
Charles S. Carver ◽  
Michael F. Scheier ◽  
Daniel Fulford

Optimism is expecting good things to occur in one's life. Such positive expectations are associated with higher subjective well-being, even under conditions of stress or adversity. In contrast, pessimists respond to adversity with more intense negative feelings. There are also differences in the manner in which optimists and pessimists try to cope with adversity. Optimists tend to put the best face on the adversity, but they acknowledge its existence and its importance, and they try to do as much as possible to resolve whatever problems can be resolved. Pessimists are more likely to distance themselves from the problem and put off doing anything about it as long as possible. They are also more likely to give up trying, if things remain difficult. Some kinds of problem solution is proactive, engaged in before the problem arises. Optimists also tend to engage in such proactive efforts, including taking actions to minimize various kinds of health risks. Perhaps, as a consequence of these preventive steps, optimists also tend to have better health than pessimists. They seem to heal faster from wounds, and there is some evidence that when they are seriously ill they experience slower disease progression. It has been suggested that optimists sometimes are no better off than pessimists, and sometimes are worse off: that their confidence can get them into situations where it is difficult to cope effectively. Evidence of such negative effects of optimism does exist, but it is relatively sparse.

2005 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 468-487 ◽  
Timothy A. Judge ◽  
Timothy D. Chandler

Employee shirking, where workers give less than full effort on the job, has typically been investigated as a construct subject to organization-level influences. Neglected are individual differences that could explain why employees in the same organization or work-group might shirk. Using a sample of workers from the health care profession in the United States, the present study sought to address these limitations by investigating subjective well-being (a dispositional construct), job satisfaction, as well as other indiuidual-level determinants of shirking. Results indicate that whites shirk significantly more than nonwhites, and that subjective well-being, job satisfaction, and age have significant, negative effects on shirking. The implications of these results are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 03044
Lyudmila Skachkova ◽  
Lyudmila Klimenko

Based on applied research, the article analyzes the indicators of subjective well-being of scientific and pedagogical workers of leading Russian universities. The empirical basis of the study is the results of 8 focus groups with the participation of over 60 university employees and the data of a mass survey of 246 teachers from federal universities. The concept of research on subjective well-being includes the study of a person's cognitive affective assessment of various aspects of his life. The results of the study show that among the university staff surveyed, situational positive emotions prevail over negative feelings, and the level of happiness is slightly higher than the average for the Russian population as a whole. At the level of the cognitive component, quite critical assessments by university teachers of their socio-economic status and working conditions are recorded. However, the importance of economic well-being for university staff is inferior to the values of interesting work, realization of abilities, and recognition of colleagues and students. At the same time, modern education reforms can negatively affect the professional well-being of university employees, as the workload is growing the risks are increasing with the risks of switching to a part-time job or job loss.

2019 ◽  
pp. 105984051986384 ◽  
Xavier Oriol ◽  
Rafael Miranda ◽  
Alberto Amutio

Bullying and sexual harassment are considered widespread public health concerns because they may have negative effects on physical and mental health. However, more studies are necessary that relate these forms of victimization and their overlap with subjective well-being. This study explores the prevalence and association between different forms of bullying victimization, sexual harassment, and life satisfaction using a sample of 47,114 students aged 16–18 years and from 646 Peruvian educational institutions. Face-to-face bullying was the most reported type of victimization, followed by cyberbullying. There was a large degree of overlap between these two forms of bullying as well as between traditional bullying and sexual harassment. This overlap causes a decrease in life satisfaction in late adolescents. Thus, the need of preventing the negative dynamics of violence in order to prevent the overlapping of different violence forms in adolescence is discussed. Finally, implications for school nurses are outlined.

