scholarly journals An ISM approach for identifying and analyzing the complexity of beef cattle farming problems in Central Java

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012133
I W Pratama ◽  
M A U Muzayyanah ◽  
A Astuti ◽  
I G S Budisatria ◽  
A R S Putra

Abstract The complexity of the problems in the beef cattle farming system in Central Java is challenging. Identification and mapping of the problems are an important part of the process to determine the policy strategy. The research objectives were to identify and to map the problem structure in beef cattle farming system in Central Java. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) was employed to analyze the relationship between problems in beef cattle farming system. Data were collected through literature review and in-depth interviews with several stakeholders which consisting of academics, practitioners, and local governments. The results showed that the problems of beef cattle farming in Central Java were related to the availability of feed, farmers socio-economic conditions, and the production and reproduction of the cattle. Problems related to the animal feed availability is a leverage point in solving cattle problems in Central Java. The feed strengthening strategy is expected being priority in the context of developing beef cattle farms in Central Java.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 09022
Budi Santoso ◽  
Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono

Continuity of meat supply availability is generally related to the number and production of livestock in a region. Therefore, a framework of sustainable livestock development is needed to increase the production and productivity of livestock. Blora Regency is one of the areas in the Province of Central Java with the largest number of large livestock, primarily beef cattle. Blora Regency has a population of 199.584 beef cattle. Agricultural waste results in Blora Regency can be used as supporting the availability of feed for livestock sector. This is supported by the availability of forage feed which is very abundant.Based on these potentials, it is necessary to assess the characteristics of natural land for the development of beef cattle farms. Therefore, the objectives of this study are (1) to assess the environmental suitability of the environment for the development of cattle ranching that is grazed and stacked; (2) to analyze the potential of forage source of fodder and bearing capacity for beef cattle farming; (3) to analyze the centers of activity of development of beef cattle; (4) to prepare direction and strategy of beef cattle development in Blora Regency.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
NFN Saptana ◽  
Nyak Ilham

<p><strong>English</strong></p><p>Capacity of land-based forage beef cattle farming is lim ited. Integrated sugarcane and beef cattle farming is an alternative to increase cattle population and domestic beef production. The purpose of this paper are (1) to analyze additional potential capacity of cattle through deve loping integrated sugarcane and beef cattle farming; (2) to analyze feasibility of the integrated farming system; (3) to identify principal constraints of the integrated farming system; and (4) to analyze prospect of the integrated farming system. The study was conducted in East Java Province through interviewing the respondents consisting farmers, farmer groups, and key respondents. The results showed that (1) the potential sugarcane waste of sugar mills was able to accommodate 2.86 heads of livestock units/hectare/ year, but if it did not take into acc ount the waste processed into fuel for sugar mill, then it could produce as many as 2.70 heads of livestock units/h ectare/year; (2) financially the integrated farming was profitable, i.e. Rp12.28 million/year for sugarcane farm ing and Rp9.20 million/year foo cattle farm; (4) business of the integrated farming slowly developed due to small business scale and limited farm ers’ capital. The required policies are (1) business actors’ empowerment and business scale improvement using both domestic and imported cattle; (2) enhancing roles of government and private sector as suppliers of cattle breed; (3) developing complete feed factory using local raw materials; and (4 ) improving technical guidanc e and assistance for farmers to accelerate technology adoption and subsidi zed credit access as source of capital. </p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Indonesia</strong></p><p>Usaha ternak sapi potong berbasis lahan untuk sumber hijauan pakan, daya tampungnya semakin terbatas. Integrasi usaha tanaman tebu dan ternak sapi potong merupakan alternatif pemecahan masalah untuk meningkatkan populasi sapi dan peningkatan produksi daging sapi domestik. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah (1) menganalisis perkiraan potensi tambahan kapasitas tampung ternak sapi potong dengan pengembangan integrasi tanaman tebu-ternak sapi; (2) menganalisis kelayakan usaha pada Sistem Integrasi Tanaman Tebu-Ternak Sapi Potong; (3) mengidentifikasi kendala pokokpengembangan Sistem Integrasi Tanaman Tebu-Ternak Sapi potong; dan (4) menganalisis prospek pengembangan Sistem Integrasi Tanaman Tebu-Sapi Potong. Penelitian dilakukan di Provinsi Jawa Timur melalui wawancara dengan responden yang terdiri dari petani, kelompok tani, dan responden kunci lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) potensi limbah tanaman tebudan industri pabrik gula (PG) mampu menampung 2,86 ekor ST/ha/tahun, namun jika tidak memperhitungkan bagas karena sudah digunakan untuk bahan bakar dalam penggilingan tebu maka dapat dikembangkan sebanyak 2,70 ekor ST/ha/tahun; (2) secara finansial sistem usaha integrasi tanaman tebu-ternak sapi menguntungkan dengan tingkat keuntungan atas biaya tunai untuk usaha tani tebu sebesar Rp12,28 juta/tahun dan usaha ternak sapi sebesar Rp9,20 juta/tahun; (3) sistem usaha integrasi tanaman-ternak sapi lambat berkembang karena adopsi teknologi masih rendah akibat skala usaha masih kecil dan modal peternak terbatas. Kebijakan pendukung yang perlu dilakukan adalah (1) meningkatkan pelaku usaha dan skala usaha dengan menggunakan sapi domestik dan impor; (2) meningkatkan peran pemerintah dan swasta sebagai pemasok sapi bibit/indukan; (3) mengembangkan industri pakan komplit berbahan baku pakan lokal;dan (4) meningkatkan bimbingan teknis dan pendampingan untuk mempercepat adopsi teknologi dan mengakses kredit bersubsidi sebagai sumber modal peternak.</p>

