2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-130
Мария Шустова ◽  
Mariya Shustova

In the scientific article organizational and legal aspects of realization of competence of the Russian President, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of management of civil aviation in Russia as most important part of domestic economy are analyzed. The positions of the leading scientists connected with disclosure of the maintenance of the basic concepts used in the field are considered. The perspective of functioning and development of air transport is considered.

Екатерина Викторовна Глебова

Актуальность темы научной статьи обусловлена тем, что каждый гражданин Российской Федерации независимо от его социального статуса обладает правом на образование. Однако отдельные категории граждан, в частности, осужденные лица, не могут воспользоваться данным правом по причине наличия у них особого юридического статуса. Беспрепятственный доступ осужденных к образовательному процессу оказывает положительное влияние на социальную безопасность и защищенность каждого отдельного гражданина, так как от уровня их образованности напрямую зависит степень их исправления. В данный момент на территории нашей страны наблюдается большая вовлеченность всех слоев населения (включая осужденных) в сферу образовательных услуг как на возмездной, так и на безвозмездной основах. Профессиональное образование и профессиональное обучение как очень важный и необходимый элемент в отечественной пенитенциарной системе регулируется различными источниками права, относящимися и к системе уголовно-исполнительного законодательства, и к системе образовательного законодательства РФ. Целями правового регулирования отношений в сфере образования являются установление государственных гарантий, механизмов реализации прав и свобод человека в указанной сфере, а также защита прав и интересов участников отношений в сфере образования. Problem statement of the scientific article is due to the fact that every citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of his social status has the right to education. However, some categories of citizens cannot exercise this right due to their special legal status, in particular, we will talk about convicted persons. Unimpeded access of this category of citizens to the educational process has a positive impact on the social safety and security of each individual, since the level of education of convicted persons directly affects the degree of their correction. At the moment on the territory of our country there is a great involvement of all segments of the population (including convicts) to the sphere of educational services free or for a fee. Vocational education and training as a very important and necessary element in the domestic penitentiary system is regulated by various sources of law relating to both the system of penal legislation and the system of educational legislation of the Russian Federation. The objectives of legal regulation of relations in the field of education are the establishment of state guarantees, mechanisms for the implementation of human rights and freedoms in education, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of participants of relations in the educational field.

O.V. Boychenko ◽  
O.Yu. Smirnova

The article considers the legal aspects of the existence of intellectual property on the Internet. The main regulatory documents governing the relationship between the use of intellectual property on the Internet are analyzed, such as: the WIPO international convention, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2012; The latest edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the form of a structural and didactic scheme are presented: objects of intellectual property, means of individualization; an algorithm for the interaction of participants in the legislative process to seize illegal content. Features of the problems of protecting intellectual property rights on the Internet, the main causes of violation of intellectual property rights and ways of protecting intellectual property are presented. The losses of various sectors of society from Internet piracy are given. The basic tools of copyright infringement on the Internet are described, as well as existing methods of confirming copyright in content.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 3-10
Aleksandr V. Fedorov ◽  

The article is dedicated to the famous Russian historian and legal expert Doctor of History Dmitriy O. Serov and a brief analysis of his studies concerning the establishment and development of the Russian law enforcement authorities in the first third of the 18th century: courts, prosecutor’s office, fiscal service, investigative authorities. Having started his scientific activities from studies of history of the spiritual life of the Russian society from the 17th to the 18th century, D.O. Serov then moved on to the legal aspects of history of the 18th to the 20th century, history of the personnel of the national government machine focusing on investigative authorities and was recognized in our country and abroad as one of the best experts of the Peter the Great’s epoch, specialist in history of the Russian law enforcement and judicial systems, leading scientist studying history of the Russian investigative authorities. D.O. Serov developed new areas of historical and legal research; identified, researched and introduced into scientific discourse many earlier unknown or briefly mentioned archive files including the Instruction to Major’s Investigative Chancelleries of December 9, 1717. The educational course History of the Russian Investigative Authorities was launched based on his research; a new professional holiday, the Day of an Investigation Officer of the Russian Federation, was introduced by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 741 of August 27, 2013 (July 25, the day of establishment of the first M.I. Volkonskiy investigative chancellery); some memorable dates of history of the national pre-trial investigation were introduced (including December 9, the Day of Establishment of Major’s Investigative Chancelleries). D.O. Serov justified that the Russian investigative authorities originated in the form of investigative chancelleries. The basis for acknowledgment of such chancelleries as investigative authorities is their characteristics as an independent permanent government authority, designated to investigate criminal cases on the pre-trial stage, being the only function of this authority. D.O. Serov’s research showed that the reason for a short life of such authorities was not their low efficiency. Quite the opposite, major’s investigative chancelleries were in advance of their time and turned out to be misfitting even for the reformed state mechanism of Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-A) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Shpagonov Aleksandr Nikolaevich ◽  
Khabibullina Albina Shamilovna ◽  
Kolodub Grigory Vyacheslavovich ◽  
Eleonora Igorevna Leskina

Recently, the incidence of civilian aircraft crashes has increased. These disasters lead to many casualties. Around the world, safetyis apriority in regulating air transport. But flight safety is closely related to pilotfatigue. In this regard, the pilot load standards must be clearly verified. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibility of increasing the sanitary norms of the flight load and at the same timereducing the annual leave for the crew members of civil aviation personnel inRussia. The methods used are both empirical (analysis andsynthesis, induction and deduction, systematization), and theoretical. Each airline must develop an effective risk management system based on thosedeveloped abroad. This system should include control over the rest of the pilots, ensure uninterrupted vacation for at least three weeks, take into account the qualityof the inter-shift rest of the pilots, fly in unusual situations.    

