scholarly journals Clinical Cognitive Science: Applying Quantitative Models of Cognitive Processing to Examine Cognitive Aspects of Psychopathology.

Teresa A. Treat ◽  
Richard M. McFall ◽  
Richard J. Viken ◽  
John K. Kruschke ◽  
Robert M. Nosofsky ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-196
Vanja Subotic

Three decades ago, William Ramsey, Steven Stich & Joseph Garon put forward an argument in favor of the following conditional: if connectionist models that implement parallelly distributed processing represent faithfully human cognitive processing, eliminativism about propositional attitudes is true. The corollary of their argument (if it proves to be sound) is that there is no place for folk psychology in contemporary cognitive science. This understanding of connectionism as a hypothesis about cognitive architecture compatible with eliminativism is also endorsed by Paul Churchland, a radical opponent of folk psychology and a prominent supporter of eliminative materialism. I aim to examine whether current connectionist models based on long-short term memory (LSTM) neural networks can back up these arguments in favor of eliminativism. Nonetheless, I will rather put my faith in the eliminativism of the limited domain. This position amount to the following claim: even though that connectionist cognitive science has no need whatsoever for folk psychology qua theory, this does not entail illegitimacy of folk psychology per se in other scientific domains, most notably in humanities, but only if one sees folk psychology as mere heuristics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Pheobe Wenyi Sun ◽  
Andrew Hines

Perceived quality of experience for speech listening is influenced by cognitive processing and can affect a listener's comprehension, engagement and responsiveness. Quality of Experience (QoE) is a paradigm used within the media technology community to assess media quality by linking quantifiable media parameters to perceived quality. The established QoE framework provides a general definition of QoE, categories of possible quality influencing factors, and an identified QoE formation pathway. These assist researchers to implement experiments and to evaluate perceived quality for any applications. The QoE formation pathways in the current framework do not attempt to capture cognitive effort effects and the standard experimental assessments of QoE minimize the influence from cognitive processes. The impact of cognitive processes and how they can be captured within the QoE framework have not been systematically studied by the QoE research community. This article reviews research from the fields of audiology and cognitive science regarding how cognitive processes influence the quality of listening experience. The cognitive listening mechanism theories are compared with the QoE formation mechanism in terms of the quality contributing factors, experience formation pathways, and measures for experience. The review prompts a proposal to integrate mechanisms from audiology and cognitive science into the existing QoE framework in order to properly account for cognitive load in speech listening. The article concludes with a discussion regarding how an extended framework could facilitate measurement of QoE in broader and more realistic application scenarios where cognitive effort is a material consideration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-110
Brett Maiden

Abstract This paper examines the demons Pazuzu and Lamaštu from a cognitive science perspective. As hybrid creatures, the iconography of these demons combines an array of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic properties, and is therefore marked by a high degree of conceptual complexity. In a technical sense, they are what cognitive researchers refer to as radically “counterintuitive” representations. However, highly complex religious concepts are difficult in terms of cognitive processing, memory, and transmission, and, as a result, are prone to being spontaneously simplified in structure. Accordingly, there is reason to expect that the material images of Pazuzu and Lamaštu differed from the corresponding mental images of these demons. Specifically, it is argued here that in ancient cognition and memory, the demons would have been represented in a more cognitively optimal manner. This hypothesis is further supported by a detailed consideration of the full repertoire of iconographic and textual sources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80 ◽  
Donald Roth

Divining meaning in the world around us and integrating that into the stories we tell about who we are and what motivates us is essential to both our cognitive processing and overall well-being. At the same time, our conscious processes are dependent on inputs from our social and physical environment for the raw materials needed to develop abstract thought through metaphor. The overlap between these two concepts is the narrative metaphor, and its power to shape the development of both our self-concept and intuition demands pedagogical attention. This article lays out the roots of a theory of the narrative metaphor, and provides examples of possible integrations in the classroom.

2010 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-85 ◽  
Teresa A. Treat ◽  
Richard J. Viken

Numerous theories propose a role for cognitive processing in disordered eating, but clinical scientists have yet to capitalize fully on the wealth of approaches developed by quantitative cognitive scientists when evaluating such theories. This article describes research that uses well-established and theoretically rich cognitive science approaches to demonstrate that women who struggle with disordered eating, relative to their peers, exhibit differential processing of other women’s emotional and weight information presented in photo stimuli. More generally, this work illustrates the portability of cognitive science approaches to the study of clinically relevant individual differences in complex, socially relevant processing.

