scholarly journals Релевантность понятий «гештальт», «фигура», «фон», «фокус» для анализа концептуальной области «кажимости»

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46

The paper suggests the metacognitive representation of the conceptual framework of кажимость gestalt. The metacognitive representation is based on the inferential conclusions obtained by cognitive-discursive analysis of the functioning contexts of polysemous verbal predicates казаться, показаться. The Gestalt script includes native speakers’ experience conceptualized in the semantics of contexts. This experience can be presented by the following meta-utterances: The speaker knows that it is not possible to see an object being observed properly from afar, i.e. the first impression of it could turn out to be mistaken. The speaker also knows that it is possible to come closer to the object afterwards and observe it, i.e. to re-verify the results of perception empirically. This allows them to form a more complete idea / knowledge about the object. Subsequently, the speaker reflects on his first visual impression based on the received idea / knowledge, evaluates it as “true” or “false”. In addition, the speaker is aware that there are particular circumstances under which effect the visual images of objects in the real world are distorted and the recipient receives visual illusions. In the paper, a cognitive Gestalt script was formed. Based on it, all contexts with the words казаться, показаться are built. Due to the dialectical combination of perceptual and epistemic modes, a single /unified Gestalt script consists of two parts. On the one hand, there is supposed to be a subject-experiencer as well as his perceptual act, the object he observes, the first, potentially erroneous /distorted image of the object. There should also be a potential opportunity to implement an act of reflexive verification of the first impression and establish the truth. On the other hand, there is supposed to be the subject as a bearer of knowledge, his knowledge of the distorted character of the subject-experiencer's perception as well as his knowledge of the inconsistency between the subject-experiencer's first impression and what exists in reality. In addition, there should be implicit / explicit awareness of the reasons that led to the distortion of the perception results. The author demonstrates the integrity of the conceptual semantics of the Gestalt script. The correlation between the conceptual level and the level of language semantics is shown in a sketchy way in terms of figure, background, and focus. The author also describes focus shifts which underlie the construction of different contexts - background and figure.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 27-38
Oksana Evgen'evna Chernova ◽  
Aleksandra Anatol'evna Osipova ◽  
Dar'ya Sergeevna Buzhinskaya

Phraseological corpus of Russian language of the late XX – early XXI centuries has been enriched with multiple phraseological units. The subject of this research became neophraseologisms with “electronic” as the key component, actively used in modern publicistic discourse (electronic book, electronic textbook, electronic journal, electronic wallet, electronic library, and others). In Russia, the system of gradual fixation of emergence of new suprawords linguistic units did not form, thus composers of even the modern phraseological dictionaries include neologisms carefully, “sparsely”, often without due “linkage” to time and circumstances of their emergence, not fully answering the needs of a modern user. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that there is a need to conduct linguistic qualification and dictionary description of the Russian phraseological neologisms, emerged in the conditions of “digital pivot” of culture and formation of global communicative space. Abundance of supraword neologisms, which sensitively react to all changes in the life of society, is connected to a number of causes. On the one hand, on the background of geopolitical “redivisions” came drastic changes in the sociopolitical and socioeconomic life of the Russian native speakers. On the other hand, modern humanity is undergoing civilizational changes, caused by the “digital pivot” as coined by the renowned Polish phraseologist Wojciech Chlebda, driving formation of a global information network.

1981 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-201 ◽  
Jeffrey Hill

The grass-roots activities of the Independent Labour Party have been the subject of increased scrutiny from historians over the past few years, especially in the pages of this journal. Consequently we can now be a little surer about the contribution of the party to the development of an independent labour movement in Britain at the end of the nineteenth century, though with every fresh case-study a different local strategy seems to come to light. The one outstanding profile in this field is the closely observed account of the ILP in Bradford by J. Reynolds and K. Laybourn, who identify several key features in the party's growth in that city, notably the reformist nature of ILP socialism and the close associations with local trade unionism. “From the outset”, they tell us, “Bradford trade unionism and the Bradford ILP were seen as two aspects of a single homogeneous labour movement aimed at the emancipation of the working class from poverty and exploitation.”

