scholarly journals Między Marokiem a Algierią

Politeja ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (6(75)) ◽  
pp. 143-157
Robert Kłosowicz

Between Morocco and Algeria: Mauritania and the question of Western Sahara Following the change of government and the election of a new president, Mauritania makes it clear that it hopes to resolve the issue of Western Sahara, which has divided Morocco and Algeria since the mid-1970s and still poses a serious problem to Mauritanian foreign policy. Mauritania in this dispute is between the proverbial rock and a hard place, trying not to come into conflict with any of the powerful neighbors, each of whom aspires to the role of a leader in the region. The conflict also casts a shadow on regional cooperation within the Arab Maghreb Union, which, if it functioned, could greatly help in the economic development of the region, especially important for the economically weakest Mauritania. Over the last few years, Nouakchott has maintained the position of the so-called “positive neutrality” which irritated the authorities in Rabat and created tense political relations with Morocco. The current striving for a more active role in the process of resolving the Western Saharan conflict seems to be largely dictated by the internal situation in Algeria and its troubles related to social protests demanding changes at the top of the government. Algeria has been the greatest ally of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi cause so far. It is also not without significance that Morocco, after years of absence, returned to the African Union – the move, which definitely strengthened Morocco’s position among the countries of the continent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Silvia Widya Kusumaningtyas ◽  
Zon Vanel

<span lang="IN">Social media is one type of new media that facilitates the process of communication among human. Social media makes it easy for users to communicate and share information in a wider range. At present, not only people use Instagram, but the government also needs to keep up with the time to participate in using Instagram as an online information media. Public Relations of the Salatiga Government is one of the public relations departments that uses Instagram as an online information media to provide information needed by the community.<br /> This research aimed to find out how the content of the information was<span>  </span>and how the role of instagram was as an information deliverance to the citizen by the public relations of Salatiga. Through qualitative methods research, data is collected by means of interviews and observations. The results showed that the Salatiga <span> </span>Government Public Relations Instagram account had a role to increase brand awareness, connect many people and as a source of information/ business promotion.Public Relations of the Salatiga Government considers that Instagram plays an active role in conveying information to the public. This is seen from the many positive responses received by the Salatiga City Government Public Relations during managing Instagram as a modern information deliverance.<span>     </span></span>

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Елена Рафалюк ◽  
Elena Rafalyuk

The article is devoted to the study of the question of the values of international law, in particular the value of regional integration and cooperation of states. The author analyzes the approaches to the definition of value in terms of the classical approach (“Value as a property of the valued object or as a sample on the basis of which the evaluation shall be made”) and non-classical approach (“The relationship between the object and the statement of what should be an object”). The article discusses the formation of axiology and contribution to its development of R. G. Lotze, V. Windelband, G. Rickert, P. G. Natorp. It is expressed the idea that any axiological analysis should be cultural-historical, because the relation to human values were and remain different in different periods of human history. The author notes that international law is based on the universally valid for all mankind values. They are reflected in the generally recognized principles of international law, customary international law, the universal conventions and declarations. The government and the international community were recognizing gradually the universally significant values. The crisis of international political relations at the present stage threatens the existence of fundamental principles of international law and the values protected by them. However, with the development of globalization, we can talk about the formation of new values — the regional cooperation of states for the achievement of the common good. States are forced to participate in regional integration projects in order to be able to confront the challenges of globalization and to trade with other countries in terms of global competition. The value of integration is gradually “wires” in life through activities of bodies and international officials of interstate integration associations. However the principles of regional integration and cooperation, which include liberalization of the market, free movement of goods and services, non-discrimination of participants trade, are not always clearly interpreted and applied by supranational courts; some basic guidelines are only produced. The interaction of states should be based on common elements of the legal culture, as well as on the idea of the unity of kindred peoples laid down in the legal consciousness. Otherwise integration projects may not enjoy the support of the citizens.

1994 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 449-472 ◽  
A G-O Yeh ◽  
M K Ng

This paper is an examination of the role of the Hong Kong government vis-à-vis governments in Japan and other Asian newly industrialized economies (NIEs) in high-tech industrial development. It is argued that, whereas governments of Japan and other Asian NIEs have played very important roles in facilitating industrial restructuring, the Hong Kong government has so far refrained from direct participation in industrial development. Although the Hong Kong government has assumed an important position in the course of economic development in the territory, especially in terms of land-related economic activities, it has little vested interest and experience in directing industrial developments. It was not until the 1990s that the government switched from a ‘positive nonintervention’ to a ‘minimum intervention with maximum support’ industrial policy and began to play a more active role in facilitating industrial upgrading. The effectiveness of the changing industrial policy and the prospects for high-tech development in the territory are reviewed by examining the challenges and opportunities faced by the Hong Kong government in facilitating high-tech industrial development.

