Relationships Between Social Structure and Response To Novelty in Captive Jackdaws, Corvus Monedula L., I. Response To Novel Space

Behaviour ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 81 (2-4) ◽  
pp. 231-263 ◽  
Gadi Katzir

AbstractThe response of six groups of captive, handreared jackdaws, Corvus monedula L. (Aves), to a novel space was tested. Birds were tested in groups and were free to make contact with the novelty or remain in a familiar area. The individual manner of response was related to the social position of the individual. i) Exploratory behaviour occurred in bouts. Familiarization with the novelty was mostly gradual, but in some groups after an initial delay, the entire group began to explore and then to enter the novel space very rapidly ("avalanche"). ii) In each group one or two birds performed most of the early exploration, and termed "initiators". iii) The initiator in each group was distinguished from all others by duration and by frequency measures. Both for approach and for entering of the novel space (a) birds that scored high on the frequency measure, scored high also on the duration measure, (b) birds that scored high on either measure, for the approach, were the most likely to score high on that measure for the entering. iv) In all six groups the "initiators" were sociall mid or low ranking birds. v) Top ranking birds were distinguished from all others by the combination of two features; (a) they did not act as initiators, and (b) they were not the last to peak in their duration inside the novel space. It is argued that top ranking birds are more conservative, and that it benefits them as they have relatively more to lose and less to gain by being exploratory. The converse is true for mid or low ranking birds, which may benefit by exploiting resources outside the reach of the high ranking birds.

Behaviour ◽  
1983 ◽  
Vol 87 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 183-208 ◽  
Gadi Katzir

AbstractThe response of captive handreared jackdaws, Corvus monedula, in six groups, to novel palatable food was tested. i) Each group was tested as a whole. ii) Novel food (cockroaches, Periplaneta americana) was provided in a dish in a test room which the birds could enter from their home aviary at will. Ordinary food was simultaneously provided ad lib. iii) In each group one or two birds were most active in the approach and the feeding on the novel food, as measured by frequency of initiation of bouts of approach and feed and/or duration of feeding. iv) Birds that initiated most feeding bouts were the most likely to spend longest durations of feeding on the novel food. v) In all six groups the "initiators" were of mid of low social rank. vi) Socially top ranking birds were distinguished from all others by the combination of two features; (a) they did not act as initiators, and (b) they were not the last to peak in their duration of feeding on the novel food. These results are similar to those obtained for the response of the jackdaws to novel space. It gives further support to the idea that individual response to novelty is related to the social structure. Mid or low ranking individuals may benefit from being more exploratory, while top ranking birds may benefit more by being more conservative.

2005 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 399-413 ◽  
Jonathan Williams ◽  
Eric Taylor

The evolutionary status of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is central to assessments of whether modern society has created it, either physically or socially; and is potentially useful in understanding its neurobiological basis and treatment. The high prevalence of ADHD (5–10%) and its association with the seven-repeat allele of DRD4, which is positively selected in evolution, raise the possibility that ADHD increases the reproductive fitness of the individual, and/or the group. However, previous suggestions of evolutionary roles for ADHD have not accounted for its confinement to a substantial minority. Because one of the key features of ADHD is its diversity, and many benefits of population diversity are well recognized (as in immunity), we study the impact of groups' behavioural diversity on their fitness. Diversity occurs along many dimensions, and for simplicity we choose unpredictability (or variability), excess of which is a well-established characteristic of ADHD. Simulations of the Changing Food group task show that unpredictable behaviour by a minority optimizes results for the group. Characteristics of such group exploration tasks are risk-taking, in which costs are borne mainly by the individual; and information-sharing, in which benefits accrue to the entire group. Hence, this work is closely linked to previous studies of evolved altruism. We conclude that even individually impairing combinations of genes, such as ADHD, can carry specific benefits for society, which can be selected for at that level, rather than being merely genetic coincidences with effects confined to the individual. The social benefits conferred by diversity occur both inside and outside the ‘normal’ range, and these may be distinct. This view has the additional merit of offering explanations for the prevalence, sex and age distribution, severity distribution and heterogeneity of ADHD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 161-174
B.J. Parıdınova ◽  

