Concluding Remarks

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S269) ◽  
pp. 183-185
Roger M. Bonnet

Let me first express my warmest acknowledgements to Cesare Barbieri for having taken the initiative of convening this symposium. These two days offered a unique opportunity to celebrate the scientific achievements and the legacy of Galileo Galilei. It allowed not only celebrating the scientist but also the philosopher and the human being. It was a fantastic journey in the past, present and future exploration of our universe and a fantastic retrospection into the Renaissance world which no better city than Padova would be able to offer. During these two days we could listen to a well balanced and well prepared set of excellent papers and presentations. All participants should be congratulated for their very active interactions during the discussions in the aula and also during coffee and lunch breaks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-82
Karim Khan ◽  

Change and development started with the creation of universe and human being. The society got developed and advanced, depended on the experiences of man in the past, environmental situation, relations with all other species around him etc. The culture and civilization also developed with the passage of time. The man could not decide with justice even with his full understanding of the of problems and situation. On the eve of unsuccessful approach of human being towards such problems and their solutions / decisions, Almighty Allah guided the human being through His messengers. The purpose of their (Prophets-pbut) being was to make favourable and justful approach to the problems faced by the man as an individual as well as in society. The culture and civilization is infact the progressive shape of man made cultures having all the past experiences of social life confronted by him in the past. Islamic civilization considers all the elements essential to effectuate the living of humanbeing. The concept of life, the purpose of life, the beliefs & thoughts, the involvement of man, the collective structure of the society etc are the basic elements of Islamic culture & civilization. Cultures & Civilizations are formulated on three major factors, i.e. Geographical, Biological and Ideological factors. Culture and Civilization also require moral groundings on which the rites and rituals are formulated and performed by all the members of the society. The purpose of Islamic civilization is ‘Peace’ and ‘Tranquility’ for the humans in this world and in the Hereafter. Therefore, the characteristics of Islamic culture & civilization are; the oneness of God, brotherhood, justice & goodwell, respect, cleanliness, moral character and freedom. Islamic culture and civilization guarranttee success for the human being in this material world and in the life after death.

Literator ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
R. Goodman

This article deals with two texts written during the process of transition in South Africa, using them to explore the cultural and ethical complexity of that process. Both Njabulo Ndebele’s “The cry of Winnie Mandela” and Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela’s “A human being died that night” deal with controversial public figures, Winnie Mandela and Eugene de Kock respectively, whose role in South African history has made them part of the national iconography. Ndebele and Gobodo-Madikizela employ narrative techniques that expose and exploit faultlines in the popular representations of these figures. The two texts offer radical ways of understanding the communal and individual suffering caused by apartheid, challenging readers to respond to the past in ways that will promote healing rather than perpetuate a spirit of revenge. The part played by official histories is implicitly questioned and the role of individual stories is shown to be crucial. Forgiveness and reconciliation are seen as dependent on an awareness of the complex circumstances and the humanity of those who are labelled as offenders. This requirement applies especially to the case of “A human being died that night”, a text that insists that the overt acknowledgement of the humanity of people like Eugene de Kock is an important way of healing South African society.

1959 ◽  
Vol 63 (588) ◽  
pp. 690-695
E. S. Calvert

The paper I have presented to you here is a brief account of the work we have been doing in the past six years at Farnborough and B.L.E.U. In studying visual judgments during the past few years, we have been driven to one conclusion which is pretty well the same as that which Capt. Prowse put before you, namely, that we are reaching the limit of what the human being can do. Every visual task has a certain failure rate, and I think this rate depends on the value of V|ak, where V is the approach speed, a is the acceleration which the pilot is able and willing to apply during a corrective manoeuvre, and k is an index representing the goodness of the visual stimuli. The tendency is for V|a to increase as aircraft get larger and heavier, but we have hitherto managed to counteract this by improving the visual aids, i.e. by increasing k.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 58
Eko Budi Minarno

