scholarly journals Introduction of Dryland Soybean Technology in Pandeglang Regency, Banten

2021 ◽  
Vol 232 ◽  
pp. 03015
Pepi Nur Susilawati ◽  
Kardiyono Kardiyono ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan ◽  
Yati Astuti ◽  
Hijriah Mutmainah ◽  

odities in Indonesia is soybeans. Domestic soybean production is still low so that it can fill the gap in the domestic fever that is possible through imports. Farmers are less interested in planting soybeans because it is less profitable. Technological innovation and increasing farmer motivation to plant soybeans need to be done, one of which is through demonstration plots and farmer training. The research was carried out in Mekar Sari Village, Panimbang District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The study was conducted in the demonstration plot including the introduction of new high yielding varieties. Farmer responses were explored through farmer field day using a questionnaire. The aims of a research is to introduce the technology of dryland soybean cultivation and explore the interest of farmers in developing this technology. the majority of farmers were males with there were 65% of farmers had narrow land area that is ≤ 0,4 ha. Dena 1 variety produced the highest productivity of 1,820.1 kg/h compared to other varieties. The motivation to develop dryland soybean technology is based on the desire to develop more advanced and modern (72.5%), gain insight and knowledge (67.5%) and to develop the regional economy (66.25%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 410
Valeriana Darwis ◽  
Chairul Muslim ◽  
Yonas Hangga Saputra

The Special Efforts of Rice, Corn and Soybean Production Enhancement Program has been performed since 2015 and in its implementation several benefits and problems have been identified. The aim of this research was to identify the benefits, problems as well as the adoption and feedback of the application of technological innovation in East Java Province. The survey was conducted in June 2019 with data and information analysis conducted descriptively with the discussion utilized the deepening results through focus group discussion. The deepening results showed the benefits of participating in the program, which were: increased institutional activity, increased knowledge, and increased productivity. On the other hand, the problems were: the recipient was not in accordance with CPCL/prospective farmers and location; seed aid was not enough, it was not as expected and it was too late; Agricultural machine tools aid was still less and the size did not match the cultivated land. The expected feedbacks from technological innovation side were: (i) seed varieties aid adjusted to the location and farmers expectation also the arrival has to be on time and right amount; (ii) agricultural machine tools aid was not only for rice, the type and size of the agricultural machine tools followed the conditions of farmers' land and training for the operators who operate it.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. e0231335
Longwu Liang ◽  
Zhen Bo Wang ◽  
Dong Luo ◽  
Ying Wei ◽  
Jingwen Sun

2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012072
Ari Abdul Rouf ◽  
Muhammad Fitrah Irawan Hannan ◽  
Soimah Munawaroh ◽  
Ammini Amrina Saragih ◽  
Hasyim Dj Moko

Abstract The agricultural sector for Gorontalo Province has a very strategic role. Agriculture is a business that provides the largest contribution to gross regional domestic product (GRDP). It is recorded that the agricultural sector has a GRDP value of about 38.8 percent of the total. One of the leading agricultural commodities for Gorontalo is maize. One of the ways to increase maize production is by using superior seeds. The study was done in Sukadamai Village, North Bulango, Bone Bolango Regency from October 2020 to January 2021. The study involved 6 cooperative farmers with a land area of 3 Ha. The results of the study showed that the JH 37 and JH 29 varieties had the highest productivity levels compared to other varieties. IAARD’s is feasible because it has an RC ratio value above 1 and has a positive profit value.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-245
Delima Napitupulu