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Jakub J. Macewicz

One of the vital questions connected with the system transformation in Poland and other former Soviet Bloc countries is whether the overthrow of the communist system was caused by the poor state of their economies or rather people's struggle for their civil rights. However, the “either/or nature” of this question is disturbed by another possibility: it might have been a relatively good state of the economy which made the overthrow possible. Moreover, there is no doubt that the introduction of free market and democracy resulted in many positive changes in people's lives: from the increase in life expectancy and subjective well‐being to the growth of civil liberty. Yet, economic development and (more broadly) modernity also produce extensively described negative effects which, at certain point, seem to “neutralise” their positive ones. Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries seem to follow this path. Sistemos transformacija vidurio ir Rytų Europoje, ekonomikos plėtra ir subjektyvioji gerovė Santrauka Vienas svarbiausių klausimų, susijusių su sistemos transformacija Lenkijoje ir kitose buvusiose sovietinio bloko šalyse, yra toks – ar komunistinio režimo nuvertimas buvo sukeltas neturtingų valstybių ekonomikos, ar žmonių kovos dėl savo teisių? Kad ir kaip būtų, šio klausimo atsakymui „arba... arba“ trukdo kita galimybė: tai galėtų būti gera valstybė, kurios ekonomika sudarė palankias sąlygas nuversti minėtą režimą. Be to, nėra abejonių, kad laisvos rinkos ir demokratijos įvedimas sukėlė daug pozityvių pokyčių žmonių gyvenime – nuo didėjančių galimybių ir gerovės iki augančios pilietinės laisvės. Vis dėlto ekonomikos plėtra ir modernumas taip pat sukelia plačiai aprašytų negatyvių pasekmių, kurios tam tikrais atvejais naikina pozityviąsias. Lenkija ir kitos Vidurio bei Rytų Europos šalys eina šiuo keliu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
Seher Balcı Çelik ◽  
Gülden Öztürk Serter

The concept of "subjective well-being" is used as a term for happiness in positive psychology.  The subjective well-being called "happiness" among the people is the emotional and cognitive evaluation of the life. Being in a romantic relationship is one of the factors that increase the subjective well-being of the individual. Being in a romantic relationship can provide satisfaction and happiness to the individual, as well as causing events that would lead to get hurt from time to time. Here, the individual displays behaviours such as avoidance or revenge or prefers forgiving as a result of negative emotions caused by getting hurt. In this study, it is aimed to investigate whether the forgiveness levels of university students who have romantic relationship predicts the subjective well-being or not. The study is performed on 329 students who are studying at Hitit University and On Dokuz Mayıs University in 2016-2017 academic year and who have romantic relationships. "Heartland Forgiveness Scale", "Positive Negative Feelings Scale" and "Life Satisfaction Scale" and "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researchers are used in the study. In the study, it can be stated that as the forgiveness scores of the students increase, the subjective well-being scores are also found to increase thus high forgiveness is a factor that increases the subjective well-being level. As a result of the study, the predictor effect of forgiveness levels on subjective well-being is examined and it is determined that self-forgiveness, forgiving others and forgiving the situation which are the sub-dimensions of forgiveness explain 13% of the subjective well-being. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.Özet“Öznel iyi-oluş” kavramı pozitif psikolojide mutluluk kavramının karşılığı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Halk arasında ”mutluluk” olarak adlandırılan öznel iyi oluş yaşamın duygusal ve bilişsel açıdan değerlendirilmesidir. Romantik ilişki içerisinde olmak, bireyin öznel iyi oluşunu artıran etkenlerden biridir. Romantik ilişki içerisinde olmak bireylere doyum ve mutluluk sağladığı gibi zaman zaman incinmesine yol açacak olaylar yaşamasına da neden olabilmektedir. Birey incinmenin getirdiği olumsuz duygular sonucunda kaçınma ya da öç alma gibi davranışlar sergilemekte ya da affetme yolunu seçmektedir. Bu çalışmada romantik ilişki yaşayan üniversite öğrencilerinin affedicilik düzeylerinin öznel iyi oluşlarını yordayıp yordamadığının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında Hitit Üniversitesi ve Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören ve romantik ilişkisi olan 329 öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ile “Heartland Affetme Ölçeği”, “Pozitif Negatif Duygu Ölçeği” ve “Yaşam Doyum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin affetme puanları arttıkça öznel iyi oluş puanlarının da arttığı belirlenmiştir ve bu sonuca göre affediciliğin yüksek olmasının öznel iyi oluş düzeyini artıran bir faktör olduğu söylenebilir. Araştırma sonucunda affedicilik düzeylerinin öznel iyi oluş üzerinde yordayıcı etkisi incelenmiş ve affetmenin alt boyutları olan kendini affetme, başkalarını affetme ve durumu affetme öznel iyi oluşun  % 13’ünü açıkladığı belirlenmiştir.