<p class="Bodytext5">Among the various crises, worrying enough is the start of the scarcity of some Natural Resources (SDA), especially from unrecoverable groups such as petroleum, metals and minerals. And by often ignoring the needs of other living beings as well as the needs of future generations. If then comes a crisis with respect to this SDA, which is affected negatively human finally. SDA is needed by humans in the past, present and future. The threat to the existence and sustainability of natural resources is just the same as the threat to human existence and survival. The conservation of natural resources, which is essentially the management of natural resources, is an absolute must and is the main responsibility of human being as the Caliph of this earth. There are three main tasks for human beings related to the conservation of natural resources including al Intifa '(nurture and utilize), al I'tibar (think, be grateful, explore the secrets of nature), and al Islah (preserve and deliberate sustainability for the benefit of people, and the creation of harmony of life nature of Allah's creation.</p><p> </p><p>Di antara berbagai krisis, yang cukup mengkhawatirkan adalah mulai terjadinya kelangkaan beberapa Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) terutama dari kelompok yang tidak terpulihkan seperti minyak bumi, logam, dan min­eral. Dan dengan sering mengabaikan kebutuhan makhluk hidup yang lain maupun kebutuhan generasi yang akan datang. Kalau kemudian muncul krisis sehubungan dengan SDA ini, yang terkena darnpak negatif akhirnya manusia juga. SDA sangat dibutuhkan oleh manusia dimasa lalu, sekarang dan yang akan datang. Ancaman terhadap keberadaan dan kelangsungan SDA sama saja artinya dengan ancaman terhadap keberadaan dan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Konservasi SDA yang berintikan pengelolaan SDA, adalah suatu hal yang mutlak harus dilaksanakan dan menjadi tanggung jawab utama manusia sebagai khalifah di bumi ini. Ada tiga tugas utama bagi manusia berkaitan dengan koservasi SDA meliputi al Intifa’ (memelihara dan mendayagunakan), al I’tibar (memikirkan, mensyukuri, menggali rahasia alam), dan al Islah (memelihara dan sengaja kelestarian untuk kemslahatan umat, serta terciptanya harmoni kehidupan alam ciptaan Allah SWT.</p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-156
Predrag Petrovic

Ideological nationalism is phenomenon that greatly reflects the ecclesiastical aspects of existence and that has marked the history of European and global civilization in the last two centuries. A no lesser threat lies in the invasive ideology of globalism, which has been being intensively developed for the past half a century. In this respect it is important to note that advances in genetics can contribute to the liberation of many socio-scientific disciplines, liberation from ideological shackles which were first imposed and then inherited. Thus, modern theological doctrine accepts genetic scientific achievements in aspects that are inherent to its ecclesiastical level of existence. In this respect theological doctrine welcomes the developments in the field of genetic research of haplogroups, which is now of much help in scientific and experimental ways to the ecclesiological understanding of the unity of people, which the Orthodox Church has been witnessing throughout the centuries with its own mode of existence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 11-20
Shaharir M.Z ◽  
Alinor M.B.A.K

Based on our study on two inscriptions, the Talang Tuwo inscription in Palembang, Sumatera dated 683 AD, and an inscription at Phui Qui, Vietnam dated 1088 AD, and three manuscripts, the Nagarakartagama by Prapanca 1365 AD, Hikayat Raja Pasai written by an anonymous in early sixteenth century, and Taj al-Salatdin by Bukhary al-Jawhary 1603, we show that the past Malayonesian leaders and scholars were very much sensitive towards the environmental, food, language, religious-spiritual, and knowledge sustainabilities. The comprehensiveness of their sustainability concept can be seen from their concern not only about this world but also hereafter and not just human being but every creation. For sustainabilities, their great leaders, and scholars had practiced or prescribed principle of moderation; subscribed religious concept of happiness and spiritualism; against greed, extremism-fanaticism, pride, unbalanced in wealth and hedonism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Yulia Zahra

AbstrakSetiap manusia yang terlahir di dunia memiliki hak untuk berpikir dan mengutarakannya. Namun, kebebasan untuk mengutarakan suatu konsep keilmuan tertentu terkadang mengalami banyak kendala. Hal tersebut dikarenakan setiap kelompok masyarakat memiliki aturan dan kepercayaan yang berbeda. Hal tersebut membuat konsep hasil penemuan suatu ilmuan yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah mereka yakini menjadi suatu boomerang baginya. Keyakinan Galileo terhadap teori heliosentris Copernicus membuatnya harus menghabiskan sisa hidupnya sebagai tahanan rumah. Kepercayaan terhadap konsep matahari sebagai pusat tata surya, yang tetap teguh terus dipertahankannya berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan penelitiannya, membuahkan pengakuan oleh gereja setelah kematiannya.Kata kunci: Galileo, heliosentris, pusat tata surya AbstractEvery human being born in the world has the right to think and express it. However, the freedom to express a particular scientific concept sometimes experiences many obstacles. That is because every community group has different rules and beliefs. This makes the concept of the findings of a scientist contrary to what they believe to be a boomerang for him. Galileo's belief in the Copernicus heliocentric theory left him with the rest of his life under house arrest. His belief in the concept of the sun as the center of the solar system, which he continued to maintain on the basis of his observations and research, led to the recognition of the church after his death.Keywords: Galileo, heliocentric, the center of the solar system 