The problem of developing the spiritual worldview and spirituality was the development of society at all stages. The spiritual worldview and spirituality of the individual, teachers in society changed depending on the level of the social structure of the state and its ideology, religious and secular views, the development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the spiritual worldview and spirituality of the whole society is one of the most important characteristics of the pedagogical preparation of the individual. The research problem is relevant in the framework of the program «Rukhani zhangyru». Therefore, we believe that a set of activities under the program is the core of this topic. Spiritual worldview and spirituality is the most important issue in the context of globalization. The purpose of this article is to generalize and systematize this problem, to determine the role and place of the spiritual worldview and spirituality. To achieve the purpose, this study discusses some of the findings of scientists on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality in education. The discussed fundamental principles of development and existing scientific works on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Many actual issues can be considered in the notion of concept since these categories has not yet been studied in science. In this article special attention is paid to spiritual worldview and spirituality and its basic concepts, which is one of the most important problems in pedagogy and psychology. The article the relevance and importance of theoretical understanding of the data category. Presented some theoretical problems of the formation and preservation of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Рухани дүниетанымның даму мәселесі және руханилық қоғам дамуының барлық салаларында өзекті болып саналады. Қоғамдағы тұлғаның, мұғалімнің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы мемлекеттің әлеуметтік құрылысы мен оның идеологиясы, діни және зайырлы көзқарастары, педагогикалық ғылымның дамуы деңгейіне байланысты өзгеріп отырады. Сондықтан барлық қоғам мүшелерінің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы тұлғаның педагогикалық дайындығының маңызды сипаттамалық белгісі болып табылады. Зерттеу мәселесі «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында өзекті болып саналады. Сол себепті бағдарлама шеңберіндегі шаралар кешені берілген тақырыптың өзегі деп ойлаймыз. Жаһандану шарттарында «Рухани дүниетаным» және «Руханилық» категориялары маңызды мәселе болып табылады. Осы мақаланың мақсаты болып берілген мәселені жинақтау және жүйелеу, рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың рөлін, орнын анықтау болып саналады. Мақсатқа жету үшін берілген жұмыста білім берудегі рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты кейбір қорытындылары қарастырылады. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты дамытудың негізгі қағидалары мен ғылымда бар жұмыстар талқыланады. Өйткені берілген категориялар ғылымда толықтай зерттелмеген және зерттелуі тиіс көптеген өзекті мәселелері жетерлік. Берілген мақалада рухани дүниетаным және руханилықтың, оның педагогикадағы және психологиядағы негізгі түсініктеріне ерекше назар аударылады. Мақалада берілген категорияларды теориялық түсінудің өзектілігі мен маңыздылығы дәйектеледі. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың қалыптасуы мен сақтаудағы кейбір теориялық мәселелері ұсынылған.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-264
Umairah Shafei ◽  

This research intends to prove social conflict in the novel Ke Hujung Usia (2018) by A. Rahman C.M. based on Lewis A. Coser's Functional Conflict Theory, which places conflict as an indicator of a healthy relationship in the social structure. The conflicts presented between characters in the novel include clashes involving Tuk Aki, Tuan Guru Haji Munir, District Office officials, Rasol (the Political Secretary of the Chief Minister), and Umar, who represents the students at Pondok Haji Hamid, and others. The conflicts between the characters have a positive influence on the integration, consensus and strength of the in-group among the students, and on the position of Tuk Aki himself, as the administrator of the centre of religious education. Based on Coser's theory, conflict is not negative because the clashes of out-group are normal due to the positive impact on the strength of social structure. Thus, Coser rejected the argument that absence of conflict is an indicator of the strength and stability of a relationship. Based on the thought of Coser, the conflict between Tuk Aki and the out-group help to strengthen structural relations, in addition to enhancing the integration of the students who are led by Umar. The social group consensus exists because there is two-way communication in the conflict, and because Tuk Aki plays the role of the safety valve to control the conflict.

Oliver Friggieri

Let Fair Weather Bring Me Home: A Maltese Story (Excerpt from unpublished novel)Life in itself largely depends on one’s personal relationship with nature. Humankind develops as it discovers new modes of relating more efficiently with whatever surrounds it. Thus both the individual and the social aspects of such a condition greatly  depend on each other. Let Fair Weather Bring Me Home is a Maltese novel which strives to portray such a bond in terms of what it entails to live in a traditional village far removed from the center of the country where nature had to succumb to a great extent to the dictates of culture, and mainly to technology. The descriptive element of the novel, as evinced in this excerpt, is meant not only to construct a context within which the villagers live, but also to suggest a sharp contrast with the modern city, impersonal, overcrowded, noisy and inevitably distant from spaces which are considered to be still undeveloped, namely still left in their primeval state. The depiction of such a way of life in such a village, inspired by an environment typical of Southern Europe, may seem to be simply an evocation of the past, as it originally is, but it also recognizes the fact that such a relationship with nature still survives in various parts of various countries. The essential message of the excerpt is that modern ecological considerations are necessarily the expression of  humanity’s need to rediscover nature and to return to where it once belonged.                   

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-42
Helena Bassil-Morozow

This paper brings together the concept of persona and the figure of the trickster to examine the dynamic between social norms and creative noncompliance, between the social mask and human authenticity, in moving image narratives. In particular, it looks at the female trickster challenging the female persona in recent television shows, primarily BBC’s Fleabag (2016-2019), using the previously outlined framework of trickster attributes (Bassil-Morozow 2012; Bassil-Morozow 2015). The concept of persona is examined using a combination of Erving Goffman’s presentation of self theory and Jung’s persona concept. It is argued that the female persona – the artificial vision of socially acceptable femininity – is a particularly rigid psycho-social structure, comprising repressive and unrealistic expectations for women’s looks, bodies, and conduct in public situations. Using the nameless protagonist of Fleabag as a case study, the paper shows how the female trickster can challenge these prescribed attributes and expectations while defying the individual-controlling techniques: shame, social embarrassment, social rejection and ostracism.