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 148-152
Muhammad Shodikul Haq ◽  
Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro ◽  
P Purwadi

This research aims to determine the relationship between Gratefulness and Subjective Well-Being. The research subjects used in this research were 34 female nurses and midwives at Sis Al-Djufrie Hospital, Palu City. This research uses quantitative methods. Data obtained instrument from a scale to measure Gratitude questionnaire to see the life-size of the subject and the Positive affect negative affect schedule-Expanded form scale to measure positive and negative effects on individuals and use the Satisfaction with Life Scale to measure the level of individual life satisfaction. Analysis of the data used is using Pearson Product Moment correlation. The result of data analysis showed a correlation coefficient of 0.655 with a significance of 0.000 (p <0.05) and showed a very significant positive relationship between thanksgiving and Subjective Well-Being. The results of this study indicate that the contribution given by gratitude to the Subjective Well-Being is 42.9 percent, this indicates a very significant relationship between the variables of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being towards female nurses and midwives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Setyani Alfinuha ◽  
Fathul Lubabin Nuqul

<p class="IABSTRAK"><strong>Abstract: </strong>Subjective well-being is people’s evaluation of they life. It includes evaluation about cognitive and affective. People have higher subjective well-being, they have a more positive affective or good feelings and satisfied with the life they have. Contrary, people who have lower subjective well-being tend to overcome negative feelings in him. Therefore, subjective well-being is very important in the life of every individual is no exception to the new students. There are many factors that influence the subjective well-being such as sex, religion, education, intelligence emotion regulation and self efficacy. This study focused on the influence of self efficacy and regulasi emosi toward subjective well-being. This study aims to look at the effects of self-efficacy and emotion regulation towards students’s subjective well-being. The study involved 107 new students majoring in engineering architecture that consists of 51 men and 56 women This study uses a quantitative approach which is measured using four scales that is Possitive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), General Self efficacy (GSE), and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) to measure emotion regulation. The results show that there is the influence of self-efficacy and emotion regulation on subjective well-being. Simultanously, self-efficacy and regulation of emotions influence subjective well-being of 32.5% to the subjective well-being. But partialy, self efficacy more has contribute to subjective well-being, than emotion regulation.</p><div class="Section1"><p class="IABSTRAK"><strong>Abstrak:</strong> <em>Subjective well-being</em> merupakan evaluasi individu terhadap kehidupannya yang meliputi penilaian kognitif dan afeksi. Individu dikatakan memiliki <em>subjective well-being</em> tinggi jika mengalami lebih banyak afeksi positif atau perasaan menyenangkan dan puas atas kehidupan yang dimiliki. Sebaliknya, orang yang memiliki <em>subjective well-being</em> rendah cenderung diliputi perasaan-perasaan negatif dalam dirinya. Oleh sebab itu, <em>subjective well-being</em> sangat penting dalam kehidupan setiap individu tidak terkecuali pada mahasiswa baru. Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi <em>subjective well-being</em> antara lain jenis kelamin, religiusitas, pendidikan, kecerdasan, regulasi emosi dan <em>self efficacy</em>. Penelitian ini mem­focus­kan tentang pengaruh efikasi diri dan regulasi emosi terhadap <em>subjective well-being. </em>Penelitian ini melibatkan 107 orang mahasiswa baru jurusan teknik arsitektur yang terdiri dari 51 orang laki-laki dan 56 orang perempuan Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang diukur menggunakan empat skala yaitu <em>Possitive and Negative Affect Schedule</em> (PANAS), <em>Satisfaction with Life Scale</em> (SWLS), General <em>Self efficacy</em> (GSE) dan <em>Emotion Regulation Questionnaire</em> (ERQ). Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis deskripsi dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh <em>self efficacy</em> dan regulasi emosi terhadap <em>subjective well-being</em>. Secara bersama-sama, <em>self efficacy</em> dan regulasi emosi mempengaruhi <em>subjective well-being</em> sebesar 32,5%terhadap <em>subjective well-being</em>. Secara terpisah, <em>self efficacy</em> memberikan sumbangan sebanyak 21,62% dan regulasi emosi sebanyak 3,53% terhadap <em>subjective well-being</em>.</p></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-112
Nik Shahrizan Nik Mad ◽  
Marzudi Md Yunus ◽  
Muhammad Shamsinor Abdul Azziz