E. Prasetyo ◽  
S. Sunarso ◽  
P.B. Santosa ◽  
E. Rianto ◽  
T. Ekowati ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Rini Widiati ◽  
Tri Satya Mastuti Widi

This study was aimed to determine the production systems of beef cattle which can generate the income of smallholder farmers. The study was conducted in Bantul and Sleman Regencies, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. In total of 210 beef cattle farmers were involved in semi structural interview. Data was collected in the dry season (July to September) of 2015.  Descriptive analysis was carried out for the demographic, social, economic characteristic of respondents and beef cattle farm practices. Enterprise budgeting of beef cattle farms was made to analyse farm profit, return to management and family labour that could be used in further planning for better business management. Beef cattle farming founded as an alternative that can be developed in rural communities. In order to generate the incomes in both systems, breeding and fattening, production system in term of feeding practices has to be improved so that the cost can be reduced. Scientific processing of manure has to be done for value addition in the farming system. Calving interval has to be improved in breeding system, that the best condition is 12 months and the existing condition on the respondents was 16 months. For fattening, optimizing the duration for fattening period less than 3.6 months is the best improvement. Government policy is needed to improve beef farm economic condition especially in breeding farm.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Jimmy Ch. Tumober ◽  
A. Makalew ◽  
A. H.S. Salendu ◽  
E. K.M Endoh

ABSTRACT PROFIT ANALYSIS OF BEEF FARMING AROUND SULUUN TARERAN DISTRICT IN SOUTH MINAHASA REGENCY. Generally, communities of Suluun Tareran district were household farmers. Beef cattle populations in this area were about 308 head spreading at eight villages. The problem was how much the production cost (feeding, labor, and other feed supplement) do affect the profit of beef farming around this area. The objective of this study was to evaluate effect of production cost on income and profit of beef farming system in Suluun Tareran district of South Minahasa regency. Research was conducted using survey method. Data were found from two sources including primer and secondary data sources. Samples of respondence were determined by purposive sampling method. The total of 30 household farmers were used in this study. Results showed that grass feeding of the animals was not bought by farmers, except in dry season. Average production cost of beef cattle at research location were Rp. 6,756,215,67 per year of 3-4 animals consisted of feed cost (50,20%), labor cost (46,36%) and feed supplement (1,44%). Production cost affected significantly (tcalc. = 0.0003) profit level of beef cattle farming in Suluun Tareran district. Key word: Production cost, profit level, beef cattle farming, Suluun Tareran district.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Nyak Ilham ◽  
Kurnia Suci Indraningsih ◽  
Roosganda Elizabeth

