drainage channels
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 612-622
Indra Mahdi ◽  
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab ◽  
Empung Empung ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Albi Muhammad Fauzi ◽  

The objectives of this service activity are as follows: 1). Increase public understanding of the dangers of chikungunya mosquitoes and their solutions, 2). They were suppressing the spread of chikungunya mosquitoes through fogging and implementing the recommendations for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) in the surrounding environment, 3). They are creating a drainage prototype to prevent chikungunya mosquito nests which can be used as examples for making the next prototype, 4). Increase community participation in suppressing chikungunya mosquito nests through the construction of drainage channels, 5). Improve a clean culture in maintaining the cleanliness of the drainage in the surrounding environment. The planned activities to be carried out are in collaboration with the local health center, and the Tasikmalaya city health office to reduce the number of chikungunya mosquito nests and, together with the community, build good drainage channels. The method of activity used is by bringing in experts from puskesmas, health offices, and unsil academics. Next, an approach is taken in solving problems through the 5W 1H strategy, which is solving problems from the questions: what, who, where, when, why, how. The solutions to the problems found in the field are as follows: 1). Provide a stimulus with the construction of a drainage system in accordance with the rules of the Public Works Department, 2). Cooperating with the Cigeureung Health Center by providing chemicals for fogging, 3). Counseling with the Health Center and the Tasikmalaya City Health Office regarding the dangers and solutions of diseases originating from chikungunya

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 164-168
. Sumiharni ◽  
Lusmeilia Afriani

Floods can occur due to rising water levels due to above-normal rainfall, changes in temperature, broken embankments/dams, rapid snowmelt, obstruction of water flow in other places, and putting people at risk of annual disasters due to flooding. The purpose of this study was to obtain a more detailed description of hydrological conditions so that flooding in the Bandar Lampung urban area can be optimally managed or controlled. The method used in flood control research is the analysis of the calculation of the average rainfall in the watershed, and the calculation of the planned discharge. The results of the analysis show that the existing drainage channels that have been carried out for each channel point have dimensions that are not large enough so that they are not sufficient to accommodate water runoff. so that for a 5-year discharge of 28.058 m3/s, the dimensions of the channel are 3 m wide and 2.6 m deep and for a 10-year discharge of 30.609 m3/s, the channel dimensions are 3.1 m wide and 2.7 m deep.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 021-031
Arif Satria Rusmana ◽  
Achmad Syarifudin ◽  
Henggar Risa Destania

The drainage network system should be designed to accommodate normal flow rates, especially during the rainy season. This means that the capacity of the drainage channel has been calculated to accommodate the water discharge that occurs so that the area in question does not experience puddles or the channel can to be function properly. For this reason, research is needed to analyze the ability of the ex-coal mine drainage channel in PIT-3 West Banko Tanjung Enim. The research was carried out with the help of the HEC-RAS software program to see the changes in the water level in the drainage channel where the water was overflowing from the channel body. The results showed that all the section profiles of the drainage channel (P1) till (P10) were still in the safe condition or the channel was still stable (stable channel).

2021 ◽  
Vol 930 (1) ◽  
pp. 012037
U Andawayanti ◽  
E N Cahya ◽  
A Fitriyasari ◽  
C Saleh

Abstract During the rainy season, inundation often occurs in Blimbing Hamlet, Malang, which caused by inadequate existing drains and lack of utilization in water catchment buildings. Therefore it is necessary to accommodate this condition using zero runoff concept, by utilizing boezem, which is expected there is no inundation at all by flowing flow immediately either seeping into the ground or into an artificial landfill. In Blimbing Hamlet, there is a boezem for serving and accommodating rainwater. For overcoming inundation in this area, maximalizing the boezem is significantly essential. This research is aimed to know the effectiveness of boezem for zero runoff. This assessment was done by hydrology analysis to obtain Q2, and Q5, for boezem planning, inlet outlets gate, and new drainage channels. The evaluation for existing drainage system showed there was inundation in some drainage channels. A boezem area of 836.9 m2 with 1.1 m depth can reduce inundation to 10%. Alternative inundation countermeasures are carried out with the added depth of 3 m, floodgates on inlets and outlets with of 0.5 m width steel gate, and drainage channel inlets and outlets. With the rehabilitation of boezem and other complementary buildings, it can reduce inundation by 30%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
Adolfo Antonio Gutiérrez ◽  
Ricardo Mon ◽  
Ahmad Arnous ◽  
Rodolfo Germán Aranda-Viana

