Rising Islamism and the Struggle for Islamic Authority in Post-Reformasi Indonesia

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50 ◽  
Alexander R. Arifianto

AbstractThe successful ‘Defending Islam’ rallies of 2016–2017 provide clear evidence that Islamism is on the rise in contemporary Indonesia. Mainstream Islamic authorities, including groups such as Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, are increasingly losing their authority to newer, more conservative Islamic preachers and groups. What explains this phenomenon – and what does it mean for the moderate perspectives that many predicted would dominate Islam in Indonesia in the post-Reformasi era?This article argues that three main mechanisms can explain the rise of Islamism in Indonesia: 1) the creation of a ‘marketplace of ideas’ in post-Reformasi Indonesia and the way in which this marketplace has contributed to the rise of Islamism and the breakdown of Islamic authority; 2) the ascent of new Islamic authority figures, who propagate their views using new methods, ranging from social media to campus da'wa organisations and community-based activities (majelis taklim); and 3) the growing influence of new Islamic groups and preachers, who are building alliances with established religious elites and politicians. Such alliances strengthen the influence of new Islamic authorities, while further marginalising religious minorities, such as Ahmadi and Shi'a Muslims.

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Reduce the challenges of social networking applications has lifted the research and industrial attention towards the growth of social media development. Web and Mobile based internet applications that allow the creation, access & exchange of user generated content that is available on all the places. Examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Wikipedia, Linkedin, pinterest. In this paper discusses only in detail about the main issues and challenges in social media application, and also discuss about social networking applications.

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 422-438 ◽  
Matthew T. Bowers ◽  
B. Christine Green

Youth sport participation often provides the most salient forum for connecting sport with local communities. In this phenomenological examination of preteen youth sport participants, we consider the experiences and attendant meanings derived from participation in both organized and unstructured youth sport settings within a community. Phenomenology offers a paradigm for understanding youth sport participation, not in terms of the dialectical differences between the settings, but in terms of how the experiences in the different settings inform one another in the creation of meanings for participants. The analysis reveals that playing in unstructured settings actually changes the way participants think about their experiences playing organized sports (and vice versa) with both settings providing meaningful experiences capable of connecting participants to the community. Therefore, taxonomically separating the experiences engendered in the organized and unstructured settings creates a false dichotomy that fails to account for the important meanings to emerge from their synthesis.

polemica ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 087-104
Bruna Madureira

Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar de que maneira o universo feminino se apropria da rede social, principalmente do Instagram, que funciona como um diário de tela para eliminar gordura. Para isso, traçou-se uma analogia entre os conceitos de Donald Winnicott, destacando a função do olhar do outro enquanto constitutivo da representação de si mesmo. Além disso, analisou-se, ainda, conceitos tais como a mãe suficientemente boa e o espaço potencial como metáforas para a experiência em rede proporcionada pela interação com as seguidoras virtuais que curtem, comentam e compartilham as imagens postadas nas redes sociais. Baseadas nas ideias winnicottianas e na observação acerca da comunicação entre as instafitness e suas seguidoras, concluiu-se que o olhar que se dirige para a autoimagem compartilhada é essencial no processo de perda de peso, sobretudo porque esse olhar virtual ganha uma dimensão extremamente positiva. Daí a criação do conceito de seguidoras suficientemente boas.Palavras-chave: Instafitness. Brincar. Espaço Potencial. Seguidoras suficientemente boas.Abstract: This article aims to analyze the way the female universe uses social media, especially Instagram, which functions as virtual screen journal of working towards thinness. For that we trace an analogy between Donald Winnicott’s concepts, highlighting the function of the followers' gaze as a constitutional representation of the self. We will also analyze the concepts "good enough mother" and "potential space" as metaphors for how the network experience comes from interacting with virtual followers who like, comment and share the images posted in social networks. Based on the Winnicottian ideas and observations of communications between the instafitness users and their followers, we come to the conclusion that the gaze upon one’s shared image is essential in the process of weight loss, especially because this virtual gaze becomes extremely positive. Hence the creation of the concept of good enough followers.Keywords: Instafitness. Playing. Potential Space. Good enough followers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Stanislava Varadinova

