scholarly journals Stakeholder Analysis in Utilizing of Environmental Services and Natural Attractions in Tuk Semuncar Utilization Zone of Gunung Merbabu National Park: A literature review

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 09032
Muhammad Arif Setiawan ◽  
Fuad Muhammad

Many stakeholders in the utilizing of environmental services and natural attraction of Tuk Semuncar Utilization Zone needs to get the attention of the Gunung Merbabu National Park Officer. The existence of natural resources has an important role for the life of the community, making the complexity of the relationship between various parties who have interests in natural resource management. The existence of stakeholders and their interests should receive attention and be considered to be accommodated as an effort to prevent the occurrence of losses to the conservation area of Gunung Merbabu National Park. Every stakeholder's interest can have a positive and negative impact on other stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis can help in understanding the conflict on the utilizing of environmental services and natural attraction that is happening, as well as input strategy in involving stakeholders for the achievement of goals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 72 ◽  
Toto Aryanto ◽  
Hartuti Purnaweni ◽  
Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

ABSTRAKAdanya upaya penyelamatan hutan dan peningkatan nilai manfaatnya, pada saat ini mulai dilakukan pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan, salah satunya melalui kegiatan pariwisata alam. Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya sebagai kawasan konservasi telah dimanfaatkan sebagai kegiatan pariwisata alam dan salah satunya adalah pendakian Bukit Raya. Selain memilki dampak positif, kegiatan pendakian juga memiliki dampak negatif jika tidak memperhatikan daya dukung lingkungan jalur pendakian itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung daya dukung jalur pendakian Bukit Raya yang berada di Jalur kalimantan Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menghitung daya dukung fisik (PCC), daya dukung riil (RCC) dan daya dukung efektif (ECC) dengan rumus yang dikembangkan oleh Cifuentes (1992). Hasil perhitungan menunjukan nilai PCC di jalur pendakian Bukit Raya adalah 200 orang per hari, RCC sebannyak 15 orang per hari dan ECC jalur pendakian Bukit Raya belum bisa dihitung sebagai akibat belum adanya desain tapak yang berpengaruh terhadap fasilitas serta penunjukan petugas pengelola secara definitif.Kata kunci: Daya Dukung, Jalur Pendakian, Ekowisata, Taman Nasional, Bukit Raya. ABSTRACTTheir efforts to save the forests and increase the amount of benefit, at this time began use of environmental services, one through nature tourism activities. Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park as a conservation area has been used as a natural tourism activities and one of them is climbing Bukit Raya. In addition to have a positive impact, climbing activities also had a negative impact if it does not pay attention to the environmental carrying capacity climbing lane itself. This study aimed to calculate the carrying capacity Bukit Raya hiking paths that are on the West Kalimantan. The method used in this research is to calculate the physical carrying capacity (PCC), the real carrying capacity (RCC) and the effective carrying capacity (ECC) with the formula developed by Cifuentes (1992). Calculation shows the value of PCC in Bukit Raya hiking trail is 200 people per day, RCC sebannyak 15 people per day and Bukit Raya ECC climbing path can not be calculated due to the lack of tread design that affect the facility and the appointment of management personnel definitively.Keywords:  Capability, Trailhead, Ecotourism, National Park, Bukit RayaCara sitasi: Aryanto ,T., Purnaweni, H., dan Soeprobowati, T. R. (2016). Daya Dukung Jalur Pendakian Bukit Raya di Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya Kalimantan Barat. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2),72-76, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.72-76

Oryx ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Robyn James ◽  
Bridget Gibbs ◽  
Laura Whitford ◽  
Craig Leisher ◽  
Ruth Konia ◽  

Abstract There is evidence from the development and humanitarian sectors that purposeful engagement of women can increase the impact of development. We conducted a literature review to examine whether this is also evident in conservation and natural resource management. The following themes emerged from our review: existing societal and cultural norms affect and generally limit how women can engage in conservation and natural resource management; women interact differently with the environment than men, so if they are excluded, their knowledge and perspectives on particular resources may not be considered in conservation actions; and there is often a lack of resources or dedicated effort by conservation or natural resource management programmes to understand and address the barriers that prevent women's engagement. Although there was evidence of a positive relationship between the engagement of women and environmental outcomes, some studies showed that positive conservation outcomes do not necessarily benefit women, and when women are not considered, conservation activities can perpetuate existing inequities. We conclude that although the importance of integrating gender into conservation is acknowledged in the literature, there is a need to examine how women can be meaningfully engaged in conservation. This must go beyond treating women as a homogenous group, to consider intersectionality including race, ethnicity, age, religion, poverty and disability. In addition, conservation and natural resource management institutions need to address the inclusion of women in their own staff and programmes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Deineha Maryna ◽  
Marinich Volodymyr ◽  

