"Bloomfield and Skinner: Speech-community, functions of language, and scientific activity": Correction.

Maria de Lourdes R. da F. Passos
2016 ◽  
pp. 081-096
J.V. Rogushina ◽  

Objective methods for competence evaluating of scientists in the subject domain pertinent to the specific scientific product – research project, publication, etc. are proposed. These methods are based on the semantic matching of the description of scientific product and documents that confirm the competence of its authors or experts in the domain of this product. In addition, the use of knowledge acquired from the Web open environment – Wiki-resources, scientometric databases, organization official website, domain ontologies is proposed. Specialized ontology of scientific activity which allows to standardize the terminological base for describing the qualifications of researchers is developed.

R Possa ◽  
P Khotso

The indigenous knowledge of the Basotho makes it simple for this speech community to name their traditional medicinal plants in such a way that they are meaningful; this could also be viewed as an empowerment technique, especially in the economic sphere. Their medicinal plants names seem to be idiomatic and to express certain philosophies of the Basotho society. Creativity is observable in this kind of naming, and many names allude to the kind of remedy that is associated with the medicinal plant. It is therefore the interest of this paper to consider the names of medical plants among the Basotho whose names allude to the remedy they provide. The names of Sesotho medicinal plants and the reasoning of the Basotho in general behind the name and the use of each medicinal plant will be discussed in this article. This paper will further preserve and promote the use of Basotho traditional medicines for the future generation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza

Resumo: O artigo é um ensaio sobre como a atividade científica poderia ser influenciada por uma proposta ética voltada para a superação das desigualdades. A questão subjacente a este estudo tematiza a possível contraposição entre a ética, que parece ser inteiramente vinculada à liberdade humana e seus processos de escolha, e a lógica da pesquisa científica, que ainda, pelo menos em visão popular, parece se basear na posse de informações objetivas e na descoberta de leis de regulação da natureza. Será feita uma breve contextualização das aquisições teóricas sobre o sentido da ciência positiva dos últimos séculos, procurando extrair daí as indicações de uma estreita dependência dessa em relação às escolhas humanas, em virtude de sua metodologia dialética.   Palavras-Chave: Ciência positiva. Filosofia da ciência. Dialética. Ética.      Abstract: The article is an essay on how scientific activity could be influenced by an ethics proposal aimed at overcoming inequalities. The question underlying this study discusses the possible contrast between ethics, which seems to be entirely linked to human freedom and choice processes, and the logic of scientific research, which still, at least in a popular view, seems to be based on possession of objective information and discovery of regulatory laws of nature. Will be presented a brief background of theoretical acquisitions on the meaning of positive science of the last centuries, looking to extract the indications of a close dependence of this in relation to human choices, because your dialectic methodology.  Keywords: Positive Science. Philosophy of Science. Dialectic. Ethics. REFERÊNCIASARISTÓTELES, Tópicos. In: _______. Órganon. 2.ed. São Paulo: EDIPRO, 2010, p. 347-543.BLONDEL, M. L’Action (1893): essai d’une critique de la vie et d’une science de la pratique, Paris: Quadrige, 1993.CARNAP, R. A superação da metafísica por meio da análise lógica da linguagem. In: Cognitio, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 2, jul./dez. 2009, p. 293-309.DESCARTES, R. Discurso do Método. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.DILTHEY, W. Introdução às ciências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2010.FANNING, P. A. Isaac Newton e a transmutação da alquimia: uma visão alternativa da revolução científica. Balneário Camboriú (SC): Livraria Danúbio, 2016.GALILEI, G. Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Galileo Galilei. Antonio Favaro (ed.) Florença: Barbéra, 1928-38, 19 Vols.HESSE, Mary. Revolutions and Reconstruction in Philosophy of Science. Brighton, 1980.HUME, D. Investigações sobre o entendimento humano. In: BERKELEY, G.; HUME, D. Tratado sobre os princípios do conhecimento humano; Três diálogos entre Hilas e Filonous em oposição aos Céticos e Ateus; Investigação sobre o entendimento humano; Ensaios morais, políticos e literários. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.KUHN, T. La strututtura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche. Torino: [s.n], 1978.LEVINAS, E. Totalité et Infini. [sl]: The Hague, 1971.MACINTYRE, A. Dopo la virtù: Saggio di teoria morale. Milano: Feltrino, 1988.NEIMAN, S. O mal no pensamento moderno: uma história alternativa da filosofia. Rio de Janeiro: DIFEL, 2003.NIETZSCHE, F. Assim falou Zaratustra. 2.ed., Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008.ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. O que é Filosofia? Campinas: Vide Editorial, 2016.PAGANI, S.M.; Luciani, A. (org.) Os Documentos do Processo de Galileu Galilei. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1994.PLATÃO. Teeteto. Tradução de Edson Bini, Bauru/SP: EDIPRO, 2007.POPPER. K. A lógica da descoberta científica. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2001.WHITE, M. O grande livro das coisas horríveis: a crônica definitiva da história das 100 piores atrocidades. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2013. 


Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing is the oldest breeding institution in Russia, the scientific activity of which began with the Gribovo Vegetable Breeding Experimental Station established in 1920.

Tat'yana V. Baranova ◽  

The present article is dedicated to the problems of the organization and planning of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes, gives grounds for the purposes and tasks of such competence-forming activity as part of the “Oriental studies” speciality program, the Russian State University for the Humanities. The article analyzes these competences, as well as forms and methods of their formation and development. The author presents demarcation of scientific knowledge and gives its characteristics: using most general qualities of a subject, objective reasoning, argumentativeness, results verifiability and reproducibility, consistency, practicality, capability to change, anticipating the future, making forecasts, methodological reflection. The author tried to analyze the reflexive component of scientific and research work of students in more detail. The article presents possible reflexive positions in the interaction between the teacher and the student and shows the dynamics of this interaction, i.e. gives a hierarchy of positions which the student can occupy in the educational process depending on how independent they are in their activity. The article also highlights the content of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes on the basis of work with foreign texts in the macro-discourse for the “Oriental studies” speciality. The given foundations of the organization and content of scientific and research work of students have been regularly used in English language classes, as well as in optional forms of scientific activity. The students have shown good results and passion for this kind of work, which confirms the correctness of this approach.

Jorge Daher Nader ◽  
Amelia Patricia Panunzio ◽  
Marlene Hernández Navarro

Research is considered a function aimed at obtaining new knowledge and its application for the solution to problems or questions of a scientific nature, The universities framed in the fulfillment of their social function have a complex task given by training a competent professional who assumes research as part of their training and who learns to ask questions that they are able to solve through scientific research.  Scientific research is an indicator of the quality of processes in the university environment, so it must be increased by virtue of the results of the work carried out by research teachers and students the objective of this work is to know the perception of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Guayaquil about the scientific activity. Objective: to know the perception of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Guayaquil about the scientific activity. Methods: theoretical and empirical level were used, a questionnaire with closed questions aimed at knowing the opinions on the research activity in this institution was applied. Result: that of the sample analyzed 309 (39.3%) said they agreed with the training for the writing of scientific articles. 38.6% said they agree with the training on research projects. Conclusion: that teacher’s research should be enhanced to ensure the formation and development of research skills in students.

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