Causation in Classical Mechanics

Marc Lange

Russell might be interpreted as arguing that physics reveals there to be no causal relations since physics has no need to posit them (just as Laplace said to Napoleon that physics has no need to posit God). Of course, whether physics needs to posit causal relations depends upon what physics needs to do. Russell appears to presume that a physical theory needs merely to predict certain quantities from others. For that purpose, the bare equations suffice. However, it is doubtful that the bare equations are enough to fund scientific explanations. The force on a body and the body's mass apparently explain why the body undergoes a given acceleration, whereas the force and acceleration do not explain why the body possesses a certain mass.

Jill North

How do we figure out the nature of the world from a mathematically formulated physical theory? What do we infer about the world when a physical theory can be mathematically formulated in different ways? Physics, Structure, and Reality addresses these questions, questions that get to the heart of the project of interpreting physics—of figuring out what physics is telling us about the world. North argues that there is a certain notion of structure, implicit in physics and mathematics, that we should pay careful attention to, and that doing so sheds light on these questions concerning what physics is telling us about the nature of reality. Along the way, lessons are drawn for related topics such as the use of coordinate systems in physics, the differences among various formulations of classical mechanics, the nature of spacetime structure, the equivalence of physical theories, and the importance of scientific explanation. Although the book does not explicitly defend scientific realism, instead taking this to be a background assumption, the account provides an indirect case for realism toward our best theories of physics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 04035
Dustmurod Chuyanov ◽  
Golib Shodmonov ◽  
Gayrat Ergashov ◽  
Islom Choriyev

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the method and design scheme of a combined machine for preparing the soil and sowing melons. The authors propose a new method of soil preparation and sowing, as well as a machine for its implementation. The basic principles and methods of classical mechanics, mathematical analysis, and statistics were used in this study. The method of preparing the soil and planting gourds provides a combination of the following technological processes: the turnover of the layers of the upper layer of soil, the sowing area to the left and to the right, shallow tilling the soil of the field with the left and right sides of the sowing area, deep tillage seeding areas with simultaneous formation of irrigation furrows and the local application of fertilizers, soil preparation for sowing in line sowing and sowing seeds of melons. The machine consists of lister housings installed along the axis of symmetry of the unit, flat cutters, parallel-type deep-diggers, furrowers, coulters for fertilizing, and a sowing device. It was found that preparation of soil for sowing and planting of melons with a minimum expenditure of energy is provided by the width of Lusternik buildings 86 cm, the width of tillers and cultivators, respectively, 45 and 33 cm, the longitudinal distance between the body and the plane of 35 cm between the cultivators of 42.3 cm, and longitudinal spacing of the chisel cultivator and sowing device 110 cm.

Robert Huber ◽  
Jan Clauberg ◽  
Heinz Ulbrich

Classical mechanics is mainly based on two mechanical principles, the principle of linear momentum (Isaac Newton) and the principle of angular momentum (Leonhard Euler). The principle of angular momentum implies that the time derivative of the angular momentum equals the sum of all torques, acting on the body. Concerning all types of education it is particularly important that theoretical basic principles are profoundly understood. This often enables to understand difficult mechanical systems by drawing parallels between complex mechanical systems and simple basic principles. One way to generate profound understanding of theoretical correlations is to use interesting experimental examples. In this paper, a teaching model is presented, which has the ability both to demonstrate the effects of the principle of angular momentum and to catch the attention of students. For this purpose, a remote-controlled model car was built carrying a high-speed gyroscope on its top. The gyroscope can cause that the car turns over to the inside of a turn against the centrifugal force. Even more, it is possible to drive in a circle on the inner tires of the RC vehicle.

