scholarly journals Karol Brzostowski i jego Instytucja Rolno-Fabryczna Sztabińska

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-176
Mateusz Ułanowicz ◽  

Karol Brzostowski was born in 1796. His parents were Ewa Chreptowicz and Michał Hieronim. His grandfather was Joachim Litawor Chreptowicz – writer, poet, and activist of the Commision of National Education. Karol Brzostowski was a famous landowner in the first half of the 19th century. He was a farmer of the Sztabin estates. His greatest achievement in the field of industrial development was the establishment of the Sztabińska Huta settlement, in which there were: a factory of agricultural machines and tools; glassworks, foundry and a blast furnace. Karol Brzostowski was also an inventor and constructor. In his will, written on November 29, 1853, he granted Sztabin’s provincial landowners ownership of the land, and from the rest of the property he created the Factories Fund, called the Sztabińska Agricultural and Factory Institution. The Institution started operating on January 1, 1855, a few months after the testator’s death. Its property consisted of industrial plants and agricultural estates. A few years after his death, the Institution started to go bankrupt. In 1948, the remains of the Institution, in the form of a forest known as the Sztabin Parcellation, became property of the state. The main aim of this article is to present a short outline of the history of the Sztabińska Agricultural and Factory Institution. The most important source giving rise to its existence is the mentioned will of Karol Brzostowski. The Sztabińska Agricultural and Factory Institution was written about by, inter alia, L. Pietrusiński, J. Rółkowski, I.W. Kosmowska, J. Bartyś, G. Ryżewski, H. Zawistowska-Zacharewicz and S. Maciejewski. The files concerning the Sztabińska Agricultural and Factory Institution are located, among others, in the State Archives in Suwałki and the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Mastur Mastur

Discourse on Islamic education will never be separated from the political and cultural dynamics of a society. In the Indonesian context, the dynamics of Islamic education cannot be separated even shackled by the country's political policies and community pluralism which is a reality in Indonesia, both before independence until post-independence Indonesia. Since the first half of the 19th century, the history of Islamic education in Indonesia has begun a new phase marked by shifts and changes in almost all aspects including institutions, methods, curriculum and Islamic education orientation. At that time Islamic education was dominated by traditional educational institutions, namely boarding schools. Islamic education is an integral part of the National Education System. As part of the national education system, Islamic education gets legitimacy for sexuality and has a place to live and develop in Indonesia to meet the educational needs of the Islamic community as a majority citizen. State accommodation for the Islamic education system makes Islamic education systems and institutions have a strong foundation to be developed by supporting funds and attention from the state. Therefore, the state is obliged to develop an Islamic education system as one of the types of religious education in the national education system. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 137-165
Kamila Follprecht

Powołane przez Radę Miejską w 1887 r. Archiwum Aktów Dawnych Miasta Krakowa wzbogacało swój zasób dzięki darom przekazywanym przez mieszkańców – zarówno archiwaliów czy muzealiów, jak i książek. Natomiast działające od 1878 r. Krajowe Archiwum Aktów Grodzkich i Ziemskich w Krakowie, podlegające galicyjskim władzom krajowym, zaufanie ofiarodawców zaczęło zyskiwać dopiero po przejęciu w 1919 r. przez władze polskie. Te działania kontynuowało od 1952 r. Wojewódzkie Archiwum Państwowe w Krakowie, powstałe z połączenia obu archiwów (obecnie Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie). Wspieranie powstających w Krakowie w XIX w. muzeów i bibliotek gromadzących pamiątki minionej świetności Rzeczypospolitej było uznawane za patriotyczny obowiązek, z czasem dawało możliwość zabezpieczenia dla przyszłych pokoleń dokumentów rodzinnych, materiałów wytworzonych przez osoby aktywnie działające na różnych polach czy instytucji lub organizacji, które zakończyły działalność. Archiwum zawsze z wdzięcznością przyjmuje ofiarowywane archiwalia dotyczące Krakowa, Małopolski czy szerzej Galicji, bowiem misją archiwów państwowych jest zachowanie wszelkich materiałów archiwalnych będących źródłem do dziejów Polski i jej mieszkańców. Expansion of archival resources through donations. A contribution to the events of the National Archives in Krakow and its predecessors in the 19th–21st centuries Established by the Town Council in 1887, the Krakow Town Archives of Former Records enriched its resources thanks to donations from inhabitants – both archival materials or museum items, and books. However, operating from 1878, the Local Archives of Records of the Courts for the Nobility in Krakow, under the Galician authorities, only began to obtain the trust of benefactors after it was taken over by Polish authorities in 1919. These activities continued from 1952 in the form of the State Archive of the Krakow Province, founded through a merger of both archives (currently the National Archives in Krakow). Supporting the museums and libraries founded in Krakow in the 19th century that collected souvenirs of the past greatness of the Republic was regarded as a patriotic duty, providing an opportunity to safeguard for future generations family documents, materials created by those active in various fields or institutions and organisations which have ended their activities. The Archives always gratefully accepts donated archival materials connected with Krakow, Malopolska or Galicia, as the mission of the state archives is to store all archival materials that could be a source of information concerning the history of Poland and its inhabitants.

