scholarly journals Analysis of potentials and problems of Semarang city

2022 ◽  
Vol 955 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
M A Ridlo ◽  
A Ghiffari

Abstract Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to increase in line with the rate of population growth. Urban infrastructure becomes very important and crucial in directing the development of the city. For Semarang City, infrastructure needs to be addressed immediately, especially in spatial planning. Is carried out thoroughly and taking into account the existing problems and potential. Rationalistic qualitative methods become the methodology in this study. The analysis tools used were, among others, the Administrative approach and the development approach with an environmental and sustainable perspective. An administrative approach was also used by reviewing applicable laws and links with coastal areas, such as law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning; law number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. While the development approach is environmentally friendly and sustainable, it is an attempt to approach it by looking at the real conditions of the potential and problems of coastal areas, based on aspects of environmental and sustainable values. Therefore, the government should in every set development policies pay attention to the preservation of natural resources and the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
B Murtasidin ◽  
S Sujadmi

Abstract Amendments to Law no. 27 of 2007 became Law no. 1 of 2014 concerning the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands has an impact on the coastal and marine spatial planning process in every region, including Bangka Belitung. This planning process requires stakeholder collaboration to carry out broader cross-sectoral coordination. Apart from being composed of more than 80% of the water area, the struggle for access and conflicts over the use of marine space also take place in a vertical and horizontal level. The dilemma of authority between levels of government and law enforcement authorities, as well as between local governments, communities, and state corporations, is a form of hierarchical conflict. Conflicts between governments at the street bureaucracy (Village) level and their citizens, or friction between pro and contra groups against marine mining are examples of horizontal conflicts. The complexity of this problem has demanded the government to be presented in a more powerful and most decisive position in the management of the coastal and marine areas of Bangka Belitung so that it does not drag on. Therefore, the government needs to formulate comprehensive resource optimization options in the coastal and marine zones. This study aims to map how a collaborative approach in coastal and marine spatial planning through Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 3 of 2020 concerning the Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. At least 3 dominant actors are involved and collaborate, namely the government, fishermen, and investors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-130
Seunga Iris Ryu

In urban planning, governments usually hold the decision-making power to shape not only city landscapes but also people's lives with the promoted goals of social welfare. Although states expect their own version of ideal scenarios in mind when carrying out infrastructural developments, after competition, people in reality have their own ways of perceiving and utilizing state-made infrastructures and urban transportation, sometimes in alignment with government plan, and sometimes at odds with it. Abu Dhabi is one of the cities in the world in which the government planned out the whole city and created urban infrastructure from scratch, including the city bus system. Although the Abu Dhabi public buses started operating in 2008, car dependency is still high and many residents consider public buses to be inefficient and time consuming and only used by certain immigrant working population.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Jantje Tjiptabudy ◽  
Revency Vania Rugebregt ◽  
S. S. Alfons ◽  
Adonia I. Laturette ◽  
Vica J. E. Saiya

On the territory of Aru in the management of natural resources. 3 Last year a lot of the problems occur. This is because their licenses  natural resources management provided by the government to investors who want control over land in this  region, and explore them without regard to the ecosystem and the environment and indigenous people who live in it and in the end lead to conflict.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Jantje Tjiptabudy ◽  
Revency Vania Rugebregt ◽  
S. S. Alfons ◽  
Adonia I. Laturette ◽  
Vica J. E. Saiya

On the territory of Aru in the management of natural resources. 3 Last year a lot of the problems occur. This is because their licenses  natural resources management provided by the government to investors who want control over land in this  region, and explore them without regard to the ecosystem and the environment and indigenous people who live in it and in the end lead to conflict.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Roby Ardiwidjaja

