Analysis of factors determining Colombia's tourist enterprises organizational innovations

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-259 ◽  
Alexander Zuñiga-Collazos

Colombia is a country that has achieved significant tourism growth in recent years. However, there is limited empirical evidence about its tourism development. Organizational innovation in tourism enterprises is one of the keys to Colombia maintaining positive tourism development. This empirical study analyzes organizational innovation in 364 of Colombiás tourism companies. The findings show that “Directing and Management (The way of directing and managing company)” and “Commercialization and Sales (The way to directing and managing the commercialization and sales of a company)” have a significant relationship with Colombiás tourist enterprises organizational innovations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 02 (02) ◽  
pp. 177-189 ◽  
T.M.Y. Kwok ◽  
E. Coiera ◽  
A.Y.S. Lau

SummaryObjective: To investigate whether strength of social feedback, i.e. other people who concur (or do not concur) with one’s own answer to a question, influences the way one answers health questions.Methods: Online prospective study. Two hundred and twenty-seven undergraduate students were recruited to use an online search engine to answer six health questions. Subjects recorded their pre- and post-search answers to each question and their level of confidence in these answers. After answering each question post-search, subjects were presented with a summary of post-search answers provided by previous subjects and were asked to answer the question again.Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between the absolute number of others with a different answer (the crowd’s opinion volume) and the likelihood of an individual changing an answer (P<0.001). For most questions, no subjects changed their answer until the first 10–35 subjects completed the study. Subjects’ likelihood of changing answer increased as the percentage of others with a different answer (the crowd’s opinion density) increased (P=0.047). Overall, 98.3% of subjects did not change their answer when it concurred with the majority (i.e. >50%) of subjects, and that 25.7% of subjects changed their answer to the majority response when it did not concur with the majority. When subjects had a post-search answer that did not concur with the majority, they were 24% more likely to change answer than those with answers that concurred (P<0.001).Conclusion: This study provides empirical evidence that crowd influence, in the form of online social feedback, affects the way consumers answer health questions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-132
Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira ◽  
Carine Vieira Franco Silva ◽  
Érika Monteiro de Souza Alves Dias ◽  
Davy Antonio da Silva

Pode-se considerar relevante que uma empresa elabore e apresente, aos usuários de suas informações, o seu Planejamento Estratégico. Complementar ao planejamento, ter um controle gerencial e inovador, visando o futuro, é importante. A realização de Inovações Organizacionais pode contribuir para a dinâmica da gestão empresarial, além de possibilitar impactos favoráveis nos resultados financeiros. Considerando-se a relevância do setor elétrico para o país, bem como a evidenciação das informações aos stakeholders, esta pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, verificou a incidência da Inovação Organizacional (IO) no Planejamento Estratégico das empresas do setor elétrico, presentes no Nível 1 de Governança Corporativa da BMF Bovespa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio dos Relatórios da Administração (RA), a partir do ano de 2006, pela perspectiva da Lei do Bem (Lei n° 11.196/2005) até o ano de 2016. Analisando-se os principais resultados, confirmou-se que todas as empresas evidenciam as principais práticas de IO e Planejamento Estratégico relacionadas à Lei do Bem, com base na hipótese destacada nesta pesquisa, as empresas do setor elétrico apresentam informações acerca da IO em seus Planejamentos Estratégicos, mas apenas quatro empresas no ano de 2006 e 2007 que não apresentaram alguns itens acerca da IO.Palavras-Chave: Evidenciação. Inovação Organizacional. Relatório da Administração. Setor Elétrico. THE EVIDENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION IN THE STRATEGIC PLANNING OF COMPANIES IN THE ELECTRIC SECTORAbstract: It can be considered relevant that a company elaborates and presents, to the users of its information, its Strategic Planning. Complementing the planning, having a managerial and innovative control, aiming at the future, is important. The realization of Organizational Innovations can contribute to the dynamics of business management, in addition to enabling favorable impacts on financial results. Considering the relevance of the electric sector to the country, as well as the disclosure of the information to the stakeholders, this descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, verified the incidence of Organizational Innovation (IO) in the Strategic Planning of companies in the electric sector, 1 of Corporate Governance of BMF Bovespa. Data collection was performed through the Administration Reports (RA), starting in 2006, by the perspective of the Law of Good (Law n ° 11,196 / 2005) until 2016. Analyzing the main results, It was confirmed that all companies show the main IO and Strategic Planning related to the Law of Good, based on the hypothesis highlighted in this research, companies in the electric sector present information about IO in their Strategic Planning, but only four companies in the year 2006 and 2007 that did not present some items about IO.Keywords: Disclosure. Organizational Innovation. Management Report. Electrical Sector.

