Songs and Whispers

Peter Thomson

Acrumpled and broken strand of asphalt rises at the northern edge of Ulan-Ude, wanders through the dark woods of the Khamar-Daban Mountains, and finally settles into a band of fertile bottom land in a narrow stretch of coastal plain approaching the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. A rattly old Toyota van skitters along the road, passing lonely farms and tiny villages that gather up out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly, domed churches that seem miles from any worshipers, and an occasional solitary babushka by the side of the road selling whatever she’s been able to squeeze from the earth or gather in the woods. There are seven of us riding this highway on this raw morning in October of 2000, crammed into the van and bobbing like buoys to its irregular rhythms—James and me from Boston, our guide Andrei Suknev, his colleague Igor and our driver Kim, all from the city of Ulan-Ude, and two young women who have also signed on with Andrei for a few days—Elisa, from France, and Chanda, from Canada. We’re all eating pine nuts that we bought from one of those women at a wide spot in the road—they’re called orekhi here—and washing them down with lemon soda from a huge plastic bottle. Andrei is showing us how to crack open the nuts’ hard shells with our front teeth and excavate their soft and pungent meat with our tongues. At an austere restaurant in a tiny village that Andrei tells us is called “Noisy Place,” we eat a lunch of rice and some sort of meat, dry bread, and a peculiar variation on borshch, and we pee in an outhouse across the road. We get back in the van and rumble on. We’re heading for a remote national park on Baikal’s eastern shore, but at the moment I’m not quite sure where we’re going. I’d asked Andrei to take us hiking and camping on the lakeshore, to introduce us to local residents, communities, and culture. He’s promised to do that, but he hasn’t provided much beyond the barest details, and none of us has been asking for more.

Peter Thomson

The road from Irkutsk to Lake Baikal, unlike the roads we traveled with Andrei approaching the lake’s eastern shore, is smooth, straight, and well maintained. But in the first snow of the Siberian winter, it’s almost impassible nonetheless, as it struggles on its arrow-straight trajectory to negotiate wave after wave of steep hills. Its stubborn course ignores the promise of an easier if somewhat longer approach were it to wander to one side or the other, dooming local residents to a treacherous journey for six months of the year, and it suggests the firm determination of a ministry chief in Moscow that the most direct road be built between the regional capital and the lake, no matter what. And in fact, I will learn after traveling this road that this is exactly what happened. In 1960, at the height of the cold war, the U.S. and the USSR brokered a deal for President Eisenhower to visit Russia. Included on his itinerary was to be a stop in Irkutsk, and a visit to Siberia’s famous lake, sixty kilometers away. There was no modern road between the two, so Moscow commanded that one be built, and it was—in just two months. But Eisenhower never came. Just before he was to depart, Gary Francis Powers’s U2 spy plane was shot down over Russia. The trip was canceled, and a new freeze settled over relations between the two adversaries. But, as imperfect as it is, the region did get a road between Irkutsk and Baikal, and after forty years local residents have gotten quite used to the sometimes white-knuckle ride. Over forty years, I might get used to it, too. The little white minibus into which James and Olga and I are now crammed with a dozen or so other passengers rises and falls like a roller coaster cart, except that this feels like even less sturdy and dependable transportation. Snow squalls are blowing through the Angara Valley, and when the bus isn’t being buffeted by gusts of wind, it’s straining to climb a slippery slope.

Febi Claudia Lie ◽  
Lina Purnama

Jakarta was developed started from the coastline and gradually moved to the centre of the city which left the coastal area remain untouch. The development of Jakarta which only oriented on capitalism cause in a lack of public space for the community, which make public coping with the issues independently. The roads in the housing area and villages was used by local residents as a space to socialize with neighbors or a place to do activities. There are still lots of kampung remained in Muara Baru which located in North Jakarta, but not facilitated by public space and open space to accommodate the citizen’s need to socialize and do their activity, so they carried out those activities in the middle of the road or alley which can disturb the traffic and endangered other people’s lives.  This phenomenon indicates that the community's need for public space is very high and needs to be anticipated immediately in order to avoid environmental and social degradation. The purpose of this project is to become a linkage that connect people with the surrounding environment, as well as humans with other humans, while this project also help the economy and home industry businesses, which bring in money to help the economy of local citizens, and cause positive interactions, such as knowledge exchange and development in economic aspects. AbstrakPembangunan kota Jakarta awalnya dimulai dari area pinggir laut yang kemudian semakin berkembang ke pusat kota, seiring berlangsungnya pembangunan di pusat kota, daerah pinggir/pesisir mulai ditinggalkan dan tidak tersentuh. Pengembangan kota Jakarta yang hanya berorientasi pada kepentingan kapitalis juga mengakibatkan kurangnya ruang publik bagi masyarakat, sehingga  mengakibatkan masyarakat mengatasinya secara mandiri. Jalan-jalan di dalam perumahan hingga perkampungan yang difungsikan oleh warga setempat sebagai ruang untuk bersosialisasi dengan tetangga atau tempat melakukan aktivitas. Kawasan Muara Baru yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Jakarta bagian Utara, masih terdapat banyak area perkampungan, tetapi tidak difasilitasi oleh ruang publik atau ruang terbuka sehingga untuk melakukan kegiatan berinteraksi dan beraktivitas, dilakukan di jalan/lorong kecil didepan rumah, yang dapat mengganggu lalu lintas dan juga membahayakan keselamatan warga dan juga pengguna jalan. Fenomena ini menandakan bahwa kebutuhan masyarakat akan ruang publik sangat tinggi dan perlu segera diantisipasi agar tidak terjadi degradasi lingkungan dan sosial, sehingga tujuan dari proyek ini adalah sebagai linkage yang menggabungkan manusia dengan lingkungan di sekitarnya, serta manusia dengan manusia lainnya, selain itu juga untuk membantu perekonomian dan usaha industri rumahan, yang dapat dilakukan serta menghasilkan uang untuk membantu perekonomian warga, serta menimbulkan interaksi positif, seperti pertukaran ilmu dan pembangunan aspek ekonomi, yang ke depannya akan menghasilkan kemajuan pada kota Jakarta dengan aspek sosial dan ekonomi yang seimbang.