The article examines the place of Natural Resource Law and post-resource branches of law in the legal system, proposes a hierarchy of these branches and outlines the relationship between the subjects of natural resource and post-resource relations. The subject of legal regulation of Natural Resource Law is defined as qualitatively homogeneous natural resource relations, consisting of the use and reproduction of natural resources – a legally defined part of the environment that have signs of natural origin and are in ecological relationship with the environment and with each other, can be used as a source of meeting human needs. All natural resources, as well as the relationship to their use and reproduction, are closely linked. This connection will always be inseparable and reciprocal. It is established that in the system of Natural Resource Law public relations regarding the use and reproduction of certain natural resources are in fact its subsectors and provide a differentiated approach to the environmentally sound use of each of the relevant natural resources. Natural Resource Law is not a conglomeration of land, water, forest and subsoil law, but their qualitative unity based on a single nature, factors of development and the internal structure of social relations. It is concluded that neither the long history of legislation, nor a significant amount of regulations that are sources of post-resource industries, are grounds for denying the inseparable and mutual connection of post-resource branches of law with each other and with Natural Resource Law and the objective need for separation independent branch of Natural Resource Law. Keywords: Natural Resource Law, land law, water law, forest law, subsoil law, faunal law, floristic law, natural resource relations, post-resource relations, legal system, branch of law

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-43
K. Patytska

The paper determines the natural assets of territorial communities and reveals their components in the context of domestic legislation. Scientific approaches to the specified problem in domestic and western scientific thought are developed. The essence of the concept «natural assets» is revealed and their main features – the presence of the identified owner, active manager and user; cost; Legal Status; economic return are defined. The relationship between the categories «natural assets», «natural resources» and «natural resource potential» are established. The main difference between natural resources as the asset of territorial community and other types of assets – the need for dual approach to their management: to generate income, ensure community development and in the interests of all stakeholder groups; in order to preserve the natural environment is revealed. The scientific approach to natural resource management with the participation of local communities, which is based on the principles of subsidiarity, sustainability, fairness, accountability, efficiency, activity, adaptability, environmental responsibility, inclusiveness is analyzed. This approach has the following common features: decentralization of powers to manage natural assets; reconciling the interests of stakeholders and opportunities for efficient of natural resources use; combination of environmental and socio-economic goals in the process of natural asset management; development of institutions for increasing decision-making efficiency in the field of natural asset management at the community level; stakeholders education and notification. Scientific approaches to the systematization of natural assets of territorial communities in terms of stakeholders groups (by ownership of the asset, the possibility of access to the asset and competition in their use) are studied. The expediency of classifying stakeholders as natural assets of territorial communities by their interests is substantiated. The peculiarities of the use/utilization and possession of natural resources in accordance with the legislative acts regulating natural resource relations in Ukraine are revealed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-96
Pratyusna Patnaik

Recent decades have witnessed an increased attention towards emergence of decentralized strategies in natural resource management, as a solution to problems of over exploitation and degradation of natural resources. However, it is important to note that central to the processes of decentralisation in natural resource management is that of the concept of property rights. Successful decentralisation in natural resource management requires effective institutions be in place at local level with clearly defined property rights. In this context, the present paper analyses the process of changing property rights in decentralized natural resources management. It explores different forms of property rights and answers the question as to which type of property rights must be devolved to the user groups, if decentralized natural resource management is to be effective and sustainable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-173
Jeane Neltje Saly ◽  
Journal Manager APHA

There are two aims of this paper: first to analyze the responsibility of the government in the commitment to protect the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in natural resource management activities; secondly, to analyze the implementation of government responsibilities in mining management in relation to the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying their rights in the ecosystem, such as the environment. The method used in the research is empirical normative method, namely research that emphasizes the secondary data that is by studying and reviewing the principles of law and positive law principles derived from the existing literature materials in legislation and the provisions especially in relation to the exclusion of indigenous people's rights in the obligation of the state to create a healthy environment for the management of natural resources as a manifestation of human rights protection, and supplemented by empirical data in the form of interviews with related parties in Balaesang Tanjung Donggala District. The results show that natural resource management activities, linked to indigenous and tribal peoples' rights in environmental protection are regulated in various laws, both nationally and internationally. Implementation of government responsibility in mining management is related to the right of customary law community in enjoying the environment has not been optimally done. From the case of Balaesang Tanjung Donggala, it is envisaged that local governments ignore the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying a healthy environment.

