2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Римская ◽  
O. Rimskaya ◽  
Пальянов ◽  
A. Palyanov

The reforms of the education system that took place in many countries have an impact on the funding of education. Decentralization of the education governing resulted in uneven allocation of state investments and change in state participation in education. Comparison of international education financing indexes both in general and on its individual levels based on the four main indexes was carried out to define the features of education financing in the world. The problem of international comparison of education financing indexes lies in identification of the integrated index of resources’ provision on the one hand and various results of education system functioning on the other one. The research conducted shows that in order to transfer to the education model for innovative development of state and society, government of any country should make serious efforts at reforming the education system, including the change in the financing structure of education.

V. V. Petrov

The social transformations that took place under the influence of globalization and neoliberalization at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries led to the need for deep structural and functional changes in the system of domestic higher professional education. Despite the fact that over the past twenty years in domestic practice a lot of directive documents have been developed and a number of serious management decisions have been adopted that have a direct impact on the development of the Russian education system at all levels, the domestic higher school in many respects cannot reach a level that makes it possible to make a serious competition to the participants of the world scientific and educational space. A retrospective analysis of the main conceptual documents that determine the development of the domestic education system, carried out in the work, showed that reforms of the domestic higher education system often do not reach their logical conclusion, since they are predominantly declarative in nature, far from always supported by a legislative framework, which leads to inconsistency in practical actions on their implementation. The article reveals that the incompleteness of the reforms is largely due to the existing gaps in cooperation between the institutions of education, science and industrial production, which all conceptually significant documents declare, but in practice, close mutually beneficial cooperation between these actors does not sufficiently manifest itself. The author indicates that such interaction can be carried out through the development of university systems, which, being integrated into the economy of the regions and acting as a driver of innovative development, can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Russian universities in the international scientific and educational space.

Vardan Mkrttchian

This chapter has presented the idea and use of artificial and natural intelligence technologies. A system of professional education, on the one hand, is one of the main institutions of human socialization, and the formation of a harmoniously developed, active, creative personality, on the other hand, ensures the reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society. Realization of the goals of education is carried out in interaction with the socioeconomic environment, the dynamic change of which predetermines the conditions for the activity of educational institutions. An acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all areas of knowledge raises the task for ensuring the continuous growth of professional skills throughout the whole life. Structural and institutional replacing in professional education is reflected in various models of higher professional education. These alternative technology-mediated environments reflect the increasing need to serve a generation of learners who prefer to learn through experience or by interacting with learning tools.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Зоряна Адамська

Статтю   присвячено   проблемі   теоретичного   осмислення   методологічних   засад   розвитку  фасилітативних здібностей майбутнього психолога в умовах вищої професійної освіти. Проаналізовано два  основних напрямки, в контексті яких ведеться діяльність сучасного психолога: об’єктний, в якому основна  увага    приділяється    використанню    сильно    формалізованних    методів    психологічної    діагностики,  психологічної корекції з метою максимальної адаптації людини до умов суспільства відповідно до визнаних  нормативів вікового розвитку; і суб’єктний, результатом впливу в якому виступають негарантовані і  непрогнозовані, однак свідомо продуковані зміни. Процесом, який стимулює прогресивні зміни, визначено  фасилітацію, і, відповідно, основним завданням психолога – фасилітативний супровід особистості з метою  створення необхідних психологічних умов для її повноцінного саморозвитку. Обґрунтовано актуальність  створення  в  середовищі  вищої  професійної  освіти  сприятливих  умов  для  розвитку  фасилітативних  здібностей майбутніх психологів. У пошуку освітніх орієнтирів особливу увагу звернуто на культурологічну  парадигму,  основною  функцією якої  є  гуманітарна,  а  основним  завданням  –  становлення  особистості  студента.    Роль    викладача    в    контексті    культурологічної    освітньої    парадигми    повинна    бути  супроводжувальною  –  такою,  що  забезпечує  розширення  освітніх  сфер  кожного  студента.  Завдання  викладача   –   допомогти   кожному   студенту   в   побудові   індивідуальної   траєкторії   освіти,   яка  співвідноситься із загальновизнаними досягненнями людства і спрямована на їх примноження. В результаті  усвідомлення  соціально-культурних  смислів  освіти  розвивається  гуманітарна  культура  майбутнього  психолога, провідними властивостями якої є рефлексивність, конгруентність, позитивне самоставлення,  емпатійність, альтруїстичність, креативність, потреба в самореалізації і саморозвитку The article is devoted to the theoretical comprehension problem of the methodological foundations of  future psychologist’s facilitative abilities development in higher professional education. Two main directions in the  context of which the activity of the modern psychologist are carried out: object-oriented in which the main attention  is paid to the use of highly formalized methods of psychological diagnostics, psychological correction for the  purpose of maximum person’s adaptation to the society’s conditions, according to the accepted standarts of age  development;  and  subjective  in  which  there  are  not  guaranteed  and  unpredictable  but  consciously  produced  changes as the result of influence. Facilitation is defined as a process that stimulates progressive changes and  according to this, the main psychologist’s task is facilitative support of personality in order to create the necessary  psychological conditions for his or her self-development. The actuality of organization profitable conditions for the  development of  future psychologists’ facilitative abilities in the environment of higher professional education is  substantiated. In searching educational guides, special attention is paid to the culturological paradigm, the main  function of which is humanitarian, and the main task - the formation of the student's personality. The role of the  teacher in the context of the culturological educational paradigm should be accompanying, the one that provides  expansion of each student’s educational spheres. The teacher’s task is to help each student to build an individual  trajectory of education which correlates with the generally accepted achievements of mankind and is aimed at their  multiplication. The humanitarian culture of a future psychologist develops as a result of socio-cultural awareness of  education meanings, leading properties of which are reflexivity, congruence, positive self-drive, empathy, altruistic,  creativity, the need for self-realization and self-development. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 136-144
S.N. Ispulova ◽  
E.V. Oleynik ◽  

