scholarly journals Sociological analysis of Democratic Party MPs from the perspective of Elite theoryElit teorisi perspektifinden Demokrat Parti milletvekillerinin sosyolojik analizi

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 914
Durmuş Ali Arslan ◽  
Ahmet Çağrıcı

In this study, sociological analysis of public profiles of Democrat Party deputies who served years between 1950 and 1960 as a ruling party deputy by using elite theory has been planned. Before sociological analysis of deputies clarifying the complex structure of first event is needed. To achieve this firstly some basic concepts explained by using general fictions. We will set our work foundation over basic ideas of political sociology on Politics, democracy, powers, the political elite and the intellectual foundation concepts. After creating the conceptual and fictional background of the subject the historical background of the period before Adnan Menderes and his Democrat Party's ruling time has been analyzed.As a sample Group Democratic Party Deputies have been selected who served years between 1950 and1960 under Grand National Assembly umbrella from research universe consist of Turkish political elite. A set of data has been created by using "Spatial Analysis Technique" on the basis of background of the political elite has been used. Parliament's institutional records, publications and websites, especially by examining the parliament albums, since 1950, the year he took over the ruling period have been evaluated and used. These data sets were analyzed by using SPSS.   Analysis of  1323 deputies  have been planned from the perspective of social indicators like education level, age, foreign language they know, gender and place of birth under the light of generated data in the period of three course term.When the political elite as a result of the study evaluated the required properties for the Democratic Party deputies to be born in Istanbul, he should be more educated university graduates. In other sociological characteristics, to be young and middle-aged, gender and family status in the context of male, married, with three children to outweigh. If the analyzed period, as Turkey that lack of a college education is considered the country's first university graduate of Istanbul University attorneys are frequent. Law graduate to be, people who manage to know at least one foreign language and civilian bureaucrats seem to be dominant in parliament as in the DP. ÖzetBu çalışmada, Demokrat Partinin iktidar yılları olan 1950-1960 yılları arasında görev yapmış Demokrat Parti milletvekillerinin, toplumsal profillerinin elit teorisi üzerinden sosyolojik analizinin yapılması hedeflenmiştir. Milletvekillerinin sosyolojik analizinden önce incelediğimiz olayın ilk başta karmaşık yapısını belirginleştirmek gerekmektedir. Bu doğrultuda ilk başta genel bir kurgulama yapılarak bazı temel kavramlar açıklanmıştır. Siyaset, demokrasi, erk, parti, elit, siyasi elit kavramları üzerinden siyaset sosyolojisinin fikri temelleri üzerine çalışma oturtulmuştur. Konunun kavramsal ve kurgusal alt yapısı oluşturulduktan sonra dönemin tarihsel arka planı da göz önüne alınarak Adnan Menderes ve Demokrat Parti iktidar yılları, öncesi ve dönemi ile birlikte ele alınmıştır.Türk siyasi elitlerinin oluşturduğu araştırma evreninden, örneklem kümesi olarak 1950–1960 yılları arasında, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi çatısı altında görev yapmış Demokrat Parti milletvekilleri seçilmiştir. “Konumsal Analiz Tekniği” kullanılarak, TBMM’nin kurumsal kayıtları, yayınları ve web sitesi özellikle de TBMM albümleri incelenerek, Demokrat Parti’nin iktidarı devraldığı yıl olan 1950’den itibaren Demokrat Parti milletvekilliği yapmış siyasi elitlerin toplumsal özgeçmişleri temelinde bir veri seti oluşturulmuştur. Bu veri setleri SPSS kullanılarak analiz edildi. Oluşturulan veri seti ışığında, üç dönemlik bir süreçte toplam 1323 Demokrat Partili milletvekilinin mesleki dağılımları, eğitim durumları, yaş, bildikleri yabancı dil, cinsiyet ve doğum yeri gibi sosyal indikatörler açısından incelemesi planlanmıştır.Yapılan çalışma neticesinde bir siyasal elit olarak Demokrat Parti milletvekilli için aranan özellikler değerlendirildiğinde İstanbul doğumlu olmak, eğitimli dahası üniversite mezunu olmak gerekmektedir. Aranan diğer nitelikler: genç-orta yaşlı, cinsiyet ve aile durumu bağlamında erkek, evli, üç çocuklu olmak ağır basmaktadır. İncelenen dönemler itibariyle Türkiye’de üniversite eğitimi veren kurumların azlığı göz önünde bulundurulursa ülkenin ilk üniversitesi olan İstanbul Üniversitesi mezunu vekiller yoğunluktadır. Hukuk bölümü mezunu olmak, en az bir yabancı dil bilmek ve sivil-bürokrat yönetici olan kişiler DP sıralarında parlamentoda baskın olarak gözükmektedir.

