A Constant Companion

Peter J. Adams

This chapter starts by asking “If we struggle to speak and think about my-death, how is it possible to engage with it in an ongoing fashion?” It explores the advantages of switching from individualized conceptions of self-identity to relational or social conceptions. In doing so, the focus shifts from individual attributes to the importance of relationships. In applying this to death, the prospect of my-death shifts from being viewed as an aspect or an attribute of being alive to being viewed as an ongoing relationship, a constant presence, that persists from birth and throughout life. The discussion finishes by pointing out that, in the face of ongoing fear of death, for a relationship to form, some way of conceptualizing death through what is referred to as an “enabling frame” is needed before a relationship with my-death becomes achievable.

2018 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 481-493
Maiia Polekhina

Representation of the fear of deathin modern Russian war literatureThis article is focusing on one of the relevant problems of modern war prose, “people in the face of death” through the lens of anthropology and culture history. The concept of war itself is accompanied with a discussion of a number of existential issues, the fear of death in war is reviewed as the state in which a human recognizes the real possibility of his non-existence, something that absorbs and disintegrates the human. The fear of non-existence in this case is not a result of thoughts of natural life cycle, but of the recognition of inevitability of one’s demise as living through one’s own finality, eschatology. The constant presence of the Reaper in war changes the protagonists worldview, shows the fragility of human life, makes them live every moment differently and at the same time devalues life in and of itself. This is what makes the issue of human behaviour at Death’s door relevant. Each and every instance of encountering death creates different reactions, however, the fear of non-existence, its measurement or lack thereof is an indicative of individuality, readiness in the wake of eternity. The opposition of existence and non-existence is expanded through defining a specific and described category of non-existence, which is presented as a special kind of Death’s cultural ontology, the roots of which go into Russian modernism, albeit without characteristic romanticizing of it. Dominant in such mortality are the fear of “the void”, “finality of all being”, bearing in the context of modern prose a diverse spectrum of axiological connotations. The fear of non-existence is also viewed from the point of being afraid of being God-forsaken in case of a global historic disaster, which can only be combatted with recognition of infinite universe and infinity of one’s inner universe, of eternal life and of endless mercy of God.Репрезентацiя страху смертіутворах сучасної російської літератури про війнуУ статті розглядається одна з актуальних проблем сучасної прози про війну: особистість перед обличчям смерті в культурно-історичному та антропологічному контексті. Концепт „війна”, повязаний з осмисленням цілого ряду екзистенціальних проблем, страх смерті на війні досліджується як стан, в якому людина усвідомлює можливість свого не-буття, як дещо поглинаюче і розвтiлюче в людині людину. Страх не-буття породжується не думкою людини про те, що все має тимчасовий характер, а його усвідомленням неминучості власної загибелі, це пережита людиною власна кінцівка, есхатологія. Відчуття постійної присутності смерті на війні змінює уявлення героїв про світ, показує крихкість людського життя, змушує по-особливому відчувати кожну його мить і одночасно знецінює життя як акт існування. Тому так гостро постає питання про поведінку людини перед обличчям смерті. Кожен факт зіткнення індивідуума зі смертю породжує різні реакції, але страх не-буття, його міра або його відсутність уявляє собою маркер індивідуальності, її готовності зустрічі з вічністю. Характер опозиції буття — не-буття поширюється за рахунок введеної і маркованої графічно категорії не-буття, що постає особливим типом культурної онтології смерті, витоки якого криються в російському модернізмi, однак без характерної для нього романтизації. Домінантами такого типу мортальності є страх порожнечі, кінцівки всього сущого, що володіють в контексті сучасної прози різноманітним спектром аксиологiчних конотацій. Страх не-буття розглядається як страх богооставленостi людини в ситуації глобальної історичної катастрофи, протистояння з яким можливо через усвідомлення нескінченності світу і людини, через віру у вічне життя, в безмежну милість Бога.