<p>Law No. 41/2014 deals with animal husbandry and health, supply and development of beef cattle breeding conducted by prioritizing domestic production by farmers, breeding companies and both central and local governments. One of beef cattle breeding issues in Indonesia is the concept of breeding still partially developed and not closely related with its type and dispersion in Indonesia. This paper aims to describe and characterize various business patterns of beef cattle breeding. Based on existing patterns and characteristics, breeding business has been developed in order to increase national production of beef cattle breeding. Data and information were collected from four provinces, i.e. Aceh, Central Java, Bali, and NTB. Primary data were collected through interview involving 185 respondents from various stakeholders. Data and information were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative description approach with tabulation and schemes techniques. Three types of beef cattle breeding are intensive and semi-intensive farmers’ groups, company, and government patterns. Based on each pattern, there was linkage of manufactured product utilization among the existing patterns to optimize of national beef cattle breeding system. To support this linkage, it needs synergy in various patterns of cattle beef breeding in a region where local BPTU-HPT/UPTD play a role as producers of cattle beef breed and advisers for farmers’ groups and companies in its working region. Government is expected to purchase qualified beef cattle breeding products manufactured by its advised farmers groups.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Undang-undang No 41/2014 mengatur tentang penyelenggaraan peternakan dan kesehatan hewan, penyediaan dan pengembangan bibit sapi dilakukan dengan mengutamakan produksi dalam negeri, baik oleh peternak, perusahaan peternakan, pemerintah, pemerintah daerah provinsi, dan/atau pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota. Masalah perbibitan sapi potong di Indonesia antara lain  adalah konsep pembangunan pembibitan masih parsial, belum terkait erat baik jenis maupun sebarannya di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan mengkarakteristikan berbagai pola usaha pembibitan sapi potong. Berdasarkan pola dan karakteristik yang ada dibuat rancang bangun pengembangan usaha pembibitan guna meningkatkan produksi bibit sapi potong nasional. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dari empat provinsi yaitu Aceh, Jawa Tengah, Bali dan NTB. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mencakup 185 responden dari berbagai pihak terkait. Analisis data dan informasi dilakukan secara deskripsi kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik tabulasi dan skema. Ada tiga pola pembibitan sapi potong yaitu Pola KTT intensif dan semi intensif, pola perusahaan, dan pola pemerintah. Berdasarkan karakteristik masing-masing pola dapat dibuat keterkaitan pemanfaatan produk yang dihasilkan untuk merancang optimasi sistem pembibitan sapi nasional. Untuk mendukung hal itu, perlu membangun sinergitas kerja berbagai pola pembibitan sapi dalam satu kawasan regional dimana UPT/UPTD pembibitan sapi selain berperan sebagai produsen bibit sapi juga sebagai pembina pada KTT dan perusahaan dalam wilayah kerjanya. Pemerintah diharapkan berperan menjaring produk bibit sapi berkulitas yang dihasilkan oleh KTT binaannya.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012002
D A P Sari ◽  
Muladno ◽  
S Said ◽  
Nahrowi ◽  
R Priyanto

Abstract The efforts to increase the national beef cattle population can be done through the development of area-based beef cattle. SPR-IPB were an example of the concept of developing regional-based beef cattle farming based on smallholder communities. This study aimed to evaluated the area of beef cattle farming in SPR based on the profile of the farmer, institutions, existing livestock conditions and factors that influence the development of beef cattle farming. Surveys and observations were done in October-November 2020 at SPR Kuamang Abadi, Bungo District, Jambi. Ninety-nine farmers in 4 villages (Tirta Mulya, Lingga Kuamang, Cilodang, and Sumber Harapan) were involved in this study. Qualitative and quantitative descriptive statistics were used in this study. The results of the area evaluation show that the SPR Kuamang Abadi was included in the category of built up area (score 600.5). Problems related to the development of beef cattle farming areas include the non-functioning of the organization’s internal divisions, limited facilities and animal health personnel, and underutilized financial institutions. The recommendation for the results of this study was the development of beef cattle farms at SPR Kuamang Abadi can be done by strengthening human resources and institutions, strengthening facilities and infrastructure, accelerating access to technology adoption and innovation, strengthening marketing strategies, and strengthening cooperation.

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