1973 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-77 ◽  
R. W. Johnson

The Evolution of patterns of selection and recruitment to the British political elite has been most authoritatively explored and presented in the work of W. L. Guttsman (1), which covers the period roughly from 1830 to 1955. For developments in the period since 1955 one may turn only to a few sources where the subject is partially treated (2) and to a large mass of journalistic commentary. This article examines the political elite in this most recent period, concentrating particularly on what appear to be the most striking developments of this period. Since, however, these developments are only comprehensible when set against their historical background, we start with a brief summary of the position reached by the mid-1950s.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 819
Durmuş Ali Arslan ◽  
Ahmet Çağrıcı ◽  
Mustafa Albayrak

Political parties and political elites are the basic elements of the democratic system. These two political and social phenomena play a decisive role in shaping the political and social structure of the country as well as in the shaping of individual political attitudes and behaviour. The most common forms of social political organization in contemporary societies are political parties. In this respect, political parties can be shortly defined as political organizations organized around the ideal of playing a decisive role in political and social life and whose ultimate goals are to reach power. In democratic societies, political parties are the most important means of political socialization and participation in the political process.In the western societies, the elite word that has been used in daily life since the 17th century. Its sociological meaning is rather different than daily life meaning. In essence, the elite can be defined as individuals who have institutional power, are in a position to control social resources, have the ability to directly or indirectly influence the decision-making process, and can fulfill their wishes and objectives in spite of their opponents. There are many elite groups in society. Political elites also form one of the most active elite groups in the social structure. Deputies and political leaders are also the most basic components of this elite group.The Democratic Party is one of the most important political parties of Turkish political life. This party holds the privilege of being the most important representative of the right of center-right politics in Turkey; Adnan Menderes also has a privileged political identity in Turkey as being the most important leader of the center-right politics tradition. Even the Democratic Party is regarded as a representative of the transition to multi-party political life in Turkey. The Democratic Party, legendary leader Adnan Menderes and the Democratic Party MPs, identified with the name party, have not only remained the pioneers of multi-party democratic life in the country; With the transition to multi-party life, they have played a decisive role in Turkey's change process and in the social and political life of the country.The Democratic Party as a political institution and Adnan Menderes, a political elite-leader have to be well known in order to understand and explain the political-social change and transformation that Turkey has experienced since about three quarters of a century. It was aimed to sociologically examine Adnan Menderes as an important political leader and political elite, and the Democratic Party, one of the most important political institutions of Turkish political life, from a historical perspective. The research is mainly designed as a descriptive sociological study type. ÖzetSiyasi partiler ve siyasi elitler, demokratik sistemin en temel unsurlarındandır. Bu iki siyasal ve toplumsal olgu, bireylerin siyasi tutum ve davranışlarının şekillenmesinde de olduğu kadar ülkenin siyasi ve toplumsal yapısının şekillenmesinde de belirleyici rol oynar. Günümüz toplumlarında en yaygın toplumsal siyasal örgütlenme biçimi siyasi partilerdir. Bu yönüyle siyasi partiler kısaca, siyasal ve toplumsal hayatta belirleyici rol oynamak ideali etrafında örgütlenmiş ve nihai hedefleri iktidara ulaşmak olan siyasi örgütler olarak tanımlanabilir. Demokratik toplumlarda siyasi partiler, en önemli siyasi sosyalizasyon ve siyasal sürece katılım araçlarıdır.Batı toplumlarında, 17. yüzyıldan bu yana günlük dilde kullanılmaya başlanan elit sözcüğü ise sosyolojik olarak günlük dilde kullanıldığında daha farklı anlam ifade eder. Çok öz olarak elit, kurumsal iktidara sahip, toplumsal kaynakları kontrol edebilecek konumda bulunan, karar verme sürecini doğrudan veya dolayı olarak ciddi bir şekilde etkileme yeteneğine sahip, karşıtlarına rağmen istek ve amaçlarını gerçekleştirebilen birey(ler) olarak tanımlanabilir. Toplumda çok sayıda elit grubu vardır. Siyasi elitler de toplumsal yapı içindeki, en etkin elit gruplarından birini oluştururlar. Milletvekilleri ve siyasi liderler de bu elit grubunun en temel bileşenlerini oluştururlar.Demokrat Parti (DP), Türk siyasal hayatının en önemli siyasi partilerinden biri konumundadır. Bu parti Türkiye’de merkez sağ siyaset geleneğinin, Cumhuriyet döneminde ilk ve önemli temsilcisi olma ayrıcalığını elinden tutarken; lideri Türkiye’de merkez sağ siyaset geleneğini temsil eden önemli bir siyasal elittir. Dahası Demokrat Parti, Türkiye’de çok partili siyasi yaşama geçişin temsilcisi olarak da kabul edilir. Demokrat Parti, ismi partisi ile özdeşleşmiş efsanevi lideri Adnan Menderes ve Demokrat Parti milletvekilleri, yalnızca ülkede çok partili demokratik hayatın öncü isimleri olmakla kalmamışlar; çok partili yaşama geçişle birlikte Türkiye’nin değişim sürecine yön vermiş ve ülkenin toplumsal-siyasal hayatında belirleyici rol oynamışlardır.Bir siyasal kurum olarak Demokrat Parti’yi ve bir siyasi elit-lider olarak Adnan Menderes’i iyi anlamadan, Türkiye’nin yaklaşık üççeyrek asırdan beridir yaşadığı siyasal - toplumsal değişim ve dönüşümü anlamlandırmak ve açıklamak mümkün değildir. Bu realiteden yola çıkarak çalışmada, önemli bir siyasi lider ve bir siyasi elit olarak Adnan Menderes ile Türk siyasal yaşamının önemli siyasi kurumlarından biri olan Demokrat Parti’nin, tarihsel bir perspektiften, sosyolojik olarak incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma ağırlıklı olarak betimleyici - deskriptif bir sosyolojik çalışma türünde tasarlanmıştır.