The attention sustainability and its impact of social status in the class are current issues concerning the field of education are the reasons for delay in assimilating the learning material and early school dropout. Behind both of those problems stand psychological causes such as low attention sustainability, poor communication skills and lack of positive environment. The presented article aims to prove that sustainability of attention directly influences the social status of students in the class, and hence their overall development and the way they feel in the group. Making efforts to increase students’ attention sustainability could lead to an increase in the social status of the student and hence the creation of a favorable and positive environment for the overall development of the individual.


The emergence of mobile connectivity is revolutionizing the way people live, work, interact, and socialize. Mobile social media is the heart of this social revolution. It is becoming a global phenomenon as it enables IP-connectivity for people on the move. Popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace have made mobile apps for their users to have instant access from anywhere at any time. This paper provides a brief introduction into mobile social media, their benefits, and challenges.

Corina-Maricica Seserman ◽  
Daniela Cojocaru

Today’s teenagers have a very close relationship with ICTs and the digital space related to them, as they have impacted the way the youth constructs their sense of self and the tools they use to perform their carefully constructed identity. One key element which influences the way one constructs their views by themselves is within the boundaries set by their biological sex and therefore through the behaviors associated with their asigned gender. Through the symbolic interactionist lense, or more specifically through Goffman's dramaturgical theory on the manner in which one presents him/herself in society, this paper looks at the manner in which teenagers use social media platforms and at the way they consume and create digital content in order to present their gender identity. The way teenagers consume and produce digital content differs and depends on how they interpret their ideals of femininity and masculinity, which are afterwards reproduced in the content they post on their social media pages. Therefore this research is an attempt to understand what are the factors teenagers take in account when consuming and producing content. What gender differences can be observed in regards to new media consumption? What difference can be observed in online activity behaviors between males and females? How do they feel about their gender identity concerning fitting in with their peer group? A mix-methodological approach was engaged in the data collection process. In the first stage of the research highschool students (n=324) from the city of Suceava (Romania) participated in taking an online survey. The initial intent was to meet with the young respondents in person, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic this was deemed impossible. For the second stage of data collection, six of the participants who took the online survey were invited to participate in a focus group designed to grasp a better understanding of the results from the previous stage. The discovered findings uncover engaging gender similarities and differences in social media consumption and the type, subject, matter and style in which they posted their content, but also in regards to the performance of the self between the online and offline space.

Admink Admink ◽  
Жанна Шкляренко

Стаття присвячена дослідженню шляхів вивчення перформансу як культурного явища. Зростаюча увага до цього феномену зумовлена відсутністю лінії розмежування його з життям, створенню особливої реальності, спроможністю викликати потужні емоційні стани та взаємоемпатії. Проблематичність у вивченні його полягає у складності архівування, хиткий своєрідний наратив, що вислизає зі сприйняття непідготовленого глядача, міграція з виставкових зал у соціальну сферу, супроводжувана жанровими новоутвореннями. Даним дослідженням зроблено спробу аналізу шляхів пізнання культурного явища перформансу, визначені особливості побутування, виявлено закономірності проявів та варіативність в сучасній культурі. The article is devoted to the study of ways to research performance study as a cultural phenomenon. The growing interest in the phenomenon of performance art is due to the lack of a dividing line with our life, the creation of a special reality, the ability to cause strong emotional states and mutual empathy. The difficulty of study is also in trouble archiving it, shaky kind of narrative which escapes the perception of the unprepared viewer, the migration of the exhibition halls and in the social media sphere, followed by the creation of new genres. This analyzes the ways of understanding the cultural phenomenon of performance art. The features of being are determined, patterns and a variety of its manifestations in modern culture are revealed.

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