Subjective well-being is the self-assessment of happiness, pleasure, satisfaction and quality of life, measured specifically and holistically. The assessment of subjective well-being is varied based on the area of focus of the researcher. Events that occur over some time also could affect an individual’s evaluation. Various factors assess well-being, such as character, love, wisdom, excitement and experiences leading to a good life. The evaluation of the positive and negative effects also affects the subjects’ emotions and mood during a study. Earlier studies showed that well-being is not merely related to income and ownership, but issues on health, activities, personality, emotions, mood, family, environment and various other factors. Therefore, this article aims to discuss aspects, assessment methods, theories and progress based on articles, books and research related to subjective well-being. This study utilises the literature review approach to collect data on subjective well-being. The finding shows that the level of subjective well-being is diverse and dynamic, and not limited to certain aspects and factors that could affect humans. Keywords: subjective well-being; self-assessment; happiness; life satisfaction; quality of life.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026142942110697
Fatih Kaya ◽  
Aysegul Islekeller-Bozca

COVID-19 began to spread all over the world in the Spring of 2020. All schools, including the institutions serving students with special needs, were closed to decrease the spread of the virus. The schools had to shift to online education, which was a new experience for most students. In addition to the negative effects of the pandemic itself, the new learning format required extra effort from students. Gifted and talented students as a special group with special educational and socio-emotional needs may have experienced the pandemic differently. In the present study, we aimed to explore gifted and talented students’ subjective well-being, feelings of hope, and stress coping strategies with a quantitative method. In addition, we used a qualitative method and asked a few open-ended questions to dig deeper into these students’ experiences during the pandemic. We found a statistically significant correlation among subjective well-being, hope, and stress coping strategies. Effective stress coping strategies are used more frequently than negative ones. We revealed that although there are some positive sides to the process, the students described some difficulties with social interaction, access and use of technology, motivation, and physical health. Based on the findings, we suggested some important implications and recommendations for parents, educators, and policymakers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 4189 ◽  
Sung-Kwon Hong ◽  
Sang-Woo Lee ◽  
Hyun-Kil Jo ◽  
Miyeon Yoo

Exposure to green spaces can reduce the negative effects of stress. This study examines how frequency of visits and time spent in urban green spaces (UGS) affect urban dwellers’ subjective well-being. We also investigated the numbers of respondents visiting UGS, their primary motivation, and constraints on their ability to visit. Using quota sampling, an online survey was conducted of 400 residents of Daejeon City, South Korea. ANOVA results indicated no significant interactions between visit frequency and time spent in UGS. Respondents who had visited UGS within the past two weeks expressed higher positive and lower negative emotions than did non-visitors, regardless of visit frequency, and regular visitors showed higher general life satisfaction levels. These positive effects were confirmed by estimated structural equation models. However, the time spent in UGS did not affect emotions or life satisfaction in general. Heavy users mostly visited UGS to walk, and light/non-users cited the lack of urban green spaces near their home as the major constraint on visiting UGS. The estimated structural equation models clearly show positive effects from motivation and negative effects of constraints and access time to UGS on visit frequency. To improve urban dwellers’ subjective well-being, UGS should prioritize good walking environments and accessibility.

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