Yohan Henri Wibowo

The aims of this study is to find empirical evidence, that there is a significant relationship between the Non Performing Loan Ratio is reflected in indicators of Non-Performing Loan (NPL) with a Profitability Ratio that is reflected in the indicators Net Profit Margin (NPM).The collecting of data method is secondary sources from Quarterly Financial Report Rural Banks (hereinafter referred to as BPR) as the city of Tangerang. The sample in this study is BPRin Kota Tangerang are categorized as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs). The hypothesis was tested by normality test and linear regression, The results of the study are not found empirical evidence that there is a significant relationship between Non-Performing Loan Ratios were reflected in NPL with Ratio Profitability indicators are reflected in indicators of NPM.These results indicate that required the mediating factor, namely the Contractual Interest Income from Loans and Expenses of Assets Allowance (hereinafter referred PPAPWD) Keywords: Non-Performing Loan, Net Profit Margin

K. P. Purnhagen ◽  
E. van Herpen ◽  
S. Kamps ◽  
F. Michetti

AbstractFindings from behavioural research are gaining increased interest in EU legislation, specifically in the area of unfair commercial practices. Prior research on the Mars case (Purnhagen and van Herpen 2017) has left open whether empirical evidence can provide an indication that this practice of using oversized indications of additional volume alters the transactional decision of consumers. This, however, is required to determine the “misleadingness” of such a practice in the legal sense as stipulated by the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29/EC. The current paper closes this gap by illustrating how behavioural research can inform legal interpretation. In particular, it extends the previous research in two important ways: first, by examining the actual choice that people make; and second, by investigating whether the effects remain present in a context where a comparison product is available. Yet, while supporting and extending the findings of the study from Purnhagen and van Herpen (2017) on deceptiveness, the current study could not produce empirical evidence of a clear influence on the transactional decision of consumers, in the way “UCPD” requires.

SAGE Open ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824401668681
Robert Lindsay Hakan ◽  
Julia M. Neal ◽  
John Lothes

Mindfulness should be associated with decreased automatic responding and with increased empathy and compassion. Therefore, given an opportunity to express judgments about other people, a highly mindful person should be less inclined to express negative and unnecessary judgments. The present study provided participants the opportunity to express judgments about photographs of other people in a procedure that attempted to control for potential demand characteristics associated with self-report measures of mindfulness. Expressed judgments were panel rated, and the derived judgment scores were regressed with participant scores on the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Results demonstrated no overall significant relationship between judgments and MAAS or FFMQ total scores. However, a significant relationship between judgment scores and the “act with awareness” and the “non-judgment” facets of the FFMQ was observed. Judgment scores were also related to self-reported involvement in mindfulness activities such as meditation and yoga. These results suggest that self-reported mindfulness may not completely align with behaviors that logically reflect right mindfulness. Moreover, social judgment may be a useful overt measure related to mindfulness. The results also provide empirical evidence of the very strong social tendency to negatively and often derogatorily judge other people.

In this article, Wilko van Holten and Martin Walton continue the exchange with John Swinton regarding the understanding and usefulness of the “timelessness of God” (Swinton, 2016) in the context of dementia (see HSCC 8(1), “A Critical Appraisal of John Swinton’s Theology of Time and Memory” by van Holten and Walton, 2020, and “A Rejoinder to van Holten and Walton” by Swinton, 2020a). Both van Holten and Walton argue that Swinton’s restatement of God’s eternal presence in terms of unchangeableness comes with a serious theological price, namely, a static image of the divine. Swinton’s refusal to pay this price points to a tension in his thinking on this point. The authors adduce some empirical evidence to substantiate the claim that a timeless and immutable God is psycho-spiritually less appropriate in the context of pastoral care. For van Holten and Walton, their major concern is not with the intentions or conclusions at which Swinton arrives, but with the way in which he argues for those conclusions and expresses these intentions. In this exchange, practical and philosophical theology meet, and the authors explore some of the questions which are raised. These questions ultimately are concerned with theological method. A response to this article by Swinton will also be published in this issue of HSCC (see Swinton, 2022).