2019 ◽  
TAOUFIK تــوفــيــق STITI الــســتــيــتــي

تُعتبر الصيغة السردية إحدى أهم المقولات المشكلة للخطاب السردي عموما، حيث تنتظم السرود وفق نمط حكائي معين يعكس الأسلوب المتفرد والمتميز لكل كاتب على حدة. وتُشَكِّلُ المجموعة القصصية "أنين الماء" للقاصة والروائية والشاعرة المغربية الزهرة رميج، بتعدّد صيغ خطابها وتنوع أشكال اشتغال الذاكرة فيها، كونا مُكثّفا وبالغ التعقيد. حيث تُزاوج القاصّة، في تشكيلٍ إبداعي قشيب، بين المحكي والمعروض تارة، أو تُعَضِّضهُما بالخطاب المُحوّل تارة أخرى، كما تُدمِجُ في صَوْغِ سرودها الذاكرة الفردية والذاكرة الجماعية، وتمزج الذاكرة الاجتماعية بالذاكرةِ الثقافيةِ والسياسيةِ. وسنحاول في هذه الورقةِ تقديم قراءةٍ مُركّزةٍ ومُختصرةٍ، في المجموعة القصصية "أنين الماء" للقاصة والروائية الزهرة رميج، لاستجلاء بعض الخصائص الفنية والجمالية التي تُميِّزُ سرود الكاتبة، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على أنماط الحكي والصِّيَغ السردية وتعدد أشكال اشتغال الذاكرة.The narrative version is one of the most important arguments for the narrative discourse, the narratives are organized according to a specific style of reflection. The novel "Anin almaa" by the Moroccan novelist Zahra Ramej, with its varied forms of speech and the diversity of its forms of memory, is an intensive and highly complex universe. Where the mating is intertwined in a creative form, between the narrator and the viewer, or alternating with the converted discourse. It also integrates the individual memory and the collective memory into its narratives, and mixes the social memory with the cultural and political memory. In this paper, we will attempt to present a concise reading of the novel "Anin Almaa" by Zahra Ramej, to explore some of the artistic and aesthetic characteristics that characterize the writer's narratives, with particular emphasis on narrative patterns, narrative forms and multiple forms of memory.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Agus Sulthon

<p>Rasa Merdika is a novel released in 1924. This novel narrates the people’s misery occured in Dutch- Indies era. The internationalism ideology becomes the alternate undderstanding for people by using poetry as a messenger. In this research, the social, economical and political conditions depicted in the novel will be correlated to the history when the novel is created. using Goldmann's theory, considered having homological relations  with the social structure. Umar Junus takes advantage of it as a story to depict the social-cultural condition of society.</p><p> </p><p>Rasa Merdika merupakan novel bacaan liar yang terbit tahun 1924. Novel ini membicarakan tentang penderitaan rakyat yang terjadi di Hindia Belanda. Ideologi internasionalisme menjadi alternatif pemahaman kepada rakyat dengan memanfaatkan sastra sebagai alat penyampai pesan. Dalam penelitian ini, kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik novel akan korelasikan terhadap sejarah saat novel itu diciptakan kemudian menghubungkan konsep keduanya menggunakan teori Goldmann, dianggapnya memiliki keterkaitan homologis dengan struktur sosial (kondisi).</p><p> </p>

Inga Tomić-Koludrović

The article deals with those sociological approaches which view the relationship between man and woman as dependent on socio- structural, economic and cultural developments and which simultaneously analyse it through the tension between individual action and the social structure. In contradistinction to feminist macro-sociology which investigate the man/woman relationship exclusively according to dependence on economic structures and institutions, as well as feminist micro-sociology which investigates everyday conditions and the situation between the sexes, the approaches analysed in the text deal with the structural and individual conditions of gender socialization, die guilt to be borne by women in forming their gentler roles and analyse the emotional norms of contemporary societies. Since the relationship between the individual and society is to be found in die very center of these analyses, one can conclude that these are positions which attempt to transcend the micro-macro dualism in contempoorary social theories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (48) ◽  

Patrimonialism and corporatism are the cultural variables that have a determinant importance in explaining the social structure of Turkey. The relations between the individual and the state, likewise those between the individuals, are shaped by the mold of these cultural variables. Patriarchal family ties, hierarchical expectations, weakness of civil society, and the dominant power of the obedience culture are some examples of the effect of these cultural variables on the social structure. Besides, the patrimonialist and corporatist cultural elements have been nourished by the economic and class variables throughout the history in Turkey. Starting from the Gokturk state, the central authority and the despotic state tradition which did not allow the capital accumulation have nurtured the patrimonial culture. On the other hand, the Ottoman state tradition that attaches importance to the concept of "nizam” (order) or the protection of the order even more than the concept of state, has been influential in the development of the codes of the corporatist culture in Turkey. At the beginning of the 20th century, Kemalists took over the political power and supported the view of "corporatist society" as a function of securing their power against the lower classes. Therefore, it is an obvious necessity to use the concepts of corporatism and patrimonialism in explaining the social structure of today's Turkey. Keywords: social structure, social change, Turkish Modernization, Historical Materialism, Patrimonialism, Corporatism

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