Kelsey Jacobson

This project will be an examination of the potentialities of using conceptual blending to describe the cognitive processing that occurs when audience members engage in a theatrical event. Specifically, it will frame the processes using the play White Rabbit Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour, which itself examines the multiplicities of mental spaces required to engage in performance. In this project, I hope to examine conceptual blending and its relation to theatre, especially metatheatre, in which audience members must balance several levels of performance and reality in one theatrical event. There has been research conducted into relating blending theories with semantics, semiotics, and literature, in particular in the realm of metaphor in which a reader must maintain both the original and analogy in the same mental space in order to draw the comparison. The move towards theatre follows logically, as it encourages audiences to view a performance of fiction or imagination while balancing the 'real' quality of the actors, set pieces, or even words and story, as in verbatim and documentary performance, respectively. Considering these ideas, my core questions can be grouped around three main ideas: How does conceptual blending function when watching theatrical performance, specifically White Rabbit Red Rabbit? What specific moments in the script, performance, or audience experience in White Rabbit Red Rabbit prompt conceptual blending, or challenge our usual conceptual blending process? What implications are there for the use of conceptual blending or cognitive science in theatre for shaping audience perception?

Тетяна Гура ◽  
Олександр Гура

Статтю присвячено дослідженню здатності до схематизації здобувачів ступеня доктора філософії (Ph.D.) як механізму їх професійного мислення і мислекомунікації. Проаналізовано основні положення сучасної психологічної науки щодо розуміння сутності схематизації, як інструменту мислення і комунікації, засобу спільного проєктування і розвитку миследіяльності, а здатності до схематизації – як провідної професійної якості науковця, що має формуватися на етапі його професійної підготовки. Методи дослідження: теоретичні (аналіз: теоретичний, термінологічний; узагальнення, систематизація, класифікація); емпіричні (методи діагностики, адаптовані до завдань дослідження – самооцінювання, опитування, тестування); математичної статистики (метод середніх величин, кореляційного аналізу за допомогою IBM SPSS Statistics v.23). За результатами проведеного емпіричного дослідження визначено, що більшість здобувачів ступеня доктора філософії, які взяли участь у діагностиці, мають недостатній рівень знань (на рівні інтуїтивного знання) щодо сутності схем, усвідомлення їх місця серед інших методів візуалізації інформації, а також типів та принципів побудови, що унеможливлює актуалізацію їх здатності до схематизації як усвідомленої, відрефлексованої. Крім того, більшість здобувачів ступеня доктора філософії мають недостатній рівень розвитку уміння схематизації як об’єктів, так і процесів, порушують їх родо-видову організацію, існуючі правила символічної, графічної презентації. Попри це, оцінюють рівень розвитку власних умінь переважно на середньому та високому рівнях і кожен третій з них має низький рівень індивідуальної актуалізованості парціальної рефлексії діяльності, що забезпечує осмислення, оцінку їх миследіяльності й мислекомунікації. Встановлено, що актуальним завданням вітчизняної вищої освіти є цілеспрямований розвиток здатності до схематизації здобувачів ступеня доктора філософії, що забезпечується реалізацією у змісті освітньо-наукових програм таких принципів, як: забезпечення усвідомленості сутності схематизації, вбудованості в існуючий досвід, вербалізації, колективної миследіяльності, актуалізації різнорівневої рефлексії та мисленнєвої діяльності, поступового ускладнення побудованих схем, єдності конструктів, згорнутості інформації, етапності схематизаційного руху. Література Акопова, Э.С., Глазунова, О.И., & Громыко, Ю.В. (2020). Диагностическая методика оценки способностей к проектированию деятельности в групповой работе «Периметр». Психологическая наука и образование, 25(2), 5– doi: 10.17759/pse.2020250201 Бохан, Т.Г., Алексеева, Л.Ф., Шаболовская, М.В., Морева, С.А., & Кузнецова, Т.М. (2014). Ресурсы и дефициты психологической готовности к научно-исследовательской деятельности. Психологическая наука и образование, 6(2), 198–208. Режим доступа: Громыко, Ю.В. (2018). К проблеме создания общенародной школы будущего: синтез предметного и проектного образования. Психологическая наука и образование, 23(1), 93– Гура, Т.Є. (2015). Схематизація: ресурси для розвитку професійного мислення фахівців у системі вищої та післядипломної освіти. Технології розвитку інтелекту, 1(9). Режим доступу: Дубровский, В.Я. (2011). Очерки по общей теории деятельности. Москва : ННФ «Институт развития им. Г.П. Щедровицкого». Тюков, А.А. (2007). Схемы и схематизация. Режим доступу: Шадриков, В.Д., & Кургинян, С.С. (2015). Парциальность рефлексии деятельности. Акмеология, 64(2), 68–83. Щедровицкий, Г.П. (2014). Оргуправленческое мышление: идеология, методология, технология (курс лекций). Москва : Изд-во Студии Артемия Лебедева. Abbot-Smith, K., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Exemplar-learning and schematization in a usage-based account of syntactic acquisition1. The Linguistic Review, 23(3), 275–290. doi: 10.1515/TLR.2006.011  Clark, (2016). Dual Coding Theory and Education. Educational Psychology Review, 3(3), 149–210. doi: 10.1007/BF01320076 Gura,, & Gura, T. (2020). The study of practical psychologists' professional thinking: the authors' integrative and thinking-activity approach. Всеукраїнський науково-практичний журнал «Директор школи, ліцею, гімназії». Спеціальний тематичний випуск «Міжнародні Челпанівські психолого-педагогічні читання» 2(2), 130–142. Gura,, & Meniailo, V. (2019). Building a Project Culture through Research and Innovation Training of Future PhDs in Ukraine. International Journal of Education and Practice, 7(4), 377–390. Gura,, Gura, O., & Chernikova, L. (2020). Research on metacognitive skills of software testers: a problem statement. ICTERI 2020 Proceedings, II. Retrieved from Holmes,J, & Wolff, P. (2010). Simulation from schematics: dorsal stream processing and the perception of implied motion. In R. Catrambone & S. 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Katherine Dunlop

