Some Biophysical Modeling of the Human Circulation Apparatus

Janos Vincze ◽  
Gabriella Vincze- Tiszay

Statistics from Hungary over the last seven years clearly show that diseases of the circulatory device lead the statistics on the causes of death. The Hungarian trend is the same as the global trend, with circulatory system disease being the most common cause of death in every country. The modeling of the blood volume, if we administer a certain substance amount, then its passing speed will depend on its concentration, hence the volume at which it spreads in the deposit. Consider the contraction and relaxation of the atrium/ventricle of the human heart; use the function of the rhythmic change for this. We apply the calorimetric principles for the measurement of the gastric blood flow. In the physio­pathology research of the circulation in arteriopathic people, when there are necessary arguments refering to the efficiency of new medicines or for the purpose of reestablishing the work capacity, the clinic diagnostic must be completed with laboratory samples: regional debt, peripheral arterial resistance, circulation time. Its measuring can be made with a normal double walls calorimeter and we measure the water temperature variations. Knowing the values of the previous formulas and the mass of blood circulated in that segment, we find out the segment’s flow. The human organism is a system because it is made up of a finite number of interacting p1, p2,… pn elements, characterized by the quantitative degree of q1, q2,… qn. The circulatory apparatus is a subsystem of the human body. In our opinion, the circulatory device should have a control associated with its own structure, which is likely to consist of neurons with hyperordonated spatial structure, called the “hypothetical secondary brain”, which performs certain control functions. This “hypothetical secondary brain” of the circulatory apparatus, in humans, functions continuously throughout their life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 494-502
Janos Vincze ◽  
Gabriella Vincze-Tiszay ◽  
Julianna Szakacs

The circulatory apparatus has as a main function the constant maintaining of the internal environment in all the regions of the organism. The blood is a liquid tissue, being formed of a fundamental substance – plasma and blood cells. Heart is the central organ of the cardiovascular apparatus. The heart muscles have numerous biophysical properties. The cardiac muscle is never tired unless it suffered a pathological process. During the diastole, blood is aspired in the heart and during the systole it is pushed in the big and small circulation. The blood amount pushed from the heart in the vascular system in a certain time represents the blood flow. The biophysical methods are next: we administer a certain substance amount, then its passing speed will depend on its concentration; to apply the calorimetric principles for the measurement of the gastric blood flow; the diagnostic of a chronic peripheral arteriopathy we use the calorimetric method is based on measuring the heat being introduced in a certain amount of water which has known temperature; one of the most often used methods for the evaluation of the use of radioisotopes in the cardio-vascular system is the compartment method. Any attempt to apply biophysics to the life systems involves three stages. First we observe the phenomena and formulate a biophysical description in the form of equations; after to solve the equations. Finally we return to the real life system and interpret this solution in terms of reality, this interpretation may requiew experimental testing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  

Biophysics uses certain devices to help it study the processes analogue to the ones that happen in the biological systems, hence material models. The importance on biophysics consists of the fact that a model for a simpler system gives the possibility to a certain extent to apply the same model to more complex functional systems as well (for example the organism). The respiratory movements are rhythmical and automatic: in an adult at rest is between 16 and 18 per minute. We write a periodic function for the deep breathing. So, the contraction and relaxation of the atrium and ventricle, are characterized by a periodic function. The menstrual period is a rhythmical pheno¬menon. The optimal systems ensure the coincidence between the regulated size and the reference one through negative retroaction, compensating the perturbation. The rhythmical phenomena are a very import role in human adaptation to the environment.

2011 ◽  
pp. 794-806
Dolores A. Steinman ◽  
David A. Steinman

In the following chapter, the authors will discuss the development of medical imaging and, through specific case studies, its application in elucidating the role of fluid mechanical forces in cardiovascular disease development and therapy (namely the connection between flow patterns and circulatory system disease - atherosclerosis and aneurysms) by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The research carried in the Biomedical Simulation Laboratory can be described as a multi-step process through which, from the reality of the human body through the generation of a mathematical model that is then translated into a visual representation, a refined visual representation easily understandable and used in the clinic is generated. Thus, the authors’ daily research generates virtual representations of blood flow that can serve two purposes: a) that of a model for a phenomenon or disease or b) that of a model for an experiment (non-invasive way of determining the best treatment option).

