
Mara Marin

The conclusion reminds the reader of the significance of taking a social structural point of view to the issue of individual responsibility for social injustice. It underscores the advantages of the notion of commitment for making this point of view intuitively available. It points to the fact that calls for justice are calls for social change, which requires change of material structures and of interlocking structures of meaning. It reiterates the transformative potential of open-ended action, action that embraces its lack of control, invites the responses of others, and has a time dimension. It discusses the relevance of the book’s claim that the oppressive character of social relations is intrinsically connected to their social character. It suggests that this claim can be interpreted pessimistically, as showing that social relations always contain the possibility of oppression, or optimistically, as showing that the transformation of our social world is within our power.

Галина Тимофеевна Мельникова

Введение. Обращение к творчеству Николая Филипповича Павлова представляется актуальным. Он оставил значительный след в русской литературе первой половины XIX в., одним из первых поднял тему социальной несправедливости и антигуманности общественных порядков. Творчество автора высоко оценивалось читателями и критиками 30-х гг. XIX в. Однако имя автора сборников «Три повести» и «Новые повести» уже к концу века попало в число «забытых». В исследованиях, посвященных романтизму Н. Ф. Павлова, упоминали как писателя, творчество которого носило переходный характер, отмечалось его «движение» от романтизма к реализму. Цель – анализ идейно-тематического своеобразия повести Павлова «Ятаган» с точки зрения отражения общественных и культурных реалий России первой трети XIX в. Материал и методы. Исследуется повесть Павлова «Ятаган», вошедшая в первый сборник прозаических произведений автора «Три повести», который стал событием в общественной и литературной жизни России 1830-х годов. В работе использованы биографический, историко-культурный, сравнительно-сопоставительный методы исследования. Результаты и обсуждение. В повести «Ятаган» автор создал правдивую картину социальных отношений и нравов русского общества первой трети XIX в.: представил социальную иерархию, особое отношение к военным и военной службе, дуэльную традицию. Драматические обстоятельства, в которые попадает главный герой, отражают нравственную и социальную проблему несправедливости, армейской жестокости, которая обострилась в годы правления Николая I. В начале повести главный герой, делающий первые жизненные шаги, полон восторга перед будущим и романтических мечтаний, которые впоследствии разрушаются жестокой действительностью. С образом ятагана связан мотив рока. Пришедшая из народной мифологии «плохая» примета становится пророческой, а подарок матери – символической причиной гибели героя. Заключение. В романтической светской повести «Ятаган» автором художественно представлены общественные отношения и культурные традиции первой трети XIX в. Поднятые им злободневные для 1830-х годов темы телесных наказаний и социальной несправедливости в армии нашли отражение в реалистической литературе начала XX в. Introduction. The author seems it relevant to appeal to the works of Nikolai Filippovich Pavlov, who left a significant impact on the Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century. He, being one of the first, raised the topic of social injustice and inhumanity of public orders. Though, the readers and critics of the 30s of the XIX century highly appreciated Pavlov’s works, the name of the author of the collections “Three Stories” and “New Stories” had become already among the “forgotten” by the end of the century. The scientists of Romanticism still mention N. Pavlov as a writer whose works were of a transitional nature and note his “movement” from romanticism to realism. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to analyze the ideological and thematic originality of Pavlov’s story “Scimitar” from the point of view of reflecting the social and cultural realities of Russia of the first third of the XIX century. Material and methods. The author examines Pavlov’s novel “Scimitar” included in the first collection of prose “Three Stories”, which became a triumph in the social and literary life of Russia of the 1830s. The author uses biographical, historical, cultural and comparative methods of research. Results and discussion. In the story “Scimitar” the author creates a true picture of the social relations and mores of the Russian society of the first third of the XIX century: he presents the social hierarchy, a special attitude to the military men and service, and the dueling tradition. The dramatic circumstances in which the main character finds himself reflect the moral and social problem of injustice, army brutality, escalating during the reign of Nicholas I. At the beginning of the story, the main character, undertaking the first steps in life, is full of enthusiasm for the future romantic dreams, which the reality subsequently cruelly destroys. The motif of doom refers to the image of the scimitar. The “bad” omen coming from folk mythology becomes prophetic, while the mother’s gift symbolically results in the hero’s death. Conclusion. In the romantic novel “Scimitar”, Pavlov artistically describes social relations and cultural traditions of the Russia of the first half of the XIX century. The themes of corporal punishment and social injustice in the army, which were topical for the 1830s, are reflected in the realistic literature of the early twentieth century.

