scholarly journals Obituary notices of fellows deceased

Sydney Samuel Hough was born at Stoke Newington on June 11, 1870. He was educated at Christ's Hospital and at St. John's College, Cambridge. After graduating as third wrangler in 1892, he was awarded a Smith's Prize in 1894 for his Essay on the oscillations of an ellipsoidal shell containing fluid, and in the following year he was elected to a fellowship at his college and to an Isaac Newton studentship. He was a man of very quiet disposition, rather inaccessible, except in astronomical matters. Even in these he was reluctant to take part in public discussions; yet in private conversation be made it clear that he had very definite views, though it was not always an easy matter to elicit them. In private life he was extremely modest and unassuming, a very faithful friend, always cheerful and kindly, and inclined to regard unpleasant events and people from a humorous point of view.

the article States that the ethics of a lawyer is an important component of the legal ethics; stated that the legal profession has as its object the person, affects its interests, rights, private life, so the study of moral aspects and problems of advocacy is today of paramount importance; marked by such key concepts as morality, law, ethics, justice, duty, good, evil, conscience, responsibility, honor, dignity, humanity; noted that part of ethics, legal ethics is a scientific discipline whose subject is the manifestation of morality in justice and law enforcement; marked what is the value of legal ethics is that it gives the moral nature of the activities for implementation of justice, the implementation of the prosecutorial, investigative work and other activities carried out by professional lawyers; States that legal ethics contributes to the proper formation of consciousness, attitudes of members of the legal profession, focusing them on rigorous compliance with moral norms; stated that today is the actual context of the conversation separately about the ethics of judges, investigative ethics, ethics counsel; noted that the specifics of advocacy requires a balance in the service of a lawyer; noted, what legal ethics is designed to ensure the performance of lawyer's duties honestly, competently and in good faith, to form proper level of public confidence in the legal profession as a representative of civil society and personally to the lawyers; noted that the basis of the relationship of the lawyer and the client is trust; noted that the attorney has no right to own, not coordinated with the client the position of the defence, counsel should pay special attention to the client, who is in custody, fee practice a lawyer shall take into consideration a number of factors; the caveats regarding the prohibition resumania of participants in the process; indicate their objections against the wrong actions of the investigator or body of inquiry, the lawyer is obliged to clothe in a legal form and contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude to the court as a branch of government; provided that an advocate shall be prohibited to violate professional ethics, and the need to build relationships with colleagues in the profession on standards of decency and respect to help Junior colleagues; to respect the dignity, prestige and business reputation of other lawyers to form a decent line of their own positions and behavior and have compelling personal point of view.

Günseli Gümüşel

When the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century was at the peak of its power, British and French merchants who came to Istanbul were writing so-called memories of harems to their homeland, and these letters composed the image of Eastern male in Orientalism and details of Muslim male image, which was one of the most important prototypes. The details which were written by non-Muslims who had no chance to even come near to Sultan's private life, recounted a period of literature to politics. Moreover, Muslim males who were called “not lustful Turk” in the past also have to face some kind of vexatious accusations today because of this created identity. In the same year, the producers proposed that The Lustful Turk movie had a big budget and an ambitious project; they were trying to affect potential audience. In this study, The Lustful Turk's novel segments and the movie are analyzed in detail to understand top-level racist accusations to Eastern male image, especially the Turkish one. Also, contemporary media approaches will be evaluated from Edward Said's point of view.

Slavic Review ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 825-847 ◽  
Lisa A. Kirschenbaum

During World War II, images of mothers constituted one of the most striking—and lasting—additions to Soviet propaganda. The appearance of “Mother Russia” has been understood as a manifestation of the Soviet state's wartime renunciation of appeals to Marxism-Leninism and its embrace of nationalism. Yet “Mother Russia” (rodina-mat', more literally, the “motherland mother“) was an ambiguous national figure. The word rodina, from the verb rodit', to give birth, can mean birthplace both in the narrow sense of hometown and in the broad sense of “motherland,” and it suggests the centrality of the private and the local in wartime conceptions of public duty. Mothers functioned in Soviet propaganda both as national symbols and as the constantly reworked and reimagined nexus between home and nation, between love for the family and devotion to the state. From this point of view, the new prominence of mothers in wartime propaganda can be understood as part of what Jeffrey Brooks has identified as the “counter-narrative” of individual initiative and private motives, as opposed to party discipline, that dominated the centrally controlled press's coverage of the first years of the war.