Abstract. Indonesia, where 75% of its territory is covered by the sea, held a significant role both in local and international commerce in the past. Various historical evidences, shipwrecks, as well as the influence and the similarity of maritime culture with other countries reveal that Indonesian people held major role in global maritime culture at the time. However, the maritime culture and life nowadays slowly recedes due to economical factors, limited raw materials, and lack of technology. This paper aims to provide solutions for the problems through the alteration of traditional wooden boat into traditional cruise. The approach used in this research is sustainable development approach through the concept of marine tourism which focuses in making use of traditional boats for both native villagers and tourists to visit the natural and cultural attractions of marine people living in coastal areas and small islands. Hopefully, this article can inspire to support the government repositioning Indonesia maritime area as one of the global maritime axis, in addition to strengthen the efforts to preserve the maritime cultural heritage.Abstrak. Wilayah Indonesia memiliki luas wilayah kurang lebih 75% berupa laut, memiliki peran penting dalam arus lalu-lintas perdagangan lokal maupun antar negara di masa lalu. Adanya berbagai bukti sejarah, kapal tenggelam, serta pengaruh atau kesamaan budaya bahari dengan negara lain, menunjukkan bahwa bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa bahari yang hidup di wilayah perairan sebagai poros pelayaran internasional kala itu. Permasalahannya adalah kehidupan akar budaya bahari masyarakat sekarang ini, yang salah satunya berupa aktivitas pelayaran kapal tradisional sebagai bukti budaya bahari, secara perlahan tapi pasti mulai menghilang akibat faktor ekonomi, bahan baku, dan teknologi. Tulisan ini bertujuan memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah pelestarian budaya bahari bangsa melalui pemanfaatan potensi kapal kayu tradisional sebagai kapal wisata tradisional (traditional cruise). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui konsep pariwisata bahari dengan fokus pada pemanfaatan kapal tradisional yang tidak saja memberi kemudahan angkutan masyarakat antar pulau, tetapi juga kemudahan kepada wisatawan untuk mengunjungi keanekaragaman alam dan kehidupan keseharian akar budaya bahari masyarakat di kawasan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Diharapkan tulisan ini dapat menjadi inspirasi dalam mendukung pemerintah memposisikan kembali wilayah perairan Indonesia sebagai poros pelayaran internasional (poros maritim dunia), sekaligus memperkuat upaya pelestarian budaya bahari bangsa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 433
Muhammad Darwis

Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 3/PUU-VIII/2010 menganulir konsep Hak Pengusahaan Perairan Pesisir (HP–3) yang ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang No. 27 tahun 2007. Putusan ini memunculkan konsep baru yaitu izin pemanfaatan pulau-pulau kecil. Terdapat dua konsep yang berbeda antara hak dan izin, sehingga perlu dijelaskan perbedaan konsep dan implementasi keduanya dalam pemanfaatan pulau-pulau kecil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yang menekankan kajian perundang-undangan dan putusan hakim yang mengatur pemanfaatan pulau-pulau kecil. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa izin pemanfaatan lebih tepat digunakan daripada hak pengelolaan karena menekankan agar pemerintah lebih memiliki peran dan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, dengan konsep perizinan memberikan ruang yang luas kepada pemerintah untuk melaksanakan aktivitas kerja yang solid baik mulai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan.Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 3/PUU-VIII/2010 annulled the concept of Coastal Water Concessions (HP-3) are defined in the Law No. 27 year 2007, this decision gave rise to a new concept that permits the use of small islands. There are two different concepts of “rights” and “permissions”, so it is necessary to explain the differences both in concept and implementation in those small islands utilization. This study uses normative legal research method that emphasizes the review of legislation and judgment decisions governing the utilization of small islands. This research explains that utilization permits are more appropriately used than management rights because it emphasizes that the government has more roles and responsibilities in the management of coastal areas and small islands, with the concept of licensing provides widespread space to the government to carry out solid work activities from starting planning, implementation, until supervision.

Robert Lewis

This chapter demonstrates the Mayor's Committee for Economic and Cultural Development (CECD) that substituted the Chicago Land Clearance Commission's (CLCC) strategy of using government funds to replace razed blighted space with new industrial districts. It examines the methods used by the CECD to modernize the practices that induced industrial firms to invest in city property. It also points out how the CECD was instrumental in shaping how city leaders viewed industrial property through the 1960s and early 1970s. The chapter recounts CECD's work to resituate industrial property as a space for science-led industrial development and the rejuvenation of existing factory areas between 1961 and 1976. It cites how the CECD contributed to the government-led economic development policies that became increasingly common in the United States since the 1970s by forcing the city and industrial institutions to rethink how to promote industrial growth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-113 ◽  
Theodore Metaxas ◽  
Athina Economou