Blasius Suprapta

Abstract: Based on geological studies, the Malang Highlands, East Java, Indonesia is a former ancient lake that dried up and turned into a wide and fertile plateau. Such natural conditions allow the growth and development of Hindhu-Buddhist civilization in 10 - 14  AD, namely the socio-cultural life of a well-ordered community. This includes the structure of natural resource management by the state and society. Around 19 old Javanese Inscription certificates were issued by the king at that time. Some of these inscriptions contain the standard rules of the kingdom in relation to the management of natural resources, but so far there has not been an in-depth study of the rules of natural resource management in this region. In connection with this problem, the need to conduct a study of natural resource management based on Old Javanese Inscription through an environmental approach: Environmental Archeology. The study was conducted by literature study, toponymy analysis, geographical spatial analysis on topographical maps, and interpretation of natural resource management, through an environmental management approach. The results showed that there were rules for felling trees in primary forest areas, state forest management for the benefit of maintaining sacred buildings and there were rules for the sale and purchase of endemic plants, namely spices. Abstrak: Berdasarkan studi geologi, Dataran Tinggi Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia merupakan bekas danau purba yang mengering dan berubah menjadi dataran tinggi yang luas dan subur. Kondisi alam yang demikian memungkinkan tumbuh dan berkembangnya peradaban Hindhu-Budha pada 10 - 14 Masehi, yaitu kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang tertata rapi. Ini termasuk struktur pengelolaan sumber daya alam oleh negara dan masyarakat. Sekitar 19 akte Prasasti Jawa kuno dikeluarkan oleh raja saat itu. Beberapa prasasti tersebut memuat aturan baku kerajaan dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaan sumber daya alam, namun sejauh ini belum ada kajian yang mendalam tentang aturan pengelolaan sumber daya alam di wilayah ini. Sehubungan dengan masalah tersebut, perlu dilakukan kajian pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis Prasasti Jawa Kuno melalui pendekatan lingkungan: Arkeologi Lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur, analisis toponimi, analisis spasial geografis pada peta topografi, dan interpretasi pengelolaan sumber daya alam, melalui pendekatan pengelolaan lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya aturan penebangan pohon di kawasan hutan primer, pengelolaan hutan negara untuk kepentingan pemeliharaan bangunan suci dan terdapat aturan jual beli tanaman endemik yaitu rempah-rempah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
N S Lestari ◽  
G K Sari ◽  
Kusmayanti ◽  
W V Ponekke ◽  
F Saputra ◽  

Abstract As a conservation area, national parks play essential roles in environmental services provision and have the potential to support the REDD+ program. This study aims to estimate appropriate incentives for national parks based on carbon units by integrating the economic value of environmental services and carbon stock provided by the lowland dry forest ecosystem in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park (BNWNP) consisted of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo areas. Carbon stock was estimated by establishing sample plots, including five carbon pools. While the economic valuation of environmental services includes biodiversity using the market approach, ecotourism using the zonal travel cost method, and water service using simulation water regulation services method and market approach. The total ecosystem carbon stock in BNWNP is estimated at 73.67 Mton. Meanwhile, the estimation of the economic value of environmental services is about IDR 70.57 trillion. Based on these results, the appropriate carbon values are IDR 683,308 and IDR 1,304,238 per ton carbon for the lowland dry forest ecosystem in Gorontalo and North Sulawesi areas. This result indicates that given its essential environmental services, the incentive for protecting national parks may exceed the carbon value used in result-based payment scheme in REDD+ initiatives that have been implemented.

Neha Singh ◽  
Neena Sareen

Natural resources are important for human beings to sustain life on earth. However, continuous use of natural resources by the human beings, had affected the earth. There is need to manage our natural resources to improve the sustainability of the natural resources. Women have always come to forward to conserve and protect natural resources because they are the primary users of natural resources traditionally as well as modern. In this paper, A scale has been developed and standardized that can be used to measure the role of farm women towards natural resource management activities. The scale was developed by using the technique of “Scale Product Method” which combines the Thurston’s technique of equal appearing interval scale for selection of the items and Likert’s technique of summated rating for ascertaining the response on the scale. A total of 78 Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities were selected. Based on Scale (median) value and Q value, 72 Natural Resource Management (NRM) was selected to measure the role of farm women towards natural resource management activities. The co-efficient of reliability was calculated by the Rulon’s formula i.e. 0.81 and the content validity was observed thoroughly. The reliability and validity of the scale indicate its consistency and precision of the results. This scale can be used to measure the role of farm women in natural resource management activities.

Elias T. Ayuk ◽  
William M. Fonta ◽  
Euphrasie B. Kouame

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)’s natural resource base constitutes the sub-continent’s greatest asset. These Natural Resources (NRs), both renewable and non-renewable, are the backbone of the continent as they play very critical functions in the livelihood strategies of the people. There are a wide range of questions and issues concerning the proper management of these NRs. One of the issues relates to the economics of resource preservation, which includes questions associated with the quantifiable benefits of resource preservation, the environmental costs and benefits of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) strategies, the economic impact of land use changes, and valuation of ecosystem goods and services. The other issue concerns the ecosystem and economic system interaction. Particular themes of interest are the co-management of natural resources, trans-boundary natural resource management, and the management of resources to reconcile revenue generation, social development, and environmental services of natural resources. This chapter reviews the literature on quantitative approaches that have been undertaken to enhance the understanding of selected Natural Resource Management (NRM) problems on the continent. The review suggests that a wide range of quantitative approaches have been applied in the context of the African resource economics literature, but this review also identifies some specific areas that have received little attention.

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