Галина Тимофеевна Мельникова

Введение. Обращение к творчеству Николая Филипповича Павлова представляется актуальным. Он оставил значительный след в русской литературе первой половины XIX в., одним из первых поднял тему социальной несправедливости и антигуманности общественных порядков. Творчество автора высоко оценивалось читателями и критиками 30-х гг. XIX в. Однако имя автора сборников «Три повести» и «Новые повести» уже к концу века попало в число «забытых». В исследованиях, посвященных романтизму Н. Ф. Павлова, упоминали как писателя, творчество которого носило переходный характер, отмечалось его «движение» от романтизма к реализму. Цель – анализ идейно-тематического своеобразия повести Павлова «Ятаган» с точки зрения отражения общественных и культурных реалий России первой трети XIX в. Материал и методы. Исследуется повесть Павлова «Ятаган», вошедшая в первый сборник прозаических произведений автора «Три повести», который стал событием в общественной и литературной жизни России 1830-х годов. В работе использованы биографический, историко-культурный, сравнительно-сопоставительный методы исследования. Результаты и обсуждение. В повести «Ятаган» автор создал правдивую картину социальных отношений и нравов русского общества первой трети XIX в.: представил социальную иерархию, особое отношение к военным и военной службе, дуэльную традицию. Драматические обстоятельства, в которые попадает главный герой, отражают нравственную и социальную проблему несправедливости, армейской жестокости, которая обострилась в годы правления Николая I. В начале повести главный герой, делающий первые жизненные шаги, полон восторга перед будущим и романтических мечтаний, которые впоследствии разрушаются жестокой действительностью. С образом ятагана связан мотив рока. Пришедшая из народной мифологии «плохая» примета становится пророческой, а подарок матери – символической причиной гибели героя. Заключение. В романтической светской повести «Ятаган» автором художественно представлены общественные отношения и культурные традиции первой трети XIX в. Поднятые им злободневные для 1830-х годов темы телесных наказаний и социальной несправедливости в армии нашли отражение в реалистической литературе начала XX в. Introduction. The author seems it relevant to appeal to the works of Nikolai Filippovich Pavlov, who left a significant impact on the Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century. He, being one of the first, raised the topic of social injustice and inhumanity of public orders. Though, the readers and critics of the 30s of the XIX century highly appreciated Pavlov’s works, the name of the author of the collections “Three Stories” and “New Stories” had become already among the “forgotten” by the end of the century. The scientists of Romanticism still mention N. Pavlov as a writer whose works were of a transitional nature and note his “movement” from romanticism to realism. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to analyze the ideological and thematic originality of Pavlov’s story “Scimitar” from the point of view of reflecting the social and cultural realities of Russia of the first third of the XIX century. Material and methods. The author examines Pavlov’s novel “Scimitar” included in the first collection of prose “Three Stories”, which became a triumph in the social and literary life of Russia of the 1830s. The author uses biographical, historical, cultural and comparative methods of research. Results and discussion. In the story “Scimitar” the author creates a true picture of the social relations and mores of the Russian society of the first third of the XIX century: he presents the social hierarchy, a special attitude to the military men and service, and the dueling tradition. The dramatic circumstances in which the main character finds himself reflect the moral and social problem of injustice, army brutality, escalating during the reign of Nicholas I. At the beginning of the story, the main character, undertaking the first steps in life, is full of enthusiasm for the future romantic dreams, which the reality subsequently cruelly destroys. The motif of doom refers to the image of the scimitar. The “bad” omen coming from folk mythology becomes prophetic, while the mother’s gift symbolically results in the hero’s death. Conclusion. In the romantic novel “Scimitar”, Pavlov artistically describes social relations and cultural traditions of the Russia of the first half of the XIX century. The themes of corporal punishment and social injustice in the army, which were topical for the 1830s, are reflected in the realistic literature of the early twentieth century.

