The Symposium and Platonic Ethics: Plato, Vlastos, and a Misguided Debate

Phronesis ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-141 ◽  
Frisbee Sheffield

Abstract Scholarship on the Symposium is dominated by a debate on interpersonal love started by Gregory Vlastos in his article, ‘The Individual as an Object of Love in Plato.’ This paper argues that this debate is a misguided one, because it is not reflective of the central concerns of this text. Attention needs to be turned to the broader ethical questions posed about the ends of life, the nature of human happiness, and contemplation. Failure to do so will mean that the Symposium continues to be eclipsed as a key resource in central debates in Platonic ethics.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183 ◽  
Lauris Christopher Kaldjian

The communication of moral reasoning in medicine can be understood as a means of showing respect for patients and colleagues through the giving of moral reasons for actions. This communication is especially important when disagreements arise. While moral reasoning should strive for impartiality, it also needs to acknowledge the individual moral beliefs and values that distinguish each person (moral particularity) and give rise to the challenge of contrasting moral frameworks (moral pluralism). Efforts to communicate moral reasoning should move beyond common approaches to principles-based reasoning in medical ethics by addressing the underlying beliefs and values that define our moral frameworks and guide our interpretations and applications of principles. Communicating about underlying beliefs and values requires a willingness to grapple with challenges of accessibility (the degree to which particular beliefs and values are intelligible between persons) and translatability (the degree to which particular beliefs and values can be transposed from one moral framework to another) as words and concepts are used to communicate beliefs and values. Moral dialogues between professionals and patients and among professionals themselves need to be handled carefully, and sometimes these dialogues invite reference to underlying beliefs and values. When professionals choose to articulate such beliefs and values, they can do so as an expression of respectful patient care and collaboration and as a means of promoting their own moral integrity by signalling the need for consistency between their own beliefs, words and actions.

Jennifer Fay

Postwar American film noir explores an artificial world that does not foster human happiness and growth, but leads to a kind of human incapacity to act and respond. Beyond merely depicting these negative environments, noir lays bare the attachments to bad living and unsustainable striving that underwrite the accumulating culture of the Anthropocene at midcentury. Positioning itself as the genre that critiques postwar peaceful prosperity, noir gives us the characters, places, and scripts for human expiration as the counter to both nuclear survivalism and consumer capitalism. The hospitality of film noir is rental property. Indeed, impermanent dwelling of the individual and humanity as a whole is one of noir’s lessons for the Anthropocene. American noir is an ecological genre that teaches us in the spirit of Roy Scranton’s book how “to die in the Anthropocene.”

Geoff Moore

The purpose of the concluding chapter is to review and draw some conclusions from all that has been covered in previous chapters. To do so, it first summarizes the MacIntyrean virtue ethics approach, particularly at the individual level. It then reconsiders the organizational and managerial implications, drawing out some of the themes which have emerged from the various studies which have been explored particularly in Chapters 8 and 9. In doing so, the chapter considers a question which has been implicit in the discussions to this point: how feasible is all of this, particularly for organizations? In the light of that, it revisits the earlier critique of current approaches to organizational ethics (Corporate Social Responsibility and the stakeholder approach), before concluding.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (3) ◽  
pp. 96-116 ◽  
Chad Spensky ◽  
Jeffrey Stewart ◽  
Arkady Yerukhimovich ◽  
Richard Shay ◽  
Ari Trachtenberg ◽  

AbstractModern mobile devices place a wide variety of sensors and services within the personal space of their users. As a result, these devices are capable of transparently monitoring many sensitive aspects of these users’ lives (e.g., location, health, or correspondences). Users typically trade access to this data for convenient applications and features, in many cases without a full appreciation of the nature and extent of the information that they are exposing to a variety of third parties. Nevertheless, studies show that users remain concerned about their privacy and vendors have similarly been increasing their utilization of privacy-preserving technologies in these devices. Still, despite significant efforts, these technologies continue to fail in fundamental ways, leaving users’ private data exposed.In this work, we survey the numerous components of mobile devices, giving particular attention to those that collect, process, or protect users’ private data. Whereas the individual components have been generally well studied and understood, examining the entire mobile device ecosystem provides significant insights into its overwhelming complexity. The numerous components of this complex ecosystem are frequently built and controlled by different parties with varying interests and incentives. Moreover, most of these parties are unknown to the typical user. The technologies that are employed to protect the users’ privacy typically only do so within a small slice of this ecosystem, abstracting away the greater complexity of the system. Our analysis suggests that this abstracted complexity is the major cause of many privacy-related vulnerabilities, and that a fundamentally new, holistic, approach to privacy is needed going forward. We thus highlight various existing technology gaps and propose several promising research directions for addressing and reducing this complexity.

1989 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-93
T. E. C.