Musayyarah Fatmayani ◽  
Drs Pawito ◽  
Widodo Muktiyo

This study aims to express an understanding of how information-seeking patterns among the political elite of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle in Surakarta relate to the issue of the possible nomination of Gibran Rakabuming Raka - son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo as a candidate for Mayor of Surakarta. This research analyzes through social media, especially Facebook, about the relationship between information seeking behavior of the political elite of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) with certainty about the issues circulating in the community. This research paradigm uses phenomenology with a qualitative approach. The source / participant of this research is the political elite PDI Perjuangan this is because according to the news circulating Gibran will run for office using PDI Perjuangan party vehicles. This study concludes that the pattern of information seeking among the political elite of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) in Surakarta with information certainty needs. The need for information seeking is growing, making the PDI Perjuangan elite in Surakarta a source of information which then forms information search behavior patterns based on the use of social media, especially Facebook. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Matthew David Boyd

Japan is often regarded by scholarship as an example of what a healthy East Asian liberal democracy ought to look like. Despite its reputation for pacifism and liberal democracy, Japan has demonstrated a remarkable shift in political culture in the last decade, as successive governments have embraced decidedly nationalist policy choices. As the Abe Administration continues to push ahead with its plan for Constitutional Revision, a goal long advocated for by nationalist groups, Japan seems poised to enter a period of renewed nationalist discourses and policymaking. Existing scholarship presents these shifting political trends as having been facilitated by the political elite, and many scholars argue that elite driven, or top-down nationalism, is the driving force of political change in the modern Japanese political system. This paper challenges these assertions, instead arguing that resurgent nationalism in Japanese politics can be traced to the grassroots of society. Through a study of two non-government organizations, Nippon Kaigi 日本会議and Jinja Honchō 神社本庁, this paper clearly demonstrates the critical impact that grassroots organizing through non-government organizations has had on driving nationalist policymaking at the national level. The political success of these lobbying groups has been clearly evidenced in their presence at the highest level of Japanese government, as well as the remarkable similarities between their organizational goals and the political goals of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. This paper demonstrates that the relationship between grassroots nationalist organizations and the Japanese government is one of influence and pressure, rather than a coincidental alignment of political ideals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-75
Syahrul Akmal Latif ◽  
Muhammad Zulherawan