Daniel R. Brower

In what ways did the development of cities in late tsarist Russiaalter the character of social relations and conflicts in that keyperiod? At first glance, the question may appear poorly posed. It has long been customary to assess the history of Russian society in the nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries in terms of estate and class, to evaluate change by class differentiation, and to look for the sources of social conflict in the strains engendered by the transformation (to the extent it occurred) of a "society of estates" into a "society of classes." The urban centers of the country fran this point of view provided merely the setting in which key segments of the population experienced and reacted to new economic forces and politicalpressures. Recent books in the social history of the time havesubstantially enlarged and enriched our understanding of the changes under way among the urban population.

2004 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Silvia Montenegro

Este artículo analiza el discurso de las antropologías poscoloniales, construidas “desde el punto de vista de los nativos”. Se retrata el caso específico del proyecto de una antropología islámica, según la propuesta del antropólogo paquistaní Akbar Akmed. Se afirma que fue en el contexto político y cultural de las ideas del Resurgimiento que se creó la Asociación de Cientistas Sociales Musulmanes en Estados Unidos, institución que desarrolló un programa de “islamización del conocimiento” inspirado en las ideas de Ismail Al-Faruqi. Dentro de la antropología fue Akbar Ahmed quien lideró ese proyecto plasmado, luego, en su libro Hacia una antropologia Islámica. Posteriormente el texto sugiere que el proyecto de una antropologia islámica incluye: a) una critica preliminar a la historia de la antropología en occidente; b) el argumento de la existencia de antropologías no occidentales basadas en otras tradiciones culturales, tales como el pensamiento islámico. La antropología islámica permite analizar las ambiguedades y desafios de un proyecto intelectual y político postcolonial que cuestiona y desdibuja las fronteras entre observadores y observados. Post-Colonial Anthropologies: Islamic anthropology and the islamization of knowledge in the Social Sciences Abstract This article analyzes the discourse of the postcolonial anthropologies, constructed “from the native’s point of view”. It depicts the specific case of the project of an Islamic anthropology, according to the proposal of Pakistani anthropologist Akbar Ahmed. It argues that it was within the political and cultural context of the Islamic Ressurgence ideologies that the Muslim Association for the Islamic Social Sciences was founded in the United States. This institution developed a program for the “islamization of knowledge” that was inspired in Ismail Al-Faruqi’s ideas. Akbar Ahmed was the leader of this project within anthropology, shaping it in his book Toward Islamic Anthropology. The article also suggests that the project of an Islamic anthropology includes: a) a preliminary critique of the history of anthropology in the West; b) arguing for the existence of non-western anthropologies, based in “other” cultural traditions, such as Islamic thought. Islamic anthropology allows analysis of the ambiguities and challenges of an intellectual and political postcolonial project that questions and redraws the borders between observers and observed.

Е.А. Волкова ◽  
Н.М. Волков ◽  
А.В. Пилевцева

В статье анализируется социально-исторические воззрения Ф. М. Достоевского. Целью работы является исследование писателем в его произведениях социальных отношений российского общества середины - второй половины XIX столетия: отношения между классами и социальными группами, социальной справедливости, свободы, богатства-бедности, положения русского народа. Авторы приходят к выводу, что писатель стремился изобразить русский народ единым, примирить классовые, сословные противоречия, представить подобное состояние русского общества как особый исторический путь России. Исследовав основные произведения Ф.М. Достоевского, авторы приходят к выводу, что, будучи писателем-реалистом, стремившимся передать правду жизни русского народа, писатель постоянно наталкивался на вопиющее несоответствие собственной доктрины реальным картинам российской действительности. Ф.М. Достоевский возлагал вину за создавшееся положение на русскую интеллигенцию. The article analyzes the socio-historical views of F. M. Dostoevsky in his multifaceted work. The social and historical views of the thinker include a deep study of the social relations of Russian society in the mid-second half of the XIX century: the relations between classes and social groups, social justice, freedom, wealth-poverty, the situation of the Russian people. Russian Russian writers have come to the conclusion that the writer sought to portray the Russian people as one, to reconcile class and class contradictions, to present such a state of Russian society as a special historical path of Russia. However, as a realist writer who sought to draw the truth of the life of the Russian people, the writer constantly came across a blatant discrepancy between his own doctrine and the real pictures of Russian reality. Dostoevsky blamed the situation on the Russian intelligentsia.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Besin Gaspar