1980 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-131 ◽  
David Spring

This brief account of Tocqueville's ideas on aristocratic society and government in England is intended to serve as a sort of introduction to the longer papers that follow in this symposium. For some years the subject of English aristocratic power in the 19th century—especially in connection with the First and Second Reform Acts—has been much discussed. The discussion has dwelt on such questions as whether the aristocracy grew or declined in power, whether the Reform Acts made for a growth or loss of power, whether aristocratic leadership knew precisely what it was doing, and so on. So far this discussion has been carried on, so to speak, exclusively from the inside: that is, in terms of contemporary English events and ideas. In Tocqueville, who was both an Anglophile and an informed and penetrating observer of England from the 1830s until his death in 1859, we have a distinguished outsider. His ideas are always interesting for their own sake. For this symposium they have the added merit of touching on some of its central themes. On occasion, his ideas may strike the reader as exaggerated, ambiguous, even inconsistent, certainly without system. But they are usually suggestive, and merit the historian's serious attention.Tocqueville's first impression of the English aristocracy was one of great power—a power rooted in its monopoly of landowner ship. As he saw it, the contrast between the French landowning aristocracy and the English was that between an aristocracy, on the one hand, that was land poor, and an aristocracy, on the other hand, that was richly endowed in land. Tocqueville also saw that if landed property did not always lead to economic power—since agriculture did not pay that well—it had a special quality, as compared to other forms of wealth, which was bound to lead to political power.

Archaeologia ◽  
1827 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 113-116
John Bruce

The derivation of the word “Mass” having lately been the subject of our conversation, I am induced to offer you the following Remarks upon it, from which I think it will appear that the word, as used to signify the service of the Roman Catholic Church, is wholly distinct, both in derivation and sense, from “mas” the adjunct to Christ, &c. in the words, “Christmas,” “Candlemas,” “Lammas,” &c. In the former sense it seems to come from the Latin “Missa,” and in the latter from the Anglo-Saxon “mærre;” the one having been used in the early ages of the Church as a word of dismission to the congregation, or a part of it, and the other signifying a feast or solemn festival.

2018 ◽  
pp. 106-122
O. Kovalova

The article is devoted to the problem of the correlation of the categories of discourse and functional style in modern specialists` interpretations. Attention to this problem is caused, on the one hand, by the growing popularity of the discursive analysis and the very term discourse, and, on the other hand, by the fact, that functional style remains one of the important categories in Eastern Europe linguistics. The key theories of discourse and functional style; the common features of discourse and functional style; the criteria for their separation have been singled out. The concepts of M. Foucault’s discourse, French and German-Austrian discourse analysis, schools of N. Arutyunova, T. van Dijk, as well as the understanding of the style of V. V. Vinogradov and M. N. Kozhina have been involved for the theoretical comparison of the above-mentioned categories. According to modern researchers, discourse and functional style relate to the neighbouring linguistic disciplines and have common features. One of them is extralinguistic factor, which directly determine the specificity of discourse and functional style. At the same time, researchers put borders for discourse and functional style, recognizing the complexity of the problem of their separation. The differentiation of the categories is carried out by means of the ontological criterion: the discourse is interpreted via the concept of “discursive formation”, while style is interpreted via “the form of public consciousness”. Accordingly, scholars come to the conclusion about the diversity of structure and nature of the discourse and functional style. The importance of each concept is stated and the neccessity of their joint application for a deeper linguistic analysis of the text is emphasized. The correlation of the discourse and functional style is also considered on the basis of the textocentric model of discourse. The thesis about a certain hierarchical subordination of the methods of stylistics and discourse-analysis is argued. It is said about the “embedding” of the stylistics into the subject of discourse analysis, which promotes interdisciplinary enrichment: in this case, the discourse analysis acquires the proper “linguostylistic” content, and stylistics is realized in the frames of functional parameters of the discourse.

1878 ◽  
Vol 27 (185-189) ◽  
pp. 383-388 ◽  

The many unexplained phenomena attending the passage of electricity through gases will probably for some time to come occupy the attention of experimental physicists. It is desirable that the subject should be approached from as many different sides as possible. One of our most powerful instruments of research is the spectroscope, but before it can be applied to the study in question we have to settle the chemical origin of the different spectra, which we observe in vacuum tubes, and to discuss in what way such spectra are liable to change under different circumstances. A special investigation has to be made for each gas; we have to study the effect of various impurities, the influence of the electrodes, and that of the glass which in the tubes generally used is considerably heated up by the spark. I have chosen oxygen as a first subject of investigation. Though Plücker and Wüllner have, as far as their experiments went, accurately described the phenomena seen in oxygen tubes, the following contains much that is new, and will put some of the older facts on a firmer basis. As some of the facts brought to light by the investigation bear directly on the question of double spectra, our knowledge on that point must be briefly referred to. We divide all known spectra into three orders. Continuous spectra, channelled space spectra, and line spectra. With regard to continuous spectra, it is shown that the older statement which limited them to liquid and solid bodies is no longer tenable. Most gases give continuous spectra long before they condense. Two theories of continuous spectra are noticed. The one considers that the vibrations of a molecule always tend to take place in a fixed period, but that the impacts of other molecules may, when the pressure is great or in liquid and solid bodies, prevent complete oscillations taking place, and thus produce a continuous spectrum. The other theory considers that, when a gas condenses, molecular combinations take place, which make the molecular structure more complicated, and may produce channelled space spectra or continuous spectra. According to the latter theory such molecular combinations are possible before the gas condenses, and thus the state of aggregation of the gas only indirectly affects the spectrum. The latter theory seems to be more consistent with experiment than the former one. For instance, it is shown that oxygen gives a continuous spectrum at the lowest temperature at which it is luminous. If the temperature be raised, the continuous spectrum is replaced by a line spectrum. This seems to be inexplicable by theory of molecular impacts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Carolina Tosi

