polemica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 001-025
Andreia Filipa Marque Pina ◽  
Bárbara Salomé Ferreira Fernandes ◽  
Beatriz Simões Lourenço ◽  
Eduardo João Ribeiro Santos

Resumo: Assinalado como um fenómeno de extrema vulnerabilidade social, em Portugal, consideram-se em situação de sem-abrigo todos os indivíduos que se encontrem em circunstância de sem-teto, a subsistir em espaços públicos, alojados em abrigos de curta duração, ou sem-casa integrados em alojamento temporário. O artigo em apreço tem como objetivo principal compreender, caracterizar e analisar, do ponto de vista institucional, as tipologias de intervenção que são operacionalizadas pelo setor social junto das pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo. A aditar, pretende examinar a repercussão que a situação pandémica atual do Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) teve na presente população e na prática profissional. Neste sentido, foram realizadas três entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais da área das Ciências Sociais e Humanas que integram respostas sociais orientadas para a atuação com este público-alvo. Concluiu-se que, para além da intervenção direta e integrada junto dos mesmos, é basilar efetuar um trabalho para e com a sociedade, no que toca a consciencialização do seu papel e o combate da discriminação e preconceito, sendo a implementação de práticas inovadoras que integrem atividades de cariz educativo a via privilegiada para alcançar esse fim.Palavras-Chave: Situação de sem-abrigo. Exclusão social. Intervenção social. Projetos inovadores. Abstract: Pointed out as a phenomenon of extreme social vulnerability, in Portugal are in a homeless situation all individuals who are without a roof, subsisting in public spaces, housed in short-term shelters, or integrated in temporary accommodations. The main goal of this article is to understand, characterize and analyze, from an institutional point of view, the types of intervention that are operationalized by the social sector with people in homeless situations. In addition, it intends to examine the repercussions of the current situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the studied population and in professional practice. Therefore, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals who work daily in this context and integrate social responses designed to act with the targeted audience. It was concluded that, in addition to direct and integrated interventions, it is essential to work for and with society regarding the awareness of its role and the fight against its discrimination and prejudice, with essential implementation of innovative practices as the privileged route.Keywords: Homelessness. Social exclusion. Social intervention. Innovative projects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 327-327
Stefan Hopf

Abstract Modern societies can be regarded as service economies, consequently accessing services is an essential part of social and economic participation. Direct and indirect indiscrimination act as barriers to accessing and using services and one way to address these barriers is to implement anti-discrimination legislation and policy. From a sociological point of view, such policies and legal frameworks can be described as elements of the social discourse in these areas. These texts, along with their implicit and explicit interpretations of the problem, represent the official and legitimised stake of the socially available stock of knowledge of what constitutes age discrimination. Hence the shape and contribute to the general understanding of age discrimination. The study aims to investigate the interpretation patterns offered by the “supply” side, that is by those actors who in their work refer to but also (re-) shape and disseminate the problem interpretation contained in the official texts. To address this aim, focus groups with stakeholders and semi-structured interviews with legal and policy experts were conducted in Austria and Ireland. The findings highlight that experts and stakeholders’ definitions of age discrimination usually extend past legal and policy concepts. The expert and stakeholder approaches differ in their starting points for describing the problem, ranging from vulnerability considerations to human rights-based concepts and more structurally orientated needs-based criteria. Finally, the analysis also reveals a central distinguishing feature of age discrimination, namely the “de-temporalization” and “de-historicization” of the person, which is of equal importance as the de-individualization as a consequence of stereotyping

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 18 ◽  
Yuri Andrea Arango-Bernal