AbstractThis study shows the neotectonic deformation occurred in the southern piedmont of the Cumbres Calchaquíes, in the Amaicha and Tafí valleys. Neotectonic deformation manifests itself through faults, folds and diversions of drainage channels. The Amaicha valley is bounded to the north by the Tafí del Valle fault and to the south by the Los Cardones fault. The Cumbres Calchaquíes ride over the Sierra de Aconquija through the Los Cardones and Carapunco faults. The Carapunco fault also has a synestral component, responsible for generating an imbricated system of contractional fractures. In the study region many earthquakes of ≥ 3 and ≥ 4 magnitude coincide with regional faults evidencing its neotectonic activity. The seismic energy dissipated through materials with less cohesion that form the fill of the valleys, generating discrete fault scarps and strongly folded conglomerate strata. The foothills deposits of the Cumbres Calchaquíes absorbed most of the seismic energy released during the reactivation of the faults. Tectonic activity is deforming 630 a BP deposits in the Cumbres Calchaquíes piedmont.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1169
Muhammad Afnan Habibi ◽  
Bagus Prastyo ◽  
Aldo Zulfikar Asror Zulkarnain ◽  
Faj'run Ni'am ◽  
Bunga Hidayati

Agriculture is the main and fundamental activity on this earth. However, the agricultural sector has not contributed significantly to the mitigation of natural disasters such as loss of biodiversity, migration of watercourses, lack of clean water, and drought. Based on the results of the population census in the last 10 years, Indonesia's population growth rate reaches 1.25% every year. The consequence of the current phenomenon is the scarcity of food and the shrinking of the people's economic condition. The limited availability of irrigation water is a major agricultural problem experienced by the Tawang Makmur Farmers Group (KTTM). Several solutions have been implemented such as scheduling the opening of drainage channels provided by the village and renting diesel pumps on a regular basis. But in fact, these solutions have not been able to properly address the problems experienced by KTTM. So this paper offers a solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) water pump irrigation system that is integrated with the Internet of Things. Since 1970, PV has become an alternative that is often applied to agricultural irrigation systems in rural areas. The system built in this paper utilizes solar power as a power source that supplies water pumps. The Internet of Things is integrated into the system, enabling farmers to monitor and control agricultural areas in real-time and wirelessly through an adequate internet network.  Pertanian merupakan aktifitas pokok nan fundamental di bumi ini. Akan tetapi, sektor pertanian belum memberikan kontribusi secara signifikan mengenai mitigasi bencana alam seperti kehilangan keragaman hayati, migrasi aliran air, kekurangan air bersih, dan kekeringan. Berdasarkan hasil sensus penduduk dalam 10 tahun terakhir, laju pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia mencapai 1.25% dalam setiap tahunnya. Konsekuensi dari fenomena yang terjadi saat ini adalah kelangkaan bahan pangan dan penyusutan kondisi ekonomi rakyat. Ketersediaan air irigasi yang terbatas menjadi masalah besar pertanian yang dialami oleh Kelompok Tani Tawang Makmur (KTTM). Beberapa solusi telah diterapkan seperti penjadwalan pembukaan saluran drainase yang disediakan oleh pihak desa, dan menyewa pompa diesel secara berkala. Namun faktanya, solusi tersebut belum mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang dialami oleh KTTM secara tepat. Sehingga makalah ini menawarkan sistem irigasi pompa air photovoltaic (PV) bertenaga surya yang terintegrasi dengan Internet of Things. Sejak tahun 1970, PV telah menjadi alternatif yang sering diterapkan pada sistem irigasi lahan pertanian daerah pedesaan. Sistem yang dibangun pada makalah ini memanfaatkan tenaga surya sebagai sumber daya yang menyuplai pompa air. Internet of Things yang diintegrasikan pada sistem, memungkinkan para petani untuk melakukan monitoring dan kontrol terhadap area pertanian secara real-time dan nirkabel melalui jaringan internet yang memadai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 906 (1) ◽  
pp. 012110
Andrej SoltŠsz ◽  
Dana Baroková ◽  
Michaela Cerveftanská ◽  
Jakub Mydla ◽  
Lea Cubanová ◽  