In Argentina, the so-called “inclusive language” aims at avoiding the bias for a particular sex or gender and objects to a grammatical binary system (feminine – masculine). Although in most Spanish-speaking countries, inclusive language has been limited to the realms of activism, gender studies and a certain type of public administration, in Argentina, its use has been extended to different social spheres, mostly urban. Considering such context, this work aims to investigate the inclusive language in Spanish and characterize its most relevant resources in a series of public texts that circulated in Argentina between 2018 and 2020. On the one hand, its origin is explained, differentiating it from non-sexist language and the different theoretical positions around inclusive language are exposed. On the other hand, from the Dialogical Approach to Argumentation and Polyphony, this paper proposes to address inclusive language resources as subjectivity and polyphony marks which evidence certain aspects of the discourse of patriarchy, with respect to which there is dissent; therefore, inclusive language resources show viewpoints that were once silenced and rejected. For this, a corpus of various speeches is addressed, made up of outdoor urban inscriptions, flyers (advertisements), audiovisual informative speeches and digital press, written in inclusive language, between 2018 and 2020. Throughout the paper it is warns that the inclusive language marks, such as –e and x, are traces of the “heterogeneity shown marked” that object to grammatical binarism and convey comments by the subject about their own enunciation, alluding to the image of previous sexist and patriarchal discourses with whom they disagree. The analysis reveals that the words or expressions in which inclusive language resources are employed (-e and x) work as traces of harassed identities and manifest comments by the speaker on their own enunciation. This way, this research shows that gender inclusive language holds conflict linguistic marks which point to historically denied dissidence forms, linked to gender identity and the assertion of collective rights. Finally, this article aims at, on the one hand, contributing to the description of Argentinean Spanish, and on the other, promoting reflection in favor of linguistic education. Undoubtedly, opening instances of debate on the subject can have an impact on the deepening of linguistic reflection and the training of speakers who contribute to forging a more egalitarian society, one which is inclusive and respectful of differences.

Augusto Piccon

Este trabajo parte de una base, la cual no hace falta transitar nuevamente, y la da por supuesta, esto es, repetir por un lado la necesidad de adaptarnos como notarios a un nuevo soporte; así como el tabelión tuvo que pasar de la tablita de arcilla encerada que le dio su nombre, al uso del pergamino y luego del papel, nosotros tendremos que adaptarnos al uso del documento digital, o sea al instrumento que tiene un soporte metal-magnético. Tampoco adentrarnos en el tema de la firma digital, su historia, el procedimiento para llegar a la misma, etc. No queremos perder el tiempo en estos temas que tan bien han desarrollado otros autores en tantísimos trabajos para avanzar en un tema específico, en relación al documento digital, esto es la confección de un testimonio digital. Circunscribimos el planteo solo en relación al testimonio de la escritura, y no en relación al protocolo, pues creemos que si bien es necesario adaptarnos a las nuevas tecnologías, los cambios tienen que ser paulatinos. Necesariamente el cambio lleva una primera etapa de experimentación, de error y corrección, de conocimiento y manejo del tema, y principalmente porque el cambió no es bueno por el cambio mismo sino en base a fundamentos serios que dan lugar al mismo. Vemos muy claramente en este mundo que se ha revolucionado en el sector comunicacional, que es necesario contar con un documento apto para ser transmitido, de un lugar a otro con la inmediatez que nos dan la nuevas tecnologías y con las ventajas de contar con el pleno valor probatorio (tiene que salir a la luz las ventajas de que este documento digital sea público y no privado), pero no hay necesidad de dejar de lado el respaldo matriz y toda la seguridad que brinda. Todavía no se ven claramente las ventajas de un protocolo digital, quizás dentro de unos años, surjan estas ventajas, o quizás haya sistemas mas seguros en formato digital que en soporte papel, y debamos cambiar, pero aún no se ve este como el momento de hacerlo. ABSTRACT: This work starts from a base, which is not necessary to travel again, and takes it for granted, that is, repeating on the one hand the need to adapt as notaries to a new support; Just as the tabelion had to go from the waxed clay board that gave it its name, to the use of the parchment and then of the paper, we will have to adapt to the use of the digital document, that is, the instrument that has a metal-magnetic support. Nor do we get into the subject of the digital signature, its history, the procedure to reach it, etc. We do not want to waste time on these issues that other authors have developed so well in so many works to advance a specific topic, in relation to the digital document, this is the preparation of a digital testimony. We circumscribe the statement only in relation to the testimony of writing, and not in relation to the protocol, because we believe that while it is necessary to adapt to new technologies, the changes have to be gradual. Necessarily the change takes a first stage of experimentation, of error and correction, of knowledge and handling of the subject, and mainly because the change is not good for the change itself but based on serious foundations that give rise to it. We see very clearly in this world that has been revolutionized in the communication sector, that it is necessary to have a document capable of being transmitted, from one place to another with the immediacy that new technologies give us and with the advantages of having the full probative value (the advantages of this digital document being public and not private) have to come to light, but there is no need to set aside the matrix support and all the security it provides. The advantages of a digital protocol are still not clearly seen, perhaps in a few years, these advantages arise, or perhaps there are more secure systems in digital format than in paper format, and we must change, but this is not yet seen as the moment of doing it.

