scholarly journals Granulated asphalt mix based on industrial and domestic waste

2018 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 01028
Alexey Ignatiev ◽  
Denis Gerasimov ◽  
Igor Golikov ◽  
Valeriy Gotovtsev

The paper presents the results of experimental studies to identify the possibility of using large-tonnage industrial mineral waste in the production of asphalt concrete mixtures. As a raw material for the production of asphalt used phosphogypsum - waste production of phosphoric acid, resulting from the processing of apatite. The reserves of this product are measured in millions of tons and are constantly replenished, stored in open dumps, representing a serious threat to the environmental situation in the surrounding areas. Phosphogypsum is a mineral powder material, the dispersion characteristics of which correspond to the mineral powder in the production of asphalt concrete. The method of production of granulated as-falto-concrete mixture developed by the authors of the article by the method of rolling involves the use of a significantly higher content of expensive mineral powder in comparison with typical mixtures. Therefore, the use of cheap phosphogypsum for these purposes is very attractive. However, the first attempts to obtain a granulated product based on phosphogypsum were unsuccessful - the asphalt-concrete mixture did not withstand the effects of moisture. Further studies allowed us to solve the problem of material resistance by modifying bitumen with polyethylene terephthalate, one of the most common household plastic waste. The subject of the article is devoted to the development of prescription and regime parameters of the process of obtaining new material. Test methods for asphalt concrete are strictly standardized in connection with which standard techniques were used. As a result of the research, an asphalt-concrete mixture was obtained, surpassing typical materials in many performance characteristics and allowing to solve a global environmental problem.

В. Денисов ◽  
V. Denisov ◽  
А. Траутваин ◽  
A. Trautvain ◽  
Е. Яковлев ◽  

The research is aimed at analyzing the possibility of secondary use of recycled production waste of heavy concrete. The article proposes the extraction of material using the technology of dry magnetic enrichment of ore. As a result of laboratory experiments, the characteristics of the substandard mate-rial are improved to acceptable values in comparison with the raw material by mechanical treatment. In the course of the work, experimental studies are performed to examine the properties of the initial, substandard and resulting material processing based on test methods of state standards. The preser-vation of relatively high strength and guarantee characteristics of the obtained secondary material is revealed that allows reusing it in the production of heavy concrete without loss of quality, as an addi-tive to the initial mixture

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (24) ◽  
pp. 193-205
Ivan Kopynets ◽  
Volodymyr Kaskiv ◽  
Оleksii Sokolov ◽  

Introduction. Mineral powder is an important structural component of asphalt concrete. Mineral powder is the output material obtained after crushing of rocks or powdery remains of the industry. It is made by grinding the following hard rocks: dolomitized limestone, dolomite, limestone. Non-carbonate raw materials and industrial wastes are also used as raw materials. Problem statement. Road construction with the arrangement of asphalt concrete pavements requires a number of components of these mixtures. Due to this, the need in scarce carbonate mineral powders is growing. Therefore, it is advisable to consider researches directed on studying a number of by-products of industry in order to use them as a mineral powder of asphalt concrete. Purpose. To analyze the existing experience of using industrial waste as a mineral powder in production of asphalt concrete mixture for further introduction and improvement of environmental safety and operational characteristics of pavement due to new road construction materials. Materials and methods. Analysis of information sources and experience in the use of industrial waste as a mineral powder and study of requirements for materials and their composition. Results. An analytical review of the experience of using industrial waste as a mineral powder was performed. Various materials have been studied and analyzed, requirements for materials, their particle size distribution, content in asphalt concrete mixture had been established. Conclusions. Analysis of information sources regarding use of industrial waste as a raw material for the production of mineral powder had determined that they are used in the whole volume in different countries and in most cases in road construction. It had been found that the use of various wastes during road construction is a viable option that needs further study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 02052
Shuxrat Buriyev ◽  
Shoxrux Davranov ◽  
Yokub Kuchkarov ◽  
Iroda Saydakberova