Abstract Consequently, to the construction and operation at water power plant Gabcíkovo came to changes in water regime in adjacent area. The power canal of the Gabcíkovo power plant cut the upper parts of the drainage system in Danube Lowlands. Groundwater level changes have occurred in the vicinity of the Hrušov reservoir what caused changes in discharge and water level regime of the drainage channels. Presented contribution deals with theoretical and practical background of the water management in agriculturally exploited regions, especially with the possibility to create and store enough water for irrigation in the channels of one part of the Rye Island. It was therefore necessary to measure and calculate the capacity of given channels as well as the volume of water stored by means of improved operation on hydraulic structures or by construction of new structures. Rye Island belongs to an area where agriculture in the growing season, especially due to the irregular distribution of precipitation, very often suffers from drought. The probability of ensuring at least 10 mm of precipitation in one decade of the growing season is only 50% and the probability of 30 mm of precipitation is only 20%. It follows that without irrigation the moisture for vegetation cover is not ensured. But there can be years with heavy rainfall and then there is no need to irrigate. Rye Island is the warmest area of the Slovakia where the vegetation period is also the longest. Most of it belongs to the area of corn production type. The irrigation economy is therefore profitable. However, the technology of implementation and the effort to introduce large-scale irrigation as soon as possible led to the conclusion that this issue should be considered from several points of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1197 (1) ◽  
pp. 012014
Rambabu Palaka ◽  
P Sri Charana Reddy ◽  
G Viharika ◽  
G Pravalika

Abstract The rapid growth of villages and towns affecting natural drainage channels. Inundation of low-lying areas is a common phenomenon especially during rainy seasons in many localities of Narsapur town. Narsapur is considered a census town as well as a municipality situated in Medak district, Telangana State. With the increased demand for a proper drainage system, the Municipal Authorities decided to re-design the Stormwater Drainage System starting with mapping the existing road network and drains. The Narsapur town has 15 revenue wards. Considering the Topography of the town, the entire town was divided into six zones. In this study, the Central Zone of town covering 4 Wards (13, 14, 15, and 8 Partly) is considered for investigation and design of stormwater drainage systems. The entire zone is completely urbanized, and frequent inundation is observed during moderate to heavy rainfall events due to congested and improper drainage disposal system. The study is carried out in five phases viz. Mapping of Road Network, Obtaining Elevations, Mapping Drainage Network, Computation of Peak Discharge, and Design of Stormwater Drainage System. In this study, EPA-SWMM Software is used to build a Hydraulic and Hydrologic Model to analyze the existing drainage system and re-design the stormwater drains to safely discharge flood water without causing inundation in low-lying areas. To validate the results, Manning’s Flow Equation is used to compute the flow carrying capacity of drainage channels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 391
Muhammad Husni Thamrin ◽  
Hatta Ridho ◽  
Faiz Albar Nasution

Flood management system in Medan City is very poor, because there is no institutional coordination resulting from sectoral egos. Effective institutional coordination in urban flood management is needed. Condition is based on problem of flooding in Medan City which has not been effectively implemented, so an alternative solution for integrated urban flood management is needed. Purpose of this research is to explain implementation of flood control policies in Medan City and how coordinate flood control institutions in Medan City in Mebidangro cooperation scheme. This type of qualitative research with descriptive methods is used in this research. Primary data collection techniques with deep interviews through FGD activities with stakeholders. In addition, secondary data is collected by citing journals, books, documents, online media, and other materials support research. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data reduction activities, data display and drawing conclusions. Results showed implementation Presidential Regulation No. 62 of 2011 on flood control in Medan City has not been optimally implemented. Condition is influenced lack of understanding authority and lack of coordination between related agencies to safeguard river basins, river norms and establish primary drainage channels. In addition, coordination of Medan City flood control institution in Mebidangro cooperation scheme has been carried out in a procedural manner. However, actualization still requires visionary leadership and command to support success program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 933 (1) ◽  
pp. 012032
M Yatsrib ◽  
A N Harman ◽  
S R Taufik ◽  
T N A Kesuma ◽  
D Saputra ◽  

Abstract Jakarta is the capital city of the State of Indonesia and fast economy and population growth rate. With these, urbanization continues to increase every year. In this study, we analyse the effect of river normalization on reducing flood risk on the MT. Haryono - Manggarai section based on the Hec-RAS hydraulic model. Boundary Condition applied in upstream river is flow hydrograph with a peak discharge of 561.48 m3/s. In the upstream part, a rating curve is applied from the water level measurement data for the Manggarai Sluice Gate. While in the middle, the lateral flow from the urban drainage channels is inserted. The simulation results show that normalizing the channel can increase the drainage capacity as implied by the decrease in the flood water level. However, downstream there is backwater due to the lack of capacity of the Manggarai floodgate.

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