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-99
Nina I. Khimina ◽  

The article examines the history of collecting documentary and cultural heritage since 1917 and the participation of archives, museums and libraries in the creation of the Archival Fund of the country. In the 1920s and 1930s, archival institutions were established through the efforts of outstanding representatives of Russian culture. At the same period, the structure and activities of the museums created earlier in the Russian state in the 18th – 19th centuries were improved. The new museums that had been opened in various regions of Russia received rescued archival funds, collections and occasional papers. It is shown that during this period there was a discussion about the differentiation of the concepts of an “archive”, “library” and a “museum”. The present work reveals the difficulties in the interaction between museums, libraries and archives in the process of saving the cultural heritage of the state and arranging archival documents; the article also discusses the problems and complications in the formation of the State Archival Fund of the USSR. During this period, the development of normative and methodological documents regulating the main areas of work on the description and registration of records received by state repositories contributed to a more efficient use and publication of the documents stored in the state archives. It is noted that museums and libraries had problems connected with the description of the archival documents accepted for storage, with record keeping and the creation of the finding aids for them, as well as with the possibilities of effective use of the papers. The documents of the manuscript departments of museums and libraries have become part of the unified archival heritage of Russia and, together with the state archives, they now provide information resources for conducting various kinds of historical research.

E. S. Genina ◽  
B. B. Fuks

The authors of this article aimed at reconstructing the biography of B. I. Fuks in the context of the history of the Soviet era and its most important events. Boris Ilyich (Ber Eljich) Fuks (1897–1973) was a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, a surgeon, the founder of Novokuznetsk Surgical School. His scientific and pedagogical activity was primarily connected with the Tomsk State University and the State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, consistently located in Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Stalinsk (Novokuznetsk). The research is based on the documents found in the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the State Archives of Tomsk Region, the State Archives of Kemerovo Region, the State Archives of Kemerovo Region in Novokuznetsk, and the Archives of Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, and some publications in the central and local periodicals. The documents from the personal archive and memoirs of B. B. Fuks, the son of B. I. Fuks (Boston, USA), made up a separate important set of sources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 135-196
Piotr Dymmel

