy ion beams at various doses. These are all relatively inexpensive and have been proven to be effective mutagens in a large number of diverse species. Genetic engineering, however, remains mostly impractical for many ornamental breeding operations because of the high cost and lack of knowledge necessary to successfully transform and regenerate ornamental crops. Of the available nontargeted mutagens, irradiation with gamma rays is still the most popular. It provides high consistency compared with chemical mutagens, albeit at a seemingly lower mutagenic efficiency. Changes in the radiation dose rate may increase the efficiency, although chronic irradiation over a longer period causes fewer deleterious mutations than the commonly used acute irradiation protocols. Heavy ion beam irradiation may also provide highly consistent mutation induction at higher efficiencies because of the high particle energy associated with these treatments. There are also opportunities to improve chemical mutagenesis. Although the required knowledge of specific gene functions in many ornamentals is still lacking, combination mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfontate with genetic screening in a process known as TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) may lead to a powerful mutation breeding tool in the future. Mutation breeding is still very useful, and many opportunities are available to improve the existing methods.

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