Wildan Nuril Ahmad Fauzi

Ips learning has a role to play in fostering citizens in building the character of the nation. Character is a set of values that have become a habit of life so that it becomes a fixed trait in a person. this method of writing uses library research using a philosophical approach (reviewing children's education policy from a family perspective). Data collection techniques used in articles are documentation techniques that collect data material in the form of sources of books in the library, articles related to writings related to research, and collected and collected and insticronized and associated with the object of study. Research results In an effort to character-building learners in schools through social studies learning at least includes 4 things that must be done, namely curriculum, materials, teachers, and learning process. The curriculum in schools must be able to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and morals. Ips material is prepared and designed to introduce concepts related to people's lives and develop knowledge, understanding, and ability to social conditions in society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Felia Siska ◽  
Sapriya Sapriya ◽  
Trina Febriani

This study was motivated by globalization progress, causing the Indonesian people to lose national character and leave local wisdom from generation to generation. Therefore, it is necessary to have character building for students amidst technological advances so that the character traits of students can be applied in everyday life. One of the learning activities with character education is a social science, especially at the elementary school level. This study aimed to analyze the local wisdom-based character building through social science learning in elementary schools. This study used a qualitative approach with a library research method. Based on the results, the local wisdom-based character education through social science learning in elementary schools had to apply 18 character traits defined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Elementary schools include local wisdom values in their learning plans and apply them to thematic learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-185
Solekan Solekan ◽  
Halili Halili

One of the most prominent implications of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum primarily for the SD / MI level is the use of integrated thematic learning. PAI subject matter in MI / SD must refer to core competencies where basic competencies are classified into four competency aspects (spiritual, social, knowledge and skills attitudes). That is, the material of PAI MI in the MI 2013 curriculum is expanded, by implementing integrated thematic learning implementation steps which include three main components, namely preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the meaning, function, purpose and use of the stages of implementation of Integrated Islamic Education Material Development for MI / SD and the implementation of the steps for implementing Integrated Islamic Education Material Product learning for MI / SD which includes three main components. In this study the authors used data collection methods with documentation methods, as in the data collection techniques in library research (library research). The documentation method is a method used by researchers to objects or documents such as magazines, books, journals, meeting minutes and so on. The object of study in this article is focused on understanding the meaning, function, purpose, and use of the stages of implementing the development of integrated Islamic education materials for MI / SD and the implementation of the steps for implementing Integrated PAI material product learning for MI / SD which includes three main components.

Azhar Sulistiyono

<p><em>Tujuan dari artikel ini untuk menggambarkan Implementasi pendekatan  humanistik dalam pembelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode library research yang data-datanya berasal dari berbagai sumber, baik dari perpustakaan maupun berbagai website yang ada di internet meliputi buku, ensiklopedi, kamus, jurnal, dokumen, majalah, dan lain-lain. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan pendekatan humanistik yang merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran dimana peserta didik diajar untuk membedakan hasil berdasarkan maknanya. Dalam artikel  inipendekatan  humanistik dapat diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar.</em></p>

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-227
Wildan Nuril Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Seka Andrean

Since long time ago the position of women became second class in the view of society. Not only in obtaining social status, they also get this diksriminasi in health and education. In this paper aims to discuss some of the things that become unease about Islamic education received by women. Although many islamic leaders are well known, unfortunately the drivers of women's Islamic education in Indonesia are very difficult and rare to find. This research uses library research using philosophical approach. Data collection techniques used in articles are by documentation techniques that collect data material in the form of sources of books in the library, articles related to writings related to research. The results showed that women's standing is needed trobosan and movement proves directly through various things and various fields. The establishment of a girls' early childhood school, to build a university based on Islam that combines it with general science, is able to open the face of women as a figure worthy to be recognized the greatness of Islamic Education received by these women contains a variety of knowledge that is able to improve their position and position as a mother and as a wife.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Noor Amirudin

Education currently loses human aspects (dehumanization).This is because the method that does not provide space to learners to grow according to his nature. So this study aims to (1) know the characteristics of KH Ahmad Dahlan’s education; (2) to know the characteristic of humanism education from KH Ahmad Dahlan’s thinking; and (3) to know the educational implications of humanist KH Ahmad Dahlan’s thinking towards the progress of the nation and social change in Indonesia. In this case the researcher uses the type of library research or library research with data collection methods using documentation method. The approach used by researchers is the method of philosophical approach. From the research that researchers have done, the researchers found that (1) KH Ahmad Dahlan has an educational concept that contains the content of humanism, namely the process of education is based on the understanding that humans are creatures that have potential in them. So the essence of education is to direct that potential to be more useful for human beings; (2) the concept of KH Ahmad Dahlan’s education is forming one's good behavior by maximizing the work of reason and adding the theological content in interpreting education as well as in the educational process; and (3) one of the relics of KH renewal Ahmad Dahlan is the greatest growth of the tradition of learning society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Diaken Noor Immansari ◽  
Ichsan Anshory