G.M. Rebel

The article is a comparative structural, thematic and genre analysis of the works by Lev Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev and Ivan Goncharov. The study had the following objectives: to give the genre definitions of “Family Happiness”, “Oblomov” and “A House of Gentlefolk” on the basis of structural, ideological and thematic features of the works; to compare the novels of Turgenev and Goncharov as different genre modifications; to justify the ideological character of the novel “A House of Gentlefolk”; to analyze the ideological controversy of the characters of Turgenev’s novel. As a result, the following conclusions were made. Tolstoy's “Family Happiness:, which is traditionally identified as a novel, in this case should be qualified as a novella: it has the predominant point of view which belongs to the narrator; the subject of the description are the episodes of private life presented outside of the socio-historical context of the era. Goncharov's “Oblomov” and Turgenev's “A House of Gentlefolk” present a multi-faceted, epically voluminous, large-scale picture of reality in two fundamentally different versions of the genre novel modifications. Despite the fact that in both novels the main characters are out of time, both works recreate the pre-reform atmosphere of the late 1850s, but perform it in fundamentally different ways. A mythologically-generalized, elegiac image of the past serfdom of Russia is presented in “Oblomov”. In “A House of Gentlefolk” the socio-historical specificity appears in close connection with real historical events, the lyrical beginning is organically combined with the polemical acuteness of the problem. The plot and the destinies of the characters in Turgenev's novel are determined by the ideological controversy, in which not only the main but also the secondary characters are subjectively or objectively involved, which ultimately determines the ideological character of the work. The proposed genre differentiation of the works of the three leading writers of the era allows us to give a dynamic cross-section of the literary process of the second half of the XIX century in the defining 1859 year of this period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-54
Tatiana A. Gurko

The transformation of the institutions of marriage, family and parenthood in recent decades in the context of rapid social, economic, cultural and technological innovations worldwide encourages theorists to look for explanations of the nature and direction of the processes that are taking place. American sociologists of the family Stan Knapp and Greg Wurm present a rather promising systematization of the theoretical approaches to changes in the institution of the family. The criteria of approaches according to the authors’ typology: relationality – vertical / horizontal, and dimensionality – single / multidimensional. This article’s purpose is to reflect on this typology so that Russian researchers go beyond theorizing in the framework of “opposing paradigms of crisis – modernization of the institution of family” disputes, which are more ideological than scientific. The institutional approach is widely represented in the works of classics of foreign and Russian sociology of the family. The classic institutional approach is expanded upon by the works of representatives of the new institutional approach. In the approach of deinstitutionalization, the main emphasis is placed on increasing individual needs, with “family” being a “pure relationship”. The diversification approach, which was mentioned among others by the author of this very article in the mid-1990’s, seems to be the most constructive from an empirical point of view. The article shows the diversification of the family institution, the spread of new family structures in many countries with references to empirical studies and statistical sources. Knapp and Wurm, the authors of the presented typology, consider the approach of institutional logic in relation to the family to be promising. The main problems of its application are discussed in article. The application of the classical theory of family development, as it was formulated in the 20th century when normative family paths were dominant, is also problematized, together with the lack of Russian longitudinal studies and works that describe modern family life paths. What western sociologists agree on, and what the analysis of Russian studies confirms, are the differences in the models of organizing private life in different social groups, at least among educated and uneducated citizens. Analysis of trends in the prevalence of alternative forms of family life in different social groups allows us to assess the nature of changes in the institutions of marriage and family, either as evolutionary or transformational.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-98
Юрий Поваров

One of the key factors in assessing the coordination of the third-party interference in a citizen’s private life (including when implementing activities related to the human genome) is his awareness of the actual and (or) legal aspects of such interference; however, many aspects of relevant information procedures remain blank or debatable. Aim: to identify the causes and significance (first of all, from the point of view of observing the principle of respect for the individual) of entrenchment in international legal acts and Russian legislation the requirement of informed consent of the subject; analysis of approaches to determining the content and volume of information provided, as well as to interpreting the provision on reporting data in an accessible form; studying the specifics of informing in extraordinary situations (refusal to receive information, etc.). Methods: general theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; private scientific methods such as comparative legal, legal dogmatic, the method of interpreting legal norms. Results: it is established that the main factors for introducing the sign of informed consent are the nature of the protected goods and the qualification of the citizen as a weak (vulnerable) side; the appropriateness of using the categories of “necessity” and “sufficiency” is justified in determining the completeness of the disclosed information; a close relationship between the signs of awareness and voluntariness of consent is disclosed, which, however, does not cancel their autonomy.