Healthcare ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 468
Maciej Jankowiak ◽  
Justyna Rój

Equitable access to cardiological rehabilitation services is one of the important elements in the effectiveness of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases as cardiological rehabilitation is an important part of circulatory system disease prevention and treatment. However, in many countries among others, Poland suffers from the underutilization of cardiac rehabilitation services. Cardiovascular diseases are the worldwide number one cause of mortality, morbidity, and disability and are responsible for the substantial increase in health care costs. Thus, the aim of the research was the analysis of geographical accessibility to cardiac rehabilitation services in Poland. Perkal’s method was employed in this research. The conducted research allowed to recognize the regional variation, but also made it possible to classify Polish voivodeships in terms of the level of availability achieved. This enables the identification of voivodeships that provide a good, or even very good, access to cardiology rehabilitation services and those characterized by low, or very low access. It was found that there was a slight regional variability in the access to cardiological rehabilitation services. However, the sufficient development of a rehabilitation infrastructure has been also recognized.

2020 ◽  
Marc Kaufman ◽  
Garrett Fitzmaurice

Abstract Background Nearly 800,000 suicides occur worldwide annually and suicide rates are increasing faster than population growth. Unfortunately, the pathophysiology of suicide remains poorly understood, which has hindered suicide prevention efforts. However, mechanistic clues may be found by studying effects of seasonality on suicide and other mortality causes. Suicides tend to peak in spring-summer periods and nadir in fall-winter periods while circulatory system disease-related mortality tends to exhibit the opposite temporal trends. This study aimed to determine for the first time whether monthly temporal cross-correlations exist between suicide and circulatory system disease-related mortality at the population level. If so and if common biological factors moderate risks for both mortality types, such factors may be discoverable and utilized to improve suicide prevention.Methods We conducted time series analyses of monthly mortality data from northern (England and Wales, South Korea, United States) and southern (Australia, Brazil) hemisphere countries during the period 2009-2018 (N=41.8 million all-cause mortality cases). We used a Poisson regression variant of the standard cosinor model to determine cross-correlations between monthly mortality rates from suicide and from circulatory system diseases.Results Suicide and circulatory disease-related mortality temporal patterns were negatively correlated in Australia (-0.32), Brazil (-0.57), South Korea (-0.32), and in the United States (-0.66), but no temporal correlation was discernable in England and Wales.Conclusions The negative temporal cross-correlations between these mortality types we found in 4 of 5 countries studied suggest that seasonal factors broadly and inversely moderate risks for circulatory disease-related mortality and suicide. Since the seasonal factors of temperature and light exert opposite effects on suicide and circulatory disease-related mortality in several countries, we propose that physiologically-adaptive circulatory system responses to heat and light may increase risk for suicide and should be studied to determine whether they affect suicide risk. For example, heat and light increase production and release of the bioactive gas nitric oxide and reduce circulatory system disease by relaxing blood vessel tone, while elevated nitric oxide levels are associated with suicidal behavior, inverse effects that parallel the inverse temporal mortality patterns we detected.

2020 ◽  
Alex Collie ◽  
Luke R Sheehan ◽  
Tyler J Lane

ABSTRACTThe Disability Support Pension (DSP) is the major Australian government financial benefit program for people of working age with medical conditions and disabilities that restrict work capacity. Between 2012 and 2018 a series of policy reforms sought to restrict the growth in DSP payments and encourage more people with some work capacity to seek employment. We characterise changes in three markers of access to disability financial support over the reform period (1) DSP recipient rates (2) DSP grant (approval) rates and (3) the rate of unemployment benefit receipt in people with impaired work capacity. Results demonstrate a significant reduction in DSP receipt and grant rates, and significant increase in the rate of unemployment benefit receipt in working-age Australians with work disabling medical conditions and disability. These changes were not distributed uniformly. People whose primary medical condition was a musculoskeletal or circulatory system disorder demonstrated greater declines in DSP receipt and grant rates, while there was a more rapid increase in unemployment benefit receipt among people with primary mental health conditions. Some trend changes occur in periods during which new disability assessment and pension eligibility policies were introduced, though our ability to attribute changes to specific policy changes is limited.FUNDING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study was supported by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship awarded to the first author (FT190100218). De-identified, aggregate data for the study was provided by the Australian Government Department of Human Services and Department of Social Services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 201-208
Janos Vincze ◽  
Gabriella Vincze-Tiszay