In the article, work has been done to obtain shale mineral powder based on local raw materials and develop technologies to improve the physical and mechanical performance and durability of asphalt concrete, thereby increasing the physico-mechanical performance and durability of asphalt concrete, the density of fine-grained hot dense asphalt mix with shale mineral powder. The water absorption index of the asphalt concrete mixture decreases, the strength increases, and the transport performance of the road improves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 06010
Dmitry Kuznetsov ◽  
Marina Vysotskaya ◽  
Albert Burgonutdinov

The possibility of using polydisperse steel-smelting slag for the production of type B asphalt concrete is investigated, the possibility of its use as a mineral powder, crushing screening and crushed stone is considered. As a result of the study, it was found that a promising area for the use of slag raw materials in the technology for the preparation of asphalt mixes is: as a mineral powder - without additional processing steps; crushing screening - with the development of additional technological operations. The use of raw materials as crushed stone is impractical because of the high average density of the final asphalt mixture. Based on the test results, the characteristics of the fatigue properties of asphalt concrete from fine-grained dense mixtures of type B made on mineral powders from slag and limestone were obtained. It was established that at the initial moment, a large number of cycles to failure are characterized by compositions on slag powder, however, samples from this series tested after 45 days showed a significant rigidity increase and were destroyed earlier than similar samples on limestone. Obviously, this phenomenon is associated with an increase in the brittle properties of the material due to the formation of crystallization-condensation bonds in the structure of asphalt concrete containing slag.

Transport ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-29 ◽  
Henrikas Sivilevičius

The duration of asphalt concrete functioning depends on the quality of the asphalt concrete mixture used to pave the road. Grading of hot fractions sieved through technological sieves of asphalt concrete mixture, their pollution with particles of different size as well as stability influence on the quality of an asphalt concrete mixture. Each j - (j = 1...., m) aggregate mineral material or mixture is made up of two (mineral powder, particle of size less than 0,09 or 0,071 mm, and sand, particle of size from 2 to 0,09 mm or 5-0,071 mm) or three (crushed stone, particle size is larger than 2 or 5 mm) mineral components (i = 1, ..., k) . When required technological operations of asphalt concrete mixture production are carried out, the quantity and stability of any i - component in mineral materials change when they move through an asphalt concrete mixer. The more stable the quantity of mineral components in mineral materials (especially in finally dosed) is, the more uniform the composition of asphalt concrete mixture is produced. The experiments showed that when asphalt concrete mixture is produced applying a traditional technology in an asphalt concrete mixer of model D-597, D-508-2A, D-645-3 andD-590, sieved hot fractions of 0–5 mm and 5–15 are polluted with particles of different size by more than 10 per cent; and this pollution is neither uniform nor stable. Following a well-known theory, an average quadratic deviation σ of arithmetic undersized particles sieved through laboratory sieves ~aggregate mineral materials is the greatest when their mean X makes up 50 per cent; therefore, hot fractions of 0–5 mm and 5–15 mm were produced on the experimental data obtained from production as well as regression equations σ = ƒ( X )of statistical indeces of cold mineral powder. The values of average quadratic deviations σ µij of mineral component quantities in those finally dosed mineral materials are obtained from curves drawn according to the regression equations. They can be used to estimate dispersion σ2 Gi of mineral component i in asphalt concrete mixture which depends on the accuracy and stability of technological factors of an asphalt concrete mixer.

Anna Trautvain

the paper presents an analysis of information quality assurance of production of asphalt concrete mixtures, as well as the study of the relationship of the qualitative composition of asphalt concrete mixtures and physical and mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete pavement. The study of the main characteristics was carried out on the example of asphalt concrete type B and grade I and crushed-mastic asphalt concrete – SchMA-20. It is established that the deviation of asphalt mixtures in composition from the required values leads to their under-compaction in the pavement. It is also established that increasing the number of inconsistencies in the asphalt concrete mixture leads to an increase of physical-mechanical characteristics that differ from the requirements of GOST 9128-2013 and GOST 31015-2002 respectively. As an information base for the assessment of the influence of granulometry of the mineral part of asphalt concrete, as well as the amount of bitumen on the main characteristics of asphalt concrete, the data of the current ACP of Belgorod region were used. Analysis of the particle size distribution was carried out using a laser analyzer of asphalt ABA7/35B. The obtained data became the basis for a further study of the influence of various parameters on the properties of asphalt mixes, as well as improving the efficiency of the asphalt mix production management system.

