scholarly journals The Translation Strategy of Slang Expression in Comic Entitled The Punisher

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-144
Dwi Santika

Abstraks Penelitian ini membahas tentang strategi penerjemahan ungkapan bahasa slang dalam sebuah komik yang berjudul The Punisher. Komik ini diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Hindi R. Ibrahim. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain: pertama, untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis ungkapan bahasa slang yang ada dalam komik The Punisher. Kedua untuk menjelaskan strategi penerjemahan ungkapan bahasa slang dalam komik The Punisher. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sebagai alat pengumpul data, peneliti melakukan beberapa hal, antara lain: membaca komik The Punisher dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia; menandai ungkapan bahasa slang dan menyeleksinya untuk diklasifikasi berdasarkan jenis dan strategi penerjemahannya menurut teori yang ada dalam beberapa sumber. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat empat tipe ungkapan bahasa slang dalam hasil terjemahan komik The Punisher, identifikasi-kelompok, kreatifitas, privasi, dan sekresi, (informalitas dan intimasi, vulgaritas dan ofensif). Adapun strategi penerjemahannya antara lain, penghalusan, secara literal, dan kompensasi stilistika.---Abstract In this research, the researcher concerns with translation study, that is, the translation strategy of slang expression in comic entitled The Punisher translated by Hindi R. Ibrahim. The objectives of the research are: (1) to identified the type of slang expression based on its function used in the target language, (2) to describe slang translation strategy applied in the translation. The researcher uses qualitative descriptive method in order to reach objectives of the research. The researcher employs herself to collect data; by reading the comic and its translation, marking the slang expressions, classifying, selecting and analyzing them based on the type of slang theory and slang translation strategy theory which are taken from some relevant references. Findings of this research show that: first, the four types of slang expression are used in source language \nc\udegroup-identification and creativity, privacy and secrecy, informality and intimacy, andvulgarity and offensiveness; second, all strategies applied in the translation they are literal softening, literal translation and stylistic compensation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Raja Rachmawati

This article discusses Indonesian—Poetry translation. The purpose of this article is to describe the strategies of translating poetry of Chairil Anwar by Raffel Raffel in “The Complete Prose and Poetry of Chairil Anwar”, a book written and edited by Raffel Raffel. In order to reach the purpose, the poetries of the source language are compared with the poetries of the target language in order to find out the strategy used in the translation. The method applied in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis of the meaning. The data were analyzed by using some strategies of translation theory in general given by Newmark, Vinay and Dalberhet, Baker, and Hoed and the strategy of translating poetry by Lavefere. The result of the analysis shows that the general translation strategy used in the translation of Chairil Anwar Poetries are modulation translation, calque or literal translation, descriptive equivalence translation, generic words translation, additional translation and interpretation translation. Meanwhile the strategies of translating poetry used by Raffel are metrical translation, rhymed translation, blank verse translation, and interpretation translation.AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas penerjemahan puisi bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan strategi penejemahan puisi-puisi Chairil Anwar oleh Raffel Raffel dalam bukunya yang berjudul The Complete Prose and Poetry of Chairil Anwar. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, puisi-puisi Chairil Anwar dalam bahasa Indonesia dibandingkan dengan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan strategi penerjemahan secara umum yang dikemukakan oleh Newmark, Vinay dan Dalberhet, Baker, and Hoed dan strategi penerjemahan puisi oleh Andre Lavefere. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa strategi penejemahan umum yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan puisi Chairil Anwar adalah strategi penerjemahan modulasi, calque atau penerjemahan literal, kesepadanan deskriptif, penerjemahan dengan kata generik atau kata yang lebih umum, penerjemahan dengan tambahan dan penerjemahan dengan pengurangan. Sedangkan strategi penerjemahan puisi yang digunakan oleh Raffel adalah penerjemahan metris, penerjemahan rima atau sajak, penerjemahan bait secara bebas, dan penerjemahan interpretasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-116
Dede Zahrotun Nufus

