Global Borderlands

2019 ◽  
pp. 296-326
Annette Idler

Chapter 8 discusses the implications of interactions among violent non-state groups for security dynamics in borderlands and elsewhere across the globe. It argues that these implications are contingent on an approach that transcends externally imposed categories, particularly those related to space, time, and agency. The chapter presents how the book’s findings help develop “second-best” policy interventions that target those security challenges arising from violent non-state groups that are mitigated most effectively. To stimulate further debate and research conducive to tackling these challenges, the chapter sketches out three lines of inquiry on which a borderland lens can shed new light: transnational borderlands (space), a changing security landscape (time), and the relations among people, violent non-state groups, and the state (agency).

Sociologija ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-95
Smiljana Milinkov ◽  
Dinko Gruhonjic

The paper problematizes the presence of political clientelism in the media in the Republic of Serbia. The aim of this research is to point out the examples of establishing mechanisms of clientelistic practice in the media, using the News agency Tanjug as an example. Three analytical categories, which are relevant for perceiving the problem of clientelism, have been included: regulatory framework, financial allocations from the state budget and the reporting of the news agency Tanjug. The results of the research show that the illegal functioning, the unsolved ownership issue, non-transparent financing and unprofessional reporting are characteristics of the media work of Tanjug agency. According to the law, the former state agency was scheduled to stop work by the end of 2015. However, Tanjug still, with unclear legal status and significant financial help from the state, publishes information, some of which were proven to be disinformation. The analysis of examples of unobjective and unprofessional reporting points out to the ignoring of public interest, in order to satisfy the particular interest of the governing political structure, which financially makes Tanjug?s functioning possible, in an illegal manner. This case represents a closed circle of interrelationships on the relation politics-economy-media, through which clientelism is defined, using quid pro quo practice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 279
MA. Fisnik Sadiku ◽  
MA. Besnik Lokaj

Intelligence services are an important factor of national security. Their main role is to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate information on threats to the state and its population.Because of their “dark” activity, intelligence services for many ordinary citizens are synonymous of violence, fear and intimidation. This mostly comes out in theRepublicofKosovo, due to the murderous activities of the Serbian secret service in the past. Therefore, we will treat the work of intelligence services in democratic conditions, so that the reader can understand what is legitimate and legal of these services.In different countries of the world, security challenges continue to evolve and progress every day, and to fulfil these challenges, the state needs new ways of coordinating and developing the capability to shape the national security environment. However, the increase of intelligence in many countries has raised debates about legal and ethical issues regarding intelligence activities.Therefore, this paper will include a clear explanation of the term, meaning, process, transparency and secrecy, and the role that intelligence services have in analyzing potential threats to national security.The study is based on a wide range of print and electronic literature, including academic and scientific literature, and other documents of various intelligence agencies of developed countries.

2019 ◽  
pp. 219-246
Pablo Martínez Riquelme

Los procesos de producción de espacios turísticos se expresan en sendas espacio-temporales, asociadas a una producción material, como las infraestructuras, equipamiento y conectividad, pero también en una producción inmaterial, basada en la difusión de imaginarios territoriales vinculados a la experiencia turística. Se busca analizar dicho proceso, en la Araucanía andino-lacustre chilena, entre 1900-1940, a partir de los relatos de los primeros viajeros con motivaciones turísticas a finales del siglo XIX y el rol de Estado como actor promotor de la turistificación del territorio en el sur de Chile. The processes of production of tourist spaces are expressed in space-time paths, associated with a material production, such as infrastructures, equipment and connectivity, but also in an immaterial production, based on the diffusion of territorial imaginaries linked to the tourist experience. It is sought to analyze this process, in the Chilean Andean-lacustrine Araucanía, between 1900-1940, based on the account of the first travelers with tourist motivations at the end of the 19th century and the role of the State as a promoter of the touristification of the territory in the South of Chile.

1970 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-56 ◽  
Roland W. Wood

New approaches to and programs for the treatment of drug addiction are being developed; changes in state and federal drug laws are rapid and are accompanied by bursts of confusion that signal both public acceptance and fear. Basic punitive attitudes toward drug addiction and the drug addict are being reviewed. The question of crime vs. disease is obsolete; addiction must be evaluated as a process rather than as a singular problem. A series of alternative solutions must be generated to deal with the process effectively. New legal struc tures and programs must be designed to deal with the addict in his environment rather than in traditional correctional and hos pital settings. The significant issue is public vs. private care and its effec tiveness. A certain amount of control in treating the addict is necessary, whether this be legal or social; however, only that amount of control necessary to provide stability should be sought. Public programs are a necessity and, for the present, will most likely meet the major need. Private resources must be encouraged and developed and not stifled by the state agency. A full spectrum of services must be supported. The major public programs that have been developed throughout the United States are in keeping with the trends mentioned, in both a legal and a program framework. Of major interest are the federal program of 1966 and the state programs in New York, Califor nia, New Jersey, and Illinois.

