scholarly journals Proeminence of Theorization of Professional Development of the Mathematics Teacher in the Early Years

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Marcelo Máximo Purificação ◽  
Nélia Maria Pontes Amado ◽  
Marcos Gomes Camilo ◽  
Vanessa Alves Pereira ◽  
Arielly Silva Resende

Abstract: This text arises from the discussions established in the teacher training project for the pedagogical use of technologies in the practice of Mathematics in the early years, developed within the scope of the Pedagogy course at the Centro Universitário de Mineiros - UNIFIMES, the research group NEPEM and the Graduate Program in Teaching - (Doctorate) at the University of Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES. This is a qualitative review of the literature, based on the discussions of the authors used as references in the training course.  Keywords: Professional development. Mathematics teaching. Early Years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-330
Karla D. Araujo Soares ◽  
Adriana Jeckel ◽  
Gabriel Silva ◽  
Victor Giovannetti ◽  
Kleber Mathubara

Teacher training in higher education has been relatively neglected in Brazilian universities because postgraduate programs are mainly focused on the research that students produce. However, these postgraduate students are expected to become the next university and college professors. Herein, we present the experience of the Zoology Summer Course, a university extension course organized by graduate students from the Zoology Graduate Program at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. This course was created aimed to provide graduate students with an opportunity to develop and practice their teaching skills. To understand the influences, motives, and legacy of the CVZOO on its organizers, we developed a questionnaire and evaluated the responses by focusing on elements of academic formation and prospects for a teaching career, using systematic content analysis procedures as parameters. Our results demonstrate the importance of CVZOO as a space of dialogue and interaction for professional teacher training, as well as an opportunity to exchange experiences and build professional identity. The course has also influenced other academic activities such as the organization of scientific events, mentoring experience, and publications. Lastly, we discuss the importance of teacher training in Brazilian graduate programs and propose initiatives to improve the training of future university teachers. Keywords: Graduation; Extension Course; Students; Biodiversity   Extensão universitária e formação docente no Brasil: o Curso de Verão em Zoologia   Resumo: A formação docente universitária tem sido bastante negligenciada em universidade brasileiras, uma vez que programas de pós-graduação focam majoritariamente na produção acadêmico-científica de seus alunos. No entanto, espera-se que os pós-graduandos sejam a próxima geração de professores universitários. Neste estudo, nós apresentamos a experiência do Curso de Verão em Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Este curso foi criado com o objetivo de proporcionar aos estudantes de pós-graduação a oportunidade de desenvolver e praticar suas habilidades para docência. No intuito de entender as influências, motivações e legado do CVZOO em seus organizadores, nós desenvolvemos um questionário e avaliamos as respostas buscando elementos da formação acadêmica e prospecção para a carreira docente, usando procedimentos de análise de conteúdo como parâmetros Os resultados demonstram a importância do CVZOO como um espaço de diálogo e interação com a prática docente bem como uma oportunidade para trocar experiências e construir uma identidade profissional. O curso tem influenciado em outras atividades acadêmicas, tais como organização de eventos científicos, orientação de alunos e publicações. Por fim, este artigo discute a importância da formação docente em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil e propõe algumas iniciativas para melhorar a formação dos futuros professores universitários. Palavras-chave: Pós-Graduação; Curso de Extensão; Estudantes; Biodiversidade

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Adewale Magaji ◽  
Ana Cabral ◽  
Andrew Lambirth ◽  
Roger McDonald ◽  
Ashley Brett ◽  

Action research promotes teaching and learning as it may allow teachers to explore areas of their practices that require improvement. The purpose of this case study is to highlight the steps involved in carrying out action research and any challenges that teachers may encounter in this learning process. This study was developed as a professional development course from 2015 to 2019 attended by more than 150 teachers from early years, primary and secondary schools in London and Kent in the last 4 years. The teachers were registered as students at the University of Greenwich and supported by a university team of researchers. The study identified five steps of the development of teacher-led action research and highlighted the challenges for each step. The steps included defining the field of action; planning; action; evaluation and reflection/(re)planning. This led to the development of an innovative model for the facilitation of action research and collaboration between the university team and participants. The model is used as a framework to enhance the development of teacher-led research in schools.Keywords: action research, teacher-led research, models, collaboration

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23 ◽  
Dianne Wilmot ◽  
Jean Schäfer

This article addresses the need for research in the areas of Grade R curriculum and pedagogy, Grade R teacher professional development, and early years mathematics teaching. More specifically, it responds to the need for teacher professional development in Grade R mathematics teaching of the geometric concepts of space and shape. The article describes a study about teachers’ understanding of how visual arts can be used as pedagogical modality. The study was prompted by the findings of a ‘Maths and Science through Arts and Culture Curriculum’ intervention undertaken with Grade R teachers enrolled for a Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase) degree at a South African university. Post-intervention, teachers’ classroom practices did not change, and they were not using visual arts to teach mathematical concepts. The lessons learned from the research intervention may contribute to the wider debate about Grade R teaching and children’s learning.