Objetivo: analizar los significados que construyen las madres de personas en condición de hemofilia, sobre ser portadoras de la enfermedad. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque del interaccionismo simbólico que, a través de una etnografía particularista y el uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciones y revisión documental, rescató el punto de vista de 17 madres pertenecientes a la Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos que participaron de manera voluntaria y residen en diferentes municipios del departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Las participantes se reconocen a sí mismas como seres potenciales, es decir, no sólo como trasmisoras o cuidadoras de la enfermedad de sus hijos, sino como sujetos cognoscentes de su realidad dispuestas a reflexionar sobre sus aprendizajes e incorporarlos a favor de la relación consigo mismas y con los demás. Los significados más relevantes son: empezar a vivir con hemofilia, asumir la enfermedad, la familia, el cuidado y la crianza, la relación con los servicios de salud, caminando con algo que no se puede desprender y darse cuenta. Conclusiones: La salud colectiva es la posibilidad de tener un acercamiento más comprensivo al proceso salud – enfermedad – atención de los colectivos humanos, tomando en cuenta las condiciones económicas, sociales y culturales en las que estos se inscriben. La pregunta por los significados de estas madres develó el tejido de lo individual y lo colectivo, como un asunto que trasciende el plano biológico de la enfermedad y da cuenta de la construcción social en la que confluyen prácticas, saberes, imaginarios y sentimientos.Palabras Clave: Cuidadores, enfermedad crónica, hemofilia A, madresSignifi cance of being a hemophilia carrierAbstractObjective: Analyzing the meanings that mothers of people with hemophilia, build about being carriers of the disease. Materials and methods: Study based on the qualitative method supported by the approach of symbolic interaction, which through a particularistic ethnography, and the use of semi-structured interviews, observations and document review, rescued the point of view of 17 mothers belonging to the Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos. They participated voluntarily and reside in different municipalities of Antioquia. Results: The participants recognize themselves as potential beings, that is, not only as disseminators or carers of the illness of their children, but as cognocentes subject of their reality willing to reflect on their learning and incorporate them in favor of the relationship with herself and others. The most important meanings are: start living with hemophilia, assuming the disease, the family, the care and upbringing, relationships with health services, walking with something that can not be detached and realize. Conclusions: Collective health is the ability to have a more comprehensive approach to process health - disease - care of human groups, taking into account the economic, social and cultural conditions in which they are registered. The question of the meaning of these mothers, unveiled the tissue of the individual and the collective, as a matter that transcends the biological level of the disease and accounts for the social construction that blends practices, knowledge, imaginary and feelings.Key Words: Hemophilia A, chronic disease, mothers, caregivers. Significado de ser portadora de hemofiliaResumo                                   Objetivo: Analisar os significados construídos pelas mães de pessoas com hemofilia, sobre ser portadores da doença. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo qualitativo com foco no interacionismo simbólico, que, através de uma etnografia individualista e o uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações e revisão documental, resgatou o ponto de vista de 17 mães pertencentes à Liga Antioquia de Hemófilos que participaram voluntariamente e residem em diferentes municípios do departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Os participantes se reconhecem como seres potenciais, ou seja, não apenas como transmissores ou cuidadores da doença de seus filhos, mas como sujeitos cognitivos de sua realidade que estão dispostos a refletir sobre sua aprendizagem e a incorporá-los em favor do relacionamento com eles mesmos e com os outros. Os significados mais relevantes são: começar a viver com hemofilia, assumir a doença, família, cuidados e educação, relacionar-se com os serviços de saúde, caminhar com algo que você não pode separar e perceber. Conclusões: A saúde coletiva é a possibilidade de ter uma abordagem mais abrangente para o processo saúde-doença-cuidado de grupos humanos, levando em consideração as condições econômicas, sociais e culturais nas quais estão registradas. A questão dos significados dessas mães revela o tecido do indivíduo e o coletivo como um problema que transcende o plano biológico da doença e explica a construção social em que as práticas, o conhecimento, o imaginário e os sentimentos convergem.Palavras-Chave: Cuidadores, doenças crônicas, hemofilia A, mães  

