A species-area curve for buried viable seeds

1984 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 645 ◽  
F Forcella

A species-area curve was constructed for buried viable weed seeds in a 5-year-old subterranean clover-annual ryegrass pasture in south-eastern Australia. A soil surface area of about 200 cm2 (to a depth of 10 cm) was required to obtain a representative individual sample (i.e. a replicate) of the number of taxa in the soil seed bank, whereas a combined area of about 1000 cm2 was required for adequacy within any treatment. The total number of buried viable seeds of all species combined was distributed spatially in a more-or-less uniform manner. This suggests that a sample whose size is sufficient for determination of species diversity of buried seeds is equally adequate for measuring buried seed density.

1997 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 683 ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
P. S. Cocks

Subterranean clover seedling numbers and growth in swards containing 1 of 5 perennial pasture species [phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) cv. Sirolan, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) cv. Currie, lucerne (Medicago sativa) cv. Aquarius, wallaby grass (Danthonia richardsonii) cv. Taranna, and lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) cv. Consol] were compared with those in typical annual pastures and pure clover swards in the wheatbelt of eastern Australia. Presence of a perennial species or the volunteer annual grass (Eragrostis cilianensis) increased the rate of drying of the soil surface (0–5 cm) after late February and May rain, compared with subterranean clover swards. Perennials differed in the rate they dried the soil surface, with the more summer-active lucerne and consul lovegrass drying the profile more rapidly than phalaris. The amount of water in the surface 5 cm, 6 days after the rainfall event on 27–28 February, was strongly negatively correlated (r = –0·75, P < 0·01) with the amount of green perennial biomass, but not related to standing dead material or surface residues. Where perennials were present, a smaller proportion (2–4%) of the clover seed pool produced seedlings in response to late summer rain, compared with pure clover swards (18%). A higher proportion of the seed pool produced seedlings (19–36%) following rain in late autumn but there was no difference between species. The more summer-active perennials (cocksfoot, danthonia, and lucerne) markedly depressed the survival of emerged clover seedlings following both germinations. Of the seedlings that emerged in early March, the proportion remaining by 29 March was 57% in phalaris, 21% in lucerne, 13% in danthonia, and 1% in cocksfoot, compared with a 78% increase in seedlings in pure subterranean clover swards. By 15 May, all perennials had <2 clover seedlings/m2 surviving, compared with 37 in the annual pasture and 964 plants/m2 in pure subterranean clover. Following the May germination, the highest proportion of emerged seedlings surviving until 29 May was in the phalaris swards (40%) and least in the cocksfoot and danthonia swards (2–4%). Presence of a perennial or annual grass decreased (P < 0·05) relative water content of clover seedlings on 15 March from 74% in pure clover swards, to 48% in annual pasture, 34% in phalaris, and 29% in lucerne swards. Clover seedlings growing in pure subterranean swards on 15 March (17 days after germinating rain) were 4 times larger than those in lucerne and twice as large as those in either phalaris or annual pasture. Seed size did not differ between treatments, but available mineral soil nitrogen was significantly higher (P < 0·001) in pure subterranean clover swards (32 mg N/g) compared with perennials (3–13 mg N/g). Strategies such as heavy grazing in late summer to reduce green biomass of the perennials or sowing the perennials at lower densities may reduce the adverse effects that perennials have on subterranean clover seedlings in these drier environments.

1977 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 81 ◽  
D Gramshaw ◽  
WR Stern

Annual ryegrass–subterranean clover pastures that produced about 5000 kg total dry weight per hectare and 23,500 ryegrass seed per sq metre in spring were grazed by sheep at different stocking rates during summer. Intensive stocking equivalent to about 3000 sheep days ha-1 reduced seed numbers by 20%. Under continuous grazing, about 70% of the seed produced in spring fell readily to the ground during summer. The remaining seed was firmly held in seed heads, and apparently sheep ate mainly this component. Less than 1% of the seed ingested was voided in the faeces. No significant changes in seed numbers over summer were observed in ungrazed pasture. Subsequently, at the break of season in autumn, germination of seeds was examined in situ near the soil surface. The summer grazing history of pastures influenced the percentage of seeds that germinated; more seeds germinated in heavily than in leniently grazed pastures. Whether the pasture was leniently or heavily grazed, there was little effect on germination of shed seeds. Seeds in seed heads were found to germinate more slowly than seeds shed to the soil surface. Seedling emergence in autumn was regulated mainly by the interrelationship between the germination rate of the seed population, depending on summer-early autumn rains, and the period for which favourable moisture conditions prevailed at the soil surface after rain began in autumn. In the field, temperature and light appeared to be unimportant in influencing germination at the break of season. Dynamics of seed and seedling numbers in annual ryegrass pastures in a Mediterranean type environment, particularly at the break of season, are discussed.

