scholarly journals Милош и Россия

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Виктория Ушинскене

Viktorija UšinskienėMilosz and Russia The article presents the writer’s views on Russia found in his key pieces, such as Russia. A trans-oceanic point of view, Family Europe and some others. Milosz takes on ideas that shaped Russian culture as uniquely expressed in the literary, philosophic and religious thinking of the late 19th–20th century.The person of F.Dostoyevsky is in focus of Milosz investigations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-214
R. A. Silantiev ◽  
A. R. Krganov

Russia has always been a country with large Islamic population. From the Middle Ages the dialogue between Christians and Muslims has always been an integral part of the Russian culture. The article highlights the stages of the Christian-Muslim dialogue in Russia. From the point of view of its authors, this dialogue became fully developed by the middle of 19th century. In its subsequent development it has already passed the three main stages, which are labelled as the “tsarist”, the “Soviet” and the “early post-Soviet”. According to the authors the present situation can be described as the “late post-Soviet” stage. The article comprises a description and definition of this stage as well as a prognosis of its development in the future.

Цзин ЛИ ◽  
Любовь Александровна ЗОЛОТАРЁВА

В статье анализируются китайские учебники русского языка с точки зрения отражения в них стереотипных представлений о поведении русского человека в различных бытовых ситуациях. Материал ограничен темами первого года обучения, в течение которого у китайских студентов языковых факультетов закладываются основы знаний о русской культуре, это темы «Семья», «О себе», «Учёба», «Рабочий день», «В гостях», «Отдых», «У врача», «В кафе», «Магазины, покупки». Авторы привлекают внимание к спорным моментам в учебном материале, требующем специального комментария преподавателя русского языка. В статье анализируются как положительные, так и отрицательные стереотипы, которые служат основой для создания первичного образа представителя русской культуры. При анализе материала был использован сопоставительный метод. русский язык как иностранный, русский язык в Китае, стереотипные представления, китайские учебники русского языка, «Русский язык в университетах (Восток)», стереотипы о русских именах, внешность русских, поведение и привычки русских людей, устаревшая информация The article analyzes Chinese textbooks of the Russian language from the point of view of their reflection of stereotypical ideas about the behavior of a Russian person in various everyday situations. The material is limited to the topics of the first year of study, during which Chinese students of language faculties learn the basics of knowledge about Russian culture. The list of topics includes: “Family”, “About Me”, “Study”, “Workday”, “Away”, “Rest”, “At the doctor”, “In a cafe”, and “Supermarkets, purchases”. The authors draw attention to controversial points in the educational material, requiring special commentary from the Russian language teacher. The article analyzes both positive and negative stereotypes, which are the basis for creating the primary image of a representative of Russian culture. The image of a Russian person represented in first-year textbooks is not ideal, both advantages and vices are noted. The authors also point out that some of the material in the Chinese textbooks no longer corresponds to today’s Russian reality and needs to be corrected. A comparative method is used in the analysis of the material. Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in China, stereotypes, Chinese textbooks of the Russian language, “Russian language at universities (East)”, stereotypes about Russian names, Russian appearance, behavior and habits of Russian people, outdated information

Vitaliy Yu. Darenskiy

Russian culture should be adequately represented in the modern cultural consciousness as a unique phenomenon. Among new approaches there seem to be three that can be considered the most important and promising. 1) The concept of the iconicity of Orthodox culture, created by V.V. Lepakhin, that is now being developed by a significant number of interesting authors in various aspects. 2) The concept of Russian literature Easterness (Paskhalnost), substantiated by I.A. Yesaulov and potentially applicable to the general specific characteristics of Russian culture as a whole. 3) The concept of Russian culture as the “culture of transformation”, in contrast to the Western culture of individual “self-realization”. The purpose of this article is to review the most important works within the outlined conceptual field and formulate general principles for understanding the iconicity of Russian culture as its ontological basis. From the methodological point of view, we are talking about a kind of “archeology of culture” (by analogy with the “archeology of knowledge” of M. Foucault) – that is, the discovery of the primary historical foundations of Russian culture, which were later obscured by the influence of Western culture, especially in its secular forms. In the West, the original and universal principle of the iconicity of Christian culture was gradually replaced by the principle of “sculpturality”. If iconicity is the focus of man and every creature on the Creator and on his highest heavenly perfection, which presupposes the path of transformation and the clear distinction between the created and non-created; then sculpturality is the self-sufficiency of man and all creations, closing them in their proud self-sufficiency, and thereby closing the way for their transformation. Since the Christian East has preserved Orthodoxy, it is here that the original “matrix” of Christian culture has been preserved, indestructible by any later Western influences, although it has experienced strong deformations and “pseudomorphoses” under their onslaught. Iconicity is the original ontology of culture as such: on the one hand, it preserves the original paradise connection with eternal and perfect existence at the moment of creation; on the other hand, it also carries the act of ontological catastrophe bringing death, evil and imperfection into the world. The concept of Russian culture “iconicity” is considered to be the most important theoretical achievement of modern Russian thought. It combines, on the one hand, cultural and theological accuracy, and, on the other, – the huge practical potential for the revival of the national spirit.