João Pedro Piccoli ◽  
Edvonete Souza de Alencar

ResumoO livro didático é uma importante ferramenta pedagógica utilizada pelos professores de matemática. Neste sentido, o livro do professor apresenta um recurso pedagógico que orienta o seu trabalho em todas as atividades presentes no manual didático. Portanto, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar como o manual didático brasileiro do segundo ano do ensino fundamental aprimora o conhecimento especializado do professor que ensina a disciplina de matemática e quais as suas orientações metodológicas para o ensino. A metodologia escolhida para esta pesquisa foi a investigação documental, centrada no manual do livro Ápis Alfabetização Matemática (2017), autoria de Luís Roberto Dante e baseou-se teoricamente no grupo SIDM da Universidade de Huelva (2018), o qual estudou teoricamente o conhecimento especializado do professor de matemática (MTSK), classificando-o em seis subdomínios principais: conhecimento de tópicos matemáticos (KoT), Conhecimento da Estrutura da Matemática (KSM), Conhecimento da Prática Matemática (KPM), Conhecimento de Características da Aprendizagem de Matemática (KFLM), Conhecimento do Ensino de Matemática (KMT) e Conhecimento de Parâmetros de Aprendizagem da Matemática (KMLS). Ao estudarmos e analisarmos o manual livro mencionado, classificamos alguns dos trechos indicados pelos estudos do MTSK. Como resultado, os subdomínios que mais se destacaram foram o Conhecimento da Estrutura da Matemática e o Conhecimento do Ensino de Matemática. Por fim, é interessante observar que, se estudarmos os manuais presentes em outras coleções, outros subdomínios poderão predominar, obtendo resultados diferentes desta pesquisa.Palavras-chave: Livro didático, Formação de professores, Conhecimento especializado.AbstractThe textbook is an important pedagogical tool used by mathematics teachers. In this sense, the teacher's handbook is a pedagogical resource that guides their work in all the activities in the textbook. Therefore, this research aimed to identify how the Brazilian handbook for the second year of elementary school improves the specialised knowledge of the teacher who teaches mathematics and which teaching methodological guidelines it brings. The methodology chosen for this research was the documentary investigation, centred on the handbook for Ápis Alfabetização Matemática (2017), authored by Luís Roberto Dante, and was theoretically based on the SIDM group of the University of Huelva (2018), which studied the mathematics teacher specialised knowledge (MTSK) theoretically, classifying it into six main subdomains: knowledge of mathematical topics (KoT), knowledge of the structure of mathematics (KSM), knowledge of the practice in mathematics (KPM), knowledge of features of learning of mathematics ( KFLM), knowledge of mathematics teaching (KMT) and knowledge of mathematics learning parameters (KMLS). When studying and analysing the mentioned handbook, we classified some of the excerpts indicated by the MTSK studies. As a result, the subdomains that stood out the most were the knowledge of the structure of mathematics and the knowledge of mathematics teaching. Finally, it is interesting to note that, if we study the handbooks of other collections, other subdomains may predominate and present different results from this research.Keywords: Textbook; Teacher training; Specialided knowledge.ResumenEl libro didáctico es una importante herramienta pedagógica utilizada por los profesores de matemáticas. En este sentido, el manual del docente es un recurso pedagógico que orienta su trabajo en todas las actividades del libro didáctico. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar cómo el Manual didáctico brasileño para el segundo año de la escuela primaria mejora el conocimiento especializado del docente que enseña matemáticas y qué pautas metodológicas de enseñanza trae. La metodología elegida para esta investigación fue la investigación documental, centrada en el manual de Ápis Alfabetização Matemática (2017), de Luís Roberto Dante, y se basó teóricamente en el grupo SIDM de la Universidad de Huelva (2018), que estudió el conocimiento especializado del profesor de matemáticas (MTSK) teóricamente, clasificándolo en seis subdominios principales: conocimiento de temas matemáticos (KoT), conocimiento de la estructura de las matemáticas (KSM), conocimiento de la práctica en matemáticas (KPM), conocimiento de las características del aprendizaje de las matemáticas (KFLM), conocimiento de la enseñanza de las matemáticas (KMT) y conocimiento de los parámetros de aprendizaje de las matemáticas (KMLS). Al estudiar y analizar el citado manual, clasificamos algunos de los extractos indicados por los estudios del MTSK. Como resultado, los subdominios que más se destacaron fueron el conocimiento de la estructura de las matemáticas y el conocimiento de la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Finalmente, es interesante notar que, si estudiamos los manuales de otras colecciones, otros subdominios pueden predominar y presentar resultados diferentes de esta investigación.Palabras clave: Libro didáctico; Formación docente; Conocimiento especializado.