1996 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 533 ◽  
MJ Blumenthal ◽  
RL Ison

Murex medic (Medicago murex Willd.) seedling recruitment is more sensitive to soil water at the time of emergence than subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). Murex medic pods normally lay on the soil surface. Shallow burial of pods may be beneficial when soil moisture is marginal for germination and emergence. In addition, the tightly coiled structure of murex medic pods may also act as a barrier to water uptake by the seed. Two methods of burying murex medic pods were investigated in the field: (i) trampling by sheep hooves through summer grazing; and (ii) through light cultivation in autumn. A glasshouse experiment was also conducted to examine the interaction between the length of time that the soil stays moist and pod burial for CD26 and CD53 murex medic and Dalkeith, Junee, Seaton Park and Woogenellup subterranean clover. In the glasshouse, pod burial was important for the attainment of maximum emergence in all genotypes when soil water was limiting. However, pod structure did not appear to have a limiting role in germination and emergence in murex medic. When tested in the field, pod burial by sheep trampling through summer grazing improved emergence in CD26, possibly because the smaller more open pod was more easily trampled than that of CD53. Summer grazing in CD53 and Dalkeith and autumn cultivation in all genotypes did not improve emergence; possible reasons for this are discussed so to is the role of murex medic in ley farming systems in eastern Australia.

1998 ◽  
Vol 76 (10) ◽  
pp. 1725-1732 ◽  
Brian B Oakley ◽  
Jerry F Franklin

Bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata (Dougl.) Walp.) is a largely unstudied early successional tree native to the Pacific Northwest. We used multiple regression and regression tree analyses to identify the most significant variables describing the distribution of bitter cherry populations in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. To determine if bitter cherry relies on a soil seed bank for regeneration after disturbance, we compared successional patterns to direct measures of buried seed. Measurements from 78 sites ranging in age from 1 to 50 years since disturbance and 29 years of permanent plot data showed density, constancy, and cover were low in the first decade after disturbance and did not peak until the third decade. Based on these patterns, we inferred that bitter cherry is not an obligate seed bank species. We did find viable seeds stored in the soil (25.0 ± 6.4 seeds/m2 (mean ± SE) on sites with >600 live stems/ha) but concluded that historical disturbance intervals greater than the length of time seeds can remain viable in the soil have limited bitter cherry regeneration from a seed bank and, as a result, its distribution and abundance. Bitter cherry may play an increasingly important role in Pacific Northwest forests given the large areas of early successional habitat created by frequent timber harvests.Key words: H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, seed bank, early succession, CART.

1999 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-188 ◽  
Moacyr B. Dias-Filho

The potential for seed bank formation of two perennial weed species, Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) M. Vahl (Verbenaceae), both common in Amazonia , was evaluated in a degraded pasture area in eastern Brazilian Amazonia . Seeds were enclosed in nylon mesh packets and placed at the soil surface or buried at 5 or 10 cm deep. The number of viable seeds was recorded at 6, 10, 14 and 18 months after burial. Results showed that S. cayennensis has the ability to form persistent soil seed bank, while I. asarifolia seeds do not build up in the soil seed bank. For S. cayennensis and, to some extent, for I. asarifolia, seed survival was highest at greater burial depths.