AbstractThe paper investigates the importance of territorial features/assets (i.e. agglomeration economies, urban infrastructure, factors of labour and cost, development policies, qualitative factors, inter alia) on small and medium-sized firms’ competitiveness. The analysis uses primary data from 204 small and medium-sized firms located in Thessaloniki (Greece). These firms operate in the industry, commerce and services sectors. Through the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, the importance of particular factors for the competitiveness of firms has been analysed, reaching valuable conclusions not only for the firms and the city of Thessaloniki, but also for the firms and areas with similar characteristics in Greece and the wider area of the Balkans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Aditia Nugraha Rusli ◽  
Angelalia Roza ◽  
Andi Mulya Rusli

[ID] Pembangunan berkelanjutan merupakan bagian dari fokus pembangunan daerah Kota Padang dengan tujuan menyediakan infrastruktur kota dan peningkatan perekonomian kota tahun 2019-2024. Pemerintah terus mengupayakan peningkatan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Kota Padang dengan mengembangkan sektor kegiatan kota yang diimbangi dengan peningkatan sarana dan prasarana perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis sektor usaha yang belum mencapai kategori basis dan maju di Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengetahui sektor basis maupun non basis adalah metode location quotient (LQ). Sedangkan untuk mengetahui sektor maju atau mundur, digunakan analisis shift share. Dilakukan pula Analisis kependudukan melalui metode proyeksi trendline untuk memproyeksi peramalan penduduk pada tahun mendatang. Hasil analysis location quatien (LQ) menunjukkan terdapat dua sektor non basis di Kota Padang yaitu (1) sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan, (2) pertambangan dan penggalian. Selanjutnya, analisis shift-share menunjukkan terdapat empat sektor yang berada pada kategori mundur/ lamban yaitu sektor: (1) pertanian, (2) kehutanan dan perikanan, (3) industri pengolahan, pengadaan air, pengelolaan sampah, limbah dan daur ulang, (4) jasa keuangan dan asuransi. Berdasarkan trendlinepolynominal didapatkan model proyeksi perkiraan penduduk menurut persamaan y = -194.03x2 + 15535x + 815333 dengan R2 = 0.9964. Kebutuhan sarana prasarana untuk meningkatan kualitas hidup yang layak bagi warga Kota Padang diperkirakan meningkat secara dominan pada kelompok usia 20-24 tahun sebagai proyeksi angkatan kerja. Jumlahnya diprediksi sekitar 77.761 jiwa. Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat dalam menentukan fokus penyediaan infrastruktur kota, agar sektor non basis dan sektor pada kategori mundur atau lambat dapat ditingkatkan menjadi kategori sektor basis dan maju.  [EN] Sustainable development is part of the regional development focus of Padang City to provide urban infrastructure and improve the city's economy in 2019-2024. The government continues to strive to increase the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) of the City of Padang by developing a sector of city activities towards improving urban facilities and infrastructure.This research supports the government's efforts in directing the development of the city of Padang. This study aims to analyze the business sector that has not reached the basic and advanced category in Padang City. The method used to determine the basis and non-base sectors is the location quotient (LQ) method. Meanwhile, to determine the forward or backward sector, shift-share analysis is used. Population analysis is also carried out through the trendline projection method to project population forecasts in the coming year. The results of the location quotient (LQ) analysis show that there are two non-basic sectors in the city of Padang, namely (1) agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, (2) mining and quarrying. Furthermore, the shift-share analysis shows that four sectors are in a slow category, namely the sectors: (1) agriculture, (2) forestry and fisheries, (3) processing industry, water supply, waste management, waste, and recycling, (4) financial and insurance services. Based on the polynomial trendline, the population forecast projection model is obtained according to the equation y = -194.03x2 + 15535x + 815333 with R2 = 0.9964. The need for infrastructure and facilities to improve the quality of life that is feasible for the residents of Padang City is predicted to increase dominantly in the 20-24 year age group. The number is predicted to be around 77,761. It is hoped that this research will be useful in determining the focus of urban infrastructure provision, so that non-base sectors and sectors in the backward or later categories can be upgraded to the basic and advanced category.

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