scholarly journals Plasma membrane polarization during mating in yeast cells

2006 ◽  
Vol 173 (6) ◽  
pp. 861-866 ◽  
Tomasz J. Proszynski ◽  
Robin Klemm ◽  
Michel Bagnat ◽  
Katharina Gaus ◽  
Kai Simons

The yeast mating cell provides a simple paradigm for analyzing mechanisms underlying the generation of surface polarity. Endocytic recycling and slow diffusion on the plasma membrane were shown to facilitate polarized surface distribution of Snc1p (Valdez-Taubas, J., and H.R. Pelham. 2003. Curr. Biol. 13:1636–1640). Here, we found that polarization of Fus1p, a raft-associated type I transmembrane protein involved in cell fusion, does not depend on endocytosis. Instead, Fus1p localization to the tip of the mating projection was determined by its cytosolic domain, which binds to peripheral proteins involved in mating tip polarization. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the lipid bilayer at the mating projection is more condensed than the plasma membrane enclosing the cell body, and that sphingolipids are required for this lipid organization.

2003 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 5038-5050 ◽  
Marco Lopez-Ilasaca ◽  
Xiushi Liu ◽  
Koichi Tamura ◽  
Victor J. Dzau

Our group identified angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor-associated protein (ATRAP) in a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that bind to the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the AT1. In this work, we characterize ATRAP as a transmembrane protein localized in intracellular trafficking vesicles and plasma membrane that functions as a modulator of angiotensin II-induced signal transduction. ATRAP contains three hydrophobic domains at the amino-terminal end of the protein, encompassing the amino acid residues 14–36, 55–77, and 88–108 and a hydrophilic cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal tail from residues 109–161. Endogenous and transfected ATRAP cDNA shows a particulate distribution; electron microscopy reveals the presence of ATRAP in prominent perinuclear vesicular membranes; and colocalization analysis by immunofluorescence shows that ATRAP colocalizes in an intracellular vesicular compartment corresponding to endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and endocytic vesicles. Real-time tracking of ATRAP vesicles shows constitutive translocation toward the plasma membrane. Using epitope-tagged forms of ATRAP at either the amino or carboxyl end of the molecule, we determined the orientation of the amino end as being outside the cell. Mutant forms of ATRAP lacking the carboxyl end are unable to bind to the AT1 receptor, leading to the formation of prominent perinuclear vesicle clusters. Functional analysis of the effects of ATRAP on angiotensin II-induced AT1 receptor signaling reveals a moderate decrease in the generation of inositol lipids, a marked decrease in the angiotensin II-stimulated transcriptional activity of the c-fos promoter luciferase reporter gene, and a decrease in cell proliferation.

1993 ◽  
Vol 265 (4) ◽  
pp. C1069-C1079 ◽  
C. Haller ◽  
S. L. Alper

Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown on permeable supports have served as the most common experimental system for in vitro studies of the generation and maintenance of epithelial surface polarity. Protein targeting to the apical and basolateral plasmalemmal domains of these and other polarized epithelia has been suggested to rely on targeting sequences. Two simple sorting models for MDCK cells have proposed active sorting to a single domain, with "default" movement to the other domain. Examples of both apical and basal sorting signals have been found to support each hypothesis, but the idea of a default pathway has remained in question. Indeed, all endogenous and heterologous wild-type proteins so far studied in MDCK cells achieve polarized distributions at steady state. It is not known whether these selected proteins are representative of all surface membrane proteins or represent only a subset. We report here the apparent absence of sorting by MDCK cells of the transmembrane protein of T-cells, CD7. CD7 is expressed at similar density in apical and basolateral membranes of MDCK cells as assessed by both immunocytological and biochemical criteria. Furthermore, CD7 appears to be directly sorted to both surfaces at similar rates and turns over at both surfaces at similar rates. The nonpolarized distribution of CD7 appears independent of its level of expression. CD7 may identify a "bulk-flow" default pathway for plasma membrane proteins expressed in polarized MDCK cells.

2019 ◽  
Vol 218 (11) ◽  
pp. 3730-3752 ◽  
Xin Wang ◽  
Wei Tian ◽  
Bryan T. Banh ◽  
Bethanie-Michelle Statler ◽  
Jie Liang ◽  

The mating of budding yeast depends on chemotropism, a fundamental cellular process. The two yeast mating types secrete peptide pheromones that bind to GPCRs on cells of the opposite type. Cells find and contact a partner by determining the direction of the pheromone source and polarizing their growth toward it. Actin-directed secretion to the chemotropic growth site (CS) generates a mating projection. When pheromone-stimulated cells are unable to sense a gradient, they form mating projections where they would have budded in the next cell cycle, at a position called the default polarity site (DS). Numerous models have been proposed to explain yeast gradient sensing, but none address how cells reliably switch from the intrinsically determined DS to the gradient-aligned CS, despite a weak spatial signal. Here we demonstrate that, in mating cells, the initially uniform receptor and G protein first polarize to the DS, then redistribute along the plasma membrane until they reach the CS. Our data indicate that signaling, polarity, and trafficking proteins localize to the DS during assembly of what we call the gradient tracking machine (GTM). Differential activation of the receptor triggers feedback mechanisms that bias exocytosis upgradient and endocytosis downgradient, thus enabling redistribution of the GTM toward the pheromone source. The GTM stabilizes when the receptor peak centers at the CS and the endocytic machinery surrounds it. A computational model simulates GTM tracking and stabilization and correctly predicts that its assembly at a single site contributes to mating fidelity.