1968 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 133-146
Costis Davaras

In the spring of 1962 workmen digging the foundation shafts for the construction of a house at Atsalenio hit upon two Geometric tombs. Atsalenio is a quarter outside Heraklion, midway between the city centre and Knossos. The site of the tombs, which is the property of the contractors, D. Ritsopoulos and D. Serdherakis, lies about 100 metres to the west of the road to Knossos and about 200 metres to the north of the modern graveyard of Atsalenio. As the tombs were just outside the Knossos area of the British School, although belonging to the Geometric cemeteries of Knossos, I undertook their excavation as Epimelete of the Archaeological Service.The site of the tombs, like most of the adjacent area, was a vineyard before building began, and the soil was cultivated to a depth of c. 0·7 m. This had destroyed the roofs of the tombs. The digging of the foundation shafts for the building had also destroyed all but the beginning of the dromos of Tomb A and had just reached the upper level of its burials before work was halted. Nearly all Tomb B, too, had been destroyed; the sherds from it were recovered for the most part from the earth thrown out by the builders.

2019 ◽  
Isnaini Almar'atus Solikhah Ramadanti

The writing of this paper aims to explain the benefits of the Nyadran Tradition in Temanggung Regency. The Nyadran tradition is a traditional event carried out by the people of the City of Temanggung which is held before the fasting month. The background of the writing of this paper is the Nyadran Tradition which is still preserved until now and the high enthusiasm of the citizens of the City of Temanggung for continuing to hold the tradition. Research on the Nyadran Tradition uses data collection by interviewing the ancestors of one of the villages in the City Temanggung and documentation data. The results of the study showed that, after the interview it was concluded that many people were very enthusiastic to attend the event, both from children to adults. After seeing the documentation data it can be seen that many people who migrate home to follow the Nyadran Tradition and establish a friendly relationship with local residents. Nyadran tradition is usually followed by all people in one village. This tradition is also used by people who wander to return to their hometown. Everyone gathered along the road to the tomb to greet each other and stay in touch. This tradition is also used by people who wander to return to their hometown.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Janusz Laskowski ◽  
Artur Juszczyk

Abstract Network communication links is an indispensable element of development shaping. Any change in the way of using area should be preceded by an analysis of future impact taking into account the transport capacity. The development of buildings without adequate communication links leads to restrictions on object access, consequently it may lead to dangerous mishaps. Avoiding this type of situation is possible by carrying out sustainable development. The paper describes the relationship between the road system and urban layout on the example of Nowogród Bobrzański part of the city. One presented existing changes in the transportation system and its impact on local residents.

Elizaveta Derevenets ◽  
Elizaveta Derevenets

Gelendzhik is the resort town, there aren't a lot of industrial enterprises here. The main pollutant is transport. The work purpose is the assessment of a condition of the artificial landings of a pine located along the Federal highway "Don" and landings, which is nearly the sea coast. Researches were conducted to a standard technique of the General vital state (A. S. Bogolyubov). The assessment of a condition of pines was carried out during 6 years: from 2010 to 2015. For carrying out research we used 6 experimental grounds on the Markotkhsky spine and 2 control grounds within the town. We investigated 24 trees on each platform, middle age of the trees were 30 - 40 years. Results. 1. The condition of trees in the pine forests located in immediate proximity with the Federal highway "Don" (No. 1, 2, 3) is unsatisfactory. As even weak influences of the majority of atmospheric gaseous pollutants (sulphurous gas, nitrogen oxides, etc.) give effect of a necrosis and hloroz of pine needles, the condition of pines is connected with technogenic pollution. So near the Federal highway "Don" the air environment is strongly polluted by exhaust gases. Information of 2012 confirm that negative influence of the route on Markotkh's vegetation decreases at reduction of load of the route. 2. On the sites located above on a slope (No. 4,5,6) thanks to remoteness and the wind mode intensity of influence of pollutants is lower and a condition of pines the quite satisfactory. 3. Trees on the sites located near the sea (No. 7,8) are in a good shape. Small deterioration of a state is noted in very droughty years. Conclusion. Results of six years' research show that the condition of the plantings which are in close proximity with the road worsens. It is explained by increase in intensity of the movement on the road, especially during a resort season. Gelendzhik is the city with a good ecological shape, but the damage to environment is already caused. If not to take measures, we can lose a unique part of the nature in the future, recreate it will be impossible. Measures of reduction of negative impact of exhaust gases were offered. Results of researches are transferred to ecological department of the City administration of Gelendzhik.