the article is devoted to the mechanisms of implementation of social partnership of the state (Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education “Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”) and charitable public Association (Charitable Foundation (CF) “Metallurg”) in the social support of citizens, as well as determine ways to improve. The methodological basis of the research is the scientific statements of such scientists as A.G. Akramovskaya, E. Archambault, J. Kendall, T. Levitt, N. Smelser. The article presents the results of sociological studies conducted in 2015–2020 in the city of Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), which indicate, on the one hand, significant measures of social support for citizens by the CF “Metallurg”, and, on the other hand, the need to develop social partnership in order to increase its effectiveness. The results of the study allowed us to identify the most relevant issues that require special attention of the main subjects of the partnership under consideration: specialists of the public organization and teachers of the Department of Social Work and Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the university. These are: joint development and implementation of social projects aimed at providing social assistance and support to the most vulnerable categories of the population; development of the volunteer student movement and involvement of its best representatives in the implementation of social projects and programs; combining the theory and practice of social support for citizens.

Galina Shamatonova

The author examines the university library activities in the changing education space and, in particular, she analyzes the processes of computer library system selection and use. New directions of library services are highlighted. The author concludes that university libraries stay major information centers in higher professional education system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 265 ◽  
pp. 07017
Svetlana Kuzmina ◽  
Natalia Morozova ◽  
Anna Pimenova ◽  
Alena Agafonova

In the article we tried to investigate theoretical ideas concerning actual students’ reasons for education in the field of architecture in frame of the second level of higher professional education system. We present the results of survey that we conducted last year. We collected data about students’ reasons to enrol for architectures’ and others master programmes and their expectations of programmes’ content, programmes’ volume, curriculum structure, placement periods. We analysed the teaching methods, structure and trends in architecture’s master programmes that was legally introduced by government standards. As a result, we concluded that the changes of education standards mostly meet expectations of master programmes contenders. However, the contenders will succeed in higher school only if their motivation is enough strong and appropriate.

Irina Karnaukh

For humanity, the 21st century is marked by a transition to a new technological order, which is characterized by giving great importance to management technologies and the development of non-productive areas of activity (science, education, health care, culture). This transition coincides with the transition to a knowledge economy, for which knowledge, innovation and human capital are of paramount importance. For Russia, the study of the problems of the formation and development of the knowledge economy is particularly relevant. According to a number of researchers, it is too early to talk about the formation of the knowledge economy in Russia. The author highlights the list of problems hindering the development of the knowledge economy in our country, namely: low level of R&D funding, low share of domestic R&D costs in GDP, significant predominance of public funds in the structure of R&D sources of funding, imbalance in the financing of fundamental and applied scientific research, the preservation of negative growth rates of the main indicators of postgraduate and doctoral studies, “brain drain” and “ideas leakage”, the absence of a common conception for the development of education, the inconsistency of the education system with the requirements of the labor market, a drop in the quality of school and higher professional education, an insufficient level of funding for education in Russia, and the problem of professional selection in pedagogical universities. The present article sets out the author’s view on solving these problems. In particular, the author argues that to tackle the problem of insufficient funding for science and education in Russia, it is necessary to create such mechanisms that would, on the one hand, diversify the sources of funding for science and education, and on the other hand, let the State to play the main role in these areas.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Jeany Slijper ◽  
E. Saskia Kunnen ◽  
Jeroen Onstenk ◽  
Paul van Geert

The present study examined the relation between study progress in the first year of education and different aspects of the process of study choice of 89 students of higher professional education. This study consists of three parts. Firstly, we explored which concepts are important in open interviews concerning choice of study and study progress. Secondly, we examined the relations between future time perspective and motivation on the one hand and study success on the other hand. Students who focus on the here and now generally continued their studies while students focusing on the future and the ulterior profession, presenting an extended future time perspective, drop out more frequently. Intrinsic motivation is strongly related to positive study progress, and extrinsic controlled motivation is strongly related to dropout. Extrinsic autonomous motivation is in between. Furthermore, students’ attitudes towards their future studies were examined in relation to their study progress. The results show that students with an attitude characterized by doubt have the highest risk to drop out. Finally, comparing different orientation programs, we show that students who prepare themselves more intensively before making their choice show less dropout.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
Valentina V. Fursova ◽  
Makpal B. Syzdykova ◽  
Talant D. Bimakhanov ◽  
Maria A. Makhambetova

The paper notes that unemployment among young professionals is one of the most important problems in Kazakhstani society. The youth unemployment rate in Kazakhstan is very high. During the economic crisis, youth becomes the most vulnerable group. The level of unemployment among young professionals is almost half of the total unemployment rate in general.The relevance of the chosen research topic lies, first of all, in the increasing share of young specialists in the number of labour force and in the need to develop, in this regard, measures to solve problems associated with the country's youth unemployment. The authors note that the education system does not always form the competencies demanded by students in the labour market, as a result of which employers do not want to hire university graduates; they prefer workers having experience, which contributes to the growth of unemployment among university graduates. In this regard, the authors conducted an expert survey of heads of organizations in order to identify their opinions on the competencies of university graduates needed in the labour market (130 people were interviewed). The authors came to the conclusion that the education system does not adequately meet the needs of society as a whole and the economy in particular, and does not fully form the necessary competencies for university students.Recommendations are offered on improving the education system in order to form competencies that are important in the modern labour market

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