During the mid-nineteenth century American physicians were greatly troubled by what they thought were the evils of excessive academic demands placed on children in our public schools. The editorial below, published in 1854 in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, is typical of many of a similar nature. Our city prides itself on the superiority of its public schools; and we think Boston is justly entitled to take the highest rank among the cities of the civilized world for the facilities afforded by its citizens for the education of youth. But notwithstanding the large expenditure of money for the erection of beautiful and commodious school-houses, for mathematical and other instruments, for teachers, &c., all which give a character to our Boston schools, there exists an evil in the present system of educating, which seriously demands attention, and, if possible, a remedy. It is the ambition of the teachers of our schools, to have their scholars thoroughly instructed, and that they may appear well before the committees at examinations; and for that purpose, lessons in great numbers and requiring toilsome study, are imposed upon them. No discrimination is made, as regards the mental or physical capacity of the individual members of the class, but all are required to be perfect in their answers, or else they lose their position in the class and school. Not one fifth of the time devoted to school hours is allowed for study, being occupied in recitations; and the severe tasks the poor children have in getting their lessons must be apparent, when it is known that so long a time is required in reciting them. The scholars of the second class, for instance, have to commit to memory from twelve to twenty-five pages of geography, three to six pages of arithmetic, the same of grammar, three pages in spelling, besides exercises in reading, writing, &c. Now these lessons must be studied out of school, at the time which should be devoted to exercise and recreation. The imposition of such severe tasks upon the young and growing children, must enfeeble their constutions, and often incapacitates them, if they arrive at maturity, for enjoying life. We have seen many children who were ambitious to accomplish all that was required of them by teachers; and to do so, the greatest portion of the twenty-four hours was necessarily devoted to their books, scarcely allowing any time for taking their meals. It must be obvious to every one, that such close application to study, produces, in their turn, a train of diseases which cannot always be eradicated. Aching heads, loss of appetite, sleepless nights, inflamed eyes, with other deviations from health, are the accompaniments and the consequences of excessive mental exertion.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-132
Mehmet Canbulat ◽  
Ayşe Nur Kutluca Canbulat

The aim of this study is to analyze the selection process of teacher candidates in Turkey and Austria education systems. In the study, the Upper Austria Higher Education documents on the selection processes were examined and the teacher candidates' selection processes were observed. For the Turkish side, the higher education selection handbooks by Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) were examined and 96 teacher candidates were interviewed. According to the findings, in Austria's teacher education system, the students should volunteer to be a teacher and also must fulfill compliance of the profession. In Turkey, on the other hand, the teacher candidates were selected according to the central examination results conducted by ÖSYM. While scores are taken into account in the areas such as mathematics, social sciences, science, geometry, etc., the evaluation related to the individual reasons for seeking this profession, individuals' eligibility of the teaching profession and personal characteristics are not considered in this selection process. The interview results revealed that while some of the candidates were willing to become a teacher, others reported obligation to do so and some stated that they accidently selected to be a teacher.

2000 ◽  
Joseph R. Fragola

Abstract Designers seldom, if ever, create designs “out of whole cloth”. They might begin with a clean piece of paper but their designs, no matter how creative or pioneering, must always embrace the technological heritage within which they are imbedded, at least to a degree. If they fail to do so they will almost certainly have great difficulty in being implemented, and even greater difficulty being successful. In this way the words “heritage” and “risk” have been linked, since time immemorial, in the design process and therefore in the designer’s mind’s eye. While this linkage is, in this sense, nothing new, the linkage has until recently been done heuristically and informally based upon the judgment and expertise of the individual designer, perhaps supplemented by the judgment and expertise of those peers of personal acquaintance. Recently, as an outgrowth of the broader application of probabilistic technology, a more formal and systematic link between design heritage and design risk has been attempted. While the number of actual applications are few, those that have been attempted seem to forecast that significant benefits might accrue from further development of the concept and its wider application especially in the case of the advanced technical designs so characteristic of aerospace systems. While the process of risk-based design is still in development, the individual steps in the process are beginning to evolve. These steps, which are listed in summary form in Figure 1 below, will be discussed in the presented paper as they apply to the design of a container to return samples from Mars.