This chapter endorses Lucy Allais’s attribution of a non-conceptualist view to Kant and her methodology of appealing to contemporary cognitive science. In particular, it agrees with Allais that intuition should be understood as the result of cognitive processing (rather than as brutely given). But the chapter argues that Allais’s choice of ‘binding’ as an empirical model (for the generation of intuition) is not apt, proposing instead that the processing that generates intuition should be taken to implement empirically-identified ‘principles of object perception’. It is argued that representation conforming to these principles need not qualify as conceptual by Kant’s standards.

Multilingua ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
Ana Rojo

AbstractTranslation has long played a role in linguistic and literary studies research. More recently, the theoretical and methodological concerns of process research have given translation an additional role in cognitive science. The interest in the cognitive aspects of translation has led scholars to turn to disciplines such as cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics or even neurology in search of innovative approaches and research methods. This paper reviews current issues in translation studies, and a variety of empirical studies that may contribute to enlarging our knowledge of translation. The intention is to show that the combined work of disciplines from cognitive science may be influential, not only in defining the factors that underpin the translation process and the translator’s work, but also in describing the potential impact that translation research has on communication and language processing.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 396-405 ◽  
Myrna Estela Rosas Uribe ◽  
Ernesto O. López Ramírez ◽  
Ignacio Jarero Mena

The current investigation, framed within the emotional cognitive science field, was conducted with three patients with major depression. They participated in a therapeutic process which involved EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Data were obtained in the clinical practice through a longitudinal one subject study design, including: emotional valence identification within affective priming experiments; and depressive emotional representation studies, the data of which was analyzed using multi-dimensional scaling. The first ones had the purpose of observing the therapeutic impact over the emotional cognitive bias mechanism regarding depresogenic words related to traumatic experiences; and the second, to analyze modifications on depressive schemata. The results showed that EMDR had a positive effect both on emotional cognitive processing and on long-term memory conceptual organization. In the discussion section, interesting remarks are made on the incorporation of emotional cognitive science tools to the EMDR clinical practice.

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