2005 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
Sara Hägi ◽  
Joachim Scharloth

This paper is concerned with the question, whether the status of Standard German in German-speaking Switzerland is adequately described as that of a foreign language. It discusses typological aspects, language awareness and language ideologies among German-speaking Swiss people, the practice of language acquisition, the language use in private life and media and the linguistic discourse about the relationship between the use of Swiss German and Standard German. It argues that from a linguistic point of view in none of these fields a clear decision can be made whether Standard German is a foreign language or not. Thus, the authors suggest that the conceptual framework ought to be widened to adequately describe the status of Standard German in German-speaking Switzerland. Finally, they take occasion to develop the concept of "Sekundärsprache"/"secondary language" for language situations similar to that in German-speaking Switzerland.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 111-161
Krzysztof J. Czyżewski ◽  
Marek Walczak

Artykuł poświęcony jest wysokiej klasy medalowi znanemu z niewielkiej liczby egzemplarzy wybitych w złocie i srebrze ku czci biskupa krakowskiego Andrzeja Trzebickiego (1677). Na awersie przedstawiono popiersie hierarchy w prawo z legendą biegnącą dookoła, natomiast na rewersie wizerunek łabędzia z łacińską dewizą i datą.  Emisja miała miejsca w Gdańsku, a projekt numizmatu wykonał Johann Höhn Mł. Niestety emitent, ani okoliczności zamówienia nie są znane. Kluczowe znaczenie ma prawidłowa interpretacja sygli na awersie: ATH D.D.D., które dotychczas czytano: „Andreas Trzebicki honor dat, donat, dedicat”. W myśl takiej lekcji sam biskup byłby emitentem medalu ku swojej czci. Autorzy po analizie źródeł zaproponowali wariantywne propozycje odczytu: „Andreae Trzebicki Honori Dat Dedit Dedicat” lub „Andreae Trzebicki Haec [numisma?] Data Decreto Decurionum”. Druga lekcja wydaje się prawdopodobniejsza, co skłania do hipotetycznego uznania za emitenta medalu krakowskiej rady miejskiej. Bezpośrednim powodem emisji mogło być popieranie przez Trzebickiego starań o uzyskanie przez władze Krakowa samodzielności w wybieraniu rajców, dotąd wskazywanych przez miejscowego wojewodę. Starania te miały miejsce w 1677 r. i zakończyły się wydaniem przez króla Jana III Sobieskiego odpowiedniego przywileju (30 grudnia) w Gdańsku. Wspaniały medal ma wydźwięk apologetyczny i głosi chwałę hierarchy nie tylko przez ukazanie jego wiernej podobizny. Trzebicki posługiwał się herbem łabędź, który był interpretowany powszechnie jako symbol czystości.  Dewiza Candore odnosi się zarówno do bieli łabędzia, jak do zasad przyświecających biskupowi w życiu prywatnym i działalności publicznej. Omawiany medal cieszył się od początku szczególnym uznaniem kolekcjonerów, o czym zaświadcza jego dokładna analiza w opracowaniu kolekcji medali króla Fryderyka I w Berlinie autorstwa Lorenza Begera (1704). Autor zwrócił uwagę na błędną z punktu widzenia protestanta tytulaturę hierarchy „Dei et Apostolicae Sedis gratia”), a także na ambiwalencję łabędzia jako symbolu czystości (ptak ten ma czarną skórę ukrytą pod białymi piórami, co można interpretować jako dwoistość, nieczystość intencji i hipokryzję). Summary: The paper deals with a high-quality and very rare medal issued in honour of the Bishop of Cracow Andrzej Trzebicki in 1677, of which only a few specimens struck in gold and silver are known. Its obverse represents a bust-length image of the prelate turned right, with a legend running around the rim, while the reverse features an image of a swan accompanied by a Latin motto and date. The medal, issued in Gdańsk, was executed after a design by Johann Höhn the Younger. Regrettably, neither the issuer nor the circumstances of the medal’s commission are known. What is of key importance for determining the above facts is the correct reading of the sigla: ‘ATH D.D.D’, inscribed on the obverse, which so far have been deciphered as: ‘Andreas Trzebicki honor dat, donat, dedicat’. In keeping with this reading, the bishop himself would have been the issuer of a medal struck in his honour. Having analysed documentary evidence, the authors of the present paper have put forward alternative readings of the inscription: ‘Andreae Trzebicki Honori Dat Dedit Dedicat’ or ‘Andreae Trzebicki Haec [numisma?] Data Decreto Decurionum’. The latter reading seems to be more plausible and suggests that, hypothetically, the medal may have been issued by the Cracow city council. The immediate reason for issuing the medal may have been Trzebicki’s support of the strivings of the municipal authorities of Cracow for autonomy in electing members of the city council, which until then were appointed by the local voivode. These efforts took place in 1677 and concluded with a charter issued by King John III Sobieski in Gdańsk on 30 December of that year, granting the city the requested rights. The magnificent medal reveals an aspect of eulogising the prelate, and his praise is expressed not only through his faithful likeness depicted on the obverse. Trzebicki used the ‘Swan’ coat of arms, and the swan was widely interpreted as a symbol of chastity. The motto ‘Candore’ on the reverse refers to not only the whiteness of the swan but also to the principles to which the bishop adhered, both in his private life and in carrying out his public duties. The medal under discussion has from the very beginning enjoyed a special appreciation of collectors, as attested by his detailed analysis included in a study of the medallic collection of King Frederick I in Berlin, by Lorenz Beger, published 1704. Beger has noted the titulature of the prelate, ‘Dei et Apostolicae Sedis gratia’ – which he considered incorrect (from a Protestant point of view). Additionally, he pointed out to the ambiguity of the swan as a symbol of chastity, as the bird has a black skin hidden under white plumage, which can be interpreted as duplicity, unfair intentions and hypocrisy.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-179
Victor M. Shaklein ◽  
Inna V. Kovtunenko