2012 ◽  
pp. 116-123
Alicja Ślusarska

Retracing in his novel the labyrinthine journey that leads Oedipus from the place of his abomination (Thebes) to the city of his future glory (Colonus), Henry Bauchau fills the emptiness between Sophocles’s Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Bauchau’s hero, a powerful king, loses everything and stabs his eyes out when the cruel truth about his real identity is revealed. Blind, homeless, devoid of meaning of life, Oedipus leaves on a journey to pass away anywhere. However, his way to death turns out to be, thanks to benevolent presence of others and art’s liberating power, the road to personal elucidation. The story of Bauchau’s Oedipus, who finally recognizes himself as a truly human, is based therefore on the passage between absence and presence, between darkness and lucidity, on the union of contradictions which symbolize the complexity of human nature. This paper attempts to analyse different representations of absence in Bauchau’s novel. Afterwards, the article focuses on the ways which facilitate Oedipus’s road leading from depersonalization to rediscovery of his own identity.

2012 ◽  
pp. 66-80
Michał Mrozowicki

Michel Butor, born in 1926, one of the leaders of the French New Novel movement, has written only four novels between 1954 and 1960. The most famous of them is La Modification (Second thoughts), published in 1957. The author of the paper analyzes two other Butor’s novels: L’Emploi du temps (Passing time) – 1956, and Degrés (Degrees) – 1960. The theme of absence is crucial in both of them. In the former, the novel, presented as the diary of Jacques Revel, a young Frenchman spending a year in Bleston (a fictitious English city vaguely similar to Manchester), describes the narrator’s struggle to survive in a double – spatial and temporal – labyrinth. The first of them, formed by Bleston’s streets, squares and parks, is symbolized by the City plan. During his one year sojourn in the city, using its plan, Revel learns patiently how to move in its different districts, and in its strange labyrinth – strange because devoid any centre – that at the end stops annoying him. The other, the temporal one, symbolized by the diary itself, the labyrinth of the human memory, discovered by the narrator rather lately, somewhere in the middle of the year passed in Bleston, becomes, by contrast, more and more dense and complex, which is reflected by an increasinly complex narration used to describe the past. However, at the moment Revel is leaving the city, he is still unable to recall and to describe the events of the 29th of February 1952. This gap, this absence, symbolizes his defeat as the narrator, and, in the same time, the human memory’s limits. In Degrees temporal and spatial structures are also very important. This time round, however, the problems of the narration itself, become predominant. Considered from this point of view, the novel announces Gerard Genette’s work Narrative Discourse and his theoretical discussion of two narratological categories: narrative voice and narrative mode. Having transgressed his narrative competences, Pierre Vernier, the narrator of the first and the second parts of the novel, who, taking as a starting point, a complete account of one hour at school, tries to describe the whole world and various aspects of the human civilization for the benefit of his nephew, Pierre Eller, must fail and disappear, as the narrator, from the third part, which is narrated by another narrator, less audacious and more credible.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-168
Víctor Lafuente ◽  
José Ángel Sanz ◽  
María Devesa

Holy Week is one of the most important traditions in many parts of the world and a complex expression of cultural heritage. The main goal of this article is to explore which factors determine participation in Holy Week celebrations in the city of Palencia (Spain), measured through the number of processions attended. For this purpose, an econometric count data model is used. Variables included in the model not only reflect participants' sociodemographic features but other factors reflecting cultural capital, accumulated experience, and social aspects of the event. A distinction is drawn between three types of participants: brotherhood members, local residents, and visitors, among whom a survey was conducted to collect the information required. A total of 248 surveys were carried out among brotherhood members, 209 among local residents, and 259 among visitors. The results confirm the religious and social nature of this event, especially in the case of local participants. However, in the case of visitors, participation also depends on aspects reflecting the celebration's cultural and tourist dimension—such as visiting other religious and cultural attractions—suggesting the existence of specific tourism linked to the event. All of this suggests the need to manage the event, ensuring a balance is struck between the various stakeholders' interests and developing a tourist strategy that prioritizes public-private cooperation.

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