Laura Monsalve Lorente

ABSTRACTSchools with families are socializing areas where it takes place the development of people in their early stages, exerting an important role in the configuration of behavior and social values of children and adolescents. When we consider the health as understood by the WHO, that is, as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness and not only as the absence of disease we see that the attainment of good educational results by a school save a very close relationship with the attainment of optimal levels of health within the educational community. According to this fact schools that incorporate the health promotion as part of its educational are building the bases that will enable them better achieve the educational objectives, including academics. On the other hand in this time of life people are more receptive to learning being the time of the vital development which are acquired the major lifestyle that will be consolidated over the years (physical activity, diet, etc.). Also this is an area of social intervention that have health agents which have highly qualified from the pedagogical point of view: teachers, whether in the kindergarten level, and Primary and Secondary level. In this context the main objective of the Health Education, is to develop activities and encourage the students to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, through the acquisition of knowledge and skills that promote choice and adoption of healthy lifestyles; Seeking participation, interaction and social integration, and the ability to work critically and creatively, and the search for solutions. Schools, with the home are two of the key places where it takes place the individual and social development of people in its earliest stages, exerting an important role the configuration of the conduct and the social values of childhood, adolescence and youth.RESUMENLos centros educativos junto con el hogar, son los ámbitos socializadores clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia y la adolescencia. Cuando se considera la salud como la entiende la OMS, es decir, como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social y no solamente como la ausencia de enfermedad, vemos que el logro de buenos resultados educativos por parte de un centro educativo guarda una relación muy estrecha con la consecución de unos niveles óptimos de salud en el seno de su comunidad educativa. De acuerdo con esta realidad, las escuelas que incorporan la promoción de la salud como parte integrante de su planteamiento educativo, están construyendo las bases que les permitirán alcanzar mejor los objetivos educativos, incluidos los académicos. Por otro lado, en esta época de la vida, las personas se hallan más receptivas para el aprendizaje, siendo la época del desarrollo vital en la que se adquieren los principales hábitos de vida que se consolidarán con los años (actividad física, alimentación, etc.). Además se trata de un ámbito de intervención social que cuenta con agentes de salud que disponen de alta calificación desde el punto de vista pedagógico: el profesorado, ya sea en el nivel de educación Infantil, como en Primaria y Secundaria. En este marco, el principal objetivo de la Educación para la salud, es desarrollar actividades e incentivar al alumnado para conseguir el mayor grado posible de salud, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades que favorezcan la elección y adopción de estilos de vida saludables; buscando la participación, la interacción y la integración social, y trabajando la capacidad crítica y creativa, así como la búsqueda de soluciones. Los Centros escolares, junto con el hogar, son dos de los lugares clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo individual y social de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia, la adolescencia y la juventud.

2020 ◽  
pp. 002087281990116
Solomon Amadasun

Human trafficking victims require holistic and long-term services if their social conditions are to be improved. This study aims to explore the nature of social work services for human trafficking survivors. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a cohort of social workers in a statutory anti-trafficking organization in southern Nigeria and the results were analyzed using thematic analysis. While the social workers reported providing services to trafficking survivors, these services were mainly rehabilitation-driven and short-term-focused. Although the research relates to a small-scale study, it has far-reaching implications for social work professionals and the Nigerian political leadership.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 4382-4387

Conviviality is a popular concept in urban design while referring to the good qualities of public spaces. This concept is the need for current times when social life in physical public spaces is declining away largely to forces like social media and the virtual world. The human tendency to feel satisfied and happy exists in existence with others. The social media has taken away the role that established Greek agora as the first centre of public interaction which initiated the concepts of modern democracy. Where popular public spaces have big roles to perform, the small public spaces in the neighbourhood and markets perform an important role to stage the everyday local nuisance in people's life. Even If public space is satisfactory enough to take away the loneliness and boredom of everyday course of modern living a lot can be achieved. Conviviality is one such factor which helps to elevate the satisfaction of spending time with others. This paper is an attempt to understand conviviality and relate it to public open spaces from the physical planning point of view.