Russian blog texts are characterized by the fact that the respondent expresses opinions in order to convince the author of the effectiveness of certain ideas that cover his/her private life and professional activities. The respondent presents arguments in favor of his/her opinion, introduces the rationale for it, and at the same time indicates that the point of view previously expressed by the blogger is also relevant in the contextual situation under discussion. Rhetorical relations project conflict-free development of easy communication. As a result, the points of view put forward by the blogger and the respondent complement each other. It turns out that the same situation potentially generates both positive and negative emotions, and this is emphasized in the virtual communication based on the implementation of the phatic function of language. Rhetorical relations within the blog text help to combine different epistemic positions expressed by the interlocutors. In this regard, an urgent problem of linguistic research of Russian blog texts is to determine whether the interlocutors who exchange opinions and assessments form integral models of dialogic communication, based on which means of linking the stimulating and reacting messages are connected. This problem has not yet received proper empirical analysis in Russian studies and general language theory, although its solution, as we believe, contains significant implications for detailing the pragmatic specifics of blog communication. The aim of the study is to implement a structural and pragmatic analysis of rhetorical relations in blog texts, which involves identifying the dominant markers of these relations, their basic model and its variants. The goal stated in the article is realized through the following research methods: (1) the method of observation and interpretation of blogging while analyzing the peculiarities of the linguistic means of implementing connectivity; (2) descriptive-analytical (contextual) method-direct analysis of blog text fragments as a linear sequence; (3) a method for modeling rhetorical cause-and-effect relationships between segments of a single replica and at the level of integral dialogic unity in the blog text. It is concluded that rhetorical relations fix national and cultural stereotypes, which, in turn, determine the material and ideal scope of the degree of relevance of the addressees evaluation activity. When implementing such speech actions, the interlocutors take into rigid consideration not only the frequent and dominant cultural scripts of dialogic axiological performance, but also the relevant stereotypes of such activities that are set by the language system. The rhetorical relations between stimulating and reacting messages in the context of computer-mediated communication generate facilitate the processes of decoding the informative and emotional content of the jointly generated text and its implications.

Stanovnistvo ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-40 ◽  
Zoran Ponjavic ◽  
Dusica Palackovic

In this paper, the authors present the institute of anonymous childbirth which is not regulated by the Republic of Serbia positive laws, but it is in a small number of other European countries. Contrary to the usual review of this issue, through the prism of the child?s right to know its origin, which has become the usual way of reviewing any question from the domain of paedo-centric family law, the authors hereby attempt to shed the light from another angle ? the right of woman (mother) to a private life and the right of a child to be born in medically accepted conditions, which is the interest of the society as a whole. The authors also point out to the possibility of positive demographic effects of introducing this institute which have been the case in the countries which regulate this matter. The arguments in favor of introducing this institute can be found both in comparative law and in the practice of European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg whose rulings reshape the legislation of European countries, thus actually becoming the sources of law. There is an example from French legislation, which, according to the Court?s opinion, established a fair balance between conflicted rights and interests, which was the key point for reaching the famous decision in the case Odi?vre v. France. This decision set a precedent for the following rulings in similar cases, which proved that this decision was not incidental, but represented a long-term orientation of this Court in solving similar cases. In concluding remarks, the authors emphasize that introduction of this institute into Serbian legislation would not mean complete exclusion of the child?s right to know the facts related to his origin, which today is the key argument against its introduction. In any case, this regulation would represent a more advanced solution from the point of view of child?s protection if compared to some that already exist in Republic of Serbia positive law, which completely prevent a child to learn the facts of his origin.

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