2009 ◽  
pp. 32-46
Rein Vihalemm

Artiklis arendatakse alternatiivset kontseptsiooni niihästi traditsioonilisele füüsikakesksele teadusliku teooria käsitlusele kui ka seisukohale, et füüsikateooriat ei saa teadusfilosoofias mõista teadusliku teooria mudelina, sest erinevates teadustes on teooriad oma loomult erinevad. Ollakse seisukohal, et teaduslik teooria on ikkagi teadusfilosoofia kategooriana teadusliku distsipliini eripärast sõltumatu. Käsitletakse põhiliselt kahte punkti: (1) miks on teadusfilosoofias põhjust kritiseerida traditsioonilist, füüsika põhjal saadud ettekujutust teaduslikust teooriast? (2) miks ei ole põhjendatud seisukoht, et nt keemias on teaduslik teooria (nt klassikaline keemilise struktuuri teooria) oma loomult füüsikateooriast (nt klassikalisest mehhaanikast) erinev? Traditsioonilise füüsikakeskse lähenemisviisi puhul ei ole piisavalt uuritud, miks õieti füüsikateooria on saanud teadusliku teooria etaloniks. Teoreetilise füüsika keskne teadusekontseptsioon on olnud ühekülgselt orienteeritudmatemaatikale ja loogikale. Kui aga lähtuda teooriast kui mudelite populatsioonist, nagu Ronald Giere on seda teinud ka klassikalise mehhaanika - füüsikakeskse teooriakäsituse traditsioonilise näite - korral, siis osutub see teooriakäsitus tõepoolest invariantseks teatavale tunnetustüübile, mida on alust nimetada teaduslikuks ja mis on selgesti omane ka nt keemiale.In this paper an alternative conception is proposed both to (1) the traditional physics-based conception of scientific theory, and (2) the view that a physical theory cannot be regarded as the model for scientific theory in philosophy of science in general because scientific theories are discipline-dependent. It is argued that scientific theory as a category of philosophy of science is independent of a particular scientific discipline. The main focus of the paper is on two questions: (1) Why is the traditional physics-based conception of scientific theory subject to criticism in philosophy of science? (2) Why is it unjustified to consider a scientific theory in chemistry (e.g., the classical chemical structure theory, which is probably the most characteristic theory of chemistry) to be different in character from a physical theory (e.g., classical mechanics, which is a prototypical example of a theory in the philosophy of science)? In case of the traditional physics-based approach not enough research has been done as to why theories of physics have become the etalon of scientific theory. The accepted view of science, centered on theoretical physics, has been one-sidedly oriented towards mathematics and logic. But when proceeding from a conception of a scientific theory as a population of models, as Ronald Giere has done for the case of classical mechanics - the traditional example of a physical theory -, this conception of a theory really does prove the invariance of a certain type of cognition that can justifiably be called scientific and that is clearly characteristic of, e.g., chemistry as well.

Olesya Azorkina ◽  
Elena Kirillova

В работе изучаются некоторые аспекты формирования универсальных компетенций в курсе «Теоретическая физика» (модуль «Классическая механика») для бакалавриата педагогических вузов. В качестве примера выбран фрагмент курса, связанный с нахождением закона движения тела. При решении задач активно используются знания из математических курсов. Актуальность темы заключается в том, что курс теоретической физики объединяет дисциплины естественно-научного и математического циклов, поэтому важно суметь в полной мере использовать накопленные знания для подъема на новый, интегральный уровень освоения учебной информации. Новизна подхода состоит в том, что он дает возможность одновременно формировать научное, исследовательское мышление обучающихся; навыки методики преподавания будущими педагогами физико-математических дисциплин; развивать творческий потенциал обучающихся. Показано, как при решении выбранных задач у студентов формируется набор группы УК-1.The paper studies some aspects of the formation of universal competencies (UC) in the course of theoretical physics for students of pedagogical universities. As an example, a fragment of the course of classical mechanics is selected, associated with finding the law of motion of the body in Newton’s formulation. Four types of tasks are considered, which differ mainly in the nature of the time dependence of the resulting force. When solving the problems of the module “Classical Mechanics” of a course in theoretical physics, knowledge from mathematical courses (Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations) is actively used, which stimulates the students’ analytical and creative intellectual activity. The relevance of the topic is that the course of theoretical physics combines the disciplines of the natural science and mathematical cycles, and it is important to be able to fully use the knowledge accumulated by students to reach a new, integral level of understanding of educational information. The novelty of this approach is that it makes it possible to simultaneously form the scientific, research thinking of students; mastering the teaching methods of physical and mathematical disciplines (which is important for future teachers); to develop the creative potential of students when choosing a particular decision algorithm. The article shows how, when solving selected problems, students form a set of competencies of the UС-1 group.

