Scientific bulletin of KRHPA
Latest Publications





Published By Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy Оf Kremenets


2020 ◽  
pp. 50-57

Based on the analysis of the achievements of the classical and modern philosophical, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, theoretical and methodological foundations for substantiating the periodization of the historical and pedagogical phenomenon are determined. In this regard, the general scientific, pedagogical and historical-pedagogical approaches have been characterized, their importance has been proved to ensure the narrative nature of the study, the unity and continuity of the historical-pedagogical process.It is proved that the periodization of historical and pedagogical phenomena is one of the most complex, complex and multilevel problems of scientific knowledge. Periodization requires a thorough study of the object of study, data related to the pedagogy of science, a developed scientific and methodological worldview of the researcher. Analysis of the state of periodization of historical and pedagogical phenomena will identify the most typical shortcomings in the implementation of this scientific task, so to create conditions for further development of methodological foundations of historical and pedagogical science.The article states that classical and modern philosophical teachings are reflected in general and specific scientific methodologies of historical and pedagogical research, the main provisions of which are interdependent and interact with each other. This approach ensures the objectivity and narrative of scientific research, which is aimed at justifying the periodization of the historical and pedagogical phenomenon. Analysis of the methodological foundations of the problem allows us to conclude that their specificity is a combination of the doctrine of cognitive and practical methods. Therefore, the definition of theoretical and methodological principles of studying periodization is not only a means of achieving a high level of generalization, but also a tool for the practical transformation of pedagogical reality on a scientific basis. Key words: period ization, historical and pedagogical phenomenon, development, scientific approaches, philosophical doctrine.

2020 ◽  
pp. 128-140
Horopaha ◽  

The article reveals the issue of formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons, substantiates the pedagogical conditions of formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons. At the same time, environmental education is considered as the basis of a new paradigm of the modern educational system, which is based on personalityoriented and humanistic approaches to the organization of educational activities of students with speech disorders. The authors of the article single out the pedagogical conditions that proved to be effective for the formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons: the use of problem situations for the formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons; increasing the readiness of teachers to use innovative methods in combination with traditional ones in working with students with speech disorders; establishing interaction with parents to consolidate the acquired knowledge about nature. The authors proceed from the fact that in the formation of environmental competence of primary school children it is important to combine traditional educational methods with active methods of education, which require the child a higher level of independent cognitive activity. The article proves that the presence of students' interest in nature and their activity in learning about the environment plays a significant role in the formation of ecological culture. Attention is also paid to the formation of a number of research skills in students (to see the problem, to analyze the described situation, to make hypotheses about ways to solve the problem, to test their statements, to prove their own opinion, etc.).

2020 ◽  
pp. 141-158
Onyshchenko ◽  

The article analyzes the peculiarities of training future teachers in higher education institutions of different countries in order to implement the positive ideas of this experience in the higher education system of Ukraine. Peculiarities of training students abroad at the present stage of higher education development are determined: multilevel model of pedagogical education; high quality of pedagogical training, which meets the best world standards; the education system is decentralized; considerable attention is paid to the study of foreign languages; a systematic approach to the organization of professional development of teachers of general secondary education based on the restructuring and optimization of methods, forms and models of teaching through the integration of elements of practical activities into professional development curricula and the formation of continuing pedagogical education as an organically integrated, optimal and dynamic system; strengthening the independence and responsibility of students for their studies, the possibility of individualization of the curriculum, the growth of academic mobility; multiculturalism and polylingualism; multidisciplinary (acquisition of specialization in two subjects simultaneously); systematic and systematic use of innovative technologies; high level of personal-social-state orientation of the system of monitoring the quality of higher education; free access to statistics and mandatory publication of monitoring results by independent media; a small number of subjects taught (not more than 16 disciplines in one academic year); relocation of the center of professional and pedagogical training to school; growth of pedagogical practice and expansion of places of its passing; increasing the requirements for entrants both in the case of admission to pedagogical specialties and during their employment; increasing the role and importance of various professional organizations (associations, unions, centers of pedagogical skills, schools of professional growth) in the process of professional development and certification of teachers. It is noted that taking into account the selected features of foreign experience in the domestic system of training future teachers will contribute to the effective modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine. Key words: higher education, Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia, professional training, future teachers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 73-92
Iryna Tsisaruk