This research deals with the development of  self concept of Hiroko as the main character in Namaku Hiroko by Nh. Dini and tries to identify how Hiroko is portrayed in the story, how she interacts with other characters and whether she is portrayed as a character dominated by ”I” element or  ”Me”  element seen  from sociological and cultural point of view. As a qualitative research in nature, the source of data in this research is the novel Namaku Hiroko (1967) and the data ara analyzed and presented deductively. The result of this analysis shows that in the novel, Hiroko as a fictional character is  portrayed as a girl whose personality  develops and changes drastically from ”Me”  to ”I”. When she was still in the village  l iving with her parents, she was portrayed as a obedient girl who was loyal to the parents, polite and acted in accordance with the social customs. In short, her personality was dominated by ”Me”  self concept. On the other hand, when she moved to the city (Kyoto), she was portrayed as a wild girl  no longer controlled by the social customs. She was  firm and determined totake decisions of  her won  for her future without considering what other people would say about her. She did not want to be treated as object. To put it in another way, her personality is more dominated by the ”I” self concept.

2010 ◽  
pp. 2226-2238
Almudena Moreno Mínguez ◽  
Carolina Suárez Hernán

The generalization of the new information technologies has favored the transformation of social structures and the way of relating to others. In this changing process, the logic of the social relationships is characterized by the fragility and the temporality of the communicative systems reciprocity which are established “online” in a new cybernetic culture. “Virtual communities” are created in which the interaction systems established by individuals exceed the traditional categories of time and space. In this manner the individuals create online social webs where they connect and disconnect themselves based on their needs or wishes. The new online communication technologies favor the rigid norms of the “solid society” that dilute in flexible referential contexts and reversible in the context of the “global and liquid society” to which the sociologists Bauman or Beck have referred to. Therefore the objective that the authors propose in this chapter is to try new theoretic tools, from the paradigms of the new sociology of technology, which let them analyze the new relational and cultural processes which are being generated in the cultural context of the information global society, as a consequence of the new communication technologies scope. Definitely the authors propose to analyze the meaning of concepts such as “virtual community”, “cyber culture”, or “contacted individualism”, as well as the meaning and extent of some of the new social and individual behaviors which are maintained in the Net society.

Dixi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Maxym Tkalych ◽  
Oksana Safonchyk ◽  
Yuliia Tolmachevska

Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private law as one of the two areas of law, is the concept of natural law. This concept presupposes that rights and freedoms are an inalienable good of every person, regardless of the will of any external institutions. The ideas of natural law have been expressed in the concept of private law (the fundamental principles of private law are such principles as justice, good faith, reasonableness, dispositiveness, legal certainty, inadmissibility of interference in private affairs, inviolability of property rights, and freedom of contract). Object: The subject of the study is the problems of reforming of private law in modern conditions. The object of research is the social relations that arise in the plane of «person-person» and «state-person» in modern transformation processes. Methodology: The research methodology is formed by methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling. Additionally, logical-legal, comparative-legal forecasting methods are used. The authors of the article tried to draw a parallel between the concepts of natural law, Roman law and private law. Results and discussion: An analysis of these concepts revealed that each of them is an integral part of the concept of modern Western civilization. At the same time, in modern conditions of pandemic, deglobalization, regionalization, collapse of human rights and the very concept of Western civilization, which is based on the ideas of humanism, liberalism, absolute human rights, inviolability of property rights and respect for privacy, are under threat.