الجمعي بولعراس (al-Jamie Boulares) ◽  
ناصـر الغالي (Nasser al-Ghaliy)

ملخص البحثكثُر الكلام عن اللغة السياسية والدعائية بعد أحداث 11 سبتمبر، وطرأت مصطلحات وتعبيرات وأنماط لغوية جديدة تصادمت فيها مع خلفيات متلقي الخطاب وما تحمله  ذاكرتهم من مدلولات سابقة، ومن ثم، نُسجت خيوط اللغة الجديدة المعاصرة، وظلت بعيدة تراوح ردحا من الزمن محاريب السياسة والإعلام والدعاية، ثم إن  الماسك بزمام التوجه اللغوي المعاصر هو الذي أفلح في احتواء الشارع العربي بحثا عن المفاهيم المختلفة، وفي غياب تنمية لغوية حركية وتبرز هوية قائلها في الزمن، وتتحدى عوائق القواميس الانتقائية والنخبوية والمهمشة للأنا والذات، وبحثا عن مستقبل تتحكم فيه عوامل البقاء اللساني في ظل الصراع الحضاري والفكري والسياسي والاقتصادي وذلك كما نتصور بغربلة الزخم اللغوي العربي لاحتواء الواقع الحضاري للأمة ومستحثات الهزات الاجتماعية لتتأقلم بالمستجدات، ويحتاج هذا جهدا لامتلاك ناصية اللغة الجديدة التي توصف بالتمرد على الماضي، وفي الوقت نفسه تريد أن لا تتجرد منه واللغة الجديدة هي نتاج الحراك اللساني المعاصر، وهي لغة التداول اللغوي ولغة المصطلحات المعاصرة، وهي لغة الدعاية والتعبيرات الاصطلاحية الجديدة ولغة الخطاب السياسي المعاصر. وصل البحث إلى بعض النتائج ومن أهمها: وجوب إعادة قواعد وأنظمة سيميائية للغة الخطاب السياسي، توغل الإعلاميين في المصطلحات والتعابير مثل السياسيين.الكلمات المفتاحية: اللغة العربية-العبارة الاصطلاحية- تلقي العبارة السياسية-سياسة العبارة-لعبة السياسةAbstractThere have been a lot of talks about political language and propaganda after the 11 September incident that had led to the application of new terminologies, expressions and language variations in contrast with what were associated with these words previously in the minds of the recipient. Hence,  new strings of language were woven but nonetheless they remained far from being acquainted with the political and propaganda discourses. The one who is responsible in language policy is the one who is successful in including the language of the streets to explore its various concepts. This is in the absence of the growth of language movements, language personalities, and the challenges of  discovering self-identity and in the efforts to search of the future that is characterized by the elements of language survival in the face of the clashes of civilization, thinking, political and economy. In addition to that, the inner conflicts that are witnessed by the Arab world to adapt to the arising matters and issues. This effort will entail to overcome the new direction in language that is vicious toward the past and at the time try to accommodative to the new and contemporary. The research has concluded that: semiotic rules and regulations of political speech should be reviewed, so as for mass media to penetrate deeply in the technical meanings and expression like the politicians.Keywords: Arabic Language – Terminological phrases –reception of political expressions - politics of phrases – politics games.AbstrakTerdapat banyak perbincangan tentang bahasa politik dan propaganda selepas kejadian 11 September, dan telah timbul pelbagai istilah, pernyataan dan bentuk bahasa baru yang bercanggah dengan pengetahuan latarbelakang pendengar serta apa yang telah mereka fahami sebelum ini.  Ia seperti menenunbah asabaru dan terkini, meninggalkan jarak untuk begitu lama yang mencorakkan pembentukan dasar, perjalanan media dan propaganda. Namun, pihak yang menguasai retraktororientasi linguistic terkini itulah yang akan menentukan kandungan perjalanan bahasa Arab dalam pencarian konsep yang berbeza dengan ketiadaan mobility perkembangan liguistik, seterusnya memartabatkan identity pengguna bahasa tersebut.  Sementara beberapa kamus tertentu yang bersifat elitism dan terpinggir pula mencabar keegoan dan diri. Dalam mencari masa depan, factor lisan bersifat mampu saing memainkan peranan penting dalam aruskonflik tamadun, pemikiran, politik dan ekonomi ini dalam menapis momentum bahasa agar mencaku pirealiti tamadun semasa serta kejutan sosial yang teraruh supaya bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa. Ini memerlukan kesungguhan penguasaan bahasa baru yang tersimpang dari pada yang dulu, dan pada masa yang sama ia tidak terpisah dari pada yang lama.  Bahasa baru ialah hasil pergerakan bahasa semasa, bahasa perundingan dan bahasa istilah semasa.  Ia adalah bahasa propaganda, pernyataan beristilah yang baru dan bahasa wacana politik semasa.  Antara dapatan penting kajian ialah: semakan semula nahu dan prosidur semantic bagi bahasa wacana politik, pihak media mendalami penggunaan istilah serta pernyataan dalam politik.Kata kunci: Bahasa Arab – pernyataan beristilah – pemahaman pernyataan politik – politik pernyataan – permainan politik