The results of experimental studies of masonry on the action of dynamic and static (short-term and long-term) loads are presented. The possibility of plastic deformations in the masonry is analyzed for different types of force effects. The falsity of the proposed approach to the estimation of the coefficient of plasticity of masonry, taking into account the ratio of elastic and total deformations of the masonry is noted. The study of the works of Soviet scientists revealed that the masonry under the action of seismic loads refers to brittle materials in the complete absence of plastic properties in it in the process of instantaneous application of forces. For the cases of uniaxial and plane stress states of the masonry, data on the coefficient of plasticity obtained from the experiment are presented. On the basis of experimental studies the influence of the strength of the so-called base materials (brick, mortar) on the bearing capacity of the masonry, regardless of the nature of the application of forces and the type of its stress state, is noted. The analysis of works of prof. S. V. Polyakov makes it possible to draw a conclusion that at the long application of the load, characteristic for the masonry are not plastic deformations, but creep deformations. It is shown that the proposals of some authors on the need to reduce the level of adhesion of the mortar to the brick for the masonry erected in earthquake-prone regions in order to improve its plastic properties are erroneous both from the structural point of view and from the point of view of ensuring the seismic resistance of structures. It is noted that the proposal to assess the plasticity of the masonry of ceramic brick walls and large-format ceramic stone with a voidness of more than 20% is incorrect, and does not meet the work of the masonry of hollow material. On the basis of the analysis of a large number of research works it is concluded about the fragile work of masonry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 44-59
Lidia Peneva

Crimes against marriage and family are a particular group of social relation­ships that the law has defended properly in view of the high public significance and value they enjoy. At the moment they are regulated in Chapter VI, Section I, of the specific part of the Penal Code the Repub­lic of Bulgaria. The subject matter of this Statement will, however, be the legisla­tive provisions concerning these criminal­ized acts in retrospect. The purpose of the study is to show by historical method and through the comparatively legal method the development of these criminal groups during the periods of various criminal laws in Bulgaria. This will also provide a basis for reflection on possible de lege ferenda proposals. This report from a structural point of view will be divided into three distinct points, marking each of the penal laws in the Republic of Bulgaria, which were in force before 1968.

Membranes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 429
Aurelia Cristina Nechifor ◽  
Andreia Pîrțac ◽  
Paul Constantin Albu ◽  
Alexandra Raluca Grosu ◽  
Florina Dumitru ◽  

The separation, concentration and transport of the amino acids through membranes have been continuously developed due to the multitude of interest amino acids of interest and the sources from which they must be recovered. At the same time, the types of membranes used in the sepa-ration of the amino acids are the most diverse: liquids, ion exchangers, inorganic, polymeric or composites. This paper addresses the recuperative separation of three amino acids (alanine, phe-nylalanine, and methionine) using membranes from cellulosic derivatives in polypropylene ma-trix. The microfiltration membranes (polypropylene hollow fibers) were impregnated with solu-tions of some cellulosic derivatives: cellulose acetate, 2-hydroxyethyl-cellulose, methyl 2-hydroxyethyl-celluloseand sodium carboxymethyl-cellulose. The obtained membranes were characterized in terms of the separation performance of the amino acids considered (retention, flux, and selectivity) and from a morphological and structural point of view: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high resolution SEM (HR-SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA). The re-sults obtained show that phenylalanine has the highest fluxes through all four types of mem-branes, followed by methionine and alanine. Of the four kinds of membrane, the most suitable for recuperative separation of the considered amino acids are those based on cellulose acetate and methyl 2-hydroxyethyl-cellulose.

J. K. Swindler

We are social animals in the sense that we spontaneously invent and continuously re-invent the social realm. But, not unlike other artifacts, once real, social relations, practices, institutions, etc., obey prior laws, some of which are moral laws. Hence, with regard to social reality, we ought to be ontological constructivists and moral realists. This is the view sketched here, taking as points of departure Searle's recent work on social ontology and May's on group morality. Moral and social selves are distinguished to acknowledge that social reality is constructed but social morality is not. It is shown how and why moral law requiring respect for the dignity and well being of agents governs a social world comprising roles that are real only because of their occupants' social intentions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Milan Melnik ◽  
Peter Mikuš ◽  
Clive E. Holloway

AbstractThis review classifies and analyzes over fifty heterohepta- and heterooctanuclear platinum clusters. There are eight types of metal combinations in heteroheptanuclear: Pt6M, Pt5M2, Pt4M3, Pt3M4, Pt2M5, PtM6, Pt3Hg2Ru2 and Pt2Os3Fe2. The seven metal atoms are in a wide variety of arrangements, with the most common being one in which the central M atom (mostly M(I)) is sandwiched by two M3 triangles. Another arrangement often found is an octahedron of M6 atoms asymmetrically capped by an M atom. The shortest Pt-M bond distances (non-transition and transition) are 2.326(1) Å (M = Ga) and 2.537(6) Å (M = Fe). The shortest Pt-Pt bond distance is 2.576(2) Å.In heterooctanuclear platinum clusters there are eight types of metal combinations: Pt6M2, Pt4M4, Pt3Ru5, Pt2M6, PtM7, Pt2W4Ni2, PtAu6Hg and PtAu5Hg2. From a structural point of view, the clusters are complex with bicapped octahedrons of eight metal atoms prevailing. The shortest Pt-M bond distances (non-transition and transition) are 2.651(3) Å (M = Hg) and 2.624(1) Å (M = Os). The shortest Pt-Pt bond distance is 2.622(1) Å. These values are somewhat longer than those in the heteroheptanuclear clusters. Several relationships between the structural parameters were found, and are discussed and compared with the smaller heterometallic platinum clusters