1905 ◽  
Vol s2-49 (195) ◽  
pp. 493-505

Although the foregoing accouut is obviously incomplete, yet it is possible to draw some conclusions. I believe we have shown that: (a) The egg of Aleyonium produces no polar bodies in the ordinary sense of the word. (b) That the division of the female pronucleus before the entrance of the spermatozoon is irregular and amitotic. (c) That no chromatiu leaves the egg in the stage of ovocyte I, to use Boveri's nomenclature. (d) That the female pronucleus completely disappears. (s) That there are no bodies that can be termed chromosomes throughout the whole process. (f) That the first segmentation nucleus is formed in a way (unknown) that must in any case be unlike anything hitherto described. Furthermore I believe, though I cannot state so positively, that: (g) A process takes place that may roughly be compared to the formation of polar bodies, but they disintegrate and do not leave the cell. So far as I have ascertained nothing in the shape of extrusion takes place. It is, however, curious to note that the nearest account that I have been able to find of like behaviour in an egg nucleus is that of Sfcoeckel.1 This author found in a human ovary certain of the ova containing large nuclei, the membrane of which, as a rule, was well marked, but "oft geht diese scharfe Abgrenzung auch verloren. Die Konturen werden unregelmässeg Zackig, verschwommen."...Stoeckel believed that these changes in form were the beginning of amitotic nuclear divisions, giving rise to binucleated ova, of which he found several. I know of no other assumption of the direct division of an egg nucleus before fertilisation. (h) The first segmentation nucleus is derived from the male pronucleus, though it is quite possible that chromatin equal in amount to that of the male may also be derived from the female pronucleus, though all trace of the latter has been lost. If the foregoing statements be only partially true, it is obvious that a great gulf is fixed between the maturation processes in the egg of Alcyonium and all hitherto described cases. For this reason I am very loth to do more than state the bare conclusions to which I have come. To the best of my belief, no author has described amitotic nuclear divisions in the formation of polar bodies. We seem to have to deal with perfectly abnormal conditions. Nevertheless we are forced to admit that the maintenance of the individual parental chromosomes in a fertilised egg-cell is not universal. On the contrary, all trace of the chromatin of the original egg nucleus is lost. Furthermore, there are several instances among the protozoa of the breaking up and reorganisation of the nucleus. This occurs in many Ciliates. For instance : In ‘Oxytricha and Lacrymaria’ Gruber has shown that the meganucleus breaks up into minute fragments which become scattered through the protoplasm, but eventually reunite into a single body. So much attractive speculation has been based on the ordinarily observed facts of maturation and fertilisation that we feel almost bound to assume that these processes are the same iu all metazoa. But it is obvious that in certain cœlenterates we have facts before us that cannot be brought into line with what we feel we have a right to expect. At present the affair is a mystery. Pending farther investigation it were unwise to speculate on the possible meaning of these phenomena, however much one may be tempted to do so. In case that what I have observed, and still more failed to observe, may induce some other zoologist to follow this cytological byeway, I can only hope that he will find this paper a path over which it may not be necessary to retrace his steps. There would seem to be four points to which attention should be specially directed: (a) The nuclear history of the germ-cells from their earliest "Anlagen." (b) The mode of formation of the polar bodies. (c) The actual penetration of the spermatozoon. (d) The way in which the first segmentation nucleus is built up. Lastly, I have but to express my sincere thanks to Professor Hickson for his kindness in allowing me the use of his material, preparations, and notes, and for the many fruitful suggestions that I have received from him.

2021 ◽  
Iza Kavedžija

The Process of Wellbeing develops an anthropological perspective on wellbeing as an intersubjective process that can be approached through the prism of three complementary conceptual framings: conviviality; care; and creativity. Drawing on ethnographic discussions of these themes in a range of cultural contexts around the world, it shows how anthropological research can help to enlarge and refine understandings of wellbeing, through dialogue with different perspectives and understandings of what it means to live well with others and the skills required to do so. Rather than a state or achievement, wellbeing comes into view here as an ongoing process that involves human and nonhuman others. It does not pertain to the individual alone, but plays out within the relations of care that constitute people, moving and thriving in circulation through affective environments.

2001 ◽  
Vol 2001 (1) ◽  
J. Maynard Smith

Aging processes are defined as those that increase the susceptibility of individuals as they grow older to the factors that may cause death. Various possible theories of aging are considered, and evidence that may help to decide between them is discussed. Changes in different organ systems may be merely symptoms of some single aging process, or they may be largely independent and synchronized by natural selection. Even if different organ systems age independently, they may do so as a result of similar changes at a cellular level. Cellular theories of aging may have to take into account the effects of selection between the cells in a tissue. The effects of radiation and somatic mutation theories of aging are discussed. It is suggested that radiation shortens life by inducing somatic mutations but that normal aging is not to any important extent caused by somatic mutations, although it may result from changes in cells that have effects on the physiology of the individual similar to those of somatic mutations. Evidence is presented that in Drosophila and in mice there are two phases in the life-span. In Drosophila , there is an initial “aging” phase, which is irreversible and occurs at a rate approximately independent of temperature, and a second “dying” phase, which is temperature-dependent in rate and reversible at lower temperatures. Reproduced by permission. J. Maynard Smith, Review Lectures on Senescence: I. The Causes of Aging. Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B 157 , 115-127 (1962).

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