N. P. Rukavitsyna ◽  
E. I. Sakanyan ◽  
O. V. Evdokimova

The «cut-and-pressed granules» dosage form was developed to improve the technological properties of cut and powdered herbal substances in order to compensate for their insufficient flowability, as well as to facilitate dosing, reduce the contamination of the production equipment with dust and contamination of water extracts with dietary fibers. Based on the results of the information research the authors chose an optimal technology for the production of cut-and-pressed granules from some types of herbal substances (Rose hips, Bearberry leaf, Thyme herb, Melissa herb, Oregano herb, Motherwort grass, Matricaria flower). The authors standardised the new dosage form, developed the list of test parameters, test methods, and regulatory requirements for the quality of medicinal products based on the technological features of the new dosage form. Cut-and-pressed granules should not be produced from herbal substances that contain essential oils and coumarins, as it was demonstrated that the content of these compounds may decrease in the process of wet granulation. To determine whether it is possible to produce cut-and-pressed granules from a particular type of raw material, it is necessary to conduct comparative experimental studies confirming that the quality of aqueous extracts obtained from powdered herbal substances in sachets is comparable to that of tinctures or decoctions obtained from cut-and-pressed granules packed in sachets. The materials of the study were used to draft the general chapter OFS. «Cut-and-pressed granules». This dosage form is not described in any foreign pharmacopoeias.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Denis Gerasimov ◽  
Aleksey Ignatev ◽  
Valery Gotovtsev

The data presented in the article are part of disserta-tion research on the formula development and pro-duction principle of composite material for road con-struction with phosphogypsum and secondary poly-ethyleneterephthalate use. The article provides an assessment of the existing most successful and effec-tive technologies for creating asphalt concrete pave-ments with high technical performance characteris-tics, and the key role in formula is an asphalt binder on the binary system mineral powder/oil road bitu-men basement, their main advantages and disad-vantages are described. A new technological method for the asphalt concrete mixtures production is de-scribed - pelletization by rolling, which was proposed by the authors. The paper presents the study's results to determine the structured asphalt binder technical and operational properties obtained by the method of pelletization by rolling. A brief theoretical substantia-tion of the physicochemical nature of improving a number of developed composition technical and op-erational characteristics of a structured asphalt binder is presented. The dynamics of over time changes in the main structured asphalt binder indicators, from 2005 to 2019, are given. It has been theoretically proven that in a structured asphalt binder obtained by the method of pelletization by rolling, bitumen is in a film state, and the bitumen interlayers thickness be-tween the mineral powder particles is of the order of 100 nm, which makes it possible to classify the prod-uct as a nanomaterial and determines its special properties set. The data of independent and our own experimental studies are also presented, indicating the previously obtained theoretical justification correct-ness for increasing the strength indicators, improving the water saturation indicators, and the water re-sistance coefficient. The absence of negative changes in the main technical and operational properties dy-namics for 14 years confirms the possibility of storing the mixture in a cold form outside a sealed package in an unheated room, which makes it possible to assert the possibility of preparing material for future use and transporting it over unlimited distances.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 749-760
Tarmizi Tarmizi ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Muhammad Isya