2006 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Maria Auxiliadora Ramos Vargas

A problemática da moradia de risco tem ganhado ênfase no debate contemporâneo sobre políticas públicas urbanas. As diversas iniciativas observadas se enquadram, de maneira geral, na perspectiva objetivista do risco, que traz como principal decorrência a demanda pela mensuração e quantificação do fenômeno. Resulta daí uma visão técnica do risco que se apresenta dominante, e que promove não só a noção de que as situações precárias envolvendo grupos específicos são decorrentes de decisões imprevidentes, como também intervenções de remoção que afetam as condições de vida desses grupos. Problematizando esse argumento, a literatura sociológica da construção social do risco sustenta que este é objeto de uma elaboração socialmente diferenciada. Utilizando-se da análise das trajetórias de moradia de famílias removidas de áreas condenadas tecnicamente no município de Juiz de Fora (MG), este artigo aponta discursos e práticas que conformam a resistência da população à noção técnica dominante do risco. Palavras-chave: construção social do risco; desigualdade ambiental; periferia urbana. Abstract: The social problem of risk is increasingly relevant to contemporary debates, especially on public policies and urban affairs. In general, most of the initiatives come from an objectivist perspective of risks, based on quantification and mensuration of phenomena. From this technical approach emerges a dominant conception of risk, which spreads out the reckoning that precarious situation involving specific urban poverty groups are due to ‘irrational consumption options’; influenced by this point of view, social intervention comes out disqualifying those groups practices and interfering deeply in their lives. Discussing this argument, recent sociological literature presents the social construction of risk, structured on the idea that the notion of ‘risk’ is socially constructed by differentiated groups, that bring upon different symbolic references, social representations and material practices. Using as empiric reference the trajectories of families removed from their home places – characterized by municipality engineering as ‘technically condemned’ – in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, this article stresses the discursive elements and material practices that express the resistance of there moved people to the dominant technical conception of risk. Keywords: social construction of risk; environmental inequality; urban periphery.

Rodolfo Alfonso Torregrosa Jiménez ◽  
Norhys Torregrosa Jiménez

ABSTRACTaccess problems and dysfunctions of the judiciary, in all societies there are communal forms of conflict resolution. Community and institutional mechanisms for conflict resolution can provide the ability to handle conflict from the values, habits and customs of the communities and not from the mere formality of state justice inaccessible to the masses. Thus, the Settlement in Equity is one of the alternatives through which the popular sectors can get for themselves and through community leaders, a righteousness that is in accordance with the needs and responsibilities of the direct stakeholders of the community. Thus, the purpose of the research is to investigate the social representations (RS) of the concepts of fairness, justice and coexistence Community Ratings equity conciliation of a town in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. In addition, as we are interested in identifying the point of view of these users, ie, their opinions, attitudes and information, is that the theoretical and methodological approach used RS. So, be described by methods and with the support of the theoretical framework, the cognitive dimension of the RS user. Such representations are interpreted through formalization that conform segmenting in graphic forms (codes), the corpus of semi-structured interviews applied to users, considered as a continuation of separate occurrences among themselves, delimited by several characters. These occurrences are analyzed, both quantitatively and qualitatively.RESUMENPor problemas de acceso y disfunciones del aparato judicial, en todas las sociedades existen formas comunitarias de resolución de conflictos. Los mecanismos comunitarios e institucionales de solución de conflictos pueden brindar la posibilidad de tramitar los conflictos a partir de los valores, los usos y las costumbres de las comunidades y no desde la mera formalidad de la justicia estatal inaccesible para los sectores populares. Así, la Conciliación en Equidad es una de las alternativas a través de la cual los sectores populares pueden obtener por ellos mismos y a través de líderes comunitarios, una justicia que esté de acuerdo con las necesidades y responsabilidades de los actores directos de la comunidad. De este modo, el propósito de la investigación es indagar sobre las representaciones sociales (RS) de los conceptos de equidad, justicia comunitaria y convivencia de los usuarios de la conciliación en equidad de una Localidad en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia. Y como lo que interesa es identificar el punto de vista de estos usuarios, es decir, sus opiniones, actitudes e información, es que se usa el enfoque teórico-metodológico de las RS. Así, se describirá, a través de métodos y con el apoyo de los referentes teóricos, la dimensión cognitiva de las RS de los usuarios. Dichas representaciones son interpretadas a través de formalizaciones que se conforman segmentando en formas gráficas (códigos), el corpus de entrevistas semi-dirigidas aplicadas a los usuarios, considerado como una continuación de ocurrencias separadas, entre sí, mediante varios caracteres delimitados. Estas ocurrencias son analizadas, tanto desde el punto de vista cuantitativo como cualitativo.