Kai Man KWAN

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.筆者在2016 年撰文探討瀕死經驗 (Near-death Experience-NDE) 的可信性,指出還沒有充分證據支持「醫學科學或心理學的理論能充分和全面解釋NDE 的現象」這觀點,我也認為「NDE 的存在是不能抹殺的,而且NDE 似乎提供了某程度證據顯示,心靈的存在能獨立於身體存在,所以死後生命的可能性是不能輕率否定的。」但我從未說過我能絕對證明NDE 的可信性,也肯定「學術的爭辯還會繼續,更多的研究也須進行」。劉彥方與冼偉林對我作出回應,且基本上採取批判的態度,及偏向懷疑瀕死經驗的可信性。我在此文對他們作出回應,一方面指出他們對我的一些誤解,另一方面繼續探討他們對瀕死經驗的質疑,例如瀕死經驗個案的可靠性、對瀕死經驗的科學解釋以及一些方法論問題等等。我再次重申,我並沒有宣稱我能絕對證明NDE 的可信性,但認為「相信最少有一些NDE 是可靠的」,是一個合理的信念(reasonable belief) ,而劉彥方與冼偉林的批判,並未能推翻這點。The author argued for the credibility of at least some near-death experiences (NDEs) in a previous paper (Kwan 2016), pointing out the lack of sufficient evidence to support the claim that physiological or psychological theories had already fully explained the entire NDE phenomenon. The author proposes that we should not dismiss the existence of NDEs, and states that they seem to offer some support for the ability of the soul to exist independently of the body. Thus, we should not dismiss the possibility of life after death. However, the author has never claimed that he can absolutely demonstrate the veridicality of NDE, and he has explicitly stated that the academic debate will continue and more research should be conducted.In their previous writings, Dr. Joe Lau and Dr. William Sin doubted the credibility of NDEs.In this paper, the author responds to their criticisms, clarifying some of their misunderstandings and further exploring their doubts about NDE, such as the reliability of NDE reports, the scientific explanations of NDE, and some methodological issues.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 177 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-173
Yehuda Roth

In this paper, we introduce a mathematical formalism that demonstrates how concepts are implemented in physical theories, with a focus on the agility concept. We define a concept manifestation as a process, in which a concept is assigned to an object (e.g., a body or a particle). In the implementation stage, a physical theory is spanned, and we demonstrate how the implementation of the concept of agility generates the rules of classical mechanics and, in some aspects, general relativity. Using this approach, we show that both expressions for momentum— <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mover accent="true"> <mml:mi>p</mml:mi> <mml:mo></mml:mo> </mml:mover> <mml:mo>=</mml:mo> <mml:mi>m</mml:mi> <mml:mover accent="true"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mover accent="true"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>r</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> <mml:mo></mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:mrow> <mml:mo></mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:math> and <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mover accent="true"> <mml:mi>p</mml:mi> <mml:mo></mml:mo> </mml:mover> <mml:mo>=</mml:mo> <mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo> <mml:mi mathvariant="italic"></mml:mi> <mml:mo>/</mml:mo> <mml:mi>λ</mml:mi> <mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo> <mml:mover accent="true"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>c</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> <mml:mo></mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:math> —originate from the same source-time derivative of an agility operator. We conclude that physical laws that can serve as representative concepts may be useful in artificial intelligence systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-131
Radmila Jovanovic-Kozlowski

In contemporary physics, from General relativity and Quantum mechanics to new research programs of Quantum gravity, we can find a vast variety of spacetime structures, which makes the interpretation of this concept a real challenge. Recently, a group of authors advanced a new interpretation of spacetime called ?spacetime functionalism?, with the idea that spacetime should be defined via its functional role in the physical theory, in other words, ?spacetime is what spacetime does?. A material field or an object are spatiotemporal if they play a defined role in a physical theory. The approach is meant to be widely applicable, from classical mechanics to possible new theories of Quantum gravity, where spacetime might not appear at the fundamental theory level. Functionalism can be well combined with the emergent spacetime. It should also shed a new light on traditional philosophical debates between substantivists and relationists and between realists and anti-realists.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 5869-5872
Armando Tomas Canero

Is there a point of divergence between Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism? This discrepancy is raised by many authors and arises between Newton's third law and the equation of Lorentz forces. Due to the transcendence of these expressions, their wide application in different situations is not a minor issue and should be given a consistent interpretation with both theories. The discrepancy mentioned is based in that: according to the calculations of classical field theory, a particle with an electric charge moving immersed in a magnetic field suffers an action that diverts its trajectory, making it describe a circular path, which can not be compensated through a contrary force in the body that generated the magnetic field. The force on this second body is predicted, by this theory, at ninety degrees from the first, thus contradicting the principle of action and reaction. This study shows why the Lorentz law does not contradict Newton's third law and gives a consistent explanation of how the equations of classical field theory should be applied so that the result is correct.

2009 ◽  
Vol 137 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-92

The paper provides a proposal of a quantitative interpretation of operation which (as the operation of Hamilton and Maupertius presented in classical mechanics and the operation issuing from change of the body momentum) is considered as a physical quantity with the measurement unit called a joule-second [joule × second]. An original method for analyzing and estimating the engine operation has been demonstrated in the energetic aspect for the operating needs. The homogenous Poison process and semi-Markov process have been herein applied to justify the usability of such interpreted operation. The two processes have made it possible to formulate a model deterioration of the diesel engine operation over time. Thus, the model is a random Poisson process or semi-Markov process. It has also been shown that the integral calculus can be (and should be) applied to identify the energetic properties of an engine. Considerations on the energetic aspect of diesel engine operation are provided on the example of marine engines of a ship’s main propulsion system.

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