Abtraks Penelitian ini membahas tentang keberterimaan penerjemahan humor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis penerjemahan humor dan keberterimaan bahasanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendapatkan penelitian yang objektif. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan untuk memeroleh data adalah dengan menggunakan intrumen peneliti sendiri sebagai alat pengumpul datanya. Misalnya dengan menonton film yang memiliki subtitle bahasa Inggris dan film yang bersubtitle bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian mengklasifikasi jenis-jenis humor yang sudah ditandai. Selanjutnya peneliti menjelaskannya berdasarkan konsep keberterimaan yang diajukan oleh Nababan, parameter penilaian keberterimaan suatu terjemahan. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga jenis humor, seperti humor budaya, humor universal, dan humor linguistik. Dari ketiga jenis humor tersebut, jenis humor budaya lebih sering ditemukan atau muncul dalam penerjemahan subtitle film tersebut.---Abstract The research discusses about the acceptability of humor translation. The analysis is aimed to identify the types of humor translation and its acceptability in target language. The researcher uses qualitative descriptive method to  get the  objective of the research. In order to get the valid data the researcher employs herself to collect the data;   by   watching   the   movie   both   in   English   and   Indonesian   version, understanding and marking the humor that appear in the movie, classifying the types of humor and describing the acceptability of humor which is translated from source   language   into    target   language   base   on   Nababan’s   parameter   of acceptability rates assessment theory. Findings of the research show that: first, three types of humor are found in the movie  Penguins of Madagascar linguistic humor, cultural humor, and universal humor; second, the most frequently types found is cultural humor; third, based on the result of translation version is acceptable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-70

The function of translation is to convey meaning or message from source language text into target language text. However, in translating, the translator will face some problems, for example is the translation of repetitive Indonesian adjectives. This study investigates how repetitive Indonesian adjectives are translated into English. Indonesian has repetitive adjectives such as tinggi-tinggi, cantik-cantik, and jauh-jauh and the English translation of the repetition is not tall-tall, beautiful-beautiful, and far-far respectively. The method applied in this study is qualitative descriptive method. The data will be categorized and classified and then analyzed in accordance with the principle, translation strategies, and relevant theories. The result of the study shows that literal translation strategy and transposition strategy are the most frequent strategy used by the translator. Some of them are translated in the different form grammatically but the meaning of the message in source language is well maintained into the target language. The principle of translation employed by the translator to translate Indonesian repetitive adjective is meaning.

Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas ◽  
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono

<em>This article is of specialized translation study. It discusses a translation activity conducted by a visually impaired translator. The study focuses on the translation techniques, methods, and ideology which are carried out by the translator. Using qualitative descriptive method, the authors are able to identify that the translator uses five translation techniques. Four (addition, reduction, adaptation, and generalization) are target-language-oriented techniques and one technique is source-language-oriented one (borrowing). In translating TVKU news text, the subject of the study applies four translation steps. To conclude, the translator’s cognitive concept affects his decision to translate the text.</em>

Andika Wijaya ◽  
Gloria Christine Setiyowati

Song lyric translation is important because in these recent decades people can access songs worldwide. The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of the difference between singable translations made by an Indonesian translator and a foreign translator by investigating what translation procedures and methods occur in two translated songs from Indonesian to English using qualitative descriptive method. The result of this research indicates that the singable translation made by a foreign translator is more identical to the source language (SL) compared to the one made by an Indonesian translator. However, despite the differences, the two translated songs share something in common, for instance the singability and the length of lyrics. Taking the findings into consideration, it could be said that the foreign translator is more faithful to the source text (ST), while the Indonesian translator emphasizes the target language (TL) more.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Darso Donatus

This study aims at identifying the types of category shifts and explaining their occurrence in the translation of complex noun phrases from English into Indonesian in The Valley of Fear Novel. The data were collected using observation method which was supported by implementing note taking technique in order to find out, identify, and classify the data. The data were analyzed by applying the qualitative descriptive method. The theory applied in this study is the theory of translation proposed by Catford (1965) to identify the types of category shifts found and to explain their occurrence. The result shows that all types of category shifts proposed by Catford (1965) such as structure shift, class shift, intra-system shift, and unit shift are found in the translation. Structure shift occurs in the highest frequency of 339 cases or about 66,86% out of total 507 cases, class shift occurs 75 cases or 14,79 % out of total 507 cases, and intra-system shift occurs 48 cases or 9,46 % out of total 507 cases, and unit shift occurs 45 cases or 8,87 % out of total 507 cases. The occurrence of category shift is caused by the different characteristics of source language and target language.