Autor zajmuje się planami Lublina, które przedstawiają cały obszar miasta w historycznym rozwoju. Plany Lublina nie tworzą dziś zwartego zbioru zgromadzonego w jednym miejscu. Ze względu na swoje funkcje, czas i okoliczności powstania, a także postać fizyczną są rozproszone zarówno w sensie przestrzennym, jak i instytucjonalnym. Najwięcej zabytków kartograficznych, przedstawiających obszar Lublina, zachowało się w archiwach państwowych w Polsce, z kolei spośród nich największy zbiór posiada Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie. Sytuacja ta wynika zasadniczo z urzędowego charakteru tych materiałów, które od początku XIX w. były tworzone głównie dla potrzeb władz i urzędów państwowych oraz miejskich w ramach pełnionych przez nie funkcji. Powstawały one przy okazji dokumentowania różnych czynności, związanych ze zmianami własnościowymi, projektowaniem budowlanym, planowaniem urbanistycznym i zagospodarowaniem przestrzennym. Wiedza na ich temat jest niepełna, co powoduje, że stan rozpoznania i zinwentaryzowania lubelskich planów nie jest jeszcze kompletny. W Archiwum Państwowym w Lublinie jest przechowywanych około 50 planów przedstawiających całą przestrzeń Lublina. Pochodzą one z okresu prawie dwóch stuleci, od końca XVIII do połowy XX w. Plany znajdują się w różnych zespołach archiwalnych, występują w postaci kolekcji tworzonej przez pojedyncze zabytki kartograficzne lub znajdują się w ramach poszczególnych zespołów, jako dokumentacja spraw tworzona w wyniku działalności urzędów. Rozproszenie materiałów kartograficznych powoduje w konsekwencji potrzebę ich rozpoznania i opisania. Zadaniem autora jest wykonanie prac podstawowych związanych z poszukiwaniem i rejestracją oraz analizą i opisem zachowanych zabytków kartograficznych. Historical Maps of Lublin in the Collection of the State Archives in Lublin Part I: the Area of the Entire City The author discusses the maps of Lublin that present the entire area of the city in historical development. Today, the maps of Lublin do not form a coherent collection gathered in one place: on account of their functions, time, and the circumstances of their creation and also of their physical form they are dispersed, both in the spatial and institutional sense. Most of cartographic relics representing the area of Lublin are preserved in the State Archives all over Poland; the greatest collection is in turn stored in the State Archive in Lublin. This situation stems mainly from the official character of these materials which, from the beginning or the 19th century, were created generally for the needs of the authorities and state and city offices as part of their functions. They were created alongside with the documentation of various activities connected with, inter alia, changes of ownerships, construction design, urban planning, and spatial development. The knowledge on their subject is not complete – consequently, the state of identification and inventory of Lublin map is not yet complete. In the State Archive in Lublin about 50 maps representing the entire area of Lublin are stored. They come from the period of almost two centuries, from the late 18th century to the mid-20th century. The maps are kept in various archival fonds, they appear in the form of collections created by single, cartographic pieces or are within particular fonds as the documentation of cases created as a result of the activity of the offices. Consequently, the dispersion of cartographic materials necessitates their identification and description. The author’s task is to carry out the basic work connected with the search, registration, analysis, and description of the preserved cartographic materials.

2021 ◽  
pp. 121-138
Vasily Zh. Tsvetkov ◽  

The publication of documentary materials reflects the history of the organization and conducting of the retreat of the units of Admiral A.V. Kolchak’s Eastern Front and the evacuation of civilian refugees from Omsk and other cities in Siberia in November 1919 – January 1920. The article considers the issues of the technical condition and operation of the TRANSSiberian railway and, in particular, the functioning of the rolling stock. Those aspects for the history of the Civil War in the East of Russia to this day remain poorly studied. Evidence is provided on the state of the military, refugee and civil trains, and about the situation of passengers. Consistently and with the involvement of documentary material, the stages of the preparation and implementation of evacuation measures are described, and the reasons for the failure of planned decisions are analyzed. The article presents evidence on the consequences of full-scale disaster with the railway accident that became part of the Civil War history in Siberia. The materials from the State Archives of the Russian Federation that have not been widely used in scientific research and have not been published yet, as well as some previously published documentary evidence, were used. The study of that aspect of the Civil War history in Siberia allows to get an idea of not only the military, but also of the political importance that the TRANS-Siberian railway played in the absence of developed transport communications in the East of Russia.

2019 ◽  
pp. 89-94
Mykola Zhulynskiy

In the article, the scientist focuses on the goal of education – the formation of a leading strata of the Ukrainian people – intellectuals, the national elite. The article states that the national character is formed only by the national school. The purpose of education is defined - formation of the leading layer of the Ukrainian people - intellectuals, national elites. It is noted that a conscious volyn political elite was formed. In a systematic analysis of archival sources, the author notes that in the State Archives of Ternopil region (fund 351) you can learn about the teachers of the gymnasium: the director and teacher of Latin Sergey Ulianovich Milyashkevich, professor of general history, geography and Latin Andrei Kutsa, professor of Ukrainian language and literature Victor Gnazhevsky , teachers of religion (Yuriy Ivanitsky), natural sciences and arithmetic (Luka Skibinetsky), manual labor, calligraphy and drawing (Vasyl Doroshenko), French and German; (Katerina Milyashkevich), teacher of mathematics. Physics and Chemistry (Vasyl Kavun). Describing the preconditions for the emergence of Ukrainian gymnasiums in Volyn, the author notes that at that time in the late 1920's Volyn voivodship operated 1144 schools, of which 390 were late saturdays, 750 Polish and only 4 schools with Ukrainian language education. The state program of assimilation of national minorities (the Ukrainian minority in the Second Common Polish Commonwealth was the second largest national group after the Poles, accounting for about 15% of the total population) in Volhynia was through compulsory school education in the spirit of the Propolis ideology. At the same time, Ukrainians sought to uphold the right to open schools with their native language of instruction even in those areas where they were quantitatively prevailing. This was guaranteed to the Ukrainians by the Polish Constitution of 1921. (Articles 110-111), but in reality it was extremely difficult to achieve this. Even the opening of a Ukrainian private school required a lot of effort - only with the permission of the minister of religion and public education. Kremenets Gymnasium, as well as Lutsk, as well as Rivne (arose thanks to the "Enlightenment" of 1923), nourished the native language, professed Orthodox traditions, revered outstanding national figures, leaders of the nation. It is from this angle that the role of the Ukrainian Gymnasium in Kremenets is shown, along with similar gymnasia in Lutsk and Vinnitsa in the formation of the secular and spiritual national consciousness of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, who later worked on asserting the statehood, including in the UPA ranks, for the development of the Ukrainian national culture.