A.R. Ireta-Paredes ◽  
P. Pérez Hernández ◽  
J. Bautista-Ortega ◽  
A.V. Ayala-Garay ◽  
A. Soto-Estrada

Objective: Characterize the mango value network in the State of Campeche and identify its problems. Design/methodology/approach: Based on documentary information and 40 semi-structured interviews, the structure of the value network, its key actors, and technologies were identified. Results: Researchers advise to establish high-density orchards (3 333 plants ha-1), although growers accept to increment from 69 to only 278 plants ha-1. New production technologies are required for important cultivars, such as Tommy Atkins, Manila, and creole. Their vegetative growth responds differently to local humidity, rain, and soil conditions, due to their monoembryonic or polyembryonic origin. Limitations of the study/implications:  Producers in the social sector do not keep accounting and production records. An estimate of mango yields, investment, income, and profits was obtained based on the opinion of producers from the social and business sector of Campeche. Findings/conclusions: Social sector producers of mango are willing to grow their orchards with 278 plants ha-1; it is required to evaluate the production technologies of Tommy Atkins, Manila, and creole cultivars, and to estimate the production costs. Private sector growers are choosing to substitute mango for high-density Persian lemon; they also prioritize fruit fly management and commercialization of fruits.

Arne Bergfeld ◽  
Carolin Plagmann ◽  
Eva Lutz

Abstract Social enterprises pursue a dual mission: on the one hand, they strive for social purpose, while on the other, they try to achieve economic stability despite scarce resources. To achieve the dual mission, social enterprises avail themselves of both for-profit and non-profit institutional logics. Due to this combination of multiple institutional logics, such enterprises can be classified as hybrid organizations. This study focuses on these organizations and investigates tensions between social enterprises and various stakeholder groups caused by the use of commercial logics within the social sector. In particular, we examine the perception of commercial versus social welfare logics by various stakeholder groups, and investigate the effects on organizational communication. Our study is centered on social franchise enterprises. We use an exploratory qualitative research approach based on semi-structured interviews with 21 social franchisors and social franchisees of seven social franchise enterprises. Our main results suggest that the use of commercial logics in the social sector tends to decrease the legitimacy of social franchise enterprises in the eyes of internal stakeholders, the general public, and various (but not all) external stakeholder groups. Many stakeholders of social franchise enterprises show a strong aversion to commercial logics, and particularly to commercial terminology. Overall, we conclude that social franchise enterprises very consciously apply commercial and social welfare logics and use alternative terminology where necessary to retain legitimacy and prevent tensions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-309
Jorge Alexandre Costa ◽  
Ana Isabel Cruz ◽  
Graça Mota

In this article, we present part of the results from a wide-ranging research study addressing Orquestra Geração (OG), a Sistema-like project set up in Portugal in 2007. Orquestra Geração strives to bring about, through collective musical practices, the social inclusion and social mobility of children and teenagers experiencing educational and social vulnerability. The data collected include semi-structured interviews with three OG mentors, one of whom currently serves as the OG director, the OG sub-director, former national coordinators, the current national coordinator, and school coordinators, as well as observations of music classes, orchestra rehearsals and intensive summer internships. We briefly describe the project before detailing the organization’s identity and the profile of its music teachers in a narrative highlighted by the actors’ own words. Finally, we analyse the OG through the lenses of two different and yet complementary conceptual frameworks: Mintzberg’s organizational typology, and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, as expanded and applied by Engeström. Findings suggest an underlying tension between adopting El Sistema’s methodology, as implemented in Venezuela, and adapting this to the Portuguese context. Moreover, a concentration of power in a few key figures may possibly prevent Orquestra Geração from prospering within a framework where its identity stands out as an autonomous project from El Sistema.

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