Soil Research ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 299 ◽  
R. B. Thompson ◽  
I. R. P. Fillery

Net nitrogen (N) mineralisation in soil and N uptake by wheat from mature shoots and roots of subterranean clover, capeweed, and annual ryegrass, and from clover burrs were assessed with 15N-labelled plant material in 2 field studies, using confined micro-plots. In the first study, shoot residues of the 3 species (150 g DM&sol;m2) were placed on the soil surface, and roots of the 3 species (75 g DM&sol;m2) were mixed into 0–10 cm soil. The treatments were applied in March 1991. The shoot residues were incorporated into soil in early June 1991. Net 15N mineralisation from the clover, capeweed, and ryegrass shoots during the 8-month experimental period was estimated to be, respectively, 15&percnt;, 12&percnt;, and 12&percnt;, and for the corresponding roots was 10&percnt;, 7&percnt;, and 6&percnt;. Negligible net mineralisation of 15N occurred during the 2.5 months that the shoot residues were on the soil surface. Crop 15N recoveries in wheat, at maturity, in November 1991 were 9&percnt;, 7&percnt;, and 7&percnt;, respectively, of that applied in the clover, capeweed, and ryegrass shoot residues. The respective crop recoveries from the root residues were 6&percnt;, 5&percnt;, and 3&percnt;. Less than 5&percnt; of N taken up by wheat was obtained from shoot or root residues. In a second similar study, 15N-labelled subterranean clover shoots (200 g DM&sol;m2) and burrs (75 g DM&sol;m2) were applied in December 1992; 3&percnt; of 15N in the clover shoots was net mineralised during the 5 months they were on the soil surface. Crop recoveries of 15N in October 1993, at the time of wheat anthesis, from the clover shoots and burrs were, respectively, 14&percnt; and 17&percnt; of applied 15N. The results of these field studies suggest that mature shoot residues and the associated intact roots (recoverable by wet-sieving), and clover burrs, make only a small direct contribution to the N response of cereals immediately following ley pasture in southern Australia. They also indicate that, under Mediterranean climatic conditions, generally very little net N mineralisation occurs from mature shoot residues until the shoots are incorporated into soil. pasture, shoots, roots, 15N, rotation, cereals, burr.

1999 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 165 ◽  
C.-H. Wahren ◽  
R. J. Williams ◽  
W. A. Papst

The botanical composition and structure of wetland vegetation from seven sites in the alpine and subalpine tracts of the Bogong High Plains was sampled in 1995 and 1996. Sites were in the vicinity of Mts Nelse, Cope and Fainter. Sampling was based on contiguous 1-m2 quadrats along transects 20−70 m long across each wetland. Samples were ordinated using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Floristic variation was assessed both within selected individual wetlands, and between wetlands from different regions. The relationship between the ordinations and environmental variables such as soil surface texture, soil depth and the amount of bare ground was tested by fitting vectors. Three dominant vegetation assemblages were identified. Closed heath, of hygrophyllous, scleromorphic shrubs such as Richea continentis and Baeckea gunniana, the rush Empodisma minus and the moss Sphagnum cristatum occurred on the deeper peats. Low open heath of Epacris glacialis and Danthonia nivicola occurred on shallow peats. Herbfields of Caltha introloba and Oreobolus pumilio occurred on stony pavements in two different physiographic situations&horbar;on relatively steep slopes (10−20°) at the head of wetlands, and on flat ground (slope < 2°), below the head of wetlands. The pavements on the steeper sites appeared to be associated with periglacial features such as solifluction lobes and terraces. Those on the flatter ground appeared to have been derived more recently. Wetlands in the Mt Cope region consisted of closed heath, low open heath and pavement herbfield in various proportions. Wetlands on Mt Fainter, which are subject to heavy trampling by cattle, were in a degraded condition, with a low cover of major hygrophyllous mosses and shrubs, and a high cover of introduced species. Long-ungrazed wetlands in a 50-year exclosure at Rocky Valley had high cover of closed heath, no pavements, numerous ponds and virtually no entrenched drainage channels or exposed peat. The Caltha herbfields are significant features nationally, both floristically and geomorphologically. Alpine and subalpine wetlands have been listed under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, and continued grazing by cattle is not compatible with the conservation objectives for this alpine vegetation type.