С.Л. Лобзова

The article attempts to highlight the main romantic motifs that the modern German writer Patrick Süskind used in his novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. Symbolic for the contemporary cultural context figurative semantic constants (genius, loneliness, rejection, godlessness, etc.) are assigned to such motifs. The ways and means of rethinking romantic motifs in a modern novel are determined, the specifics of their transformation in a postmodern text is analyzed. The similarities between the work of Süskind and popular upbringing novels in the Enlightenment are noted: the main character of the modern German writer goes through the thorny path of formation, he improves his gift, thanks to which he hopes to change the world, subjugate other people to himself. The parody evangelical allusions that contribute to the deconstruction of the romantic figure of an unrecognized genius are analyzed. The postmodernist writer debunks and ridicules the hero, turning the imaginary king into a jester. Unlike the romantic hero, whose main function was to broadcast the divine will, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille refutes the truth of the Absolute by his existence and the ingenious gift inherent in him by nature. The article concludes that Süskind refers to a stable romantic model, implemented many times in literature and art, setting his own accents in his own way, bringing the romantic structure to its limit. This model goes through the second stage in its development, according to the Hegel’s triad, namely, the negation of negation, when any phenomenon turns into its opposite. Refuting the well-known Pushkin’s claim that “genius and villainy are two incompatible things”, the writer at the same time comes to the conclusion that evil, even without meeting a worthy opponent, is destructive to himself. We see further research prospects in the study of the novel in the context of the work of Süskind and modern German-language literature from the point of view of transforming the romantic tradition in the post-modern text.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 85-91
A. Matyukhin

This review is an analysis of the monograph of Roman Osin, candidate of philosophy, associate Professor of the Department of fundamental legal and social-humanitarian disciplines at synergy University "Left forces and spontaneous protest: history, lessons, modernity, prospects". The monograph examines the political and socio-class nature of the mass protests of 2011-2013 from the perspective of Marxist methodology and tactics of the Russian left movement in them. The monograph is of interest both from the point of view of studying the protest and left-wing movements of the early 2010s, and from the point of view of the methodology for understanding the phenomenon of "color" revolutions in General. The author analyzes the social composition of the protesters, their political views, as well as the political forces of the protest and their tactics based on the empirical material of sociological research, as well as personal experience of participating in the ongoing processes. Based on the study, R.S. Osin concludes that the protest was generally "petty-bourgeois" in nature and could not lead to fundamental changes in the basis of society. At the same time, from the author's point of view, this protest was an important milestone in the development of the politicization of Russian society and could not fail to be a useful experience for Russian citizens. Analyzing the tactics of the left forces, R.S. Osin notes as a disadvantage the political and ideological inconsistency of many left-wing organizations, which benefited the liberal protest forces or the authorities. From the point of view Of R.S. Osin, the most correct tactic was the tactics of those organizations that simultaneously opposed the liberal and state-Patriotic forces, which in practice means participating in protests with their own independent agenda. In conclusion, R.S. Osin expresses his own point of view on the need for fundamental changes in society, reveals the concept of social and political revolutions, and also States the thesis that only the organized labor movement and other layers of workers can change the system of industrial relations in the country. Despite the obvious ideological color of the work and the use of exclusively Marxist methodology as the research base, R.S. Osin's monograph is of scientific interest and can be used to study the modern protest and left-wing movement.

Arkadyi L. Marshak ◽  

The article analyses the present state of culture in Russia, its multilevel content. It shows the influence of different layers of society on the state and development of the present social structure. Based on perennial research data collected with participation of the author, sociocultural models of social relations and their influence on the cultural potential of the social structure are described. The article emphasizes the necessity of multilevel social research of the cultural potential of Russian society. The main directions of theoretical, methodological and empirical program of such research are formulated.

2009 ◽  

Intellectual integrity and a challenge to rhetoric are the two strategic objectives of those who take up the hazardous path of sociological knowledge. This book does not presume to respond fully, but at least attempts to target these aims. The fruit of many years' teaching and research experience, it adopts a line of interpretation that highlights the point of view of the social agent considered in his close, symbiotic and procedural relation with the society in which he acts; this society is not abstract and generic but explored and construed in the tangible dimension of daily life and social relations. The book is organised with a practically identical layout in all the chapters: in dialogue format it proceeds from the identification of the categories central to the issue addressed through to its empirical application/s, hinging the two together with contributions from the sociological school or writer most relevant to the subject in question.

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