In the article reveals the content of the structural and functional model of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology. To visualize the specific goals, ways and results of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology in the process of independent work, a modeling method was used, which is based on the principle of analogy and provides the opportunity to study a real object not directly but through consideration an object similar to it, that is, its model. The method of experimental research «pedagogical modeling» is revealed as the initial stage of process design, which involves creating conditions to achieve the goal, determining the stages and components of this process, developing strategies, forms, methods, tools, technologies of professional development and more. The structural-functional model is based primarily on the social order based on the expected results of the future teacher of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work throughout life. Given the specifics of the process of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology in the process of independent work, in our opinion, we must take into account the model of future professional activity, the structural elements of which we include taking into account the social order theoretical and methodological block (purpose, conceptual principles, methodological approaches, principles); procedural-semantic block (structural components, strategies, forms, methods, means) with an interactive development program and diagnostic-effective block (criteria, indicators, levels), focused on the preparation of future teachers of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work during life. Also, in the article defines and theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for ensuring the success and efficiency of the studied phenomenon, which ensured the continuity, efficiency and reliability of the process. Key words: model, modeling, professional development, future teachers of labor training and technologies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 103-113
Nadiya Babiy ◽  
Ivanna Salanda ◽  
Vitaliy Tsisaruk ◽  
Rostyslav Harmatiuk

The methods of application of information and communication technologies are considered in the article. Their role in the formation of interdisciplinary links in the process of training teachers of vocational training of students majoring in 015 Vocational Education «Woodworking». The main approaches to the study of ICT in the system of professional pedagogical training are described. Scientific and methodological sources of research of various aspects of the use of information technologies and teaching aids on the problems of pedagogical and professional education are analyzed. The work of most scientists was carried out in the direction of the use of ICT in the study of individual educational components. The structure and content of the system of studying ICT tools in the disciplines «Information technology and teaching aids», «Descriptive geometry, drawings», «Fundamentals of computer-aided design of wood products» are determined. On the basis of own experience the technique of realization of interdisciplinary communications at a choice of subjects of tasks for laboratory and graphic works from the specified educational components is offered. The method of planning laboratory works is revealed, which provides for the drawing of products by means of ICT for their further realization in the material within two or more disciplines. An example of this task in the development of a furniture product (flag stand) and its production in the material in the interdisciplinary relationship «Fundamentals of CAD of wood products» and «Technology of furniture production». It is established that this approach provides a combination of theory and practice, significant time savings and intensification of the educational process and improves its quality as a whole. Keywords: vocational education, ICT, teacher of vocational training, interdisciplinary links, computer-aided design systems

2020 ◽  
pp. 159-172

The article considers the example of a country whose educational system has absorbed the ideas of philosophical concepts of critical thinking of I. Kant and M. Lipman. After all, thanks to the dynamic integration processes in the world, we pay attention to reflective models of education, which lead us to the question: What is more relevant today – memorization of information or its critical analysis? The article attempts to investigate the organization of education in Finnish schools through the prism of I. Kant's reflexive model and M. Lipman's reflexive model of educational practice. I. Kant in his work «Critique of Pure Reason» used the concept of reflection in order to explain the specifics of the work of consciousness. He divided the concept of reflection into transcendental and logical. Logical reflection only compares concepts with each other and cannot judge things a priori. Transcendental reflection – the basis for the possibility of objective comparison of ideas with each other. Based on the provisions of Kant's work on reflection as a way of forming new concepts and judgments through the comparison of existing ideas, M. Lipman proposed a reflective model of education, which is devoted to his work «Reflective model of educational practice. The article also analyzes the role of phenomenon-based teaching and learning in the education of critical thinking, which is necessary for the successful life of the individual in the modern information society. The Finnish school shows us that the study of phenomena helps the student not only to understand what is happening, but pushes him to formulate an independent opinion on any issue in life. This creates an approach called «reflective model of education», which was fully discussed by I. Kant in the field of philosophy, and M. Lipman in the field of psychology and pedagogy. The article attempts to argue that the construction of the learning process in the Finnish school has the features of a reflexive paradigm of critical practice, which is its integral feature. The experience of organizing education in a Finnish school can be used in the development of a new Ukrainian school. Key words: reflection, reflective model of educational practice, critical thinking, criteria, judgments, phenomena, phenomenon-oriented learning and teaching.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-25