Pained ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 125-126
Michael D. Stein ◽  
Sandro Galea

This chapter discusses the stigma attached to those who use drugs. We are accustomed to using language to distance ourselves from those with substance use problems, making sure we mark those who use drugs as “the other,” as not like us. Indeed, we have used nouns to label those who use drugs so that they are discredited; this has consequences for their self-identity. Part of the challenge of the opioid epidemic is the ongoing stigmatization of persons who use drugs. We have shown ourselves to be comfortable letting the problems of persons who use drugs remain their business, deluding ourselves into thinking the health of drug users is not intimately tied to our own. The current epidemic has taught us that we all know someone who has developed a drug problem. In the face of this crisis, quibbling over words may seem like a distraction, a minor issue, but, in fact, using the right language to talk about drug use is a step toward ending this epidemic. It helps us remember drug use is not just a problem for “them,” but for everyone, and that only through compassion and collective effort can we effectively address the disease of addiction.

2005 ◽  
Vol 86 (1002) ◽  
pp. 228-244
David McLoughlin

1992 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19 ◽  
Bert Hayslip ◽  
Debra D. Luhr ◽  
Michael M. Beyerlein

Twenty-five men, twelve of whom were healthy and thirteen of whom had been diagnosed with AIDS, were administered measures of overt (Templer DAS) and covert (Incomplete Sentence Blank) fear of death in order to ascertain levels of death anxiety in those with a terminal illness. Results suggested that while men who had AIDS and those who were healthy did not differ in Templer DAS scores, Incomplete Sentence Blank total scores were higher ( p < .01) for males with AIDS. These findings are consistent with the observations of Pattison who suggested that one's life trajectory is redefined when the diagnosis of a terminal illness is made; such persons experience great anxiety, resulting in the denial of their fear in order to maintain a psychological equilibrium in the face of death.

10.32698/0532 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Advis Arin Pramesti ◽  
Riska Ahmad ◽  
Netrawati Netrawati

Self-identity has an important role in student development. Failure to cultivate this quality leads to deviant behavior such as pornography. The purpose of this study was to describe the identity of students with regard to pornography. The research methods used were quantitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The population sample included 106 public vocational students in the city of Padang selected by the proportional random sampling technique. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire instrument with a Likert model scale. The results showed the identity of students have a 7% contribution in identity diffusion conditions, 32% identity foreclosure conditions, 48% moratorium conditions, and 13% achievement conditions. The findings of this study might be used by counselors to help students in forming their own identities especially in the face of pornography.