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Tahfizh Qur’an Thematic Learning in Aisyiyah Elementary School Malang, and what the impacts of this program in student character. This research is a qualitative descriptive study of elementary schools in Malang, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the tahfizh Qur’an thematic learning at Aisyiyah Elementary School in Malang consisted of four stages, namely verse screening phase, film screening phase, memorizing phase, and evaluation phase. Through the tahfizh Qur’an thematic learning conducted at SD Aisyiyah Malang, four characters appear in student, namely: 1) religious character; 2) integrity character, shown in honesty, politeness, love for truth; 3) independent character, including hard work, disciplined, brave, and learners; and 4) mutual cooperation character, including cooperation, solidarity, and mutual assistance.Keywords: Character Building, Learning, Tahfizh Qur’an Thematic Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahi bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran tahfizh Qur’an Tematik di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang, dan mengetahui apa saja karakter siswa yang muncul melalui program ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sekolah dasar di kota Malang, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pembelajaran tahfizh Qur’an tematik di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu tahap pemilihan ayat, tahap pemutaran film, tahap menghafal, dan tahap evaluasi. Melalui program tahfizh Qur’an tematik yang dilaksanakan di SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang, tampak empat karakter yang muncul pada anak, yaitu: 1) nilai karakter religius, termasuk di dalamnya nilai beriman bertaqwa, dan toleransi; 2) nilai karakter integritas, tampak pada kejujuran, keteladanan, kesantunan, cinta pada kebenaran; 3) nilai karakter mandiri, termasuk pada kerja keras, disiplin, berani, dan pembelajar; dan 4) nilai karakter gotong royong, termasuk di dalamnya kerja sama, solidaritas, dan saling menolong.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Karakter, Pembelajaran, Tahfizh Qur’an Tematik 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Ria Anita Sipahutar ◽  
Remlina Wati Sianturi ◽  
Yenita Sembiring

Education is the learning of knowledge, the skills of every person that are passed down from generation to generation for one generation. But in education, it is also essential to learn the formation of good character. In this relevant research, especially those that raise Folklore as the object of study, only a few people know about it. Folklore is a medium that can use as a means of forming positive characters in children through moral values and character education contained in the story. This type of research is qualitative descriptive obtained, analyzed, and analyzed in writing to describe the moral values and character building contained in the Toba Batak folklore "Sigale-gale." Data collection was carried out by reading the Sigale-gale folklore text repeatedly and identifying the data in the form of keywords related to the values forming the characters in the story. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results showed that there were four character-forming values in the Sigale-gale Folklore; namely hard work, curious, friendly, and wise. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-84
Siti Rohimah ◽  
M. Saripuddin ◽  
Adi Iqbal ◽  
Zulqarnin ◽  
Muhsin Ruslan

This research is motivated by a review by M Ilham Yunihandoko about the apocalypse, in his review it only describes the general picture. Second, the writings of Ustadz Abu Nida' Chomsaha Shofwan, a salafi cleric who lives in Yogyakarta and actively preaches on Youtube. His writings published in online articles stated that the issue of the signs of the apocalypse was deliberately raised, to remind us, because most people have forgotten about it. Third, is the Muslim Hadith, namely the news brought by the angel Gabriel about the signs of the apocalypse. This study aims to determine the truth of Ustadz Zulkifli Muhammad Ali's lecture about the end of time. This research is a library research or library research that is qualitative descriptive exploratory, qualitative because the research deals with data not numbers, descriptive because it collects and analyzes narrative data. The research was conducted on the youtube channel "UZMA Media TV Channel" with literary data collection techniques, namely digging library materials that are in line with the object of study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Aprilia Aprilia

This study aims: to find out how to apply the experimental method in science subjects and to findout the improvement of students' understanding of the concept of changes in the nature of objectsusing the experimental method in fifth grade students of 164 Kaluku Elementary School,Sukamaju District, North Luwu District. This research is a classroom action research conductedin class V SDN 164 Kaluku District Sukamaju North Luwu district. Data collection techniques inthis study are tests, interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis was performedusing qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that: (1) With the application of theexperimental methods of class V students it was easier to understand material changes in thenature of objects in science learning; (2) By using the experimental method in the learningprocess which is carried out in stages, 2 cycles experience a significant increase where students'understanding of learning in cycle 1 is still categorized as "sufficient" with an average of 62 andlearning mastery by 40% increases in cycle 2 by category "Very good" and on average 84, with85% learning mastery. Thus the experimental method can be used as a reference in scienceteaching activities in elementary schools. Especially material changes in the nature of objects.

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