Javier Puente

Agrarian transformations in Andean Peru, subject to larger sociopolitical and economic processes, entailed major material, environmental, and biological changes. The long history of sheep introduction in Andean environments, its specific impact on the central highlands, and the making of an Andean breed of sheep—the oveja Junín—illustrate how such transformations shaped rural Peru as a societal space. Following larger environmental patters in Latin America, sheep became the dominant animal of the upper Andean regions, populating depleted landscapes and refashioning otherwise hostile environments as areas of agrarian productivity. Many of the transformations that occurred during colonial times, particularly the consolidation of the hacienda system and the rise of sheepherding as a form of peonage, served manifold purposes in the transition to the national period. While the 19th-century liberal obliteration of corporate identities and property obscured the legacy of indigenous communities, sheep continued to thrive and set the conditions for the incorporation of the Peruvian countryside into the global world economy. In the 20th century, with the parallel arrival of state and capital governance, transforming sheep and sheepherding from vernacular expressions of livelihood into advanced forms of modern agrarian industrialism merged together scientific and veterinarian knowledge with local understandings, producing the oveja Junín as the ultimate result. As sheepherding modernized based on efficient husbandry, sheep modernity efficiently nurtured rural developmentalism, bringing together communal and capitalist interests in unprecedented ways. The state-sponsored project of granjas comunales devoted to capital-intensive grazing economies reveals how husbandry and modern grazing activities both reinforced and transformed societal organization within indigenous communities, sanctioning existing differences while providing a vocabulary of capital for recasting their internal social relations of production. When the state envisioned the centralization of otherwise profitable communal grazing economies, through the allegedly empowering language of agrarian reform, the cooperativization of land, labor, and animals led to communal, family, and individual disenfranchisement. Indigenous community members, turned into campesinos, sought new battlegrounds for resisting state intromission. Eventually, the very biology of the oveja Junín as an exclusive domain of state and capital became the target of campesino sabotage. As the agrarian reform collapsed and revolution engulfed the countryside, rural livelihoods—sheep included—faced their ultimate demise, often with severe degrees of violence. In this entire trajectory, sheep—and the oveja Junín—ruled the upper regions of the Andes like no political power ever did.

Bolívar Echeverría

In this note, Bolívar Echeverría highlights the importance of Sánchez Vázquez in the history of marxism, since 1950’s until the end of the 19th century. Echeverría observes the importance and radicality of Spanish philosopher’s philosophical approaches. From the debates with Althusser, Sartre and the dogmatic marxism, until the defence of radical democracy and the critic to the dictatorship of the Capital, the author reminds us of the state of being in force of Sánchez Vázquez’s work.

2017 ◽  
pp. 136-140
Maryna Budzar

The use of the epistolary heritage is one of the main requirements of the researchers who study Ukrainian cities. An important task is to reconstruct the history of Kyiv through the impressions of its inhabitants. Such a task is realized in the article, which is the publication of one of the letters of Hryhorii Pavlovych Galagan, the great landlord, influential public and cultural figure of the middle and second half of the 19th century, to his wife’s uncle, Oleksandr Vasyliovych Kochubey, the representative of the higher echelons of the imperial elite, a member of the State Council of Russian Empire. The document is a significant source. Apart the main theme of the letter — the visit of Emperor Alexander II to Kyiv in autumn of 1857, here is highlighted a number of socio-political and private-family issues. The publication of the document is important for the study of the Ukrainian elite of the 19th century in multidimensional manifestations of social and everyday life.

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