scholarly journals Trade missions in the system of Ukrainian economic diplomacy

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Roman Petyur ◽  
Anastasiia Viunenko

The article is devoted to the study of trade missions as a tool of economic diplomacy. The purpose of the article is to study the Ukrainian practice of using the mechanism of trade missions abroad and to develop proposals for improving the system of trade and economic representation of the country abroad.The paper presents global examples of the implementation of economic diplomacy, as well as models that can be borrowed from Ukraine. The authors give examples not only of forms of trade representations, but also of coordination methods of activity of such foreign bodies of foreign relations. The relevance of the study is due to a number of reasons, including: increased competition from global markets, as well as the need to expand opportunities of Ukrainian exports after the forced abandonment of the Russian market in 2013-2014. Trade offices are an effective form of trade presence in foreign markets thus ensuring not only the development of the national economy, but also protecting the interests of business entities. Given that currently the institution of trade missions in Ukraine does not have a mechanism that would meet modern needs, there is a need to explore appropriate models of developed countries to adapt the system of public administration in Ukraine to the challenges of international economic relations.Particular attention was paid to the evolution of the system of trade and economic missions (TEM) of Ukraine. The authors assessed the consequences of the liquidation of TEM in 2010 and the introduction of new forms of representations of Ukraine abroad to ensure national economic interests and the implementation of economic diplomacy, as well as the feasibility of such changes. It is established that the Ukrainian model of economic diplomacy needs significant reforms in order to effectively ensure the function of representation in the economic sphere outside the country. Having studied the similar experience of foreign countries, the authors offer a number of successful cases for borrowing these approaches in Ukrainian practice.

2021 ◽  
pp. 187-194
Lyudmila Golovataia ◽  

The problems of developing the export of Moldovan goods and services, as well as improving international competitiveness, are very relevant today. Strengthening the position of the Republic of Moldova in the world economy is a necessary and inevitable task. However, foreign policy and foreign economic factors, such as pressure from multinational corporations, create difficulties for Moldovan companies to defend and promote their interests in foreign markets. The underdevelopment of the domestic export promotion system, the complexity of the international political and economic environment, numerous risks actualize the need to analyze and consider the concept of business diplomacy within the framework of economic diplomacy as a promising mechanism for ensuring the interests of industry and individual companies in foreign countries. Being a subspecies of economic diplomacy, business diplomacy is characterized as a more applied form of realization of economic interests, including methods of lobbying and communication with the state. Such a form of promotion of economic interests at the international level, based on diplomatic structures and trade missions, can promote closer cooperation of domestic companies, both with foreign state bodies and with Moldovan departments in order to realize commercial interests abroad. The article shows the real situation in the field of economic diplomacy in the Republic of Moldova and gives some recommendations for its improvement.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74
Yoon Heo ◽  
Nguyen Khanh Doanh

This paper examines the impacts of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in foreign markets on ASEAN countries' exports for the period 2005 - 2010 using a dyanamic panel data model, which allows us to account for persistence effect. In order to solve the inconsistency of OLS in a dynamic modelling, we opt for the system GMM estimator because it helps researchers overcome the problems of serial correlation,heteroskedasticity, and enogeneity for some explanator variables. Our reselts are robust and summarized as follows. first, reinfoced IPR protection in foreign countries has a positive effect on ASEAN'S exports, indicating the dominance of market expansion effect. Second, regardless of the level of economic development in importing countries, stronger IPR protection induces ASEAN's exports to foreign countries. Third, the trade impacts of IPR protection are strongest in high-income trading partners, followed by medium-income,and finally, low-income partner countries. Fourth,at the sectoral level, the effect of IPR protection is found to be the strongest for capital-intensive exports to highly developed countries.