Autonomy as a principle of organizing activities and ensuring the management of the university remains the subject of heated debate. Approaches to its implementation in the system of national education, coordination from the standpoint of internationalization of educational processes, determining the place of the higher education system of Ukraine in the European and world educational space differ. Identifying the general and special in the development of Ukrainian 6 university education and the University of Western Europe will help to outline prospects and identify real ways to address this issue. Problems of democratization and humanization of higher education became relevant in the late 20-th century. The transition to the market economy of competition and freedom of choice also affected higher education. In modern conditions, the development of its new model is economically determined and socially demanded. However, history and the present prove that a a high role of university in the education system, in the social and political life depends primarily on the level of its autonomy and academic climate. Autonomy is necessary for university to realize the interests of its social environment and its own internal goals. Since the 13-th century European University that arose in Italy and southern France began its expansion as the way of providing higher education. By the middle of the 15-th century «university development» covered the whole Central Europe. Problems of democratization and humanization of higher education became relevant in the late 20-th century. The transition to the market economy of competition and freedom of choice also affected higher education. In modern conditions, the development of its new model is economically determined and socially demanded. However, history and the present prove that a a high role of university in the education system, in the social and political life depends primarily on the level of its autonomy and academic climate. Autonomy is necessary for university to realize the interests of its social environment and its own internal goals. Ukraine faces a situation of overcoming the consequences of centralized management in higher education and developing of those features in academic life that are able to ensure the liberalization of higher education. The Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (2014) enshrines academic, organizational, financial autonomy of university and includes decentralization (a number of powers goes to the departments and faculties). University has to improve its status to provide services to many social institutions. Accordingly, it is necessary to coordinate priorities of the state policy in education, society interests, goals and objectives of university. Only then university can become an equal partner in relations with the state, civil society, labor market and individual. In this regard, it is important to determine the paradigmatic areas that set the differentiation and generate a variety in modeling of university: 1) education - research; 2) training - education; 3) patronage (public administration) - autonomy (self-government). The principle of autonomy is carefully protected by modern university, as it has been protected throughout the period of its development. This is required by the need to maintain academic status which allows to cultivate science, to educate intellectual elite, to develop spiritual potential of society. Autonomy remains the basis of university life, but today it should be redefined with a view to the internationalization of educational processes, the integration of university into economy, labor market and program of national development in the globalized world. Key words: organizational autonomy, academic autonomy, university autonomy, internationalization of higher education, historical practices, challenges of today

2020 ◽  
pp. 38-49

The article touches upon the problems of organization and semantic direction of professional education of elementary school teachers on the territory of Ukraine at the time of Russian Empire and the Soviet period. The specifics of degree education of future teachers is defined: the way of formation, development, factors, which cause their changes.The periodization of this process, created by O. Shkvyr is suggested. The role of famous people of the past time in formation and development of fundamental preparation of teachers is mentioned. For example, M. Lomonosov, who suggested to create a special pedagogical educational institution , developed and substantiated mandatory requirements towards practical activity of teachers; K. Ushynskiy , as the author of the first systems of preparation of folk school teachers , recommendations concerning organization of the teachers' seminarium activity and the content of future preparation of folk school teachers. Some aspects touch upon the experience of educational institutions, where professional preparation of teachers for elementary school took place, are also described in this article. Legislative documents and scientific- pedagogical literature, which illustrate the state and content of professional preparation of future teachers of the elementary school on different stages of the society development , are analyzed. Key words: a teacher of the elementary school, content of education, a period, professional preparation, development, formation, degree education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-72

