Vinyl-addition polymerizations of cycloallenes: synthetic access to congeners of cyclic-olefin polymers

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (35) ◽  
pp. 5578-5581
Nicholas J. Galan ◽  
Justin M. Burroughs ◽  
Christopher R. Maroon ◽  
Brian K. Long ◽  
Johnathan N. Brantley

Vinyl-addition polymerizations of cyclic allenes were investigated. Copolymers of cyclic and acyclic allenes were prepared, and the impact of cycloallene feed ratio on bulk material properties was explored.

И.В. Бачериков ◽  
Б.М. Локштанов

При проектировании открытых и закрытых хранилищ измельченных сыпучих материалов древесных материалов, таких как щепа и опилки, большое значение имеет угол естественного откоса (статический и динамический) этих материалов. В технической литературе приводятся противоречивые сведения о величине этих углов, что приводит к ошибкам при проектировании складов. В справочных данных не учитываются условия, в которых эксплуатируются емкости для хранения сыпучих материалов, свойства и состояние этих сыпучих материалов. В свою очередь, ошибки при проектировании приводят к проблемам (зависание, сводообразование, «затопление» и т. д.) и авариям при эксплуатации бункеров и силосов на производстве. В статье представлены сведения, посвященные влиянию влажности и температуры на угол естественного откоса сыпучих материалов. На основании лабораторных и натурных экспериментов, проведенных с помощью специально разработанных методик и установок, была скорректирована формула для определения углов естественного откоса (статического и динамического) для измельченных древесных материалов в зависимости от их фракционного и породного состава, влажности (абсолютной и относительной) и температуры. При помощи скорректированной формулы можно определить угол естественного откоса древесных сыпучих материалов со среднегеометрическим размером частицы от 0,5 мм до 15 мм (от древесной пыли до технологической щепы) в различных производственных условиях. Статья может быть полезна проектировщикам при расчете угла наклона граней выпускающей воронки бункеров и силосов предприятий лесной отрасли и целлюлозо-бумажной промышленности. In the design of open and closed storage warehouses chopped wood materials for bulk materials such as wood chips and sawdust, great importance has an angle of repose (static and dynamic) of these materials. In the technical literature are conflicting reports about the magnitude of these angles, which leads to errors in the design of warehouses. In the referencesdoes not take into account the conditions under which operated capacities for storage of bulk materials, and properties and condition of the bulk material. The design errors lead to problems (hanging, arching, «flooding», etc.) and accidents in the operation of hoppers and silos at the mills. The article provides information on the impact of humidity and temperature on the angle of repose of granular materials. On the basis of laboratory and field experiments, conducted with the help of specially developed techniques and facilities has been adjusted formula for determining the angle of repose (static and dynamic) for the shredded wood materials depending on their fractional and species composition, humidity (absolute and relative) and temperature. It is possible, by using the corrected formula, to determine the angle of repose of loose wood materials with average particle size of from 0.5 mm to 15 mm (wood dust to pulpchips) in various operating conditions. The article can be helpful to designers in the calculation of the angle of inclination of the funnel faces produces bunkers and silos forest industries and pulp and paper industry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174425912198938
Michael Gutland ◽  
Scott Bucking ◽  
Mario Santana Quintero

Hygrothermal models are important tools for assessing the risk of moisture-related decay mechanisms which can compromise structural integrity, loss of architectural features and material. There are several sources of uncertainty when modelling masonry, related to material properties, boundary conditions, quality of construction and two-dimensional interactions between mortar and unit. This paper examines the uncertainty at the mortar-unit interface with imperfections such as hairline cracks or imperfect contact conditions. These imperfections will alter the rate of liquid transport into and out of the wall and impede the liquid transport between mortar and masonry unit. This means that the effective liquid transport of the wall system will be different then if only properties of the bulk material were modelled. A detailed methodology for modelling this interface as a fracture is presented including definition of material properties for the fracture. The modelling methodology considers the combined effect of both the interface resistance across the mortar-unit interface and increase liquid transport in parallel to the interface, and is generalisable to various combinations of materials, geometries and fracture apertures. Two-dimensional DELPHIN models of a clay brick/cement-mortar masonry wall were created to simulate this interaction. The models were exposed to different boundary conditions to simulate wetting, drying and natural cyclic weather conditions. The results of these simulations were compared to a baseline model where the fracture model was not included. The presence of fractures increased the rate of absorption in the wetting phase and an increased rate of desorption in the drying phase. Under cyclic conditions, the result was higher peak moisture contents after rain events compared to baseline and lower moisture contents after long periods of drying. This demonstrated that detailed modelling of imperfections at the mortar-unit interface can have a definitive influence on results and conclusions from hygrothermal simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 101468
Periyasamy Kaliyappan ◽  
Andreas Paulus ◽  
Jan D’Haen ◽  
Pieter Samyn ◽  
Yannick Uytdenhouwen ◽  

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 2784
Georgios Maliaris ◽  
Christos Gakias ◽  
Michail Malikoutsakis ◽  
Georgios Savaidis

Shot peening is one of the most favored surface treatment processes mostly applied on large-scale engineering components to enhance their fatigue performance. Due to the stochastic nature and the mutual interactions of process parameters and the partially contradictory effects caused on the component’s surface (increase in residual stress, work-hardening, and increase in roughness), there is demand for capable and user-friendly simulation models to support the responsible engineers in developing optimal shot-peening processes. The present paper contains a user-friendly Finite Element Method-based 2D model covering all major process parameters. Its novelty and scientific breakthrough lie in its capability to consider various size distributions and elastoplastic material properties of the shots. Therewith, the model is capable to provide insight into the influence of every individual process parameter and their interactions. Despite certain restrictions arising from its 2D nature, the model can be accurately applied for qualitative or comparative studies and processes’ assessments to select the most promising one(s) for the further experimental investigations. The model is applied to a high-strength steel grade used for automotive leaf springs considering real shot size distributions. The results reveal that the increase in shot velocity and the impact angle increase the extent of the residual stresses but also the surface roughness. The usage of elastoplastic material properties for the shots has been proved crucial to obtain physically reasonable results regarding the component’s behavior.