Social deviations in free sex behavior among adolescents is quite alarming because they are seen as bad behavior and contrary to the norms in society. The purpose of this study is to seek solutions to the problem of social deviations of free sex among adolescents by looking at the factors and things that underlie free sex behavior that occurs by departing from theological and sociological analysis and also using the Differential Association theory by Sutherland which explains the process of occurrence deviant behavior. In this study the authors use the method of literature study of various thoughts and previous studies that have been conducted. As for the discussion of this study, the writer took three discussions which became an outline for the author, namely: 1. Knowledge of adolescents about free sex, 2. Free sex behavior among adolescents, and 3. Factors causing free sex among adolescents. So based on this research it is expected to be a solution for the political elite, government, academics and society especially parents to be more together to protect teenagers from the influence of the phenomenon of free sex among adolescents.

Ruslan M. Kliuchnyk ◽  

The article is devoted to the place and role of a Journalist in modern Politics. The main professional characteristics of a modern Journalist have been considered. It has been suggested that the requirements for Journalists will continue to grow in the future. A particular attention has been paid to Journalists who disagree with the political regime, whether democratic or not. Journalists covering political events cannot always stay indifferent to what they say and write about. The political events provoke their reaction. It is determined by the peculiarities of human perception as a subject of cognition of a certain kind of information. A striking example of the influence of an opposition Journalist on the political process is the phenomenon of the Wikileaks website and its creator, Julian Assange, Australian Journalist and Programmer. He started to publish the information compromising the political elite. Publication of information, compromising the political elite, has led to a rethinking of the role of a blogger in political life. In 2016, Wikileaks became an effective tool to discredit Hillary Clinton, the pro-government Democratic Party candidate in the US presidential elections. It was noted that Matthew Lee, Associated Press Journalist, is widely known for his point of view on the foreign policy of the USA (��� ��������� � ���������). He became famous for his use of trolling and provoking against officials by asking tough questions. This, in particular, made him a subject of political life. We have come to the conclusion that a journalist can become a prominent figure in national and international Politics. His participation in Politics is determined by his role in decision-making, as well as by his influence on the mass audience. As a result, journalists are exposed to attacks because of their professional activity. Democratic countries have issued regulations designed to protect journalists. In this article system and comparative approaches have been used. The documents in text and video formats facilitates our research. We have considered the papers of modern scientists regarding this problem. The article can be useful for professors, doctorates, lecturers, students and the wide range of people who are interested in political communication.

2007 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-111
Virginie Collombier

Beyond the relative opening of the political system that characterized 2005 in Egypt — with the President being elected directly for the first time and the increased competition allowed during legislative elections — the 2005 elections also constituted an opportunity to consider and evaluate the internal struggles for influence under way within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP). In a context largely influenced by the perspective of President Husni Mubarak's succession and by calls for reform coming from both internal and external actors, changes currently occurring at the party level may have a decisive impact on the future of the Egyptian regime.

1967 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 509-524 ◽  
B. J. O. Dudley

In the debate on the Native Authority (Amendment) Law of 1955, the late Premier of the North, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto, replying to the demand that ‘it is high time in the development of local government systems in this Region that obsolete and undemocratic ways of appointing Emirs’ Councils should close’, commented that ‘the right traditions that we have gone away from are the cutting off of the hands of thieves, and that has caused a lot of thieving in this country. Why should we not be cutting (off) the hands of thieves in order to reduce thieving? That is logical and it is lawful in our tradition and custom here.’ This could be read as a defence against social change, a recrudescence of ‘barbarism’ after the inroads of pax Britannica, and a plea for the retention of the status quo and the entrenched privilege of the political elite.

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