Halyna Radchuk ◽  
Anatolii Afanasiev ◽  
Dmytro Sofiian ◽  
Zoriana Adamska ◽  

The purpose of our research is to carry out empirical study and analysis of internal factors of the development of psychological readiness for professional activities in cynologist officers. The article gives empirical evidence of internal factors of psychological readiness for professional activities in cynologist officers. The motivational and purposive, active and operational, emotional and volitional, reflexive and controlling components of psychological readiness are outlined. Three internal factors of psychological readiness of cynologist officers for professional activities are identified and analysed with the help of factor analysis of empirical indicators: awareness of psychological readiness for professional activities, a responsible subjective position, the ability to act independently, and take decisions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Luis Roberto Vega-González

In this paper it is proposed that similarly with the evolution and maturation of any organization, the Linking and Management of Technology Office (L & MoT) of a public R&D Mexican Centre has been evolved and is in the way to be transformed into a Technology Transfer Office (TTO). Case of fifteen year evolution of the Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico L & MoT presents empirical evidence to identify the main phases and actions that have been driving this process along this time. Standard results obtained through the years using the L & MoT Management of Technology Model (MoT) are presented. Emphasis is placed in a final section with the lessons obtained from non-standard results coming from unsuccessful negotiations and failed link actions between the Center and some external organizations. Experience has shown that not all negotiations are successful but curiously, the best lessons for the personnel of a technology transfer office are probably derived from these problematic cases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 416-431
Myriam Martí-Sánchez ◽  
Desamparados Cervantes-Zacarés ◽  
Arturo Ortigosa-Blanch

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the media addresses entrepreneurship and to identify the attributes linked to this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach The sample is defined in terms of a linguistic corpus comprised of content related to entrepreneurship drawn from the digital editions of the three most important Spanish economic newspapers for the period 2010–2017. Word association and co-occurrence analyses were carried out. Further, a non-supervised clustering process was used as the basis for a thematic analysis. Findings Correspondence between social and media patterns related to the entrepreneurship phenomenon is revealed by the results. It is shown how attributes such as “success”, “innovation”, “ecosystem” and “woman” appear as very relevant and are linked to different co-occurrence scenarios. Relevant thematic groups are also identified related to lexical associations such as innovation, digital economy and public policies linked to entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications It is important to emphasise that this study has identified and explored relationships between words, but not their evolution. Furthermore, conclusions cannot be drawn concerning whether there are differences in how each newspaper has dealt with entrepreneurship because of the way the corpus was constructed. Originality/value The study provides empirical evidence that helps to identify the way media approaches entrepreneurship. The authors carried out the analysis on the media contents and not on the perception of the public on the phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Jens Lange ◽  
Sara Protasi

The public and scholars alike largely consider envy to be reprehensible. This judgment of the value of envy commonly results either from a limited understanding of the nature of envy or from a limited understanding of how to determine the value of phenomena. Overcoming this state requires an interdisciplinary collaboration of psychologists and philosophers. That is, broad empirical evidence regarding the nature of envy generated in psychological studies must inform judgments about the value of envy according to sophisticated philosophical standards. We conducted such a collaboration. Empirical research indicates that envy is constituted by multiple components which in turn predict diverse outcomes that may be functional for the self and society. Accordingly, the value of envy is similarly nuanced. Sometimes, envy may have instrumental value in promoting prudentially and morally good outcomes. Sometimes, envy may be non-instrumentally prudentially and morally good. Sometimes, envy may be bad. This nuanced perspective on the value of envy has implications for recommendations on how to deal with envy and paves the way toward future empirical and theoretical investigations on the nature and the value of envy.

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