Lilian Paola Torrente Paternina

El diseño y formulación de las políticas públicas destinadas al uso y/o promoción de lenguas extranjeras o políticas lingüísticas públicas no contempla un ejercicio participativo de los estamentos de la sociedad que se verían beneficiados o afectados por la implementación de lamisma, ya que se ha dejado en manos de los expertos en el tema la responsabilidad de elaborar ese tipo de políticas (como el Plan Nacional de Bilingüismo). El papel de los ciudadanos comoparticipantes en la elaboración y/o evaluación de las políticas lingüísticas públicas para la promoción y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras es prácticamente inexistente y el Estado colombianono ha establecido unas estrategias de participación sobre el tema de políticas lingüísticas relacionadas con las lenguas extranjeras; por ello, sería interesante utilizar el Diálogo Democráticocomo una herramienta participativa para el diseño de una política aterrizada en el contexto, involucrando a todos los actores que puedan beneficiarse o verse afectados por la implementaciónde una política de este tipo.Palabras clave: políticas públicas, políticas lingüísticas, promoción, lenguas extranjeras, participación ciudadana, diálogo democrático.AbstractThe design and writing of public policies aimed at the use and/or promotion of foreign languages or public linguistic policies does not take into account a participatory effort from the differentgroups of society that will by benefitted or affected by their implementation; on the contrary, the responsibility of developing these policies (such as the Colombian National Bilinguism Plan) hasbeen left in the hands of experts in the topic. The role of citizens as participants in the development and/or evaluation of public linguistic policies for the promotion and teaching of foreign languagesis practically inexistent and the Colombian State has not established participation strategies. This paper proposes the use of democratic dialogue as a participatory tool for the design of morecontextualized policies, that involve all the agents benefitted or affected by their implementation. The most appropriate way for the government and society to come together is through the exerciseof those essential rights that allow and guarantee optimum conditions for dialogue, debate, criticism, dissent, and open discussion among parties.Key words: public policies, linguistic policies, promotion, foreign languages, participatory citizenship, democratic dialogue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Dimas Hadi Prayoga ◽  
Kusuma Wijaya Ridi Putra ◽  
Riesmiyatiningdyah Riesmiyatiningdyah ◽  
Meli Diana ◽  
Dini Prastyo Wijayanti ◽  

The public vaccination activity carried out within the Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia is a form of the active role of the academic community of the Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia in dealing with Covid-19 and supports the accelerated vaccination program carried out by the Government of Indonesia. The activity will be held on September 17, 2021, at the Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia Campus. The target of this vaccination activity is the academic community of the Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia and the community around the campus who need vaccines, both the first and second doses. This activity was held in collaboration with the Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia with the Sidoarjo District Health Office. This vaccination activity was attended by 176 people who attended to vaccinate, both the first dose and the second dose. The activity starts at 9.20 WIB and ends at 14.00 WIB. This activity has involved 9 lecturers, 4 staff, and 14 students. In addition, this activity also involved 4 alumni who acted as vaccinators. The activity ran smoothly, in an orderly manner, and still implemented physical distancing in its implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-199
Asnawati Patuti ◽  
Rahmat Rahmat

Baruga village, Bantimurung sub-district is an area in Maros district where the majority of the original population is Muslim. The existence of Islam in Maros has been around for a long time, namely with the entry of Raja Gowa and Tallo which have a direct border area with the Marusu Maros kingdom so that the Islamic life of the Baruga Village Community, Bantimurung Maros sub-district looks so real. The purpose of Real Work Lecture (KKN) III Stiba Makassar is to realize community service which is one of the pillars of the tri dharma of higher education. The method of implementing this program begins with conducting a field review based on an independent instrument. The results of the KKN program show the importance of community service programs by seeing the benefits felt by KKN participants, the community and the government. Religious activities which are the main orientation of this program have been successfully carried out, as well as social activities, organizational activities and the active role of KKN participants with the government in successful community development efforts.

Akhmadjon Kholikulov ◽  
Ozodbek Nematovich Nematov ◽  

Information on political relations between the government of the Emirate of Bukhara and the principalities of the Kashkadarya oasis in the early XIX-XX centuries is reflected in the works of local historians and Russian tourists, diplomats, the military. Local historians such as Muhammad Mirolim Bukhari, Muhammad Siddiq, Mirzo Abdulazim Somi, Mushrif Bukhari, Ahmad Donish, Mirzo Salimbek, who lived and worked during this period, were government officials and dedicated their works to the reigns of the Mangit emirs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Marni Marni ◽  
Nita Yunianti Ratnasari