Abstract: All this time, the construction of roads in Banda Aceh and surrounding areas uses materials from the river, so the C quarry mining causes the basic changes in the river channel and also the erosion of the bridge pillars on the river route. In addition to the above problems, another problem is the lack of stone ash production from Stone Crusser. From these problems then there should be another alternative to be a material path and also for the filler. Material that can be used for road material is basalt rock which is raw material from mountain, while filler can be used Fly Ash Batunara. The purpose of this research is to know Marshall material Basalt parameter with filler variation of Basalt-Portland Cement (PC) ash and Basalt-Fly Ash coal ash so that known effect of mixing and compacting to Marshall parameter by using Pen.60 / 70 asphalt on asphalt concrete (AC-BC). The result of the research shows that the use of Portland Cement and fly ash ash as a filler can influence Marshall parameter and durability value of Asphalt Concrete (AC-BC) mixture. The use of Portland Cement (PC) in the filler variation of stability increased, while the use of Fly Ash coal in the filler variation stability value decreased. Value of stability with the use of 0% Portland Cement (PC) - 6% ash Basalt Stone, 2% Portland Cement (PC) - 4% ash Basalt Stone, 4% Portland Cement - 2% Basalt Gray Ash and 6% Portland Cement (PC) - 0% of Basalt Stone ash 1542.04 kg, 1648.44 kg, 1708.68 kg and 1754.48 kg, respectively. The durability value also increased with percentage of Portland Cement (PC) which were 80.07%, 81.38%, 83.44% and 85.53%, respectively. While on the use of Ash as Fly Ash as coal filler there is a decrease in stability where on the use of 0% ash Fly Ash coal - 6% Gray Basalt Ash, 2% Ash Ash Fly Ash - 4% Gray Basalt Ash, 4% Ash Ash Fly Coal - 2% Gray Basalt Ash and 6% Ash Ash Fly coal - 0% of Basalt Stone ash obtained stability respectively 1542.33 kg, 1453,82 kg, 1344,49 kg and 1288,87 kg. The value of durability was decreased with increasing percentage of Ash Fly Ash coal content, ie 85.32%, 84.09%, 83.16% and 80.52%, respectively. The use of Portland Cement filler (PC) and Fly Ash Coal fulfills all Marshall parameters except for unattainable durability.Abstrak: Selama ini untuk pembangunan konstruksi jalan di Banda Aceh dan sekitarnya menggunakan material dari sungai, sehingga pertambangan galian C ini menyebabkan perubahan dasar pada alur sungai dan juga terjadinya erosi pada pilar-pilar jembatan yang berada pada jalur sungai tersebut. Selain permasalah di atas, permasalahan lain adalah kurangnya produksi abu batu dari Stone Crusser. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka perlu ada alternatif lain untuk menjadi material jalan dan juga untuk filler. Material yang bisa digunakan untuk material jalan adalah batuan basalt yang merupakan bahan baku dari gunung, sedangkan filler bisa digunakan Fly Ash Batunara. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui parameter Marshall material Basalt dengan variasi filler abu Batu Basalt-Semen Portland (PC) dan abu Batu Basalt- Fly Ash batubara sehingga diketahui pengaruh pencampuran dan pemadatan terhadap parameter Marshall dengan menggunakan aspal Pen.60/70 pada beton aspal (AC–BC). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penggunaan Semen Portland dan abu fly ash batubara sebagai filler dapat mempengaruhi parameter Marshall dan nilai durabilitas campuran beton aspal (AC-BC). Penggunaan Semen Portland (PC) pada variasi filler stabilitasnya meningkat, sedangkan penggunaan Fly Ash batubara pada variasi filler nilai stabilitasnya turun . Nilai stabilitas dengan penggunaan 0% Semen Portland (PC) - 6% abu Batu Basalt , 2% Semen Portland (PC) - 4% abu Batu Basalt, 4% Semen Portland - 2% abu Batu Basalt dan 6% Semen Portland (PC) - 0% abu Batu Basalt masing-masing 1542,04 kg, 1648,44 kg, 1708,68 kg dan 1754,48 kg. Nilai durabilitas juga terjadi peningkatan dengan bertambahnya persen kadar Semen Portland (PC) yaitu masing-masing 80,07%, 81,38%, 83,44% dan 85,53%. Sedangkan pada penggunaan abu Fly Ash batubara sebagai filler terjadi penurunan stabilitas dimana pada penggunaan 0% abu Fly Ash batubara- 6% abu Batu Basalt, 2% abu Fly Ash batubara - 4% abu Batu Basalt , 4% abu Fly Ash batubara- 2% abu Batu Basalt dan 6% abu Fly Ash batubara- 0% abu Batu Basalt diperoleh stabilitas masing-masing 1542,33 kg, 1453,82 kg, 1344,49 kg dan 1288,87 kg. Nilai durabilitas terjadi penurunan dengan bertambahnya persen kadar abu Fly Ash batubara yaitu masing-masing 85,32%, 84,09%, 83,16% dan 80,52%. Penggunaan filler Semen Portland (PC) maupun Fly Ash Batubara memenuhi semua parameter Marshall kecuali durabilitasnya yang tidak tercapai.

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