2010 ◽  
Vol 218 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74 ◽  
David A. Reed ◽  
Laura B. Porro ◽  
Jose Iriarte-Diaz ◽  
Justin B. Lemberg ◽  
Casey M. Holliday ◽  

Aaron D. Gupta

Abstract A dynamic elastic large displacement response analysis of the bottom floor of a generic vehicle hull model subjected to empirically obtained coupled blast and impact loads has been conducted using three-dimensional (3-D) shell elements in the ADINA nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis code. For the impulse-dominated problem, the impact load is a square wave step function concentrated load while the blast loads from the detonation of an explosive are a series of distributed pressure loads approximated as triangular impulse loads with linear decay and varying arrival and duration times. The 3-D numerical model has been generated using the PATRAN3 modeling code and converted to the ADINA finite element input data deck using the ADINA translator and careful inclusion of appropriate material properties as well as initial and boundary conditions. Monolithic single-layered four-noded quad shell elements were sufficient to model the bottom floor and the left- and right-horizontal and vertical sponsons as well as the lower front glacis. Although several simplifying assumptions and approximations are made during the generation of the basic floor model, material properties, and the forcing functions, the investigation gives valuable insight into the response behavior of a generic hull bottom floor to externally applied coupled blast and impact loads and provides an inexpensive nondestructive method of evaluation of the structural integrity of modern vehicles subjected to spatially varying transient loads.

Akshay Mallikarjuna ◽  
Dan Marghitu ◽  
P.K. Raju

— In this study, an optimized method to simulate the dynamic 3D event of the impact of a rod with a flat surface has been presented. Unlike the 2D FEM based contact models, in this study both the bodies undergoing the impact are considered elastic(deformable) and simulation is the dynamic event of the impact, instead of predefined 2D symmetric contact analysis. Prominent contact models and plasticity models to define material properties in ANSYS are reviewed. Experimentation results of normal and oblique impact of the rod for different rods provided the coefficient of restitution. Experimental results of permanent deformation on the base for different impact velocity is derived out of a prominent impact study. The simulation results are in co-relation with experiment and both indentation and flattening models on the coefficient of restitution (COR) and permanent deformation of the base and rod after the impact. Thus, the presented 3D Explicit Dynamic simulation of impact is validated to analyze the impact behavior of the 2 bodies without any predefined assumptions with respect to boundary conditions or material properties.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1150 ◽  
pp. 22-42
Dinesh Shinde ◽  
Kishore N. Mistry ◽  
Suyog Jhavar ◽  
Sunil Pathak

The peculiar feature of friction materials to absorb the kinetic energy of rotating wheels of an automobile to control the speed makes them remarkable in automobile field. The regulation of speed cannot be achieved with the use of single phase material as a friction material. Consequently, the friction material should be comprised of composite materials which consist of several ingredients. Incidentally, the friction materials were formulated with friction modifier, binders, fillers and reinforcements. Due to its pleasant physical properties, asbestos was being used as a filler. Past few decades, it is found that asbestos causes dangerous cancer to its inhaler, which provides a scope its replacement. Several attempts have been made to find an alternative to the hazardous asbestos. The efforts made by different researchers for the impact of every composition of composite friction material in the field are reviewed and studied for their effect on the properties of friction material. Surface morphological studies of different friction material are compared to interpret the concept of surface wear and its correlation with material properties.

2006 ◽  
Vol 532-533 ◽  
pp. 993-996
Anthony Yee Kai Yam ◽  
Kai Leung Yung ◽  
Chi Wo Lam

Toys that are free from drop failures normally take a long time to develop. It is often time and cost consuming after the production tooling is built to detect drop test failure. This paper introduces a new drop testing analysis method for Toys. The method uses a simple approach with a local analysis that based on the linear and non linear finite element analysis. Modeling and transient drop analysis of a pre-school toy is used as a case study to demonstrate the method. The impact analysis of the product hitting the solid concrete floor after a free fall is presented. The analysis focuses on the deformation of the housing for a product with electronic circuit and mechanical mechanism inside. Experimental data has been obtained for drop simulation of the housing and its correlation with the plastic material properties. The stress and strain of the housing during drop impact tests are noted. The effects of the material properties to the housing deflection under drop/impact shock have been investigated. Numerical results are compared with experimental results to validate the method.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 455
Kevin Q. T. Luong ◽  
Yuanxun (Ethan) Wang

Mechanically driven magnetoelectric antennas are a promising new technology that enable a reduction in antenna size by many orders of magnitude, as compared to conventional antennas. The magnetoelastic coupling in these antennas, a phenomenon playing a direct role in determining performance, has been modeled using approaches that are severely lacking in both accuracy and tractability. In response to this problem, we take a physics-based approach to the analysis of magnetoelastic coupling. We find that certain directions of applied stress will maximize the coupling and we derive general expressions to quantify it. Our results are applied in comprehensive simulations that demonstrate the dynamic nature of the coupling as well as the impact of various operating conditions and material properties. Our work contributes analytical expressions and associated insight that can serve not only as guidelines for the design of mechanically driven magnetoelectric antennas, but also as stepping stones towards the development of more accurate models.

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