Yu. A. Svalova ◽  
G. N. Konnov

The article discusses a number of problems and prospects for the development of competition in the context of the growing digitalization of the Russian economy. It is noted that the digital economy is becoming a relatively independent environment for the economic life of business entities. The reaction of the state, business and the population caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic served as a catalyst to accelerate the digitalization of the economy.Largely, this acceleration was due to the ineffectiveness of standard measures to combat the pandemic, which made it necessary to revise the “frame of reference” for the development of the economy as a whole, to adjust the traditional approaches to antimonopoly regulation.According to the authors, the modern economic policy of Russia should be aimed at preserving and developing domestic entrepreneurship interested in developing the national economic environment, using profits for the development of domestic markets.This approach creates the preconditions for the growth of a national socially responsible business focused on competing in foreign markets.To achieve this goal, it is necessary to update the existing legal instruments (including using the mechanism provided for by the National Plan for the Development of Competition in the Russian Federation) in the field of antimonopoly control, tariff regulation, public procurement in order to ensure the growth of the competitiveness of Russian goods (including services) in foreign markets.

Volodymyr Tytykalo

The main macroeconomic preconditions of formation and development of economic potential of machine – building enterprises of Ukraine are considered in the article. The level of economic potential of machine-building enterprises is characterized on the basis of research of a share of the processing industry in GDP of the country. The dynamics of the index of industrial production of Ukraine for 2013-2020 is studied. The positive dynamics of the number of business entities of the machine-building industry for 2013-2019 has been established. The dynamics of the volumes of manufactured products of machine-building enterprises is analyzed and its interrelation with the growth of the number of economic entities in the branch is established. The main trends of global machine-building markets, which reflect the economic potential of enterprises in the industry, are considered. The potential of the industry development in the form of the production base, the possibility of its renewal and modernization to create products based on domestic research and development are installed. Global and national economic shifts pose fundamentally new challenges to the management of machine-building enterprises, the solution of which requires a comprehensive diagnosis of the conditions of their operation. The dynamism and complexity of market processes that accompany the activities of machine-building enterprises require a systematic approach to the analysis of external and internal environment, analysis of changes in the dynamics of indicators and the establishment of priorities for economic development. The need to intensify the formation and development of economic potential of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine is also due to the importance of the transition to the sixth technological mode, the signs of which can be seen in a number of developed countries. Despite the positive dynamics of some key performance indicators of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises, a number of key issues remain unresolved and require the development of new management practices in partnership between government and business in order to increase the competitiveness of this key industry sector of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-156
Kostiantyn FLISSAK

Introduction. One of the challenges of the globalized world economic system to national economies is the need to optimize their participation in the international division of labour. In this regard, increases the importance of the investment segment of foreign economic activity in achieving economic growth in competitive conditions with the priority of providing national economic interests . The purpose of the article is to review the investment relations of the Visegrad four countries in dynamics, to determine their investment priorities in attracting foreign direct investment in the national economy and in making direct capital investments abroad, to summarize their practice of supporting investment in the country and abroad, to draw attention to the possibilities of their adaptation to the Ukrainian practice of foreign economic activity. Results. There are considered the financial component of foreign economic activity of the Visegrad four countries in the investment segment, the dynamics of bilateral investment flows, and the features and priorities of investment cooperation between the countries in foreign markets. There is drawn attention to the system of providing state support for investing within countries and abroad in the interests of the national economy. Conclusions. The dynamics of the investment segment of the Visegrad four countries in foreign economic activity demonstrates the priority of countries in expanding their investment presence in foreign markets. At the same time, the national interests of each of the states, taking into account EU membership, are different, which determines the presence of peculiarities in the formation and implementation of the investment policy of each of the countries. The implementation of the priority of expanding the investment presence in foreign markets and effectively attracting FDI to the national economy increases, despite the market status, role and impact of state regulation of these processes. State assistance is implemented by appropriate regulatory support for investment activities, the use of a wide range of financial and institutional support for investment cooperation, the creation of a network of structures for implementing investment policy, taking into account the specifics of countries and in the context of promoting national economic interests.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
T. H. Bondaruk ◽  
O. S. Bondaruk