Olga Gamzina

The article considers modern transformations of forestry in Ukraine, including the specifics of its integration into the market environment. It is shown that the currently formed model of forest use has led to a continuous reduction of forest resources and deterioration of the quality of their structure. It is essential to revise the current model, including the forest management system. Currently, more than two thirds of the country's forest resources are available to the State Forest Resources Agency. However, due to the gradual transfer of the entire forest resource sector to market mechanisms of work, it is necessary to provide in advance to ensure its restoration, as well as the implementation of the most acceptable format of private forest use. The main result of the study is a conceptual vision of the new management structure. Due to the fact that in the future forestry will become more and more dependent on the private sector, the new management model should include exactly those tools that will be appropriate in market conditions. Currently, the State Agency for Forest Resources of Ukraine has very limited tools for such influence. The agency, when transferring the site for use, can only control the final result. However, the actual effectiveness of such control remains extremely low. In conditions when the bulk of wood will belong to private companies, it will be problematic to establish systematic monitoring in the country. That is why an effective economic and environmental mechanism of this type of control should be created in advance. Also, the transfer of forest use in the country requires early regulation of all production stages. That is, without such regulation it will be impossible to ensure proper compliance with the law. The introduction of market mechanisms for forest use should take place simultaneously with the introduction of comprehensive rules for the use of forest resources and the restoration of forest plantations. The main purpose of the article is to formulate the basis of a promising model of forest resources management in Ukraine. The problem is that now this area needs to be reformed and is in transition. The previous model of natural resource use in the country has led to a rapid reduction in the number of forest plantations.

Aijaz Ashraf Wani

The first chapter contextualizes governance in Kashmir in the context of the role played by various factors that shaped and continue to shape the nature and character of governance in Kashmir. Among them mention may be made of the impact of Kashmir dispute, identity politics of the state, the legacy of the authoritarian, feudal and exclusivist princely order, ideological orientation of the freedom movement, Kashmir’s special position, its contestation and disorder in Kashmir, policy interventions from the centre, financial crisis and the changing environment which characterizes the period. It also provide an overview of the changing context of the Kashmiri society in which governance has to operate.

2020 ◽  
pp. 203-219
Kaushik Basu

A topic that has come increasingly into limelight is rising economic inequality in the world and the suffering of the labouring classes associated with the rise of new technology—in particular, artificial intelligence and digital platforms. Not surprisingly, these were topics with which the author had some ample engagement during his years as policymaker and this chapter speaks to this new global challenge. The chapter provides some basic information about the state of inequality and the falling share of labour income, and also suggests policy interventions to mitigate some of these problems.

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Antonio López Vivar ◽  
Alberto Turégano Castedo ◽  
Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco ◽  
Luis Javier García Villalba

Smart contracts have gained a lot of popularity in recent times as they are a very powerful tool for the development of decentralised and automatic applications in many fields without the need for intermediaries or trusted third parties. However, due to the decentralised nature of the blockchain on which they are based, a series of challenges have emerged related to vulnerabilities in their programming that, given their particularities, could have (and have already had) a very high economic impact. This article provides a holistic view of security challenges associated with smart contracts, as well as the state of the art of available public domain tools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Thomas M. Michelitsch ◽  
Federico Polito ◽  
Alejandro P. Riascos

We construct admissible circulant Laplacian matrix functions as generators for strictly increasing random walks on the integer line. These Laplacian matrix functions refer to a certain class of Bernstein functions. The approach has connections with biased walks on digraphs. Within this framework, we introduce a space-time generalization of the Poisson process as a strictly increasing walk with discrete Mittag-Leffler jumps time-changed with an independent (continuous-time) fractional Poisson process. We call this process ‘space-time Mittag-Leffler process’. We derive explicit formulae for the state probabilities which solve a Cauchy problem with a Kolmogorov-Feller (forward) difference-differential equation of general fractional type. We analyze a “well-scaled” diffusion limit and obtain a Cauchy problem with a space-time convolution equation involving Mittag-Leffler densities. We deduce in this limit the ‘state density kernel’ solving this Cauchy problem. It turns out that the diffusion limit exhibits connections to Prabhakar general fractional calculus. We also analyze in this way a generalization of the space-time Mittag-Leffler process. The approach of constructing good Laplacian generator functions has a large potential in applications of space-time generalizations of the Poisson process and in the field of continuous-time random walks on digraphs.

1957 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 976-994 ◽  
Bernard E. Brown

“On jongle trop avec la structure d'un Pays qui a été, dans le monde, le défenseur de l'individu, de la liberté, du sens de la mesure. Un petit paysan sur sa terre, n'est-il pas humainement autre chose que le chômeur de demain ou l'ouvrier qui sera condamné à fabriquer toute sa vie des boulons?”Le Betteravier Français, September 1956, page 1.Large-scale state intervention in the alcohol market in France dates from World War I, when the government committed itself to encourage the production of alcohol. Two chief reasons then lay back of this decision: a huge supply of alcohol was needed for the manufacture of gunpowder, and the devastation of the beet-growing regions of the north had severely limited production of beet alcohol, thereby throwing the domestic market out of balance. A law of 30 June 1916, adopted under emergency procedure, established a state agency empowered to purchase alcohol. At the end of the war, a decree of 1919 accorded the government the right “provisionally” to maintain the state monopoly. In 1922 the beetgrowers and winegrowers gave their support to the principle of a state monopoly which, in effect, reserved the industrial market for beet alcohol and the domestic market for viticulture. In 1931 the state was authorized to purchase alcohol distilled from surplus wine.

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