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-37 ◽  
Inga Urbonaitė

Town green areas are very important elements of urban structure, it is used for leisure, recreation, buidling social relations. Their importance is measured not only from ecological point of view, but also from estetical and economical. It is important to understand, not only how recreation system influeces the surrounding environment, but also what should it be to meet urban territorial communities needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 96-123
L.V. Shchennikova

Introduction: the article deals with the methodological problem of the meaning of the goal of civil law research. The author analyzes the dissertation abstracts from the point of view of goal setting, which were completed in different periods of the development of Russian civil law science, identifies the qualitative characteristics of the stages, and proves the connection of the achieved results with the researcher’s knowledge of the methodological methods of goal setting. Purpose: to show the value of goal setting in scientific research in general and in civil research in particular; to consider the relationship of goal setting with the achievement of specific scientific results on the examples of dissertations defended in the specialty 12.00.03; to justify the need to set as goals the fundamental problems associated with the identification of patterns of development of relations that are part of the subject of civil law regulation and the creation of effective mechanisms that mediate them. Methods: system-structural, system-functional, generalization, abstraction, analogy, logical, statistical, classification, legal modeling, comparative legal, forecasting, formal legal, historical. Results: civil methodology should take into account the importance of the goal in the organization of scientific work. Only a competent possession of goal setting skills can ultimately ensure the creation of scientifically-based mechanisms for effective impact of civil law norms on regulated social relations. Conclusions: 1) any science, including the science of civil law, is not only designed to study and describe existing problems, including legislative, doctrinal, and law enforcement. Research, in order to meet the criterion of scientific character, must attempt to identify the laws of development, both regulated relations and mechanisms that mediate them; 2) the significance of the goal in the development of science has been proven by outstanding philosophers. In addition, the very definition of science indicates that goal setting is one of its essential characteristics; 3) the analysis of the author’s abstracts of leading Russian tsivilists showed how the skilful setting of research goals helped to achieve them consistently, as well as to create a high-quality categorical apparatus of civil law science; 4) the analysis of modern dissertations showed that not all young researchers see the value of goal-setting and this methodological disadvantage is important for the author to eliminate.

Maksim Vladimirovich Shpagin ◽  
Mikhail Valerievich Kolesnikov ◽  
Olga Yurievna Khutorskaya ◽  
Dmitriy Evgenievich Timoshkin ◽  
Artem Andreevich Belikin ◽  

From the informational and structural point of view, the chronicity of pain is associated with the migration of nociogenic zones. The phenomenon of migration is based on the mechanisms of neuroplasticity, compensatory-restorative processes in the nervous system. On the basis of the phenomenon of migration of the nociogenic zone, a system of regional integrative therapy of chronic pain syndrome has been developed. Recommendations on the advisability of invasive shutdown of the nociogenic zone using invasive pharmacotherapy or surgical denervation have been proposed. In the course of studying the characteristics of chronic pain, depending on the duration of the disease, a direct proportional correlation was revealed between the increase in the components of pain and the duration of the pain syndrome, which can be explained by the increase in the number of nociogenic structures that form the complexity and stability of the pain syndrome. Thus, the necessity of neurodestructive interventions increases for attaining positive results. An important area of therapy is the inclusion of psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and neuromodulation into the system of regional-integrative influence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 172 ◽  
pp. 03006
Harish Panjagala ◽  
Balakrishna M ◽  
Shasikant Kushnoore ◽  
E L N Rohit Madhukar

Automobile have various parts which are important for good running of the vehicle. The most important safety components from a structural point of view are the road wheels. They are required to be lighter and more fascinating to the buyer all the time. This implies that it's important to perform a lot of accurate strength assessment on wheel styles. The wheel rim plays a major role in vehicle dynamics. This paper deals with the design and model of different wheel rims based on weight optimization and also structural analysis has been carried out. It has been compared with standard values by varying two different materials. In addition, from the obtained outputs of simulations and the weight optimization, we suggested Aluminium alloys as most suitable material for SUV. Model is created by using SOLIDWORKS software 2015 and structural analysis &; weight optimization is done by using ANSYS WORKBENCH 16.0.

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