1984 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-57
N. A. Zabolotski

The centenary of the death of the Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky (1821–81) is not merely an anniversary like any other, but a landmark in human history which deserves to be noted, observed and reflected upon. It is not just by chance that his novels and stories are still being read appreciatively, particularly by non-Russian speakers who have no background in Russian culture. Furthermore, it is not simply a desire to penetrate the secrets of the Russian heart, the peculiarities of the Russian character or the Russian style of life that creates their interest in his writings. Dostoevsky did of course reflect his own age and describe the situation in the Russia of his time, and it is valuable to study this aspect of his work. But it is not the whole. From the depth of his sensitive heart and with his prophetic finger this writer touched on something not exclusively Russian, but universal, global, even cosmic. He introduced philosophy and theology into a story in such a way that even a hundred years later everyone can find something familiar and personal in it, irrespective of his culture and language. He unearthed seeds which bore shoots many years later. He reflected in a Christian way on the crops and the future of what had been sown, and traced the mechanism of the historical process, not merely from the political and socio-economic point of view, but in human terms. This is probably the most significant feature of Dostoevsky's work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-97
Beata Waligorska-Olejniczak

Andrei Zvyagintsev often emphasises the opinion that Russian culture originates from classic Russian literature, i.e. the works of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Platonov etc. Treating the director’s approach (expressed in many interviews) as a kind of justification the proposed paper focuses on the interpretation of Leviathan from the comparative point of view, adapting the traditions of Saltykov-Shchedrin, in particular those deriving from his novel The Golovlyov Family. The methodological foundation of the presented case study constitute the concepts of cultural memory of Aleida Assmann, Renate Lachmann and Astrid Erll, which find their common ground in treating literature as a medium through which culture is continually rewritten, retranscribed and renegotiated. The interpretation of the selected satirical aspects of eating and drinking activities found both in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s and Zvyagintsev’s works leads to establishing a new intertextual relationship in the domain of cultural memory and to revealing areas of cultural communication between different media, based on structural and symbolic parallels revealed in the literary and cinematic text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-45
Maria R. Nenarokova

The article focuses on a little-known poem “Flowers” by P. A. Vyazemsky. The history of the poem, its genre and content are under consideration. The works of French light poetry belonging to the subgenre “bouquet poem” and written in the period from 1803 to 1822 were taken as material for comparison. The research relevance lies in the need to consider the interaction of two phenomena of French culture, light poetry and the language of flowers, and their adaptation by Russian culture. The novelty of the research lies in highlighting the subgenre of light poetry “bouquet poem”, in considering the circumstances of creation of the poem “Flowers” and in studying the list of plants mentioned by Vyazemsky in this poem from the point of view of the language of flowers. The study showed that the poem “Flowers” could be written as a poetic tribute to the memory of the playwright Ozerov. It testifies to the strong influence of French literature on Vyazemsky’s work. In terms of structure, composition and set of loci communes, it fully meets the requirements for a “bouquet poem”. Vyazemsky was familiar with all the European traditions of the language of flowers, while he himself created new meanings for some of the plants mentioned in the poem.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-53
R.A. Simonov ◽  
E.R. Simonova

The article considers the medieval and ancient astronomical concept "variable hour", used in astrology. Acquired in Russia before the XVI century, this point of view, rather than a modern (permanent) hour, lasting 60 minutes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 01015
Irina Pirozhkova