The article considers the essence and features of the student-centered approach as a system-forming principle of organization of the educational process of future social workers in the conditions of modern educational realities. The implementation of innovative institutional tools that can help train highly qualified professionals in demand in the labor market has been focused. The system-forming nature of the principle of student-centered approach and the improvement of the system of student training in accordance with the samples of the best foreign experience have been emphasized. An essential aspect of this educational process is the recognition of equal partners in the management of students with a balance between cross-border cooperation and competition in 59 higher education. This is the involvement in global dialogue at all levels of teachers and future social workers in order to remove barriers to the formation of the ability to independently acquire and develop the necessary knowledge (self-growth), to develop information and social skills. The possibilities of using network technologies in the organization of training according to the student-centered approach have been outlined. Competency, student-centered and SMART-educational models have been focused. The article clearly sets out the priorities and emphasis on the formation of the future social worker's ability to organize communications in social networks, select useful information, work with electronic sources, compile personal knowledge bases, which were gained during practical activities. The views of scientists on the impact of online education on the preparation of students majoring in «Social Work» for professional activities have been suggested. Particular attention is paid to SMART-education, which is based on an interactive educational environment with the involvement of information resources from around the world. An important achievement is the introduction of smart technologies in the educational process: mobility and continuity of access to educational information; autonomy of teachers and students through the use of Internet networks, mobile devices with access to educational information; flexible learning in terms of student interests and professional orientation, support for the trajectory of personal development of each student; creation of motivational models of learning; the constant relationship between the requirements of the employer and the content of education; teaching students to work effectively with a wealth of information. At the same time, this model of education involves the organization of individual learning processes of students. The results of an empirical study to identify the attitude of future social workers to the introduction of student-centered network education are the following: the creation of communications in social networks; autonomy of teacher and student with the help of Internet resources; competent use of electronic sources; solving theoretical and practical problems through the use of network technologies. Key words: pedagogical training, educational process, future social workers, students, student-centered approach, network education, communications, smart technologies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-37

The peculiarities of the development of organizational and academic autonomy of Kharkiv Imperial University in 1804–1835 are highlighted. It is shown that during the specified period the dynamics of the university autonomy process was characterized by a decrease in independence. It is proved that during 1804–1814 the institution was characterized by a high level of personnel autonomy. There were appointment and dismissal of teachers and officials, training of professors), managerial and educational autonomy (opening schools, finding teachers, writing textbooks, attracting local funds for educational needs), teaching autonomy ( teachers' free choice of sources for preparation for classes, high level of academic freedoms), publishing autonomy (printing in their own printing house) and student autonomy. The reasons for the change in attitudes towards the university and its independence after 1815 are analyzed (news of the murder of a history teacher by a German student, as a result - fears of youth free-thinking by the Ministry of Education, interference in university life, division of society into supporters and establishments of higher education). The events that became natural for that time are covered. They are the attack of the government and the most reactionary figures (O. Sturdza, M. Magnytskyi, D. Runich, I. Laval, etc.) on higher education and on university autonomy, ignoring the provisions of the democratic statute of 1804, publication in periodicals of articles directed against the independence of universities; dismissal of qualified teachers, reduction of the quality of higher education, etc. The level of organizational and academic autonomy in 1815–1835 is characterized (subordination of the university administration to the trustee, who now controlled all issues of the university; introduction of strict censorship; restriction of freedom of teaching; departure of foreign professors abroad; lack of teaching staff; superior treatment of students; loss of other privileges, etc.). The role of academic freedoms in the development of the student's personality is shown (self-preparation of higher education seekers, fundamental professional training, respect for academic virtues, gratitude of the university). Key words: organizational autonomy, academic autonomy, university, academic freedoms, higher education, student training.

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