E. Keyhani

The matrix of biological membranes consists of a lipid bilayer into which proteins or protein aggregates are intercalated. Freeze-fracture techni- ques permit these proteins, perhaps in association with lipids, to be visualized in the hydrophobic regions of the membrane. Thus, numerous intramembrane particles (IMP) have been found on the fracture faces of membranes from a wide variety of cells (1-3). A recognized property of IMP is their tendency to form aggregates in response to changes in experi- mental conditions (4,5), perhaps as a result of translational diffusion through the viscous plane of the membrane. The purpose of this communica- tion is to describe the distribution and size of IMP in the plasma membrane of yeast (Candida utilis).Yeast cells (ATCC 8205) were grown in synthetic medium (6), and then harvested after 16 hours of culture, and washed twice in distilled water. Cell pellets were suspended in growth medium supplemented with 30% glycerol and incubated for 30 minutes at 0°C, centrifuged, and prepared for freeze-fracture, as described earlier (2,3).

L. M. Marshall

A human erythroleukemic cell line, metabolically blocked in a late stage of erythropoiesis, becomes capable of differentiation along the normal pathway when grown in the presence of hemin. This process is characterized by hemoglobin synthesis followed by rearrangement of the plasma membrane proteins and culminates in asymmetrical cytokinesis in the absence of nuclear division. A reticulocyte-like cell buds from the nucleus-containing parent cell after erythrocyte specific membrane proteins have been sequestered into its membrane. In this process the parent cell faces two obstacles. First, to organize its erythrocyte specific proteins at one pole of the cell for inclusion in the reticulocyte; second, to reduce or abolish membrane protein turnover since hemoglobin is virtually the only protein being synthesized at this stage. A means of achieving redistribution and cessation of turnover could involve movement of membrane proteins by a directional lipid flow. Generation of a lipid flow towards one pole and accumulation of erythrocyte-specific membrane proteins could be achieved by clathrin coated pits which are implicated in membrane endocytosis, intracellular transport and turnover. In non-differentiating cells, membrane proteins are turned over and are random in surface distribution. If, however, the erythrocyte specific proteins in differentiating cells were excluded from endocytosing coated pits, not only would their turnover cease, but they would also tend to drift towards and collect at the site of endocytosis. This hypothesis requires that different protein species are endocytosed by the coated vesicles in non-differentiating than by differentiating cells.

E. Keyhani

The mutagenic effect of ethidium bromide on the mitochondrial DNA is well established. Using thin section electron microscopy, it was shown that when yeast cells were grown in the presence of ethidium bromide, besides alterations in the mitochondria, the plasma membrane also showed alterations consisting of 75 to 110 nm-deep pits. Furthermore, ethidium bromide induced an increase in the length and number of endoplasmic reticulum and in the number of intracytoplasmic vesicles.Freeze-fracture, by splitting the hydrophobic region of the membrane, allows the visualization of the surface view of the membrane, and consequently, any alteration induced by ethidium bromide on the membrane can be better examined by this method than by the thin section method.Yeast cells, Candida utilis. were grown in the presence of 35 μM ethidium bromide. Cells were harvested and freeze-fractured according to the procedure previously described.

А.Р. Зарипова ◽  
Л.Р. Нургалиева ◽  
А.В. Тюрин ◽  
И.Р. Минниахметов ◽  
Р.И. Хусаинова