Digithum ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 54-66
Christian Alejandro Retamal Hernández

In the present text, we address the developments that Zygmunt Bauman formulated on modern genocide, linking them with his latest publications on liquid modernity. To do this (1) we explore the validity of the central hypotheses of Modernity and Holocaust and place them in our context. Bauman believes that the Holocaust is the archetype of modern genocides, which has as one of its necessary conditions the production of moral distance. We analyze the meaning of proximity and the “face of the other” as a source of presocietal moral relations. (2) Following the previous ones, we study the problems that imply the “face of the other” in the context of liquid modernity, especially those related to the challenges of fundamentalisms. (3) We then approach the phenomenon of the “religionization of politics” as a confrontation to the secularism of liquid modernity, its impact on our understanding of freedom and security. (4) Finally, we analyze, linking the reflections of Bauman to those of Horkheimer and Adorno, how the center of the “religionization of politics” is constituted by the “sacred fear” of death and the denial of contingency.

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-91 ◽  
Clive Seale

ABSTRACTDrawing on the accounts given by 163 relatives, friends and others who knew a sample of people who lived alone in the last twelve months of their lives, this paper examines a variety of strategies used by speakers to maintain their moral identities. Respondents sought to locate themselves as members of a community of care by stressing their activity in surveillance of the living conditions of those who lived alone, describing their part in the orchestration of help by members of a team of professional and lay carers, and in conducting negotiations over the placement in institutions of people who failed to maintain adequate reputations for independent living. A variety of strategies for justifying or excusing placement decisions—including criticisms of the behaviour of the people who lived alone—are described. At the same time, the accounts are read as a resource for understanding the perspective of the people who lived alone. People who live alone towards the end of life face particularly pressing threats to their capacity to maintain meaning and purpose. Declining physical capacity threatens loss of control and the onset of social death, conspiring to undermine ontological security. The struggle to maintain a reputation for independence in the face of neighbourly surveillance for signs of slippage is described. The paper concludes by identifying a central dilemma for carers: how to provide care that allows its recipient to manage self-identity independently.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-81
W. M. Jacob

Recent constitutional changes had had a significant impact on the established Church’s self- identity and self-confidence. The recently appointed reforming bishops of London and Winchester, responsible for the metropolis, and leading laypeople set out to develop mission strategies to respond to this unprecedented situation in the face of London’s immense population growth and the confidence and challenge of Nonconformist churches. Anglicans adopted a strategy of subdividing densely populated historic parishes in poor districts and recruiting clergy to establish schools, gather congregations, and build churches as centres of spiritual, pastoral, and philanthropic care, with the associated need to secure voluntary funding and pastoral assistance, including women, for these initiatives. Contemporary evidence suggests that contemporary and subsequent criticisms of this strategy were overstated in claiming that the Church of England lost the allegiance of people in multiply deprived inner-urban parishes. Close examination discloses a more nuanced picture.

2019 ◽  
Daniel Lopes Ibanez-Gonzalez ◽  
Nina Sarah Lewin

AbstractBackgroundThis paper reports on the findings of a qualitative Phenomenologically inclined investigation of the views of adolescents in Soweto (n=13) regarding religious belief and perceptions of peer influenced risk behaviour. We present an in-depth investigation of this particular theme, using data from a broader qualitative study (n=59) conducted within the Birth to Twenty longitudinal study on religion and public participation in Soweto. MethodologyAll completed interviews (n=56) were analysed by a narrative coding process and by automated word searches using a MAX QDA programme focusing on risk behaviours and religious youth services. Thirteen interview transcripts were identified as containing strong themes on the relationship between religious adherence and risk behaviour and were selected as case studies for discussion in the present paper. ResultsThe findings are presented in four sub-themes: 1) descriptions of church-based structures and activities in Soweto; 2) descriptions of partying in relation to religion; 3) managing multiple roles, and 4) the role of religion in consolidating self-identity. DiscussionA prominent theme in the discussion is the practice of young adolescents of articulating the social worlds of the church and the party in mutually exclusive terms, in which allegiance to their religious beliefs was given primary importance. The deference to their religious beliefs enabled the study participants to come to terms with their own performance in the face of the crises engendered by their encounter with non-religious peer influences. ConclusionFuture research should focus on these moments of crisis in order to further understand how religious adherence influences decision-making in different social contexts. Further studies in this regard can inform a continuing process of information sharing between religious groups and public health bodies towards recognizing the public health benefits of adolescent religious involvement

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