The human organism is a biophysical system. Stress represents a normal reaction of the organism which appears as a response to an aggression situation which requires an unusual and quick adaptation effort from the organism. Stress is a state of putting in alert, of mobilizing the forces of the organism in the occasion of an event which requires, in order to be kept under control, a big amount of energy in a very short time. This alert state or action preparation translated through physical and psychological manifestations. In higher-level living organisms the following forms of regulation are known: biological, nervous, hormonal, humoral and immune regulation. In the case of humans, psychic regulation also appears due to the existence of psychic activity. We study only two forms of the stress: fear and death. We present different biophysical modeling aspects. The stress in the human organism is a pertur­bation. This perturbation is regulates by negative feedback.

BMJ Open ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. e030636 ◽  
Kathrin Hegenberg ◽  
Heiko Trentzsch ◽  
Stephan Prückner

ObjectiveRising emergency medical services (EMS) utilisation increases transport to hospital emergency departments (ED). However, some patients receive outpatient treatment (discharged) while others are hospitalised (admitted). The aims of this analysis were to compare admitted and discharged cases, to assess whether cases that were discharged from the ED could be identified using dispatch data and to compare dispatch keyword categories and hospital diagnoses.DesignRetrospective observational study using linked secondary data.Setting and participants78 303 cases brought to 1 of 14 ED in the city of Munich, Germany, by EMS between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014.Main outcome measuresCharacteristics of admitted and discharged cases were assessed. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between discharge and age, sex, time of day, ambulance type and dispatch keyword category. Keyword categories were compared to hospital diagnoses.Results39.4% of cases were discharged. They were especially likely to be young (OR 10.53 (CI 9.31 to 11.92), comparing <15-year-olds to >70-year-olds) and to fall under the categories ‘accidents/trauma’ (OR 2.87 (CI 2.74 to 3.01)) or ‘other emergencies (unspecified)’ (OR 1.23 (CI 1.12 to 1.34) (compared with ‘cardiovascular’). Most frequent diagnoses came from chapter ‘injury and poisoning’ (30.1%) of the 10th revision of the international statistical classification of disease and related health problems (ICD-10), yet these diagnoses were more frequent at discharge (42.7 vs 22.0%) whereas circulatory system disease was less frequent (2.6 vs 21.8%). Except for accidents/trauma and intoxication/poisoning many underlying diagnoses were observed for the same dispatch keyword.ConclusionYoung age and dispatch for accidents or trauma were the strongest predictors of discharge. Even within the same dispatch keyword category the distribution of diagnoses differed between admitted and discharged cases. Discharge from the ED does not indicate that urgent response was unnecessary. However, these cases could be suitable for allocation to hospitals with low inpatient bed capacities and are of particular interest for future studies regarding the urgency of their condition.

Algorithms ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 162
Haijing Tang ◽  
Guo Chen ◽  
Yu Kang ◽  
Xu Yang

Chronic diseases represented by circulatory diseases have gradually become the main types of diseases affecting the health of our population. Establishing a circulatory system disease prediction model to predict the occurrence of diseases and controlling them is of great significance to the health of our population. This article is based on the prospective population cohort data of chronic diseases in China, based on the existing medical cohort studies, the Kaplan–Meier method was used for feature selection, and the traditional medical analysis model represented by the Cox proportional hazards model was used and introduced. Support vector machine research methods in machine learning establish circulatory system disease prediction models. This paper also attempts to introduce the proportion of the explanation variation (PEV) and the shrinkage factor to improve the Cox proportional hazards model; and the use of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the parameters of SVM model. Finally, the experimental verification of the above prediction models is carried out. This paper uses the model training time, Accuracy rate(ACC), the area under curve (AUC)of the Receiver Operator Characteristic curve (ROC) and other forecasting indicators. The experimental results show that the PSO-SVM-CSDPC disease prediction model and the S-Cox-CSDPC circulation system disease prediction model have the advantages of fast model solving speed, accurate prediction results and strong generalization ability, which are helpful for the intervention and control of chronic diseases.

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