2009 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 512-548 ◽  
Constant J. Mews

Dancing is not often associated with Christian liturgy, at least in modern experience. Yet according to theMitralis de Officioof Sicard, bishop of Cremona (1185–1215), composed about 1200, the circular dance (chorea) provides a key metaphor for understanding the liturgy of Easter. Sicard here draws together two earlier discussions of the subject, both from the twelfth century and of enormously wide influence, manifesting a more positive attitude toward dance than found in many early medieval commentators on the liturgy: theGemma animae(Jewel of the soul) of Honorius Augustodunensis, composed for a monastic audience in the early twelfth century, probably in Germany, and theDe ecclesiasticis officiisof John Beleth, a secular cleric writing probably in Pariscirca1150–1160. While many scholars have observed the renewal of interest in the pagan authors within a literary context in the twelfth century, the witness of liturgical commentaries from the period has been little noticed. Sicard implies that the festivities of the pagan Saturnalia and its associated freedom of expression (the so-called “December freedom”) can legitimately be used to explain the festivities that take place at Easter:All Christians ought to come together freely at the above mentioned daily offices to celebrate the glory of the resurrection, which will be revealed in us. This solemnity is therefore the jubilee of Christians, when quarrels are settled, offenses forgiven. Let those who had sinned be reconciled, let debts be canceled. Let work places not be opened, merchandise not displayed for sale except for those things without which a meal cannot take place. Let prisoners be freed, shepherds and servants not forced to service so that they are able to enjoy freedom and to delight in the festivity of future joy. Thus it is that in the cloisters of certain churches even bishops enjoy the December freedom with their clerics, even to descending to the game of the circular dance or ball (ludum choreae vel pilae)—although it seems more praiseworthy not to play; this “December freedom” is so called in that in the month of December, shepherds, servants, and maidservants were governed among the gentiles with a kind of freedom by their masters, so that they could celebrate with them after the harvest was collected. And note that the gentiles established circular dances to honor idols, so that they might praise their gods by voice and serve them with their whole body, wanting to foreshadow in them in their own way something of the mystery. For through the circling, they understood the revolution of the firmament; through the joining of hands, the interconnection of the elements, through the gestures of bodies, the motions of the signs or planets; through the melodies of singers, the harmonies of the planets; through the clapping of hands and the stamping of feet, the sounding of thunder; but what those people showed to their idols, the worshipers of the one God converted to his praise. For the people who crossed from the Red Sea are said to have led a circular dance, Mary is reported to have sung with the tambourine; and David danced before the ark with all his strength and composed psalms with his harp, and Solomon placed singers around the altar, who are said to have created sound with voice, trumpet, cymbals, organs, and other musical instruments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-28
Vladimir I. Karasik

The paper deals with the hermeneutic approach to drama interpretation on the material of «The Tragedy of Coriolanus» by W. Shakespeare. The offered model includes a two-fold coordinate system: the analysis of the plot from the point of view of its identification, comprehension and attitude formation, on the one hand, and its semantic, pragmatic and stylistic explanation, on the other hand. The application of this approach to understanding of the tragedy in question makes it possible to define the subject of the play, its genre and the main characteristic features of its heroes. This is a semantic aspect of the identification stage of the play. A pragmatic aspect of the identification consists in describing the main evaluative positions of the heroes as expressed in their words and actions. A stylistic aspect of identification allows us to describe the main linguistic means used to create artistic images. The comprehension level of the text analysis viewed semantically is aimed at the reconstruction of its social and historical context explained by scholarly studies of Shakespeare and his epoch. The pragmatic aspect of analysis on the comprehension level is centered around the motives of the characters’ behavior, the logic of their actions, and the inevitability of their fate. The stage of action in interpretation corresponds to formation of attitudes to the meaning of the text connected with the present days. The tragedy of Coriolanus is a story about a great person who intentionally cuts off his ties with reality and about people around him who fail to come to rescue and thus make him perish.

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