Masa pandemi Covid-19 yang sampai saat ini masih berlanjut maka pemerintah membuat kebijakan PSBB /PPKM Mikro. Kebijakan ini menyebabkan masalah pada perubahan sosial ekonomi. Banyak orang miskin mendadak akibat pandemi, sehingga tidak mampu mencukupi nutrisi/gizi yang bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya stunting pada anggota keluarganya, termasuk keluarga yang mempunyai anak bawah dua tahun (baduta) dan ibu hamil, kurangnya pengetahuan dalam memberikan nutrisi yang tepat pada ibu hamil, menyusui dan anak baduta juga bisa menyebabkan stunting. Perlu peran aktif dari petugas kesehatan namun saat ini petugas mempunyai beban berat dalam menghadapi masalah kesehatan covid-19, sehingga perguruan tinggi diharapkan berkontribusi membantu pemerintah dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting. Tujuan kegiatan: meningkatkan pengetahuan generasi muda tentang cara mencegah terjadinya stunting, memotivasi generasi muda agar berkontribusi dengan memberi penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, terutama yang mempunyai keluarga dengan ibu hamil, ibu menyusui dan anak baduta, berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan tidak merokok,tidak mengkonsumsi narkoba,� tidak melakukan seks bebas sehingga tidak muncul kehamilan yang tidak diharapkan. Metode penyuluhan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, memberikan kuesioner sebelum diberi penyuluhan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan generasi muda tentang pencegahan stunting peran generasi muda, dan setelah diberi penyuluhan diberi kuesioner lagi untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan pada generasi muda tersebut. Hasil: Skor nilai mean pengetahuan sebelum diberikan penyuluhan adalah 49,3, skor setelah diberikan penyuluhan adalah nilai mean 75,2 sehingga terjadi kenaikan skor mean nilai 25,9. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan kesehatan ini terbukti meningkatkan pengetahuan para generasi muda dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting.�Covid-19 pandemic period until now still persists then the government makes policy PSBB / PPKM Micro. This policy causes problems for socio- economic change. Many people are suddenly poor due to the pandemic, so they are unable to fulfill their nutrition / nutrition which can lead to stunting in their family members � including families who have a child under two years (baduta) and the mother was pregnant, the lack of knowledge in giving nutrients are right on mothers pregnant, breastfeeding and child baduta also can cause stunting. Health workers need an active role, but currently officers have a heavy burden in dealing with covid-19 health problems, so universities are expected to contribute to assisting the government in dealing with Covid-19 health problems. The purpose of activities: improving knowledge generation youth about how to prevent the occurrence of stunting, motivate generations of youth in order to contribute to give counseling to the community, especially that having a family with a mother pregnant. Mother breastfeeding and child baduta, behaves live clean and healthy by not smoking, not taking drugs, do not pass up sex -free so it does not appear a pregnancy that was not expected. Methods of counseling in activity this is by lectures, discussions and question and answer, giving a questionnaire before given counseling to know the knowledge of adolescents on the prevention of stunting and the role of the generation of young, and after a given extension by the questionnaire again to determine the increase in knowledge on adolescent that. Results: Scores grades mean knowledge before given counseling is 49.3, scores after a given extension is the value of the mean of 75.2 to happen hike score mean value of � 25.9. Conclusion: This health education is proven to increase the knowledge of adolescents in preventing stunting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-118
Lusi Lestari ◽  
Lia Purwaningsih ◽  
Rike Mulyani

IHC is one form of community-sourced health efforts (UKBM) managed from, by, for and with the community, to empower the community and provide facilities for the community to obtain basic health services. Efforts to improve the role and function of IHC are not merely the responsibility of the government, but all components in the community, including cadres. The role of cadres in the implementation of IHC is very large because in addition to being a provider of health information to the community to come to the IHC and carry out clean and healthy life behaviors. Linggasari is one of the villages in Ciamis Sub-District, Ciamis Regency, which has good potential about the existence of IHC. The number of IHC in Linggasari Village are 8 units. Cempaka Putih is one of the IHC in Linggasari Village. The IHC is still in progress, which requires assistance. Based on the situation, it is necessary to have assistance for the development of it by conducting community service, namely through fostering and counseling cadres on the management of IHC that is carried out from November 27, 2017 to January 03, 2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
Patrick Dzimiri

The Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) represents one of the key normative developments towards mitigating global human rights violations. Normatively, the RtoP advances the notion of responsible sovereignty by obligating states to protect their people from humanitarian catastrophe and emphasises the residual role of the international community in the event of lack of capacity or the state's unwillingness to protect. It is in this context that this article examines RtoP mitigation measures instituted by the South African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) as regional multilateral institutions in responding to the crisis in Zimbabwe. The article considers the extent to which the responses have been guided implicitly or explicitly by RtoP principles. The evolution and consolidation of the humanitarian crisis has been considered, with specific focus on the human security impact of government policies, in particular, Operation Murambatsvina (the destruction of what were deemed illegal housing structures in major cities in Zimbabwe in May 2005) and the unprecedented 2008 electoral violence as a result of increased militarisation of governance structures. Debate on the applicability of RtoP to the crisis in Zimbabwe is thus located within the broader framework of the normative theories of international relations that forms the basis of RtoP. The article argues that escalation of the government induced humanitarian crisis was as a result of lack of timeous or effective responses by both the AU and SADC. Again, the AU and SADC responses were significantly influenced by diverse, often mutually exclusive, interpretations of the main causes of the crisis. Another salient finding is the extent to which politicisation of RtoP and lack of political will undermined RtoP operationalisation. 

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