Проведено исследование гена интерферон индуцированного трансмембранного белка 5 (IFITM5) у 99 пациентов с несовершенным остеогенезом (НО) из 86 неродственных семей. НО - клинически и генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание соединительной ткани, основное клиническое проявление которого - множественные переломы, начиная с неонатального периода жизни, зачастую приводящие к инвалидизации с детского возраста. К основным клиническим признакам НО относятся голубые склеры, потеря слуха, аномалия дентина, повышенная ломкость костей, нарушения роста и осанки с развитием характерных инвалидизирующих деформаций костей и сопутствующих проблем, включающих дыхательные, неврологические, сердечные, почечные нарушения. НО встречается как у мужчин, так и у женщин. До сих пор не определена степень генетической гетерогенности заболевания. На сегодняшний день известно 20 генов, вовлеченных в патогенез НО, и исследователи разных стран продолжают искать новые гены. В последнее десятилетие стало известно, что аутосомно-рецессивные, аутосомно-доминантные и Х-сцепленные мутации в широком спектре генов, кодирующих белки, которые участвуют в синтезе коллагена I типа, его процессинге, секреции и посттрансляционной модификации, а также в белках, которые регулируют дифференцировку и активность костеобразующих клеток, вызывают НО. Мутации в гене IFITM5, также называемом BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), участвующем в формировании остеобластов, приводят к развитию НО типа V. До 5% пациентов имеют НО типа V, который характеризуется образованием гиперпластического каллуса после переломов, кальцификацией межкостной мембраны предплечья и сетчатым рисунком ламелирования, наблюдаемого при гистологическом исследовании кости. В 2012 г. гетерозиготная мутация (c.-14C> T) в 5’-нетранслируемой области (UTR) гена IFITM5 была идентифицирована как основная причина НО V типа. В представленной работе проведен анализ гена IFITM5 и идентифицирована мутация c.-14C>T, возникшая de novo, у одного пациента с НО, которому впоследствии был установлен V тип заболевания. Также выявлены три известных полиморфных варианта: rs57285449; c.80G>C (p.Gly27Ala) и rs2293745; c.187-45C>T и rs755971385 c.279G>A (p.Thr93=) и один ранее не описанный вариант: c.128G>A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC>AAC (S/D), которые не являются патогенными. В статье уделяется внимание особенностям клинических проявлений НО V типа и рекомендуется определение мутации c.-14C>T в гене IFITM5 при подозрении на данную форму заболевания. A study was made of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 gene (IFITM5) in 99 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) from 86 unrelated families and a search for pathogenic gene variants involved in the formation of the disease phenotype. OI is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease of the connective tissue, the main clinical manifestation of which is multiple fractures, starting from the natal period of life, often leading to disability from childhood. The main clinical signs of OI include blue sclera, hearing loss, anomaly of dentin, increased fragility of bones, impaired growth and posture, with the development of characteristic disabling bone deformities and associated problems, including respiratory, neurological, cardiac, and renal disorders. OI occurs in both men and women. The degree of genetic heterogeneity of the disease has not yet been determined. To date, 20 genes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of OI, and researchers from different countries continue to search for new genes. In the last decade, it has become known that autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations in a wide range of genes encoding proteins that are involved in the synthesis of type I collagen, its processing, secretion and post-translational modification, as well as in proteins that regulate the differentiation and activity of bone-forming cells cause OI. Mutations in the IFITM5 gene, also called BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), involved in the formation of osteoblasts, lead to the development of OI type V. Up to 5% of patients have OI type V, which is characterized by the formation of a hyperplastic callus after fractures, calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, and a mesh lamellar pattern observed during histological examination of the bone. In 2012, a heterozygous mutation (c.-14C> T) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) of the IFITM5 gene was identified as the main cause of OI type V. In the present work, the IFITM5 gene was analyzed and the de novo c.-14C> T mutation was identified in one patient with OI who was subsequently diagnosed with type V of the disease. Three known polymorphic variants were also identified: rs57285449; c.80G> C (p.Gly27Ala) and rs2293745; c.187-45C> T and rs755971385 c.279G> A (p.Thr93 =) and one previously undescribed variant: c.128G> A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC> AAC (S / D), which were not pathogenic. The article focuses on the features of the clinical manifestations of OI type V, and it is recommended to determine the c.-14C> T mutation in the IFITM5 gene if this form of the disease is suspected.

Genetics ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 166 (4) ◽  
pp. 1641-1649
Laura Maringele ◽  
David Lydall

Abstract Telomerase-defective budding yeast cells escape senescence by using homologous recombination to amplify telomeric or subtelomeric structures. Similarly, human cells that enter senescence can use homologous recombination for telomere maintenance, when telomerase cannot be activated. Although recombination proteins required to generate telomerase-independent survivors have been intensively studied, little is known about the nucleases that generate the substrates for recombination. Here we demonstrate that the Exo1 exonuclease is an initiator of the recombination process that allows cells to escape senescence and become immortal in the absence of telomerase. We show that EXO1 is important for generating type I survivors in yku70Δ mre11Δ cells and type II survivors in tlc1Δ cells. Moreover, in tlc1Δ cells, EXO1 seems to contribute to the senescence process itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Joel M. J. Tan ◽  
Monica E. Garner ◽  
James M. Regeimbal ◽  
Catherine J. Greene ◽  
Jorge D. Rojas Márquez ◽  

AbstractThe type I interferon (IFN) signaling pathway has important functions in resistance to viral infection, with the downstream induction of interferon stimulated genes (ISG) protecting the host from virus entry, replication and spread. Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), a facultative intracellular foodborne pathogen, can exploit the type I IFN response as part of their pathogenic strategy, but the molecular mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here we show that type I IFN suppresses the antibacterial activity of phagocytes to promote systemic Lm infection. Mechanistically, type I IFN suppresses phagosome maturation and proteolysis of Lm virulence factors ActA and LLO, thereby promoting phagosome escape and cell-to-cell spread; the antiviral protein, IFN-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3), is required for this type I IFN-mediated alteration. Ifitm3−/− mice are resistant to systemic infection by Lm, displaying decreased bacterial spread in tissues, and increased immune cell recruitment and pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling. Together, our findings show how an antiviral mechanism in phagocytes can be exploited by bacterial pathogens, and implicate IFITM3 as a potential antimicrobial therapeutic target.

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