Study of six high yielding varieties of rice adaptation performed on wetland rice fields in the North of Sumatera.The activities focus on location in Pintu Padang I village. The objective is to implement mentoring activities rice technology through the test and open-field VUB adaptation to increase rice production. The team have been mentoring technology of SL-PTT-Rice in West Tapanuli Regency, as has been done in 2013. Mentoring of the application of technological innovation with approaches Integrated Crop Management (PTT). The test of adaptation to six varieties (Inpari 3, Inpari 10, Inpari 14, Inpari 15, Inpari 16 dan Mekongga). Through this activity, carried rice varieties test an acre in one location. The technologies presented are: new varieties, cropping patterns legowo 4:1, fertilizing, pest control, etc.. The test of adaptation to six varieties, the highest result was Mekongga (8,2 t/ha), Inpari 14 (8,1 t/ha) and Inpari 15 (8,1 t/ha)., so these varieties is very potential to be developed of the farmer and stakeholders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 01021
Asis ◽  
Fenty Ferayanti ◽  
Idawanni ◽  
Lamhot Edy Pakpahan

Soybean is an important commodity needed by people in Indonesian. Soybean production is currently decreasing every year because off decreasing land area. The available land in Indonesia is mostly used by farmers to cultivate crops that have the potential to meet their economic needs, so that very few farmers use their land for soybean crops. This study aimed to determine the adaptation of shade-tolerant soybean varieties to fertilization technology at various levels of shade coconut plant. The research was conducted at Bandar Baru District, Pidie Jaya Regency, Aceh Province on July to October 2019, with split plot design. The main plot is shade (N), namely N1: 0% shade (without shade); N2: 25% shade and N3: 50% shade, and subplot is the fertilizer package (P) namely P1: recommendation (NPK 150 kg ha-1, organic fertilizer 2 t ha-1); P2: specific location (urea 75 kg ha-1, SP-36 100 kg ha-1, KCl 100 kg ha-1). The results showed that the level of shade had no effect on soybean production, while the fertilization factor showed that the highest production was found in the recommended fertilizer package 1.82 t ha-1, different with the specific location fertilizer package.

Global Edge ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 64-82
Alejandro Portes ◽  
Ariel C. Armony ◽  
Alejandro Portes ◽  
Ariel C. Armony

This chapter traces Miami's economic development. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Miami-Dade County gross regional product in 2012 was $124 billion, having increased from $40.4 billion in 1982 and $50.9 billion in 1992. The motors of the regional economy are wholesale trade, transportation, real estate, finance and insurance, and health care. Together, these sectors accounted for almost half (48.3 percent) of the regional economy by the second decade of this century. By contrast, the accommodation and food services industry, traditionally associated with tourism, represented just 6 percent of the metropolitan economy. An emerging high-tech sector offers promise of transforming the city into a center of technological innovation.

ZHANG Yongsheng

This paper proposes a conceptual framework and a strategic idea for China’s green urbanization from the perspective of ecological civilization. The existing urbanization model — whether the activities carried out in the city or the city’s organization form — is largely a product of the traditional industrial era. China must think outside the traditional industrial box and promote green urbanization based on ecological civilization which is the fundamental solution to address the unsustainable development of cities. Green urbanization is more like “building cities in (natural) parks”, rather than “building parks in existing cities”, that is, creating a prosperous economy without destroying but making full use of the natural ecological environment. This means there will be profound changes to the development concept, the activity carried out in the city, the city’s organizational logic, and the implications of the regional economy. China’s green urbanization based on ecological civilization should focus on three basic tasks and two strategies. The three tasks are to reshape the existing cities, urbanize the newly added population in a green way, and redefine the rural areas. The two key strategies are to realize green urbanization of urban clusters that account for more than 90% of the national GDP, 70% of the total population, and 30% of the land area; and to urbanize county-level areas where about 60% of the national population resides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 235 ◽  
pp. 01067
Baosheng Zhang

Interregional technology convergence is one of the necessary conditions for the coordinated development of regional economy, and constructing cross-regional industry technology innovation strategic alliance (ITISA) is one of the main means to realize interregional technology convergence. This paper investigates whether the establishment of these alliances can improve the technological innovation ability of ITISA and its members and how ITISA and its members are distributed geographically across China. This research finds that the establishment of ITISA is conducive to the increase of the number of patent applications and the improvement of the technological innovation ability of the alliance and its members. However, due to the over-concentration of alliance members in China’s eastern region and the low region coverage ratio of the single alliance, the role of the establishment of ITISA in promoting interregional technology convergence is limited.

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