It is justified that scientific studies of economic security at country level gain higher importance in the conditions of transformation. The processes concerned with the investment security are gaining special significance, because it is an important condition for the sustainable development of a country. An econometric assessment of the data on incoming foreign direct investment in the national economy and Investment Attractiveness Index of Ukraine is performed. The theoretical framework of the investment security and its strategic goals are investigated. The investment security mechanism is defined by the author as the system of organizational, economic, institutional and legal actions with impact on the domestic economic environment, intended to stimulate domestic and foreign investors to sustain the scopes of economic investment capable to guarantee the extended reproduction of the economy, protection of the national economic interests,  effective location, prevention and liquidation of the threats to the investment security of a country. The theoretical construction of the investment security mechanism is defined; its underlying theoretical and methodological principles are extended. It is shown that the organizational and economic mechanism for the investment security represents a multilevel hierarchical system of causally linked organizational and economic mechanisms and their typical groups (entities, objects, principles, methods, instruments etc.), and the ways of their interactions that harmonize economic relations (interests) of the government and business entities and the whole society. It is demonstrated that the investment security needs to be based on the following principles: the elaborated strategy; the clearly formulated national economic interests; the classification of threats; the defined set of indicators and their marginal levels; the security assessment; the applications of tools, ways and methods to ensure security; the elaborated strategy of the investment security. The investment security mechanism is implemented with the goal of guaranteeing the national economic interest. It is shown that the next step in the study has to focus on indentifying the risks and threats to the investment security and building the mechanism for protecting the national interests of a country.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 125-132
Є. М. Найдьон ◽  
В. А. Сандул

The relevance of the article is that one of the largest economic areas of state regulation of Ukraine's economy is taxation. After all, it is through taxes that economic relations and the interests of the state, regions, citizens of the state and business entities are regulated. With the advent of the state there is a need to pay taxes to form the state budget. Therefore, they are an attribute of the state. Taxes are known to be an integral part of the financial system on which the normal functioning of the state is based. The activity of the tax system of our state is first of all closely connected with economic, political or any other situation. That is why it can be argued that the state of the tax system is influenced by the level of development in the country, developed legislation and progressive changes. The tax systems of different countries operate on different principles, and therefore taxes are collected differently in them, and the purposes for which they are intended are different. However, the composition and structure of the Ukrainian tax system is to some extent similar to the tax systems of developed countries, and needs further improvement taking into account their experience. The purpose of the article is to analyze the tax systems of foreign countries and formulate proposals to improve the mechanism of its functioning and directions of reforming the modern tax system of Ukraine. It is concluded that the successful construction of the tax system is an important condition for Ukraine's integration into the world market. Reforming the tax legislation of Ukraine is a necessary condition for the effective operation of the economic system as a whole. Thus, the study shows the imperfection of the domestic tax system and the need to improve it in accordance with and taking into account the experience of progressive tax systems of foreign countries. Thus, the creation of a tax system that will focus on domestic producers and at the same time promote new investment, economic development, competitiveness, providing benefits and advantages to new and technologically updated enterprises will help fill the state budget. Reducing the rates of the single social contribution, according to the legislator, will help increase the economic activity of businesses that find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the economic downturn and financial and economic crisis and will help displace the shadow economy.

Berdikulov Mashrab Alikulovich ◽  

In this article, the author makes an analytical approach of business entities activities and its legal bases in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad. In particular, the role of business entities in the economy of the country, its share in the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) was analyzed in comparison with other foreign countries. Opinions were drafted on the legitimization of the activities of business entities, which led to the term “legitimacy” of various definitions and concepts of scientists. At the same time, the author has widely covered the role of Republic of Uzbekistan in the international rating of the World Bank “Doing Business” criteria and the reforms carried out in this area through the legalization of entrepreneurial activity of business entities. In the current period of the pandemic, measures implemented in Uzbekistan and a number of developed countries to support entrepreneurship and their activities were compared. Proceeding from the article, in the summary section, the author put forward some suggestions and recommendations on legislation in the field of legitimization of business activity.