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55 ◽  
Худяков ◽  
S. Khudyakov ◽  
Гарнов ◽  
Andrey Garnov

The relationship of the European Union and Russia as historically close and not having an alternative is considered based on the analysis of various treaties, agreements and programs between the EU and the Russian Federation. It is shown that their potential has not yet been using a fully and is being implemented in the interests our nations and citizens. Importance for Russia partnership with the European Union was once again confirmed after the presidential elections in Russia. Guidance documents and Decrees of the Russian President and the Government of the Russian Federation, aimed at creating the most effective forms of cooperation and integration in Europe were considered. Issues stabilization of financial systems and the modernization of the economyhave been discussed. Despite the intervention of politics in economic relations between Russia and the EU, the impossibility of preserving the old paradigm of «strategic partnership», there is the prospect of restarting relations based on respect for the interests of both parties and mutually beneficial cooperation. The paper investigates how perceptions of each other all over the Europe can be improved using both application of legal instruments and effects of traditional research and development activity in different humanitarian and educational programs.

I.V. Minnikes ◽  
M.D. Esitashvili ◽  

The article discusses the trends in the development of legislation regulating the aviation business in the Russian Federation, in particular, theoretical and practical issues related to the efficiency and safety of air transportation, as well as the search for a balance between them. The article reveals the history of forming the concepts «transport security» and «aviation security» in the Soviet and modern Russian legislation. In order to clarify the Russian state authorities` powers distribution in the field of transport security and their consolidation in the current legislation, the authors investigate the features of the powers of these bodies in the historical retrospect from the beginning of the XIX century. The authors critically analyze the implementation of the certain provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation «On the approval of requirements for ensuring transport security, taking into account the safety levels for air transport vehicles», the implementation of which causes significant problems for air transport operators. It is established that the implementation of these provisions is difficult: it will significantly aggravate the existing economic situation of aircraft operators, and in combination with the general negative trends in the world can lead to a possible mass bankruptcy of domestic small and medium-sized airlines. The authors suggest ways to solve the identified problems. In particular, a possible solution in finding a balance between transport safety and the cost-effectiveness of air transportation may be a «transition period», during which the expansion of the requirements under study will affect only new aircraft.

2012 ◽  
pp. 9-16
А. Богоявленский ◽  
A. Bogoyavlenskiy

The publications of specialists of FSUE GosNII GA presented in this issue complete the cycle started in MI No. 6-2012, consisting of 3 articles that tell about metrological support of production activities of air transport enterprises. The cycle is dedicated to the anniversary date: the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Metrological service of civil aviation (GA) by order of the Minister of December 22, 1977 № 193. This order GosNII GA, was appointed the Head organization of the metrological service (GMA) GA, retaining this status and in the new Russia (joint order of the Department of air transport of Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation and the Commission for regulation of air traffic – on Rosaeronavigatsia from 27.11.1995, the number of DV-126/113). Unfortunately, the limited volume of the journal does not allow to reveal in detail all aspects of the metrological activities of FGUP GosNII GA as GOMC GA. The materials we offer readers of cycle lights in this respect are some diverse issues. Nevertheless, it should be noted that all these years and to the present time the Institute is at the forefront of solving the problems of ensuring the unity of measurements in special areas of production activities of air transport

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-163

Objectives. The goal of scholarly research is to develop proposals for amendments in criminal law General and Special part of Criminal code of the Russian Federation governing self-defense. The scientific article identifies legislative gaps and contradictions that hinder the effective implementation of the necessary defense and require prompt solutions. Methods. The article analyzes such concepts as “self-defense”, “public assault”, “excess of limits of necessary defense”, “violation of the conditions of lawfulness of necessary defense”, “surprise assault”, “rights defending or other persons, interests of the state”. The use of logical and comparative legal methods allowed us to develop proposals for making changes to the criminal law norms that establish the necessary defense. Conclusions. The article shows the conflicts and gaps legislative recognition of self-defense and, in this regard, the complexity of its implementation in the articles of the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and practical application. Changes are proposed to the criminal law norms regulating the necessary defense, both in the General and in the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Sense. The content of the scientific article can be used by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions when teaching the course “Criminal law”. The results of the work can be useful to persons who carry out legislative activities in the field of criminal law. The leitmotif of the article can be used in the preparation of dissertation research.

E.V. Klovach ◽  
A.S. Pecherkin ◽  
V.K. Shalaev ◽  
V.I. Sidorov ◽  

In Russia, the reform of the regulatory guillotine is being implemented in the field of control and supervisory activity. It should result in a new regulatory system formed according to the principles specified in the key federal laws: «On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation» (Law on Control) and «On mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation» (Law on Mandatory Requirements) adopted in August 2020. In the field of industrial safety, this process was launched by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1192, which will come into force on January 1, 2021. The main provisions are discussed in the article, which are related to the Law on Control and the Law on Mandatory Requirements. The Law on Control establishes the priority of preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of causing harm in relation to the control activities, the grounds for carrying out control (supervisory) activities, the types of these activities in the forms of interaction with the controlled person and without such, the procedure for presentation of the results of control (supervisory) activity. The Law on Mandatory Requirements establishes that the provisions of regulatory legal acts should enter into force either from March 1 or September 1, but not earlier than 90 days after their official publication, and their validity period should not exceed 6 years. The drafts of regulatory legal acts developed by the federal executive bodies are subject to regulatory impact assessment. With a view to ensuring systematization of mandatory require ments, their register is kept. The federal executive body prepares a report on the achievement of the goals of mandatory requirements introduction. By January 1, 2021, 10 resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, 48 federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety and 9 other regulatory legal acts of Rostechnadzor should be adopted. The drafts of all the documents are already prepared, some of the acts are completing the process of discussion and approval.

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