2000 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 377 ◽  
G. M. Lodge

Seedlings of 3 perennial grasses, Danthonia linkii Kunthcv. Bunderra, D. richardsonii Cashmore cv. Taranna(wallaby grasses), and Phalaris aquatica L. cv. Sirosa,were each grown in replacement series mixtures with seedlings ofTrifolium repens L. (white clover),Trifolium subterraneum L. var. brachycalycinum (Katzn.et Morley) Zorahy & Heller cv. Clare (subterraneanclover), and Lolium rigidum L. (annual ryegrass). Plantswere sown 5 cm apart in boxes (45 by 29 by 20 cm) at a density of 307plants/m2. Maximum likelihood estimates were usedto derive parameters of a non-linear competition model using the dry matterweights of perennial grasses and competitors at 3 harvests, approximately 168,216, and 271 days after sowing. Intra-plant competition was examined inmonocultures of each species, grown at plant spacings of 2, 5, and 8 cm apartwith plants harvested at the above times.Competition occurred in all perennial grass–competitor mixtures, exceptin those of each perennial grass with white clover and thephalaris–subterranean clover mixture (Harvest 1) and those withD. richardsonii and phalaris grown with white clover(Harvest 2). For D. richardsonii (Harvests 1 and 2) andD. linkii (Harvest 1 only) grown with white clover andthe phalaris–subterranean clover (Harvest 1), the two species in themixture were not competing. In the phalaris–white clover mixture, eachspecies was equally competitive (Harvests 1 and 2). These differences incompetition and aggressiveness reflected differences in individual plantweights in monocultures where there was an effect (P < 0.05) of species ondry matter weight per box, but no significant effect of plant spacing.These data indicated that for successful establishment,D. richardsonii and D. linkiishould not be sown in swards with either subterranean clover or white clover,or where populations of annual ryegrass seedlings are likely to be high.Phalaris was more compatible with both white clover and subterranean clover,but aggressively competed with by annual ryegrass.

1986 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 681 ◽  
A Pinkerton ◽  
JR Simpson

Previous studies on soils from old pastures in southern New South Wales have demonstrated that nutrients have accumulated at the soil surface, but that the 40-100-mm depth layer in many profiles has become strongly acidic (e.g. pH 4.7), and high in extractable aluminium. Poor growth of subterranean clover has occurred on such soils during dry periods and may be associated with poor root growth in the acidic, nutrient-poor subsurface layers. Possible nutritional causes of these observations were investigated using reconstituted soil profiles. The root and shoot growth of subterranean clover, wheat, oats and lucerne were compared in unamended profiles and in profiles amended by applying nutrients or calcium carbonate (lime) to correct the more obvious deficiencies of the subsurface layers. Subterranean clover grew well as long as the surface soil remained moist, so that plants could utilise the nutrients potentially available within it. When the surface (0-40 mm) was allowed to dry but the subsurface layers remained moist, growth was poor unless phosphate was applied to the moist layer. Subsurface application of lime alone was ineffective. Nitrogen application increased clover growth in the presence of added phosphate or surface moisture, but nitrogen alone did little to alleviate the effects of surface drought. Wheat, and to a lesser extent oats, responded to subsurface lime when the surface was moist, and both responded to subsurface phosphate when the surface was dry. Lucerne responded to subsurface phosphate similarly to subterranean clover but the response was more than doubled in the presence of additional borate and lime. Lime without borate was not effective. When the surface was maintained moist, liming both the surface (0-40 mm) and subsurface layers improved the response over liming the subsurface layer only. The results suggest that declining fertility and productivity in old pastures developed on acid soils may not be rectified by liming alone, but that cultivation, ripping or drilling of phosphate, and in some cases addition of borate, may be required to improve the penetration of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, to greater depth.

2002 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 197 ◽  
Timothy J. Wills ◽  
Jennifer Read

Various fire-related agents, including heat, smoke, ash and charred wood, have been shown to break dormancy and promote germination of soil-stored seed in a broad range of species in mediterranean-type systems. However, relatively little work has been conducted in south-eastern Australian heathlands. This study examined the effects of heat and smoked water on germination of the soil seed bank in a mature sand heathland within the Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park, in south-eastern Australia. Heat was clearly the most successful treatment for promoting seed germination, followed by smoked water, then controls, with 55% of species present in the germinable soil seed bank requiring a heat or smoke stimulus to promote seed germination. Mean species richness of the germinable soil seed bank was found to be significantly higher in heat-treated soil than in smoke and control treatments. Seedling density of heat-treated soil was almost 10 times that of controls, while smoke-treated soil was almost five times that of controls. Seedling emergence was fastest in heat-treated soil, followed by smoke and control soils. Of the species found in the soil seed bank, 25% were absent from the extant vegetation, suggesting the existence of post-fire colonisers in the soil seed bank. The results have implications for the design of soil seed bank experiments and the use of fire as a tool in vegetation management.

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