Adam Bodіuk

The subject of the study is the mechanism for determining the fiscal fee forthe main transportation of hydrocarbon goods as a resource concept. The purposeof this article is to justify the nature and prospects of using, instead of currentrent, hydrocarbon fiscal-main income as a fiscal payment, which is brought intothe state budget by operators of the main hydrocarbon-transport system as business entities for their transportation of hydrocarbons and products of their processing through main pipelines appropriate to the economic requirements. Theresearch methodology is determined by a combination of methods: a) cognition:legal analysis (study of the regulatory framework for the use of rent); b) justification: abstract logical analysis (definition of the concepts of hydrocarbon fiscalmain income); c) generalization (substantiation of conclusions and proposals).Results of work. In the process of analyzing the regulatory legal acts that regulate the use of current annuity as payment to the budget for the main transportation of hydrocarbons, it was established that it is not a tax in the interpretationof PKU, since the essence does not meet the official definition of tax, does notmeet the accepted definition of the concept of rent. The accepted nature andmechanism of paying rent for the transportation of hydrogen resources and associated revenues of the state and users of the main hydrogen transport systemand the unpromising nature of its use as a fiscal payment are analyzed. Conclusions.It is proposed that the state pay for the territorial pumping of hydrocarbon resources according to our triple principle as hydrocarbon fiscal-main income, whichcorresponds to its essence, and accordingly change the mechanism for calculatingand depositing funds to treasury accounts. Since the funds come to the revenueside of the state budget, that is, inherently belong to state revenue. The creationof such a mechanism needs certain studies, justifications and government decisions. The same applies to land use, since the quality indicators of soils, wherethe laid pipelines are territorially different. In addition, there is a process ofchanging land for its intended purpose, for the property. The fee for movinghydrocarbon resources should be calculated depending on the type of transport,including pipelines, for a set of indicators: quantity and quality of goods, time,main tariffs and distance of its movement. The amount may be adjusted usingfactors officially established by the CMU. Since the pipelines are located in territorial lands, part of this fee should be transferred to the territorial local budgets.Theoretically, the economic use of trunk pipelines should be considered as a typeof economic environmental management. Therefore, this type of government revenue should be determined by a set of indicators, as well as taking into account the economic interests of business entities authorized by the CMU. Thus, theimplementation of our proposed fiscal payment is relevant, has scientific noveltyand promising practical significance, therefore, for state recognition it is proposedto include it in the Tax Code of Ukraine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-214
Cucu Susilawati

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is attacking not only public health but also the economy. The presence of Covid-19 has many important impacts on developed countries. There are at least four industries most impacted by this pandemic, including households, MSMEs, companies and the financial industry. However, the halal industry is believed to be more resilient to the Covid-19 pandemic. This durability is because of the principles attributed to the halal sector, namely the importance of fairness, balance and openness. The author’s goal is therefore to carry out more in-depth research on the role of the halal industry in supporting the national economy, which is under pressure because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of study is a literature review with a material analysis approach that explores the conditions of the halal industry in Indonesia in depth. The material received is as books, published information, and online news. The findings of this study reveal that there are three halal business sectors that are believed to be more vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic in order to facilitate national economic recovery. Halal finance, halal food and halal fashion industries are among them. Halal finance from both the banking sector and the Islamic stock market has proved to be more robust than the mainstream financial sector. Besides guaranteed halal food, its wellbeing is also guaranteed, and halal fashion is now on the rise as Muslim fashion is increasingly innovative and global. We believe the three of them to have experienced vigorous growth, and also to continue to draw customers. And also after the Covid-19 pandemic, these three sectors could survive. Thus the halal industry also contributes to Indonesian economy.

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