Epigram ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-8
Yoyok Sabar Waluyo ◽  
Laelah Fauziah

This study is a translation study focused on translation technique and quality especially on acceptability aspect. Linguistic units used to analyze is noun phrases existed in the magazine of “Colours Garuda Indonesia” published on November 2018. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Translation technique used refers to Molina&Albir and translation quality assessment uses categories proposed by Nababan, et.als. The study reveals that types of noun phrases mostly found in this study are modification noun phrases. The most commonly translated using established equivalence. The quality aspect of acceptability translation is on the score 2.7 of 3. It means result of translation can be accepted well by the reader of Bahasa Indonesia. Words or phrases translated reader comprehend them well because they are usually used in Bahasa Indonesia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-375
Fitri Iskandar

Abstract This article discusses about the types of idiomatic expression and the translation accuracy of English idiomatic expression into Indonesian in “Big Hero 6” film subtitle translated by Lebah Ganteng by using qualitative descriptive method. The writer analyses the data by classifying the type of idiomatic expressions based on McCarthy and O’Dell’s theory about the types of idiom, giving explication toward the translation strategy of idiomatic expression that is done by the translator based on Mona Baker’s theory about translation strategy of idiom, and analyzing the translation accuracy of English idiomatic expression translation into Indonesian considering the appropriate of the context of film and related theory about accuracy-rating assessment by Nababan. As the result, the types of idiomatic expression applied in that film are compound, verb +object, prepositional phrase, and whole clause and sentence. The translator seems prefer to use omission of entire idiom, paraphrasing, and using idiom of similar meaning and form strategy in translating idiom expression. ---Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang jenis-jenis ungkapan idiom dan keakurasian terjemahan subtitle idiom dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam film “Big Hero 6” yang diterjemahkan oleh tim Lebah Ganteng dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penulis mengklasifikasi jenis ungkapan idiom berdasrkan teori   McCarthy dan O’Dell, mengenai jenis-jenis idiom, dengan memberikan eksplikasi terhadap strategi penerjemahan yang dilakukan berdasarkan teorinya Mona Baker, Strategi Penerjemahan Idiom. Di samping itu penulis juga menganalisis keakurasian penerjemahan ungkapan idiom dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan konsep Penilaian Penerjemahan yang diajukan oleh Nababan. Hasil dari pembahasan tentang penerjemahan idiom yang ada dalam film tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa penerjemah tampaknya lebih sering menggunakan penghilangan idiom, memparafrasa, dan menggunakan kesamaan idiom antara bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.556810

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Hanifah Hikmawati

<pre><a name="_Hlk89781071"></a><span class="y2iqfc"><span lang="EN-US">The translation process includes transferring the source language into the target language with the intention of knowing the meaning. When meaning is expressed  to the reader, then all information, insight, and knowledge can also be understood. As in textbooks, knowledge conveyed through texts in it of course have references from foreign languages, including Arabic. Therefore, in this article there are several objectives; (1) becoming one of the references for writers and translators in understanding the importance of the translation process to find out the meaning of writing textbooks, (2) helping students and students learn to understand science through printed books. In particular, the discussion in this article is focused on understanding, strategies and the urgency of meaning in Arabic translation which is applied to writing lesson texts. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data obtained are sourced from observations, findings, and literature reviews from various sources. The results of the analysis of this article are in the form of emphasizing the importance of the translation process as language transfer and messages from the source text which includes the source language into the target text which includes the target language. The translation process must refer to the understanding of both languages, and involve the sensitivity and feelings of the translator. This translation strengthens the position of language and cultural differences that are no longer a barrier in the development of science. Thus, by using a good and correct translation process, the meaning of textbooks can be fully grasped</span></span></pre>

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Sri Minda Murni

The aims of this study were to find out the types of translation procedures in Patient Information Leaflets, to describe the realization of translation procedures and to explain about the reason of certain translation procedures realized in Patient Information Leaflets.The research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive design. The data of this study was translation unit that consists of words, phrases, clauses and sentences in Patient Information Leaflets in two versions, English as the source text and Bahasa Indonesia as the target text. The data was analyzed by using the theory of Translation Procedures based on (Vinay and Darbelnet ; 2000) to find the types, realization and the reason of certain translation procedures were used in Patient Information Leaflets. The results of the study were (1) there were eight types of translation procedures in patient information leflets namely borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalent, deletion and mixing procedures. (2)There were some realization of translation procedures in patient information leaflets , namely pure loanwords, naturalization, word for word translation, optional transposition, obligatory transposition, free modulation, obligatory modulation, equivalency, reduction, and combining procedures, and (3) there were seven reasons behind the realization of translation procedures namely the concept of the source text is unknown, preserving the verbatim meaning of the source text, unequivalent grammatical structures between source language and target language, naturalism in translation, clarity in translation, familiarity and maintaining the original terms of the source text.Key Words: Translation, Translation Procedures, Patient Information Leaflets, English and Bahasa Indonesia.

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