High-quality education is one of the main goals of Russia today. To reach it, the educational authorities, textbook and study guides authors and teachers should cooperate to identify the main problems and find their solution. One of the serious challenges of the Russian students is poor knowledge of foreign languages that reduces their chances to continue their education abroad. One of the ways to improve knowledge of a foreign language is to provide motivational and up-to-date educational resources including textbooks and visual aids. This research analyzes ESL textbooks from the point of view of Russia’s image presentation. Several cognitive strategies of the country’s image presentation have been singled out, among the most frequent are inclusion of phenomena of Russian culture along with culture-bound information of other countries; stereotypical representation of Russian culture without modern socio-cultural context; emphasis on Russian scientific achievements; presentation of traditional and historic facts; and emphasis on Russian politics. Students’ attitudes to culture bound materials are revealed in a survey. Recommendations to textbook authors and teachers are provided.

2021 ◽  
pp. 296-306
А.К. Ахмадиев ◽  
Е.А. Зевелева ◽  
С.В. Лепилин ◽  
Н.М. Третьякова

В статье предпринимается попытка осмысления принятых в результате всенародного голосования изменений в действующей Конституции Российской Федерации с точки зрения их влияния на развитие российской культуры. Анализируются конкретные конституционные положения, делается вывод, о том, что новые конституционные требования предполагают значительные изменения в структуре и содержании преподавания многих гуманитарных дисциплин. При этом акцент в статье делается на новых задачах, которые возникают в преподавании учебной дисциплины «Культурология». Но говоря о культурной самобытности российской культуры не следует ограничиваться этническими и этнографическими аспектами. Важно подняться на общенациональный уровень, осмыслять общероссийские культурные традиции и особенности. Именно русской культуре свойственны такие черты как космизм (отсюда возникло такое направление в русской философии как русский космизм, свойственный многим российским философам и ученым), соборность и общинность русского самосознания, взаимопомощь, стремление жить по правде, поиск правды, а также стремление во всем быть первопроходцами. The article attempts to understand the amendments to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted as a result of the popular vote from the point of view of their impact on the development of Russian culture. Specific constitutional provisions are analyzed, and it is concluded that the new constitutional requirements imply significant changes in the structure and content of teaching many humanities. At the same time, the article focuses on the new tasks that arise in the teaching of the discipline "Cultural Studies". But speaking about the cultural identity of Russian culture should not be limited to ethnic and ethnographic aspects. It is important to rise to the national level, to understand the all-Russian cultural traditions and peculiarities. Russian Russian Russian Russian culture is characterized by such features as cosmism (hence arose such a direction in Russian philosophy as Russian cosmism, characteristic of many Russian philosophers and scientists), sobornost and communality of Russian self-consciousness, mutual assistance, the desire to live by the truth, the search for truth, as well as the desire to be pioneers in everything.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 480-489
Aleksey V. Lomonosov

The article presents the categories of the declared topic (counterpoint, dialogism). It considers a viewpoint on the method of philosophical monologue in V.V. Rozanov’s works. In contrast to previous studies, the article shifted the focus of consideration of the creative method of V.V. Rozanov towards publication of his correspondents’ letters. The author joins the scientists who consider polyphonism to be the main method of poetics of V.V. Rozanov’s works. The article deals with the principal ideas of the dialogic method used by the thinker to work with the texts of the letters. The article notes the novelty in Russian literature of the epistolary-dialogical genre used by the writer during the publication of letters of such prominent figures of Russian culture as V.S. Solovyov, S.A. Rachinsky, N.N. Strakhov, which are now stored in the Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library. V.V. Rozanov’s use of notes and comments to letters of his correspondents can be considered priority, marking the beginning of his unique polemic style, which eventually grew into the unsurpassed author’s genre of “fallen leaves”. It is noted that it was V.V. Rozanov who managed to turn the genre of notes from an auxiliary component of book’s content into the main one. In addition to well-known epistolary publications in the series “Literary Exiles”, the article draws attention to the fact that V.V. Rozanov uses letters of the clergy in the course of the religious and philosophical discussions of the early 20th century on modernization of the Church. The article confirmed the point of view that V.V. Rozanov used the dialogical method while creating the texts of his publications, by the example of his work with letters in the unique genre of “Literary Exiles” and in early polemical works. There is shown that the process of literary creation in V.V. Rozanov’s works invariably reflects the discursive nature of his way of thinking and exhibits before the reader the creator of new forms of self-expression in literary creativity.

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