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-97
Irina Anatolyevna Zvegintseva

The article focuses on the first period in the history of Australian cinema. It is well-known that the present is always rooted in the past. This is true of any national cinema, and the Australian one is no exception. This subject is relevant in the light of the fact that, in the first place, the reasons for the contemporary boom in Australian cinema are impossible to understand and analyze unless they are derived from the awareness of the first steps of Australian cinema. It was in the very first years of the existence of Australian cinema that there emerged a special worldview, inherent in the cinematographic messages of this nation, that would later become iconic of Australian cinema: addressing the reality of Australia, love for its wild and beautiful nature and for the people who civilize this severe land. In their works the filmmakers of the Green Continent have almost always unflaggingly introduced two protagonists, an animate one, a manly, daring human being, and an inanimate one, the nature, magnificent, powerful, unexplored... At the same time, there was formed an image of a Hero: a fair, proud man, for whom honor and dignity are closely linked to striving for freedom. A conflict between the Individual and a soulless system is manifested in the early bushranger films and in the contemporary ones alike, now that the films by the Australian filmmakers come out again and again featuring the Individuals attempts at breaking his bondage. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that while the contemporary period of Australian cinema is well-covered in the global film criticism, the past of this national cinema is almost unknown. Considering the interest in the phenomenon of the contemporary cinema of the Green Continent, the author concludes that the global success of the Australian films today is largely linked to the accomplishments of the cinema pioneers, who against tough competition from American and English films, have laid a foundation for the future victories of this special national cinema.

Purnendu Sharma

From the beginning of the world to the present age, man has set a long journey of development. But in this journey, he has come forward alone leaving behind the eternal truth of life, as a result of which the catastrophic problems of the environment have taken birth and the world community has been trying to move forward by grappling with them for the past several decades. In view of its seriousness in 1972, a United Nations Conference was held in Stockholm, in which Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in her statement given for the protection of environment and welfare of mankind, said, "Man cannot be a civilized and true human being unless That he should not view the entire human civilization and the whole world in a friendly manner. In his statement, he highlighted the superiority of Vedic tradition and Indian way of life for environmental protection. सृष्टि के प्रारम्भ से वर्तमान युग तक मनुष्य ने विकास की लम्बी यात्रा तय की है। किन्तु इस यात्रा में वह जीवन के शाश्वत सत्य को पीछे छोड़कर अकेला आगे निकल आया है जिसके परिणाम में पर्यावरण की प्रलयंकारी समस्याओं ने जन्म ले लिया है और विश्व समुदाय विगत कई दशकों से इनसे जूझता हुआ आगे बढ़ने का प्रयास कर रहा है। 1972 में इसकी गम्भीरता को देखते हुए स्टाॅकहोम में संयुक्त राष्ट्र सम्मेलन आयोजित किया गया जिसमें श्रीमती इन्दिरा गांधी ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण एवं मानव जाति के कल्याण हेतु दिये गये अपने वक्तव्य में कहा कि, ’’मनुष्य तब तक सभ्य एवं सच्चा मानव नहीं हो सकता जब तक कि वह सम्पूर्ण मानव सभ्यता एवम् सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि को मित्रभाव से न देखे। अपने वक्तव्य में पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु वैदिक परम्परा एवम् भारतीय जीवन पद्धति की श्रेष्ठता को रेखांकित किया।

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Suwarto Adi

This paper aims at elucidating the meaning of economic works from the Scripture, the Christian Bible’s Wisdom Books. Making use of the hermeneutics approach, more particular of Gadamer’s theoretical framework, this paper is to dialogue the meaning of economic works in the past with the modern’s perspective of works. Eventually, there had been a similarity between both meanings of works biblical-based and modern one i.e. if human being wants to be wealthy and meaningful person, in the theological perspective, should make it harmony between a hard and diligent works with the tenets of faith to God. It is based on such an idea, the church could and enabled to develop a theology or ethics of works particularly in the field of economic.

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