Pythagoras ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 0 (72) ◽  
Helena Miranda ◽  
Jill Adler

In any education system, curriculum alone cannot fulfill reform demands imposed onto teachers to help learners make meaning of subject contents they learn. This paper revisits the notion of resources as explored in a mathematics teacher professional development project that focused on algebra learning. As a way to promote the use of manipulatives in teaching and learning algebra, the project introduced algebra tiles to participating teachers and investigated how the tiles facilitated the enaction of algebraic meanings. The participating teachers learned different ways of helping learners interpret and solve algebraic problems, with the use of algebraic tiles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-26
José Rubens Lima Jardilino ◽  
Andressa Maris Rezende Oliveri ◽  
Ana Maria Mendes Sampaio

The educational field is inserted in a context of multiple actors, actions, and social implications, requiring the use of several viewpoints to understand its movement. As a result, this work aims to remember part of the training path and research trajectory of the Research Group -Teacher Education and Profession (FOPROFI), of the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Ouro Preto. In order to do so, some of the research developed by the group that helps in the composition and knowledge of the field of teacher education, in the teaching occupation and in educational institutions will be treated. The researches were selected after the bibliographic survey of the works in the university repository. In addition, we sought to outline some considerations regarding these fields and their intersection in the experience of training and professional development in the Region of Inconfidentes and their social impact in understanding educational challenges. We understand that the actions organized by the research groups go beyond the frontiers of research through the formation and social insertion of subjects– teacher and studentin society. For this reason, it is important to promote education through in Networks Research, whether they are articulated with other educational institutions or within the research group itself, collaborating to improve education at regional and national levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-69
Gerhard Brandhofer ◽  
Marlene Miglbauer

The digital competences of teachers have not yet been given sufficient attention in Austria. In order to meet this need, the digi.kompP model has been developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, led by the University College of Virtual Teacher Education. Based on national and international framework models, the competency model is to serve as an instrument for self-assessment and continuous professional development as well as for (higher) school development. The following is a brief overview of international models that were relevant for the development of the competence grid. After that the competence grid itself and its categories are presented. The article concludes with a discussion of the integration of the competence grid into the international framework and its benefits in the Austrian education system. This article aims to make a theoretical contribution to the categorization of teachers' competencies

Valéria Maria de Lima Borba ◽  
André Pereira da Costa

Resumo: Este estudo objetivou discutir sobre os fatores que contribuem para o sucesso e o fracasso nos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências e Matemática de um centro acadêmico vinculado a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) do Estado da Paraíba, Brasil, a partir da compreensão dos licenciandos sobre tais elementos. Assim, buscou-se analisar se estes fatores interferem na permanência e no abandono dos estudantes em seus cursos universitários. Com uma abordagem qualitativa, a pesquisa fez uso de um questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados, que foi aplicado a 22 licenciandos. Os estudantes questionados, em sua grande maioria, colocam a referência para o sucesso basicamente no esforço próprio, salientando a dedicação e a perseverança próprias. Quando se discute a relação que os licenciandos estabelecem com o fracasso, vários foram os fatores considerados como deflagradores dos insucessos ocorridos, com considerável peso na didática utilizada pelos seus professores.Palavras-chave: Matemática; Formação de Professores; Fracasso; Sucesso. Success and failure in Mathematics teaching: what says future teachers of an IES?Abstract: This study aimed to discuss the factors that contribute to success and failure in the degree courses in Science and Mathematics of the academic center linked to an Institution of Higher Education (IES) in the State of Paraíba, Brazil, through students’ understanding of such elements. Thus, it was sought to analyze if these factors interfere in the permanence and the abandonment of the students in their university courses. With a qualitative approach, the research made use of a questionnaire as an instrument of data collection, which was applied to 22 graduates. Most of the questioned students place the reference to success primarily in their own effort, emphasizing their own dedication and perseverance. When discussing the relationship that the students establish with failure, several factors were considered as triggers of the failures occurred, with considerable weight in the didactic used by their teachers.Keywords: Mathematics; Teacher Training; Failure; Success. 

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